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© Tanzania Institute of Education, 2020

Published 2009

Translated in 2020

ISBN: 978 - 9987 - 09 - 127 - 0

Tanzania Institute of Education

P.O. Box 35094
Dar es Salaam

Tel: + 255 22 2773005

Fax: + 255 22 2774420

All rights reserved. This syllabus may not be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Tanzania Institute
of Education.


Certificate of Teacher Education is a two-year programme which has been designed

to prepare competent teachers who will teach in primary schools. The student teacher
will be recognised as a teacher after he or she has successfully completed a certificate
in education programme for two years in which he or she will also have successfully
done teaching practice.

This document is hereby approved as a Mathematics Syllabus for the Certificate

Course in Primary Teacher Education.

Dr Lyabwene M. Mtahabwa
Commissioner for Education

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Government City,
Mtumba Block,
Afya Street,
P.O. Box 10,
40479 Dodoma.

Tel: + 255 222 110150

Fax: + 255 222 113271

Table of contents

Approval......................................................................................................... iii
Introduction .................................................................................................... 1
Rationale for reviewing the syllubas ............................................................ 1
Part one: Academic ...................................................................................... 3
1.0 Whole Numbers ................................................................................. 4
1.1 The concept of whole numbers ............................................... 4
1.2 Additions and subtractions of whole numbers ........................ 4
1.3 Multiplication and division of whole numbers ....................... 5
1.4 Lowest common multiple (LCM) and greatest common
factors (GCF) .......................................................................... 6
2.0 Fractions ............................................................................................. 7
2.1 The concept of fractions .......................................................... 7
2.2 Addition and subtraction of fractions ...................................... 8
2.3 Multiplication and division of fractions .................................. 8
3.0 Units .................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Length ..................................................................................... 9
3.2 Mass ........................................................................................ 10
3.3 Volume .................................................................................... 11
3.4 Time ........................................................................................ 12
4.0 Geometry ............................................................................................ 13
4.1 Lines ........................................................................................ 13
4.2 Angles ..................................................................................... 14
4.3 Plane figures: Perimeters ......................................................... 15
4.4 Plane figures ............................................................................ 15
4.5 Three-dimensional figures: surface areas ................................ 16
4.6 Three-dimensional figures: volume ......................................... 17
4.7 Pythagoras theorem .................................................................. 18
5.0 Integers ............................................................................................... 19
5.1 The concept of integers ........................................................... 19
5.2 Addition and subtraction of integers ....................................... 20
5.3 Multiplication and division of integers ................................... 20

6.0 Algebra ............................................................................................... 21
6.1 Terms and expressions ............................................................ 21
6.2 Simple algebraic equations ..................................................... 22
6.3 Ratios ....................................................................................... 23
7.0 Statistics .............................................................................................. 23
7.1 Pictograms ............................................................................... 23
7.2 Bar chart .................................................................................. 24
7.3 Pie chart ................................................................................... 25
7.4 Line graph ............................................................................... 26
8.0 Approximations ................................................................................. 27
8.1 The concept of approximations ............................................... 27
8.2 Approximations of decimals ................................................... 27
9.0 Business Arithmetic ........................................................................... 28
9.1 Profits ...................................................................................... 28
9.2 Loss ......................................................................................... 29
10.0 Sets ...................................................................................................... 29
10.1 The concept of sets .................................................................. 29
10.2 Operation of sets ..................................................................... 30
Part two: Pedagogy....................................................................................... 32
1.0 Foundations of Teaching and Learning Mathematics .................... 33
1.1 The concept of mathematics ..................................................... 33
1.2 Foundation and principles of teaching mathematics ................ 33
2.0 Preparation for Teaching and Learning Mathematics ................... 34
2.1 Syllabus analysis ..................................................................... 34
2.2 Preparing mathematics teaching and learning resources ......... 35
3.0 Selected Teaching Topics ................................................................... 36
3.1 The concept of whole numbers ............................................... 36
3.2 Operations with whole numbers .............................................. 37
3.3 The concept of integers ........................................................... 38
3.4 The concept of fractions .......................................................... 38
3.5 The concept of decimals .......................................................... 39
3.6 The concepts of exponents and radicals .................................. 40

4.0 Assessment in Mathematics .............................................................. 41
4.1 The concept of assessment ...................................................... 41
4.2 Tests and examinations ............................................................ 41
References ..................................................................................................... 43


Syllabus descriptions
This Mathematics syllabus has been improved to replace the Teacher Education Syllabus
for Certificate course of 2003. The syllabus intends to enable the student teacher to
become competent in the mathematics subject both academically and pedagogically.
Furthermore, the syllabus emphasizes using the learner-centred approach in which a
student becomes an active participant in the teaching and learning process.

