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I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a.Understand the importance of respect and responsibility in their daily lives.
b. Identify specific scenarios where respect and responsibility are demonstrated.
c.Reflect on their own actions related to respect and responsibility.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Introduction to Respect and Responsibility
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Scenario cards (prepared in advance)
III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Begin the lesson by discussing the importance of values like respect and responsibility in our lives. Use
real-life examples to illustrate these concepts.
2.Ask students to reflect individually on a time when they felt respected or responsible and how it
made them feel. Give them 5 minutes to jot down their thoughts.
B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): 3. Divide the class into small groups. Provide each group with
scenario cards that depict situations where respect and responsibility come into play (e.g., sharing toys,
helping a friend, being polite to teachers).
1.In their groups, students should discuss and analyze the scenarios, deciding whether they involve
respect, responsibility, or both.
2.Each group presents one scenario to the class and explains their choice, emphasizing the values
C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes): 6. Open the floor for a whole-class discussion. Ask students
to share their reflections on the scenarios discussed. Encourage them to express how they felt when
respect and responsibility were present or absent.
1.Facilitate a conversation about the consequences of respectful and responsible behavior, both for
individuals and the community.
IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes): 8. Summarize the key points of the lesson on the
whiteboard, highlighting the importance of respect and responsibility.
1.Invite students to share their takeaways from the lesson and what they've learned about these values.
2.Assign a homework task for students to find examples of respect and responsibility in their daily lives
and report them in the next class.
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Understand the concepts of love and kindness and their significance in building positive
b. Identify ways to express love and kindness towards others.
c. Reflect on their own experiences of giving and receiving love and kindness.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Exploring Love and Kindness
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Love and kindness scenario cards (prepared in advance)
III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Begin the lesson by discussing the concepts of love and kindness. Ask students what these words mean
to them and how they feel when they experience love and kindness.
2.Show a short video or share a story that exemplifies love and kindness, and ask students to reflect on
their emotions while watching or listening.
B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): 3. Divide the class into small groups. Provide each group with
scenario cards that depict situations where love and kindness can be shown (e.g., helping a classmate,
comforting a friend who is upset).
1.In their groups, students should discuss and brainstorm ways to respond to the scenarios with love and
2.Each group presents one scenario and their suggested actions to the class.
C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes): 6. Open the floor for a whole-class discussion. Ask students
to share their reflections on the scenarios and the importance of love and kindness.
1.Facilitate a conversation about the impact of love and kindness on individuals and the overall school
IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes): 8. Summarize the key points of the lesson on the
whiteboard, emphasizing the significance of love and kindness in building positive relationships.
1.Invite students to share their takeaways from the lesson and how they can apply these values in their
daily lives.
2.Assign a follow-up activity where students are encouraged to perform acts of kindness and report their
experiences in the next class.
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Understand the concepts of honesty and truthfulness and their significance in building trust.
b. Identify situations where honesty and truthfulness are crucial.
c. Reflect on their own experiences related to honesty and truthfulness.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Exploring Honesty and Truthfulness
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Honesty and truthfulness scenario cards (prepared in advance)
III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Begin the lesson by discussing the concepts of honesty and truthfulness. Ask students what these
words mean to them and why they are important.
2.Share a brief story or scenario that involves honesty and truthfulness, and ask students to reflect on
how they would react in such a situation.
B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): 3. Divide the class into small groups. Provide each group with
scenario cards that depict situations where honesty and truthfulness are critical (e.g., admitting a mistake,
telling the truth even when it's difficult).
1.In their groups, students should discuss the scenarios and brainstorm ways to respond with honesty
and truthfulness.
2.Each group presents one scenario and their suggested actions to the class.
C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes): 6. Open the floor for a whole-class discussion. Ask students
to share their reflections on the scenarios and the importance of honesty and truthfulness in building
1.Facilitate a conversation about how honesty and truthfulness contribute to strong relationships and a
trustworthy school community.
IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes): 8. Summarize the key points of the lesson on the
whiteboard, highlighting the significance of honesty and truthfulness.
1.Invite students to share their takeaways from the lesson and how they can practice honesty and
truthfulness in their daily lives.
2.Assign a follow-up activity where students are encouraged to keep a journal of honest and truthful
actions they take during the week and share their reflections in the next class.
