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A: "Hey Joanne. What are you up to?

/ heɪ dʒəʊˈæn wɒt ə jʊ ʌp tʊ/

B: "I'm just watching some television."

/ aɪm ʤʌst ˈwɒʧɪŋ sʌm ˈtelɪˌvɪʒən/

A: "I'm so bored.
/ aɪm səʊ bɔːd/

I don't know what I'm going to do today and it is only ten in the morning."
/aɪ dəʊnt nəʊ wɒt aɪm ˈgəʊɪŋ tə duː təˈdeɪ ənd ɪt ɪz ˈəʊnlɪ ten ɪn ðə ˈmɔːnɪŋ/
B: "Me too. Do you think we are boring people?"
/miː tuː duː jʊ θɪŋk wi ə ˈbɔːrɪŋ ˈpiːpl/

A: "I don't think we are boring. It's just that we don't have any hobbies."
/aɪ dəʊnt θɪŋk wi ə ˈbɔːrɪŋ ɪts ʤʌst ðæt wi dəʊnt həv ˈenɪ ˈhɒbɪz/

B: "That's right. What do you think we should do as a hobby?"

/ ðæts raɪt wɒt duː jʊ θɪŋk wi ʃəd duː æz ə ˈhɒbɪ/

A: "That all depends on what you like to do.

/ ðæt ɔːl dɪˈpendz ɒn wɒt jʊ laɪk tə duː/

For example, I like to doodle on the notepad, so I'm thinking about doing some real drawings."
/fər ɪgˈzɑːmpl aɪ laɪk tə ˈduːdl ɒn ðə ˈnəʊt.pæd səʊ aɪm ˈθɪŋkɪŋ əˈbaʊt ˈduːɪŋ sʌm rɪəl ˈdrɔːɪŋz/
B: "I like to play the piano for fun."
/aɪ laɪk tə pleɪ ðə pɪˈænəʊ fə fʌn/

A: "Yeah. That can be a good hobby."

/jeə ðæt kæn biː ə gʊd ˈhɒbɪ/

B: "Hobbies are great. I'm going to make a list of all the things I like to do."
/ ˈhɒbɪz ə greɪt aɪm ˈgəʊɪŋ tə meɪk ə lɪst əv ɔːl ðə θɪŋz aɪ laɪk tə duː/

A: "That's a great idea. I'm going to do the same."

/ ðæts ə greɪt aɪˈdɪə aɪm ˈgəʊɪŋ tə duː ðə seɪm/

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