Rationale for reviewing the syllabus

Mathematics subject has facing many challenges in both teaching and learning process
and thus, discourages many students to learn. Eventhough, there are many evidences
in daily life which reveals the importance of mathematics for everybody and in daily
life. The experience reveals that one among the identified challenges is the teacher’s
ability academically in mathematics and in pedagogical skills. This syllabus is intended
to improve these two major areas in order to equip a mathematics teacher who will
manage these challenges and encourage students to learn mathematics.

Goals of teaching mathematics

By the end of two-year programme of mathematics, the student-teacher should be able
(a) demonstrate competence in teaching mathematics subject in primary schools;
(b) use mathematics skills in teaching other subjects.

Organization of the syllabus

The syllabus has two major parts. The first part focuses on the academic or content
aspect; it aims at the mastery of mathematics by student teachers. The second part
focuses on pedagogy; it aims at developing the skills required to effectively teach

Both parts contain the following elements: topic, sub-topic, time, specific objectives,
teaching and learning strategies, teaching and learning resources, and assessment. The
syllabus will be taught for two years in which the academic part will take 128 hours and
pedagogical part will take 192 hours.

Subject assessment
Mathematics will be assessed in two ways: using continuous assessment, which
will constitute 50% and the final assessment by the National Examinations Council
of Tanzania, which will cover 50%. Block Teaching Practice (BTP) will be assessed
separately, and it will cover 100%. The continuous assessment is elaborated in Table 1.

Table 1: Categories of assessment for mathematics

Part S/N Assessment methods Frequency Score
Academic 1. Tests 4 5%
2. Individual works 3 5%
3. Terminal 3 10%
Pedagogy 4. Tests 4 5%
5. Practical works (make, 3 10%
form, test action
6. Presentations (micro 3 5%
7. Terminal 3 10%
National Examination 1 50%
Total 100%

Part one: Academic

Subject goals
The academic content of Mathematics aims to:
(a) equip the student teacher with knowledge and skills in Mathematics to enhance
his/her; academic level and build a sense of confidence in the subject; and
(b) develop the level of logical thinking in solving problems using mathematical

Subject competency
By the end of two years, the student teacher should be competent in:

(a) interpreting and calculating mathematical word problems;

(b) using mathematical knowledge and skills in other domains of life, including
crossing- cutting issues;
(c) communicating effectively by using mathematical language and symbols; and
(d) showing adequate skills and ability of learning mathematics at higher levels of

Objectives of the lesson

Within two years, the student teacher should be able to:

(a) develop an understanding of the principles and theories of mathematics;

(b) develop an understanding of mathematical concepts and their relationship with
other domains of life including communication and technological skills;
(c) use mathematical knowledge and skills in solving daily life problems including
cross-cutting issues; and
(d) develop an ability to learn mathematics at higher levels of education.

1.0 Whole Numbers
1.1 The concept of whole numbers
Duration: 3 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) elaborate the concept of whole numbers;
b) identify whole numbers; and
c) explain the importance of whole numbers in real life.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Brainstorming the concept of whole numbers;
b) Questions and answers to identify the number of various objects;
c) Discussions and presentations; and
d) Performing drama/role play.

Teaching and learning resources

a) Counting objects, such as bottle tops, gravels, sticks, seeds
b) Abacuses
c) Box of numbers
d) Cards of numbers

a) Oral questions
b) Tests
c) Exercises

1.2 Additions and subtractions of whole numbers

Duration: 3 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) elaborate the concept of addition and subtraction;
b) add whole numbers;
c) subtract whole numbers; and

d) identify examples in real life demonstrating the concepts of
addition and subtraction.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Brainstorming
b) Demonstration
c) Group work and presentations

Teaching and learning resources

a) Counting objects
b) Abacuses
c) Boxes of numbers
d) Cards of numbers

a) Individual exercises/assignments
b) Tests
c) Students’ portfolios

1.3 Multiplication and division of whole numbers

Duration: 3 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) describe the concepts of multiplication and division;
b) multiply whole numbers;
c) divide whole numbers; and
d) identify real life examples, which illustrate the concepts of
multiplication and division of whole numbers.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Know What to Learn Learned (KWL) and interactive lecture
b) Demonstration, questions and answers, games and discussions
c) Group work and presentations