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Understand the concepts of fairness and justice and their role in creating a just society.
b. Identify situations where fairness and justice are needed.
c. Reflect on their own experiences related to fairness and justice.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Exploring Fairness and Justice
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Fairness and justice scenario cards (prepared in advance)
III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Begin the lesson by discussing the concepts of fairness and justice. Ask students what these words
mean to them and why they are important for a just society.
2.Share a real-life example or story that highlights the need for fairness and justice, and ask students to
reflect on their own feelings about the situation.
B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): 3. Divide the class into small groups. Provide each group with
scenario cards that depict situations where fairness and justice are required (e.g., resolving conflicts,
treating everyone equally).
1.In their groups, students should discuss the scenarios and brainstorm solutions that promote fairness
and justice.
2.Each group presents one scenario and their suggested actions to the class.
C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes): 6. Open the floor for a whole-class discussion. Ask students
to share their reflections on the scenarios and the importance of fairness and justice in society.
1.Facilitate a conversation about how fairness and justice contribute to a harmonious and equitable
IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes): 8. Summarize the key points of the lesson on the
whiteboard, emphasizing the significance of fairness and justice.
1.Invite students to share their takeaways from the lesson and how they can advocate for fairness and
justice in their school and community.
2.Assign a follow-up activity where students are encouraged to identify and report instances where
fairness and justice are upheld or needed in their surroundings.
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Understand the concepts of love and kindness and their significance in building positive
b. Identify ways to express love and kindness towards others.
c. Reflect on their own experiences of giving and receiving love and kindness.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Expressing Love and Kindness
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Love and kindness scenario cards (prepared in advance)
III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Begin the lesson by discussing the concepts of love and kindness. Ask students what these words mean
to them and why they are important.
2.Share a short story or video that exemplifies love and kindness, and ask students to reflect on their
emotions while watching or listening.
B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): 3. Divide the class into small groups. Provide each group with
scenario cards that depict situations where love and kindness can be shown (e.g., helping a classmate,
being empathetic).
1.In their groups, students should discuss and brainstorm ways to respond to the scenarios with love and
2.Each group presents one scenario and their suggested actions to the class.
C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes): 6. Open the floor for a whole-class discussion. Ask students
to share their reflections on the scenarios and the importance of love and kindness in building positive
1.Facilitate a conversation about how love and kindness contribute to a harmonious and caring school
IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes): 8. Summarize the key points of the lesson on the
whiteboard, emphasizing the significance of love and kindness.
1.Invite students to share their takeaways from the lesson and how they can apply these values in their
daily lives.
2.Assign a follow-up activity where students are encouraged to perform acts of kindness and report their
experiences in the next class.
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Understand the concepts of gratitude and appreciation.
b. Identify situations where gratitude and appreciation are appropriate.
c. Express gratitude and appreciation towards others.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Showing Gratitude and Appreciation
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Gratitude and appreciation activity sheets
III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Start the lesson by discussing the concepts of gratitude and appreciation. Ask students to share what
they are grateful for and appreciate in their lives.
2.Share stories or examples of individuals who have expressed gratitude and appreciation, and discuss
the positive impact it had on them.
B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): 3. Provide each student with an activity sheet containing
prompts to write or draw about something or someone they are grateful for and appreciate.
1.Allow students to work individually on their sheets, encouraging creativity and thoughtful responses.
C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes): 5. Form small groups and have students share their gratitude
and appreciation activity sheets with their group members.
1.After group sharing, open the floor for a whole-class discussion about the importance of expressing
gratitude and appreciation.
IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes): 7. Summarize the key points of the lesson on the
whiteboard, emphasizing the significance of gratitude and appreciation.
1.Invite students to share their takeaways from the lesson and how they can practice gratitude
and appreciation in their daily lives.
2.Assign a homework task for students to express gratitude and appreciation to someone in their life and
report their experiences in the next class.
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Understand the concepts of forgiveness and understanding.
b. Identify situations where forgiveness and understanding can improve relationships.
c. Reflect on their own experiences of forgiving and being forgiven.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Embracing Forgiveness and Understanding
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Forgiveness and understanding scenario cards (prepared in advance)
III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Begin the lesson by discussing the concepts of forgiveness and understanding. Ask students how these
concepts relate to their lives and relationships.
2.Share a story or example of forgiveness and understanding, and ask students to reflect on the emotions
and outcomes involved.
B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): 3. Divide the class into small groups. Provide each group with
scenario cards that depict situations where forgiveness and understanding are needed (e.g., resolving
conflicts, offering support to a friend).
