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Assignment Sheet-1

Campus: PCE Course: B. Tech. Class/Section: A, B, D

Name of Faculty: Prof. Geetika Mathur Name of Subject: MPI
Date of Preparation: 09/03/2024 Code: 4CS3-04
Scheduled Date of Submission:15/03/2024

Questions COs POs PI
Explain the following Pins in 8085-
Q.1 i) AD0 – AD7 ii) ALE 1 1 1.1.1

Compare the function of instruction sets-

i) LHLD and LXI
Q.2 ii) STAX and LDAX 1 1 1.1.1

iii) STA and LDA

The contents of register (B) and accumulator (A) of 8085
microprocessor are 49 H and 3 AH, respectively. The
contents of A and the status of carry flag (CY) and sign
flag (S) after executing SUB B instructions are-

(a) A = F1, CY =1, S = 1

Q.3 3 1 1.1.2
(b) A = 0F, CY =1, S = 1

(c) A = F0, CY = 0, S = 0

(d) A = 1F, CY = 1, S = 1
Q.4 In an 8085 microprocessor, the shift registers which store 2 1 1.1.1
the result of an addition and the overflow bit are,
An 8085 microprocessor executes “STA 1234H” with
starting address location 1FFEH (STA copies the contents
of the Accumulator to the 16-bit address location). While
the instruction is fetched and executed, the sequence of
values written at the address pins A15 − A8 is-

Q.5 1. 1FH, 1FH, 20H, 12H 3 1 1.1.2

2. 1FH, FEH, 1FH, FFH, 12H

3. 1FH, 1FH, 12H, 12H

4. 1FH, 1FH, 12H, 20H, 12H

The following program starts at location 0100 H
LXI H, 0701H
MVI A, 20H
Q.6 The content of the accumulator when the program 3 1 1.1.2
counter reaches 0109 H is—
A. 20 H
B. 02 H
C. 00 H

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