Teaching and learning resources
a) Counting aids/objects
b) Drawings/pictures showing groups of objects
c) Multiplication cards of whole number
d) Multiplication charts of whole number
e) Division cards of whole number

a) Individual exercises
b) Observation forms
c) Tests

1.4 Lowest common multiple (LCM) and greatest common factors

Duration: 5 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) analyse the concept of multiples and factors;
b) list the multiples of whole numbers;
c) calculate the lowest common multiple (LCM) of whole numbers;
d) find the factors of whole numbers and identify the greatest
common factor (GCF); and
e) calculate the GCF of whole numbers.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Demonstration
b) Discussions
c) Group work

Teaching and learning resources

a) Charts of numbers
b) Multiplication tables
c) Standard cards

a) Oral exercises
b) Individual exercises

2.0 Fractions
2.1 The concept of fractions
Duration: 5 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) explain the concept of fraction;
b) differentiate types of fractions;
c) mention other ways of naming fractions;
d) compare various fractions; and
e) show the application of fractions in daily life.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Brainstorming
b) Demonstration
c) Questions and answers
d) Group discussions

Teaching and learning resources

a) Fraction charts
b) Knives, scissors, and pieces of paper
c) Counting aids/objects
d) Chalks/coloured pencils

a) Self-assessment
b) Exercises
c) Tests

2.2 Addition and subtraction of fractions
Duration: 6 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) add and subtract fractions with the same denominator;
b) add and subtract fractions with different denominators;
c) add and subtract fractions with mixed numbers; and
d) solve word problems involving fractions.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Demonstration
b) Hands-on activities and drawings
c) Questions and answers
d) Group discussions

Teaching and learning resources

a) Number lines
b) Drawings
c) Pieces of boards showing whole object or fraction
d) Pen/coloured chalks

a) Individual exercises on addition
b) Tests
c) Homework activities

2.3 Multiplication and division of fractions

Duration: 5 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) multiply and divide simple fractions;
b) multiply and divide mixed numbers or improper fractions; and

c) solve word problems related to the multiplication and division of
fractions and mixed numbers.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Demonstration
b) Group work
c) Questions and answers
d) Group discussions and presentations

Teaching and learning resources

a) Fraction cards
b) Fraction charts
c) Multiplication charts

a) Individual exercises/ activities
b) Word problems solving activities
c) Homework activities
d) Tests

3.0 Units
3.1 Length
Duration: 3 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) elaborate the concept of length;
b) measure and record the length of objects in metres and centimetres;
c) explain the relationship between various units of length; and
d) convert units of length.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Discussions and presentations
b) Demonstration and group work
c) Songs

d) Questions and answers
e) Exercises

Teaching and learning resources

a) Rulers
b) Tape measures
c) Metre rule
d) Metre wheels
e) Charts showing the units of length
f) Various length measured item such a door, wood etc.

a) Group work activities to measure and record the lengths of various
b) Oral questions
c) Individual exercises

3.2 Mass
Duration: 3 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) analyse the concept of mass;
b) measure and record the mass of various items in kilograms and
c) explain the relationship between various units of mass; and
d) convert units of mass.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Discussions and presentations
b) Demonstration and group activities
c) Songs
d) Questions and answers
e) Field trip to the college food store to study and measure various
food items in grams and kilograms
Teaching and learning resources
a) Beam balances and standard masses
b) Sands and bags
c) Charts of units of mass
d) Various items, such as water bottles, salt packets, soap bars, etc.

a) Group work/activities to measure, record, and convert units of
b) Oral questions to explain the relationship between various units
of mass

3.3 Volume
Duration: 3 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) elaborate the concept of volume;
b) measure and record the volume of various items in litres and
c) explain the relationship between various units of volume; and
d) convert units of volume.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Demonstration, group activities to measure and record volumes
of various items in litres and millilitres
b) Songs
c) Questions and answers
d) Field trip to nearby water tanks

Teaching and learning resources

a) Bottles with the volume of one litre and half-litre
b) Water, kettles, cylinders, scaled jugs
c) A chart showing various units of volume
d) Bottles of soda and beer

a) Group work/activities to measure, record and convert units of
b) Tests to convert units of volume
c) Field trip report