1.In their groups, students should discuss the scenarios and brainstorm actions that promote forgiveness
and understanding.
2.Each group presents one scenario and their suggested actions to the class.
C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes): 6. Open the floor for a whole-class discussion. Ask students
to share their reflections on the scenarios and the importance of forgiveness and understanding in
1.Facilitate a conversation about how practicing forgiveness and understanding can lead to stronger and
more empathetic communities.
IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes): 8. Summarize the key points of the lesson on the
whiteboard, emphasizing the significance of forgiveness and understanding.
1.Invite students to share their takeaways from the lesson and how they can apply these values in their
daily lives.
2.Assign a follow-up activity where students are encouraged to reflect on a time when they forgave
someone or were forgiven and report their experiences in the next class.
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Understand the concepts of teamwork and cooperation.
b. Identify situations where teamwork and cooperation are essential.
c. Reflect on their own experiences of working collaboratively with others.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Fostering Teamwork and Cooperation
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Teamwork and cooperation activity materials (e.g., puzzles, group projects)
III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Start the lesson by discussing the concepts of teamwork and cooperation. Ask students about their
experiences working with others and how it felt.
2.Share examples of successful teams and cooperative efforts, and discuss the positive outcomes they
B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): 3. Divide the class into small groups. Provide each group with
a teamwork or cooperation activity, such as solving a puzzle or working on a group project.
1.In their groups, students should complete the activity, emphasizing the importance of communication,
collaboration, and shared responsibility.
C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes): 5. Open the floor for a whole-class discussion. Ask students
to share their experiences during the teamwork and cooperation activity.
1.Facilitate a conversation about how effective teamwork and cooperation lead to successful outcomes
and how these values benefit both individuals and the group.
IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes): 7. Summarize the key points of the lesson on the
whiteboard, emphasizing the significance of teamwork and cooperation.
1.Invite students to share their takeaways from the lesson and how they can apply these values in group
projects and activities.
2.Assign a homework task where students are encouraged to reflect on their experiences of working
collaboratively with others and report their findings in the next class.
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Understand the concepts of citizenship and responsibility.
b. Identify their responsibilities as citizens in their community and school.
c. Reflect on the importance of being responsible citizens.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Embracing Citizenship and Responsibility
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Citizenship and responsibility scenario cards (prepared in advance)
III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Begin the lesson by discussing the concepts of citizenship and responsibility. Ask students what it
means to be a responsible citizen.
2.Share examples of responsible citizenship and discuss their impact on the community and society.
B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): 3. Divide the class into small groups. Provide each group with
scenario cards that depict situations where responsible citizenship is required (e.g., participating in
community clean-up, volunteering in school events).
1.In their groups, students should discuss the scenarios and brainstorm actions that demonstrate
responsible citizenship.
2.Each group presents one scenario and their suggested actions to the class.
C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes): 6. Open the floor for a whole-class discussion. Ask students
to share their reflections on the scenarios and the importance of responsible citizenship.
1.Facilitate a conversation about how being responsible citizens contributes to a better community and
school environment.
IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes): 8. Summarize the key points of the lesson on the
whiteboard, emphasizing the significance of citizenship and responsibility.
1.Invite students to share their takeaways from the lesson and how they can actively fulfill
their responsibilities as citizens.
2.Assign a follow-up activity where students are encouraged to identify opportunities for responsible
citizenship in their community and report their experiences in the next class.
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Understand the concepts of environmental responsibility and sustainability.
b. Identify ways to be environmentally responsible.
c. Reflect on their role in promoting environmental sustainability.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Promoting Environmental Responsibility
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Environmental responsibility and sustainability activity materials (e.g., recycling materials, pictures of
polluted areas)
III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Start the lesson by discussing the concepts of environmental responsibility and sustainability. Ask
students why it is important to take care of the environment.
2.Share images or examples of environmental issues and discuss their impact on the planet and future
B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): 3. Present students with various scenarios related to
environmental responsibility (e.g., reducing waste, conserving energy, planting trees).
1.Engage students in discussions about each scenario, encouraging them to brainstorm actions that
promote environmental responsibility and sustainability.
C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes): 5. Form small groups and assign each group a specific
environmental responsibility scenario to discuss and present to the class.
1.After group sharing, facilitate a whole-class discussion on the importance of individual and collective
efforts in caring for the environment.
IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes): 7. Summarize the key points of the lesson on the
whiteboard, emphasizing the significance of environmental responsibility and sustainability.
1.Invite students to share their takeaways from the lesson and how they can make a positive impact on
the environment.
2.Assign a homework task where students are encouraged to identify and report instances of
environmental responsibility in their surroundings.
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Understand the concepts of rights and responsibilities of citizens in a democracy.
b. Identify their rights and responsibilities as citizens.
c. Reflect on the importance of upholding these rights and responsibilities.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Exploring Rights and Responsibilities
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Rights and responsibilities of citizens handouts
III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Begin the lesson by discussing the concepts of rights and responsibilities of citizens in a democracy.
Ask students why these are important.
2.Share examples of rights and responsibilities, both in the school and the broader community, and
discuss their significance.
B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): 3. Distribute handouts that list various rights and
responsibilities of citizens in a democracy.
1.Ask students to work individually or in pairs to review the handouts and mark the rights and
responsibilities they consider most important.
C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes): 5. Open the floor for a whole-class discussion. Ask students
to share their selections and explain why they find those rights and responsibilities significant.
1.Facilitate a conversation about how understanding and upholding these rights and responsibilities
contribute to a just and fair society.
IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes): 7. Summarize the key points of the lesson on the
whiteboard, emphasizing the significance of knowing and respecting rights and responsibilities.
1.Invite students to share their takeaways from the lesson and how they can exercise their rights
2.Assign a homework task where students are encouraged to research and discuss a specific right or
responsibility of citizens in their country's constitution and report their findings in the next class.
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Understand the concepts of diversity and inclusivity.
b. Identify the importance of respecting diversity and promoting inclusivity.
c. Reflect on their role in creating a diverse and inclusive community.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Embracing Diversity and Inclusivity
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Diversity and inclusivity scenarios or case studies
III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Start the lesson by discussing the concepts of diversity and inclusivity. Ask students to share their
thoughts on what it means to embrace diversity.
2.Share stories or examples that highlight the benefits of diverse and inclusive communities and discuss
their importance.
B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): 3. Present students with various scenarios or case studies
related to diversity and inclusivity (e.g., welcoming a new student from a different culture, addressing
bullying based on differences).
1.Engage students in discussions about each scenario, encouraging them to brainstorm actions that
promote diversity and inclusivity.
C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes): 5. Form small groups and assign each group a specific
diversity and inclusivity scenario to discuss and present to the class.
1.After group sharing, facilitate a whole-class discussion on the importance of respecting and celebrating
diversity and the role of each student in fostering inclusivity.
IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes): 7. Summarize the key points of the lesson on the
whiteboard, emphasizing the significance of diversity and inclusivity in building a harmonious community.
1.Invite students to share their takeaways from the lesson and how they can actively contribute
to creating a diverse and inclusive school environment.
2.Assign a homework task where students are encouraged to research and share stories of individuals or
groups who have promoted diversity and inclusivity in their community.
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Understand the concepts of empathy and compassion.
b. Identify situations where empathy and compassion are essential.
c. Reflect on their own experiences of showing empathy and compassion.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Practicing Empathy and Compassion
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Empathy and compassion scenario cards (prepared in advance)
III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Begin the lesson by discussing the concepts of empathy and compassion. Ask students what these
words mean to them and why they are important.
2.Share stories or examples of individuals who demonstrated empathy and compassion, and discuss the
positive impact it had on others.
B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): 3. Divide the class into small groups. Provide each group with
scenario cards that depict situations where empathy and compassion are needed (e.g., comforting a friend,
helping someone in need).
1.In their groups, students should discuss the scenarios and brainstorm actions that show empathy and
2.Each group presents one scenario and their suggested actions to the class.
C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes): 6. Open the floor for a whole-class discussion. Ask students
to share their reflections on the scenarios and the importance of empathy and compassion in building
supportive relationships.
1.Facilitate a conversation about how practicing empathy and compassion can lead to a more caring and
understanding community.
IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes): 8. Summarize the key points of the lesson on the
whiteboard, emphasizing the significance of empathy and compassion.
1.Invite students to share their takeaways from the lesson and how they can actively practice
empathy and compassion in their daily lives.
2.Assign a follow-up activity where students are encouraged to perform acts of empathy and compassion
and report their experiences in the next class.
