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Summary of the main point in U3

 Make sure you have covered all the practicals: Procedure, precautions and related
theory – for example, why certain reagents are used and the use of certain steps in
the procedure.
 When plotting graphs or drawing tables, remember:
o Labelling both axes + UNITS!!
o Add the range bar showing the standard deviation (SD) if asked (you’ll be asked
somewhere in the paper)
 Range bar/error bar/SD bar: is basically the +/- value that’s given in the
question as the SD – you add the bar according to that value.
 Question to comment on the graph/table:
o Mention the overall trend: increase/decrease
o Compare between the groups/categories mentioned in the graph/table.
o Comment on the SD –
 whether it’s too big/small: Big SD = results vary, small SD = reliable
 whether there’s SD overlap between the groups = no significant
different. No overlap = significant difference.
 Compare and contrast from the table/graph:
o Talk about the similarities AND difference in trend between both groups
 Criticise a conclusion:
o Talk about both sides of it – why it could be right, why it could be wrong.
 Explain the results in a graph/table:
o Talk about the trend AND give reasons for the trend from your knowledge of
the theory.
 Repetition and/or comparing with many different concentrations or temperatures
(just as an example) is to make the test more RELIABLE, to measure the SD, to
measure the variability of the results and to identify anomalies.
 To make a test VALID: Control as many variables, as you can, except for the
independent variable.
 Why’s temperature kept constant: Think whether there’re enzymes/proteins
involved and their shape could change at high temp, or think about the rate of
 Control experiment: Is when you set up an experiment WITHOUT the variable you’re
investigating. This is to show that whatever change you got in the experiment is due
to this variable. So, the control experiment is there as a reference to compare.
 You could be given a graph and asked to draw a table for the results shown on the
o Label the headings + UNITS!!
o Add a column for the SD, if there’re error/range bars shown on the graph.
 Biotic & abiotic factors:
Examples of Abiotic factors:
Any one of 1. concentration; 2. pH ; 3. {oxygen / carbon dioxide} concentration ; 4.
temperature ; 5. solvent / eq ;
pH / temperature / mass/volume at time zero/concentration of the solution/volume of the
pH of { soil / growth medium } ; 2. { water / mineral } availability ; 3. Temperature ; 4. Light
intensity / eq ; 5. Humidity
Examples of Biotic factors:
Species of the organism ; 2. Sex of the organism; 3. {mass / size / age} of the organism; 4.
{genotype / eq} of the organism
variety / source / genotype } of the organism; 7. disease / pathogens / eq; 8. consumers /
pests ; 9. competition;
same age / same part of the plant/stem/tissue (1)
 Factors to control and how to control them:
temperature: thermostatically controlled water bath / incubator/ac room/environmental
chamber (1)
volume of detergent solution: appropriate measuring device (1)
pH: use of buffer (1)

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