3.4 Time
Duration: 5 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) compare units of time such as seconds, minutes, hours, days,
weeks, months and years;
b) tell the time in 12 and 24-hour format;
c) convert time from the 12-hour format to the 24-hour format and
vice versa; and
d) construct questions related to the units time using the college

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Questions and answers
b) Group discussions and presentations
c) Practical activities

Teaching and learning resources

a) Wall clocks
b) Digital clocks
c) Clock faces showing 24 hours
d) College calendar
e) Chart showing relationship between 12 and 24-hours format.
f) Cellular phones showing time

a) Consider the challenges of using the 24-hour format in Kiswahili

b) Individual exercises on converting time from the 24 to 12-hour
formats and vice versa
c) Observation forms

4.0 Geometry
4.1 Lines
Duration: 3 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) identify a point, line segment, ray and line;
b) interpret the concepts of perpendicular and parallel lines;
c) draw perpendicular and parallel lines; and
d) identify the areas where parallel and perpendicular lines are used.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Practice on drawing a ray, line segment, line, perpendicular lines
and parallel lines
b) Discussions, questions and answers, and demonstration to identify
and interpret the concepts of perpendicular and parallel lines
c) Group activities out of class to identify perpendicular and parallel

Teaching and learning resources

a) Rulers
b) Compasses
c) Protractors
d) Set squares
e) Pencils
f) Paper
g) Various items such as tables, books and mathematical sets

a) Exercises
b) Tests

c) Individual student exercises

4.2 Angle
Duration: 3 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) identify the types and properties of the following angles: acute
angles, right angles, obtuse angles, straight angles and the angle
b) draw an angle using a protractor;
c) draw special angles by using a compass ( 90o, 60o, 45o, 30o, 12o
and 150o); and
d) bisect angles using a compass.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) The use of search engines
b) Practical drawing and measuring different angles using protractors
c) Demonstration and group work

Teaching and learning resources

a) Rulers
b) Compasses
c) Protractors
d) Set squares
e) Different figures
f) Pencils
g) Paper
h) Thread/string

a) Tests
b) Exercises to draw and measure angles
c) Observation forms

4.3 Plane figures: perimeters
Duration: 5 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) explain the concept of a perimeter;
b) calculate the perimeters of triangles and quadrilaterals;
c) calculate the circumference and diameter of a circle; and
d) measure and estimate the value of pi ( π ).

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Demonstration and group discussions
b) Projects to measure and estimate the value of pi ( π )

Teaching and learning resources

a) Thread or rope
b) Rulers
c) Plane figures
d) Compasses
e) Pairs of scissors/razor blades
f) Real items related to circles such as round coins, bottle base, and
bucket tops.

a) Individual exercises
b) Project reports
c) Tests

4.4 Plane figures

Duration: 3 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) explain the concept of plane figures;
b) differentiate an area from a perimeter;

c) identify figures with plane surfaces; and
d) calculate the area and perimeter of a triangle, trapezium, and

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Brainstorming
b) Discussions and presentations
c) Demonstration and group works

Teaching and learning resources

a) Plane figures
b) Pair of scissors/razor blades
c) Plane figure drawings
d) Sheet of squres
e) Rulers
f) Thread/rope

a) Tests
b) Individual exercises
c) Student individual works

4.5 Three-dimensional figures: surface areas

Duration: 4 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) identify the concept of three dimensional figures;
b) differentiate between plane figures and three-dimensional figures;
c) calculate the surface area of a rectangular prism, a cube, and a

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Observation and discussions
b) Questions and answers
c) Practical work

Teaching and learning resources

a) Compasses
b) Boxes
c) Plane figures
d) Cubes, rectangular prisms, and circles

a) Tests
b) Exercises
c) Observational forms

4.6 Three-dimensional figures: volume

Duration: 4 hours

Specific Objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) explain the concept of three-dimensional figures;
b) differentiate the units of area and the units of volume; and
c) calculate the volume of a cylinder, a rectangular prism and a cube.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Questions and answers
b) Group discussions to compare units of area and volume
c) Practical work

Teaching and learning resources

a) Cubes
b) Rectangular prisms
c) Cylinders

a) Individual exercises
b) Quizzes
c) Observational forms

4.7 Pythagoras theorem

Duration: 3 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) verify Pythagoras’ theorem;
b) use Pythagoras’ theorem to solve word problems involving
figures; and
c) apply Pythagoras’ theorem in daily life.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Demonstration
b) Questions and answers, discussions and group work