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Understand the concepts of integrity and honesty.
b. Identify situations where integrity and honesty are essential.
c. Reflect on their own experiences of demonstrating integrity and honesty.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Upholding Integrity and Honesty
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Integrity and honesty scenario cards (prepared in advance)
III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Start the lesson by discussing the concepts of integrity and honesty. Ask students what these words
mean to them and why they are important.
2.Share stories or examples of individuals who exhibited integrity and honesty, and discuss the positive
impact it had on their lives.
B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): 3. Divide the class into small groups. Provide each group with
scenario cards that depict situations where integrity and honesty are required (e.g., admitting a mistake,
keeping promises).
1.In their groups, students should discuss the scenarios and brainstorm actions that demonstrate
integrity and honesty.
2.Each group presents one scenario and their suggested actions to the class.
C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes): 6. Open the floor for a whole-class discussion. Ask students
to share their reflections on the scenarios and the importance of integrity and honesty in building trust.
1.Facilitate a conversation about how practicing integrity and honesty leads to stronger relationships
and a trustworthy community.
IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes): 8. Summarize the key points of the lesson on the
whiteboard, emphasizing the significance of integrity and honesty.
1.Invite students to share their takeaways from the lesson and how they can uphold integrity and
honesty in their daily lives.
2.Assign a homework task where students are encouraged to reflect on a time when they demonstrated
integrity and honesty and report their experiences in the next class.
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Understand the concepts of patience and perseverance.
b. Identify situations where patience and perseverance are necessary.
c. Reflect on their own experiences of practicing patience and perseverance.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Cultivating Patience and Perseverance
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Patience and perseverance scenarios or case studies
III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Begin the lesson by discussing the concepts of patience and perseverance. Ask students what these
words mean to them and why they are important.
2.Share stories or examples of individuals who displayed patience and perseverance in achieving their
goals, and discuss the positive outcomes.
B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): 3. Present students with various scenarios or case studies that
require patience and perseverance (e.g., studying for exams, learning a new skill).
1.Engage students in discussions about each scenario, encouraging them to brainstorm actions that
demonstrate patience and perseverance.
C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes): 5. Form small groups and assign each group a specific
scenario or case study to discuss and present to the class.
1.After group sharing, facilitate a whole-class discussion on the importance of developing patience and
perseverance, especially in challenging situations.
IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes): 7. Summarize the key points of the lesson on the
whiteboard, emphasizing the significance of patience and perseverance in achieving success.
1.Invite students to share their takeaways from the lesson and how they can cultivate patience
and perseverance in their academic and personal endeavors.
2.Assign a homework task where students are encouraged to set a goal that requires patience and
perseverance and report their progress in the next class.
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Understand the concepts of tolerance and respect for differences.
b. Identify situations where tolerance and respect for differences are crucial.
c. Reflect on their own experiences of practicing tolerance and respect for differences.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Fostering Tolerance and Respect
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Tolerance and respect scenarios or case studies
III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Start the lesson by discussing the concepts of tolerance and respect for differences. Ask students why
it is important to be tolerant and respectful.
2.Share stories or examples of individuals or communities that have embraced tolerance and respect for
differences, and discuss the positive outcomes.
B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): 3. Present students with various scenarios or case studies that
involve tolerance and respect for differences (e.g., accepting people from diverse backgrounds, addressing
1.Engage students in discussions about each scenario, encouraging them to brainstorm actions that
promote tolerance and respect for differences.
C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes): 5. Form small groups and assign each group a specific
scenario or case study to discuss and present to the class.
1.After group sharing, facilitate a whole-class discussion on the importance of fostering tolerance and
respect for differences in a diverse world.
IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes): 7. Summarize the key points of the lesson on the
whiteboard, emphasizing the significance of tolerance and respect for building inclusive and harmonious
1.Invite students to share their takeaways from the lesson and how they can actively practice
tolerance and respect for differences in their interactions.
2.Assign a homework task where students are encouraged to reflect on a time when they practiced
tolerance and respect for differences and report their experiences in the next class.
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Understand the responsibilities associated with digital technology and online behavior.
b. Identify ethical and responsible online practices.
c. Reflect on their own digital responsibilities.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Digital Responsibility and Online Ethics
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Digital responsibility case studies or scenarios
III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Begin the lesson by discussing the concept of digital responsibility and why it is important in the
modern world.
2.Share examples of ethical and unethical online behavior, and discuss the consequences they can have.
