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Section One: Reading 1

- Read the following text and answer the questions that follow.

A nation’s entrepreneurial vision

What is an entrepreneur?
An entrepreneur is someone who is willing to take the risk of setting up their own business.
An entrepreneur sees an opportunity, or a better way of doing something, and tries to make
a profit from it. They have to be willing to work hard, inspire others and learn from their

Why is entrepreneurship important to the UAE?

Vision 2021, the UAE'S national agenda, puts in place plans and strategies for the success of
the country. One particularly key element that is focused on is entrepreneurship; this shows
the commitment of the leaders to supporting entrepreneurship amongst its citizens. For any
wealth, which in turn contributes to the overall efficiency and health of the economy.

What are the challenges for developing entrepreneurs?

There are a number of challenges to encouraging entrepreneurship here. Many Emiratis
prefer to work in the public sector. Government jobs are perceived as being more secure,
and they offer a good salary and benefits. Public sector jobs are a good fit with the family
and the wider community, and the working environment is culturally familiar. Other
challenges include the lack of funds to set up the business and an unwillingness to take a
risk- after all, the business might not be a success.

What does entrepreneurship offer?

The benefits of entrepreneurship are that it encourages the person to follow a dream or
work in an area that they are utterly passionate about. Developing entrepreneurship will
help diversify the economy as more and more small business are established and people
begin to work in the private sector. Entrepreneurship will also attract those who do not have
a job or who did not go to university, as it gives them an opportunity to set up a business
and contribute to the economy of the country.
Read the following statements about entrepreneurship. Are the statements true (T). Fales (F) or is
there no information (NI)?

1. Being a risk-taker is not a characteristic of an entrepreneur. F

2. Making mistakes is expected when starting a business. T

3. According to the definition of entrepreneurs, they need a good work T
4. The UAE’s National Agenda must be adopted by all businesses. NI
5. The leadership of the UAE is keen to encourage entrepreneurs. T
6. Women are more likely to be entrepreneurs. NI
7. Emiratis prefer to work in the public sector because the environment is T
more familiar.
8. People starts businesses because they do not have a job or did not go T
to university.
9. The economy is dependent on small businesses. F
10. Vision 2021 will give people money to start a business. NI

Section Two: Reading 2

- Read the following text and answer the questions that follow.

We have all seen those cartoons where the crazy scientists hypnotises someone with a
swinging watch and their eyes become strange and they do anything the scientist tells them
to do. But that's not how hypnotism really works. Doctors now use hypnotism to help people
with problems, like giving up smoking.
Franz Mesmer, an Austrian scientist, first introduced the idea of hypnotism. He believed that
a hypnotist had special powers that could be used to control other people. This effect was
called mesmerism. Early ideas about magicians, swinging watches, and hypnotism probably
came from him, because he had a very active imagination, and he saw himself as a magician.
Today, scientists see hypnotism in a different way. They think it's a natural state of deep
focus and relaxation. During hypnosis, someone shuts out other things, focusing intently
only on one thing. When we read a book, watch a movie, or drive a car, we're in a sort of
hypnosis, because we concentrate strongly on that activity.
During hypnosis, people are usually more relaxed and more creative. It is also very easy to
convince them to do something. That means. they are more open to ideas and requests, but
only if they are happy with the requests. The mind avoids all other things, and the person
can focus completely on what the scientist is asking them to do.
Doctors use hypnosis to help people deal with pain, or if they have had an accident, Women
have used it while having their babies, to help them to control the pain. People have found
that it helps to stop bad habits, such as smoking, or to get a better night's sleep.
There are a lot of ideas about hypnotism which are not correct. Some people think you can
get a person to do anything when they are hypnotized, but that is not true. During hypnosis,
people are more willing to listen and respond to ideas, but they still have control over their
actions. They won't do something that they really don't want to do, because their brain will
not let them be controlled.

1. Nowadays, hypnotism is used to ___

- To control people
- To help people give up smoking.
- To do what the scientist tells them.
- To do magic

2. Some people ____

- Use hypnotism with their friends and family.
- Like to hypnotise themselves.
- Have the wrong idea of hypnotism.
- Are scared of hypnotism.

3. Hypnotism first appeared____

- In Egypt
- With someone from Austria
- With the Chinese
- In India
4. Hypnotism _____
- Is considered dangerous by scientists.
- Is avoided by doctors.
- Is sometimes used by religious leaders.
- Is actually quite natural.

5. People who have bad habits____

- Are easier to convince with hypnotism.
- Cannot be hypnotised.
- Become aggressive when hypnotised.
- Should avoid hypnotism.

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