Teaching and learning resources

a) Right-angled triangle drawings
b) Square cut/drawings designed to represent sides of the right-
angled triangle
c) Bisected figures of right angled triangle.

a) Individual exercises
b) Observational form
c) Portfolios

5.0 Integers
5.1 The concept of integers
Duration: 4 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) explain the concept of integers;
b) represent integers on a number line; and
c) identify the uses of positive and negative numbers in daily life.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Brainstorming
b) Discussions and presentations
c) Demonstration and group work
d) Project work to identify the uses of integers

Teaching and learning resources

a) Number lines
b) Parallel calculators
c) Simple slide rule
d) Thermometers
e) Valley and hill models
f) Pencils/ coloured chalks
g) thread

a) Project
b) Individual exercises

5.2 Addition and subtraction of integers
Duration: 3 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) add and subtract positive and negative numbers and their reverse;
b) add and subtract negative with negative numbers; and
c) show the application of negative and positive numbers.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Discussions, songs and games
b) Group work and presentations

Teaching and learning resources

a) Number lines
b) Chalks and coloured pencils
c) Simple slide rules
d) Parallel calculators
e) Rope

a) Group exercises
b) Individual exercises
c) Observation form

5.3 Multiplication and division of integers

Duration: 3 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) multiply negative numbers by positive numbers;
b) multiply negative numbers by negative numbers;
c) divide negative numbers by positive numbers; and
d) divide negative numbers by negative numbers.

Teaching and learning strategies
a) Observation
b) Questions and answers as well as group discussions
c) Individual exercises

Teaching and learning resources

a) Number lines
b) Pencil/coloured chalks
c) Simple slide rule
d) Sequences of numbers

a) Individual exercises
b) Tests

6.0 Algebra
6.1 Terms and expressions
Duration: 6 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) describe terms and expressions;
b) differentiate between like and unlike terms;
c) add and subtract like and unlike terms;
d) multiply and divide like and unlike terms; and
e) form, simplify, and interpret algebraic expressions.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Brainstorming
b) Questions and answers
c) Demonstration and group work
d) Observation

Teaching and learning resources

a) Chart showing like and unlike terms

b) Coloured chalks/coloured pencils and flip charts

a) Group exercises
b) Individual exercises
c) Observation form

6.2 Simple algebraic equations

Duration: 5 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) explain the concept of simple algebraic equations;
b) identify the relationship between terms, expressions, and algebraic
c) identify the presence of algebraic equations in real life and the
d) solve simple algebraic equations; and
e) form simple algebraic equations from different word problems.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Brainstorming
b) Practise balancing items with related weight on a beam balance
and add items on each side
c) Prepare beam balance models
d) Questions and answers

Teaching and learning resources

a) A beam balance
b) Standard masses
c) A seesaw
d) Question cards

a) Observation form
b) Self-reflection
c) Individual exercises

6.3 Ratios
Duration: 3 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) explain the concept of ratios;
b) solve word problems related to ratios of three items; and
c) perform exercises in solving word problems.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Brainstorming and discussions
b) Demonstration, questions and answers

Teaching and learning resources

a) Drawings
b) Like objects
c) Real objects
d) Graph papers/squares

a) Tests
b) Exercises
c) Portfolio

7.0 Statistics
7.1 Pictograms
Duration: 6 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) read the pictograms;
b) draw pictograms;

c) interpret graphical information in a pictogram.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Demonstration and group work
b) Questions and answers
c) Project to collect various information related to cross-cutting
issues and use it to draw a pictogram

Teaching and learning resources

a) HIV/AIDS data
b) Different objects (soda covers, seeds).
c) Pictogram charts
d) Square paper/graph paper
e) Pencils
f) Flip charts

a) Individual exercises involving reading and drawing pictograms
b) Project report

7.2 Bar chart

Duration: 4 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) read bar charts;
b) draw bar charts; and
c) interpret various information presented in bar charts.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Demonstration and group work
b) Questions and answers
c) Project work to collect various information related to cross-
cutting issues and use them to draw bar charts

Teaching and learning resources
a) Graph paper or sheet of square
b) Rulers
c) A report showing cross-cutting issues
d) Pencils

a) Individual exercises
b) Project report
c) Observation report

7.3 Pie chart

Duration: 4 hours

Specific objectives
At the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) read the information presented in a pie chart;
b) draw a pie chart; and
c) interpret graphical information presented in a pie chart.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Demonstration and group work
b) Questions and answers
c) Project work to collect information related to cross-cutting issues
and use it to draw pie charts.