B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): 3. Present students with various case studies or scenarios
related to digital responsibility (e.g., cyberbullying, sharing personal information online).
1.Engage students in discussions about each scenario, encouraging them to brainstorm responsible and
ethical online actions.
C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes): 5. Form small groups and assign each group a specific digital
responsibility scenario to discuss and present to the class.
1.After group sharing, facilitate a whole-class discussion on the importance of being responsible digital
citizens and the impact of online actions on themselves and others.
IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes): 7. Summarize the key points of the lesson on the
whiteboard, emphasizing the significance of digital responsibility.
1.Invite students to share their takeaways from the lesson and how they can practice responsible online
2.Assign a homework task where students are encouraged to reflect on their own digital responsibilities
and report their findings in the next class.
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Understand the concepts of gratitude and appreciation.
b. Identify situations where gratitude and appreciation are appropriate.
c. Reflect on their own experiences of giving and receiving gratitude and appreciation.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Showing Gratitude and Appreciation
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Gratitude and appreciation activity sheets
III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Start the lesson by discussing the concepts of gratitude and appreciation. Ask students what these
words mean to them and why they are important.
2.Share stories or examples of individuals who have expressed gratitude and appreciation, and discuss
the positive impact it had on them.
B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): 3. Provide each student with an activity sheet containing
prompts to write or draw about something or someone they are grateful for and appreciate.
1.Allow students to work individually on their sheets, encouraging creativity and thoughtful responses.
C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes): 5. Form small groups and have students share their gratitude
and appreciation activity sheets with their group members.
1.After group sharing, open the floor for a whole-class discussion about the importance of expressing
gratitude and appreciation.
IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes): 7. Summarize the key points of the lesson on the
whiteboard, emphasizing the significance of gratitude and appreciation.
1.Invite students to share their takeaways from the lesson and how they can practice gratitude
and appreciation in their daily lives.
2.Assign a homework task for students to express gratitude and appreciation to someone in their life and
report their experiences in the next class.
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Understand the importance of showing respect to elders and authority figures.
b. Identify situations where respect for elders and authority is crucial.
c. Reflect on their own experiences of demonstrating respect.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Respecting Elders and Authority Figures
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Respect scenarios or case studies
III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Begin the lesson by discussing the importance of showing respect to elders and authority figures in
society and in school.
2.Share stories or examples of individuals who displayed respect for elders and authority, and discuss
the positive impact it had on their relationships and communities.
B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): 3. Present students with various scenarios or case studies
related to respecting elders and authority (e.g., following school rules, showing courtesy to elders).
1.Engage students in discussions about each scenario, encouraging them to brainstorm actions that
demonstrate respect.
C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes): 5. Form small groups and assign each group a specific
respect scenario or case study to discuss and present to the class.
1.After group sharing, facilitate a whole-class discussion on the importance of showing respect to elders
and authority figures and how it contributes to a harmonious society.
IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes): 7. Summarize the key points of the lesson on the
whiteboard, emphasizing the significance of respect.
1.Invite students to share their takeaways from the lesson and how they can practice respect for elders
and authority figures in their daily lives.
2.Assign a homework task where students are encouraged to reflect on a time when they demonstrated
respect and report their experiences in the next class.
I. Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a. Understand their responsibilities in their local community.
b. Identify ways to contribute positively to their community.
c. Reflect on their own experiences of community involvement.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Active Citizenship and Community Responsibility
B. References: DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Community responsibility brainstorming sheets
III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Start the lesson by discussing the concept of community responsibility and the role of active
2.Share examples of individuals who have made positive contributions to their communities, and discuss
the benefits of community involvement.
B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes): 3. Provide each student with a brainstorming sheet to list
ideas and actions they can take to contribute positively to their local community.
1.Encourage students to think creatively and come up with practical and meaningful ways to make a
C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes): 5. Form small groups and have students share their
community responsibility brainstorming sheets with their group members.
1.After group sharing, open the floor for a whole-class discussion about the importance of active
citizenship and community responsibility.
IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes): 7. Summarize the key points of the lesson on the
whiteboard, emphasizing the significance of taking responsibility in one's community.
1.Invite students to share their takeaways from the lesson and how they can actively contribute to
their local community.
2.Assign a homework task where students are encouraged to choose one idea from their brainstorming
sheet and take a step towards implementing it in their community. They should report their progress in
the next class.

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