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09:29 23/03/2024 English 4 Unit 1 Check: Attempt review

Dashboard My courses I-4-Unit-1-Check-Semester-2-2324

Started on Saturday, 23 March 2024, 9:16 AM

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Completed on Saturday, 23 March 2024, 9:29 AM
Time taken 12 mins 32 secs
Grade 68.00 out of 71.00 (96%) 1/9
09:29 23/03/2024 English 4 Unit 1 Check: Attempt review

Question 1
Partially correct

Mark 23.00 out of 24.00

I. Complete the sentences below with words in the box. There are 2 words which do not fit into any of the gaps.

accustomed adjusting customs seek

surroundings values process matters

sense referring evidence stages

Moving to a new country

1. Being in unfamiliar (1) ...surroundings...can make you feel lonely.

2. (2) Adjusting  to a new life is a difficult (3) process  . You probably go through several

(4) stages  before you start to feel comfortable.

3. It can be hard to understand how to deal with financial (5) percent  because the system is so

different from the one you are (6) accustomed  to.

4. Researchers have found (7) evidence  that certain personality types have less trouble than others

in getting used to live abroad.

5. If some of the (8) customs  in your new country don't make (9) sense  to you, it's a good

idea to (10) seek  out people from your own culture who can explain them to you.

II. Complete these questions with problem or trouble.

1. What has been the main problem  you have had in adapting to a new country?

2. Have you had trouble  communicating with people?

3. If you have a problem  have you got someone who will help you?

4. Have you got into trouble  because of something you didn't understand?

5. Is the language a problem  for you?

III. Complete these questions with the correct form of affect or effect.

1. Have the people you've met had an effect  on you?

2. Does the weather affect  how you feel?

3. Has being away from your friends and family affected  you more than you expected?

4. What have been the main effects  of living in a new country?

5. What has affected  you the most - the people or the place?

IV. Complete these sentences about emigration from a country with percent or percentage.
1. The percentage of people planning to emigrate rose last year.

2. Only a small percentage  planned to live abroad permanently.

3. The percentage  planning short term emigration was higher last year than this year. 2/9
09:29 23/03/2024 English 4 Unit 1 Check: Attempt review

4. There was a rise of three percent  in the number of people planning to live.

5. Last year, four percent  of people said that they were thinking of emigrating.

6. This year, 73 percent  of people emigrating did so for reasons of employment.


Listen and answer the questions 1-10.

Question 1- 5
Complete the form below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Question 2

Mark 5.00 out of 5.00

1. 3 weeks 

2. New Zealand 

3. lawyer 

4. Coundon 

5. CV26  3/9
09:29 23/03/2024 English 4 Unit 1 Check: Attempt review


Question 6- 10
Choose the correct letters A, B, or C.

Question 3


Mark 5.00 out of 5.00

6. B 

7. C 

8. B 

9. A 

10. C  4/9
09:29 23/03/2024 English 4 Unit 1 Check: Attempt review

Question 4
Partially correct

Mark 23.00 out of 24.00

I. The email is from Krishna, who has gone to live abroad. Complete the sentences with the
comparative or superlative form of the adjective or adverb in brackets.
Hi Neha,

Well, I've been here for a month now and things are fine. Of course, everything here is different from what I'm
used to, and I'm finding some things (1) easier (easy) to deal with than others.

The course is (2) more demanding  (demanding) than I expected and I'm having to work (3)

harder  (hard) than I ever have before. (4) The most difficult  (difficult) aspect of the

course is the amount of work we have to do. Last week I had to write five essays - that's (5)
the most tiring  (tiring) thing I've ever than! The best aspect of the course is the other students.

They're (6) the friendliest  (friendly) people I've ever met and because of them I'm (7)

less stressed  (stressed) now than I was the first week of the course.

Lots of things have changed for me in comparison with my life at home. I have to travel (8) further

 (far) to college, a lot of things are (9) more expensive  (expensive) and the weather is a lot (10)

worse  (bad)! The city is (11) bigger  (big) than anywhere I've lived before and life is (12)

faster  (fast) here. I've never been (13) busier  (busy) than I am now but this is (14)

the most exciting  (exciting) thing I've ever done and I'm really pleased that I'm here!

I'll write to you (15) more regular  (regular) in future.


II. Complete the first sentence with the comparative or superlative form of the word in brackets.
Then complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.


a. more expensive  5/9
09:29 23/03/2024 English 4 Unit 1 Check: Attempt review

b. less expensive 


a. the oldest 

b. younger 


a. better 

b. worse 


a. more slowly 

b. faster 


a. the most difficult 

b. more difficult  6/9
09:29 23/03/2024 English 4 Unit 1 Check: Attempt review


Reading Section 1

Read the whole text and answer Questions 1 - 13. 7/9
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09:29 23/03/2024 English 4 Unit 1 Check: Attempt review

Question 5
Partially correct

Mark 12.00 out of 13.00

1. T 

2. NG 

3. F 

4. F 

5. NG 

6. T 

7. see life 

8. fear 

9. cultural clash 

10. mobility 

11. cross-cultural kids 

12. diversity and identity 

13. shared expensive 

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