Teaching and learning resources

a) Compasses
b) Protractors
c) Rulers
d) A statistical report showing various information related to cross-
cutting issues
e) Pencils
f) Papers

a) Individual exercises.
b) Project work to collect information related to cross-cutting issues
and use it to draw pie charts

7.4 Line graph

Duration: 4 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) read a line graph;
b) draw a line graph; and
c) interpret information presented in a line graph.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Demonstration and group work
b) Questions and answers
c) Project work to collect various information related to cross-
cutting issues and use it to draw a line graph

Teaching and learning resources

a) Compasses
b) Protractors
c) Rulers
d) Various statistical reports on cross-cutting issues
e) Pencils
f) Papers

a) Individual exercises
b) Project to collect information related to cross-cutting issues and
use it to draw a line graph
c) Project work
d) Tests

8.0 Approximations
8.1 The concept of approximations
Duration: 5 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) describe the meaning of approximations;
b) differentiate between the notion of approximation in daily life
and in mathematics; and
c) identify specific areas in daily life where the concept of
approximation applies.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Brainstorming
b) Discussions and presentations

Teaching and learning resources

Real-life examples of approximation (i.e. daily family budget)

a) Self-assessment and reflection
b) Individual exercises

8.2 Approximations of decimals

Duration: 4 hour

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) explain the importance of approximating decimals;
b) round off a decimal to a required digit; and
c) show the uses of decimals.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Think-pair-share
b) Group work

c) Individual reflections

Teaching and learning resources

a) Calculators
b) Flip charts
c) Computers

a) Individual assessments
b) Individual exercises
c) Individual self-reflection reports

9.0 Business arithmetic

9.1 Profits
Duration: 4 hours

Specific objective
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) interpret the concept of profit;
b) calculate the profit of a business; and
c) conduct business assessment.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Know What to learn Learned (KWL) searching knowledge from
the Internet
b) Group work

Teaching and learning resources

a) Real life examples of a business
b) A calculator and a computer which is connected to the Internet

a) Group exercises
b) Report
c) Individual exercises
9.2 Loss
Duration: 3 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) interpret the concept of a loss;
b) calculate a loss in business activities; and
c) conduct business assessment.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Think-pair-share
b) Knowledge searching
c) Group work

Teaching and learning resources

a) Real-life examples in business
b) Calculator and a computer which is connected to the Internet

a) Individual portfolios
b) Reports
c) Individual exercises

10.0 Sets
10.1 The concept of sets
Duration: 3 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) describe the concept of sets;
b) explain the types of sets; and
c) assess the application of the concept of sets in daily life.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Questions and answers

b) Group discussions
c) Group reflection

Teaching and learning resources

a) Real objects
b) Pictures
c) Playing cards
d) Set of utensils
e) Team of players

a) Tests
b) Reports

10.2 Operation of sets

Duration: 5 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) interpret the concept of the union and intersection of a set;
b) calculate the union of two sets;
c) calculate the intersection of two sets; and
d) represent the union and intersection of two sets using Venn

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Brainstorming
b) Discussions
c) Demonstration
d) Group work

Teaching and learning resources
a) Real objects
b) Playing cards
c) Various playing teams
d) Venn diagrams
e) Coloured chalks/pencils

a) Tests
b) Individual works
c) Exercises

Part two: Pedagogy

Goals of the Subject

This part is intended to prepare the student teacher to have ability and competencies in
teaching mathematics at primary school level.

Subject competency
By the end of the two-year programme, the student teacher should be able to:
(a) develop mastery of contents in the meaningful teaching and learning Mathematics
in primary school;
(b) show adequate skills in teaching and learning Mathematics meaningfully in
primary school;
(c) conduct action research to improve teaching and learning Mathematics in primary
school; and
(d) prepare entrepreneurship activities using the knowledge and skills of Mathematics.

Objectives of the subject

By the end of the programme, the student teacher should be able to:

(a) demonstrate understanding of the foundations and principles of Mathematics;

(b) be able to guide pupils through translating mathematical concepts as well as
calculating and relating mathematics with daily life;
(c) analyse the curriculum and its related materials;
(d) teach mathematics using the learner-centred approach;
(e) assess and evaluate mathematical learning progress as well as provide feedback
to learners;
(f) prepare, improvise and use mathematical teaching resources to develop
meaningful learning;
(g) use technological resources in teaching mathematics;
(h) conduct action research to identify the challenges in teaching and learning
mathematics and make improvements;
(i) understand how to incorporate cross-cutting issues in teaching and learning
mathematics; and
(j) use mathematical knowledge and skills to enable pupils to become entrepreneurs.

1.0 Foundations of Teaching and Learning Mathematics
1.1 The concept of mathematics
Duration: 8 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) explain the meaning of Mathematics;
b) evaluate the importance of Mathematics in daily life; and
c) explain the applications of Mathematics in daily life.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Brainstorming
b) Discussions and group reflections
c) Project

Teaching and learning resources

a) Computers connected to the internet
b) Documentary review/library search
c) Flip chart, marker pen, masking tape

a) Tests
b) Reflection report
c) Project report

1.2 Foundation and principles of teaching mathematics

Duration: 18 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to
a) explain the foundations and principles of teaching Mathematics;
b) transfer foundations and principles of teaching and learning
Mathematics to other fields; and
c) explain how to apply the foundations of teaching and learning
Mathematics to motivate learners to learn Mathematics.

Teaching and learning strategies
a) Searching knowledge from the internet and library
b) Group work
c) Project on teaching and learning Mathematics

Teaching and learning resources

a) Documents/the library
b) Flip charts
c) Project report

2.0 Preparation for Teaching and Learning mathematics

2.1 Syllabus analysis
Duration: 15 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) analyse the components of the mathematics syllabus;
b) analyse the topics present in the primary school mathematics
syllabus and their sequence; and
c) explain how to use the mathematics syllabus in teaching.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Observation, project, group discussions, and questions and
b) Gallery walk, jig-saw and group discussions,

Teaching and learning resources

a) The primary school mathematics syllabus
b) Textbooks
c) Supplementary books
d) Teacher’s guide book
e) Flip charts
f) Marker pens
g) Masking tapes

a) Tests
b) Practical works

2.2 Preparing mathematics teaching and learning resources

Duration: 28 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) identify teaching and learning resources for various topics in
b) use local materials to improvise teaching and learning resources
in the mathematics subject; and
c) explain how to use teaching and learning resources in teaching
mathematics topics.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Think-pair-share
b) Project to prepare mathematics teaching and learning resources
for teaching various topics

Teaching and learning resources

a) Glue
b) Sellotape
c) Manila/hard paper
d) Boards
e) Soft boards
f) Nails
g) Sticks
h) Ropes
i) Scissors/razor blades
j) Marker pens
k) Ruler and pencils
l) The surrounding environment

a) Project report (teaching and learning resources prepared in
b) Individual work on designing and preparing teaching and learning
c) Observation form

3.0 Selected Teaching Topics

3.1 The concept of whole numbers
Duration: 30 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) explain the techniques to be used in teaching;
b) analyse resources for teaching the topic of whole numbers;
c) prepare the 20 minutes lesson plan for teaching whole numbers;
d) perform micro-teaching on whole numbers.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Songs, brainstorming, stories, games, questions and answers
b) Group work
c) Project

Teaching and learning resources

a) Real objects
b) Counting aids
c) Cards of numbers
d) Charts of numbers
e) Punch cards for the visually-impaired students

a) Self-assessment
b) Group work report
c) Project report

d) Individual reflection
e) Observation report

3.2 Operations with whole numbers

Duration: 14 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) explain the techniques used in operation with whole numbers;
b) identify resources used in teaching operation with whole numbers;
c) prepare a lesson plan on operation with whole numbers; and
d) conduct a single-lesson teaching practice in a nearby school.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Songs, stories and games
b) Individual exercises

Teaching and learning resources

a) Real objects
b) Counting aids
c) Standard cards
d) Card of numbers
e) Chart of numbers
f) Punch cards for the visually-impaired students

a) Self-assessment
b) Project report
c) Exercises

3.3 The concept of integers
Duration: 12 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) identify various techniques to be used in teaching;
b) prepare the teaching and learning resources to be used;
c) prepare a detailed lesson plan for teaching the concept of integers;
d) teach the concept of integers; and
e) perform a demonstration for teaching practice.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Stories, games and logical mathematical sentences
b) Group work
c) Discussions and presentations
d) Project work

Teaching and learning resources

a) Number lines
b) Thermometers
c) Examples of logical sentences
d) Real objects, counters, number cards, number charts, and punch
cards for the visually-impaired students

a) Individual student work
b) Project report
c) Observation form

3.4 The concept of fractions

Duration: 30 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) explain techniques to be used in teaching fractions;

b) analyse resource to be used; and
c) conduct micro-teaching on fractions.

Teaching and learning strategies

Stories, questions and answers, and brainstorming

Teaching and learning resources

a) Counting aids
b) Card of numbers
c) Card of numbers for visually-impaired students

a) Self-assessment
b) Project report
c) Group work report

3.5 The concept of decimals

Duration: 14 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) explain the techniques to be used in teaching decimals;
b) analyse the resources to be used in teaching decimals;
c) prepare a lesson plan for teaching decimals; and
d) conduct a single lesson teaching practice at a nearby school.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Questions and answers
b) Group work/ individual work
c) Project

Teaching and learning resources

a) Counting aids
b) Card of numbers

c) Card of numbers for visually-impaired learners

a) Self-assessment
b) Group work report
c) Project report

3.6 The concepts of exponents and radicals

Duration: 16 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) identify various techniques in teaching exponents and radicals;
b) analyse the resources used in teaching the concept of exponents
and radicals;
c) prepare a lesson plan for teaching exponents and radicals; and
d) conduct a demonstration teaching on exponents and radicals.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Questions and answers
b) Individual and group work
c) Project work

Teaching and learning resources

a) Counting aids
b) The internet
c) Card of numbers
d) Textbooks and supplementary books

a) Counting aids
b) Project report
c) Group work report

4.0 Assessment in Mathematics
4.1 The concept of assessment
Duration: 8 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of each sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) describe the concept of assessment in mathematics;
b) elaborate on the types of assessment in mathematical contexts;
c) use various types of assessments tools to improve learning of

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Questions and answers
b) Group activities, quizzes, oral arithmetics, exercises, tests,
examinations, and mathematics assessment portfolios

Teaching and learning resources

a) Card of numbers
b) Questions extracted from primary school mathematics topics
c) Mathematics textbooks
d) Mathematics supplementary books

a) Self-assessment
b) Group work report
c) Exercises

4.2 Tests and examinations

Duration: 3 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this sub-topic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) prepare the Table of Specifications (TOS) for specified topics in

b) use the Table of Specifications (TOS) to construct test/examination
c) prepare the marking scheme for the test/examination; and
d) use the marking scheme to mark the test/examination.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Group activities
b) Group reflection
c) Practical work

Teaching and learning resources

a) Various tests
b) Table of Specifications (TOS)
c) Textbooks
d) Supplementary books
e) Red pens

a) Observation form
b) Reflection report
c) Individual student work


Chama cha Hiabati Tanzania (MAT/CHAHITA). (1996). Hisabati kwa wanafunzi wa

vyuo vya Ualimu Daraja A: Jometri, Vipimo, Wakati, Fedha na Takwimu. DUP
Wizara ya Elimu na Utamaduni. (2005). Muhtasari wa Hisabati kwa shule za msingi
Dar es Salaam: Taasisi ya Elimu Tanzania.
Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. (2007). Mathematics academic syllabus
for Diploma in Secondary Education. Dar es Salaam: Tanzania Institute of
Education. (TIE)
Ministry of Education and vocational Training. (2007). Mathematics Pedagogy Syllabus
for Diploma in Secondary Education. Dar es Salaam: Tanzania Institute of
Education. (TIE)
Open University of Tanzania. (2007). Introduction to practitioner practice inquiry:
Lecture 6, Action research for school improvement. Dar es Salaam. Open
University of Tanzania (OUT).
Mradi wa EQUIP. (2007). Miongozo ya kufundishia Hisabati: Darasa la 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6 & 7. Shinyanga: Oxform - GB.
Taasisi ya Elimu Tanzania. (2007). Mwongozo wa ufundishaji wa somo la Hisabati kwa
shule za msingi. Dar es Salaam. Taasisi ya Elimu Tanzania.
UNESCO. (2008). Mwongozo pendekezi kwa waelimisha walimu wa kuandaa zana na
vifaa vya kufundishia na kujifunzia. Dar es Salaam: UNESCO.


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