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J. Exp. Zool. India Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 2113-2127, 2022 www.connectjournals.

com/jez ISSN 0972-0030

DocID: eISSN 0976-1780


Adarsh Kumar, Kavita Tamta, Hemlata Arya and Ram Chandra Maurya*
Neurobiology Laboratory, Department of Zoology , Kumaun University,Soban Singh Jeena Campus, Almora, India.
*e-mail :
(Received 10 March 2022, Revised 4 May 2022, Accepted 12 May 2022)

ABSTRACT : The present study examines the affect of age-factor on neuronal soma diameter in different regions of the
cerebral cortex of chick, Gallus gallus domesticus, by using Cresyl-Violet-staining technique. A total of ten male chicks (5
fifteen and 5 thirty-day-old) were sacrificed in the present study. The brains were processed with Cresyl-Violet-staining
method. The anatomical analysis reveals that the cerebrum is composed of two symmetrically right and left cerebral hemispheres.
The chick cerebral hemisphere has a cavity inside called as lateral ventricle whose roof is termed as pallium that includes the
external cortical areas namely the hyperpallium apicale (HA), the hippocampal formation (HF) and the corticoid complex (CC).
All the areas show three types of neuronal cells: the multipolar, the pyramidal, and the stellate neurons. All the external cortical
areas of the telencephalon show the variation in the form of non-significant as well as significant (P<0.05, P<0.01 and P<0.001)
increase or decrease in soma diameter of the projection (pyramidal and multipolar) and stellate neurons of 30-day-old chick in
comparison to 15-day-old chick. The present study provides information that the soma diameter of cerebral cortex neurons is
larger in 15-day-old chick (early age) in comparison to soma diameter of cerebral cortex neurons of 30-day-old chick. The
present study will support the comparative, developmental and stress studies on the grounds of morphological, anatomical and
histological analysis.
Key words : Age-factor, cerebral cortex, cytoarchitecture, Nissl staining, Soma diameter.

How to cite : Adarsh Kumar, Kavita Tamta, Hemlata Arya and Ram Chandra Maurya (2022) Age affects the neuronal soma
diameter in cerebral cortex of 15 and 30-day-old chick, Gallus gallus domesticus. J. Exp. Zool. India 25, 2113-2127. DocID:

INTRODUCTION vertebrate’s brain is composed of three regions fore, mid

In avian brain research, the domestic chicks were and hind brain. The largest part of forebrain is cerebral
used as a model for decades in the study of the hemisphere that developed as an evagination from the
neurobiology of learning and memory (Nakamori et al, anterior end of the neural tube which represent
2013). The brain is the most important part of nervous telencephalon. The birds and mammals possess the large
system which has always fascinated the scientific world brain compared to other vertebrates as per the molecular,
toward itself and lead to new findings and information anatomical, and chemical studies, which might have
due to which it has always been point of interest in this evolved as an adaptation to cope with novel or altered
field (Srivastava and Maurya, 2010). The brain possesses conditions (Al-bakri, 2016).
remarkable ability to undergo functionally relevant Birds have a three-part brain, composed of olfaction,
adaptations following external and/or internal stimuli vision, and hearing segments whose relative proportion
(Chattarji et al, 2015; Drevets, 2004; McEwen, 2007). varies with bird’s ecology (Koushafar and
The role of central nervous system in birds such as to Mohammadpour, 2019). The floor of the telencephalon
integrate sensory impulses from the environment, to store is called as sub pallium and the roof is called as the
learned information and coordinate voluntary and cerebral cortex (pallium). The cerebral cortex includes
involuntary functions and movements, are similar to those internal and external corticoid areas (Al-Nakeeb and
of mammals (Koushafar and Mohammadpour, 2019). The Jasim, 2018). The external corticoid areas consist of three
2114 Adarsh Kumar et al
complexes: hyperpallium apicale, hippocampal complex temperature 30°C, 12:12 light and dark cycle for next
and corticoid complex (Al-bakri, 2016). 48-hours prior to the experiment to release their stress
The avian hyperpallium apicale has been found to be due to transport. The chicks were sacrificed by
associated with the learning processes, integration of administering a lethal dose of ketamine (Thermo Fisher
information from both eyes, orientation, and in Scientific, India), their heads were decapitated, the intact
categorizing food from non-food (Budzynski et al, 2002; brain was immediately removed from the skull, and
Deng and Rogers, 2000; Heyers et al, 2007; Keary and processed with Cresyl-Violet-Staining protocol. The
Bischof, 2012; Maekawa et al, 2006; Watanabe et al, present research work was approved by Institutional
2011). The functional properties of hyperpallium apicale Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) with Protocol No.
were very similar to that of the mammalian visual cortex, KUDOPS/106. All the experiments were carried out
containing orientation selective binocular neurons which strictly in accordance with the animal care guidelines of
were organized in a retinotopic manner (Bischof et al, the Animal Ethics Committee of Kumaun University,
2016). Several studies conducted in birds revealed that Nainital, Uttarakhand, India.
the hippocampal complex of birds have been reported to Cresyl-Violet (Nissl Stain) Method
be involved in the process of learning, memory, behaviour The brain was post-fixed in 10% formalin for 24-
regulation, cognition, and navigation (Bingman et al, 2005; hours at 4°C. After 24-hours of fixation, the brain was
Bingman and Able, 2002; El-Falougy and Benuska, 2006; rinsed briefly with double-distilled water (2-3 minutes),
Jacobs, 2003; Sherry, 2005; Shettleworth, 2003; Singh et subjected to dehydration in 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% and
al, 2014; Singh et al, 2015; Smulders, 2006, 2017; 100% ethanol (15 minutes in each), cleared in xylene (20
Srivastava et al, 2007, 2014; Tömböl et al, 2000; Vargas minutes), and transferred to a mixture of xylene and molten
et al, 2004). paraffin wax (30 minutes). Thereafter, the brain was
Most studies based on neuronal types, neuronal transferred to paraffin Wax-1, Wax-2, and Wax-3 for a
density and morphology have suggested the functional duration of 6-hours (1 hour, 2 hours and 3 hours,
aspect of the corticoid complex of different birds like respectively) at 58°C and finally the brain was embedded
Pigeon (Srivastava et al, 2014), Strawberry finch, Estrilda in paraffin wax (m.p. 58°C – 60°C). The hardened
amandava (Srivastava et al, 2014), Indian house crow, trimmed paraffin wax block was sectioned at thickness
Corvus splendens (Srivastava et al, 2014), Zebra finch, of 10 µm with the aid of rotary microtome and the sections
Taeniopygia guttata (Atoji and Wild, 2005; Colombo et were placed on the surface of the water (warmed at 37
al, 2001; Montagnese et al, 1996; Singh et al, 2019; °C) present over Mayer’s Albumen Glycerol coated glass
Srivastava et al, 2014; Srivastava, Maurya et al, 2009) slides for spreading. After complete spreading and drying
and recommended that the avian dorsolateral forebrain the sections were deparaffinized in xylene (15 minutes)
has participated in spatial memory. The present study followed by rehydration with 100%, 90%, 70%, 50% and
represents the neuronal soma diameter in all the areas of 30% alcohol (10 minutes in each) and washed in double-
cerebral cortex in chick, Gallus gallus domesticus. In distilled water (10 minutes). Then the sections were
addition, the present study aims to evaluate the effect of stained with 0.1% Cresyl-Violet-solution (Sigma Aldrich,
age factor on the soma diameter of different neuronal USA) for 2-3 minutes at 37 °C, rinsed briefly with double-
cells of various regions of cerebral cortex in 15-day-old distilled water (5 minutes). The sections were dehydrated
and 30-day-old male chick, Gallus gallus domesticus. with 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% and 100% alcohol (5 minutes
MATERIALS AND METHODS in each grade), cleared in xylene (5 minutes), mounted
on microscopic glass slides using D.P.X (dibutylphthalate
Experimental animal model
polystyrene xylene) mounting medium, coversliped, dried,
In present research study, a total of ten male chicks, and stored in dark at room temperature (RT) until
Gallus gallus domesticus (5 fifteen and 5 thirty-day- microscopic examination.
old) were sacrificed. They were purchased from Pahari
Microscopic analysis
Poultry House (A governmental department) Hawalbag
Almora, Uttarakhand India. On the 13th and 28th day of Microscopic inspection of Cresyl-Violet-stained
their hatching, the chicks were brought in two different sections was done under bright field in a computer aided
cages of poultry house to the laboratory and housed in microscope (Leica DMIL Led, Germany) at 40x, 100x
the same cages (with the same lighting and feeding and 400x primary magnifications. In all the telencephalic
schedules as in the poultry house). The chicks were external cortical areas three classes of neuronal cells
housed under constant laboratory conditions such as room namely: stellate neurons, multipolar and pyramidal
Age affects the neuronal soma diameter in cerebral cortex of 15 and 30-day-old chick 2115
projections neurons were observed on the basis of their important shapes determining factor for the entire brain
soma shape. The microphotographs of the entire Cresyl- and is composed of two symmetrically right and left
Violet-stained sections were taken with the help of a cerebral hemispheres. Caudally, both the cerebral
microscope (Leica stereo-zoom-S9i) aided with computer hemispheres progressively became much broader than
and the boundaries of the whole sections were traced its tapered rostral (anterior) end and are firmly opposed
for the drawing of stacked serial sections. Scales for each along a median sulcus called interhemispheric
camera lucida drawing were made by using the stage (longitudinal) fissure, while from cerebellum they are
micrometer with the help of microscope before the separated by a small transverse (medial) fissure (Fig.
drawings were entered into the computer. All the drawings 1A, C)
were scanned by using a scanner and their background Cytoarchitectonic analysis
was cleared with the help of Adobe Photoshop 7.0
The complete analysis of the Cresyl-Violet-stained
computer software. All of the scaled microphotographs
telencephalic sections revealed that the chick cerebral
and their drawings were used for the formation of
hemisphere has a cavity inside called lateral ventricle
photoplates, which is labelled with the help of Adobe
(VL) or paracoel. Its thin and smooth roof is called
Photoshop 7.0 computer software.
pallium which has a poorly developed cerebral cortex in
Neurohistological data measurement birds and includes the external cortical areas namely: the
For histological data measurement, we have chosen rostrodorsal (wulst), the dorsomedial (hippocampal
well stained neuronal soma at random in all the regions formation) and the dorsolateral forebrain (corticoid
under study and analyzed fifty well stained neuronal soma complex) which are situated at the tip of the telencephalic
for each type of neuron in 15 as well as in 30-day-old hemisphere.
chick. Soma diameter for each neuron was measured by The rostrodorsal forebrain is a slight enlargement or
using Leica Application Suite-X (LAS-X) computer laminated bulge that occupies the rostro-dorsal surface
software inside computer-aided-microscope (Leica DMIL of the cerebral hemisphere extending from the midline to
Led, Germany) at 400x magnification. lateral region of the brain and is also termed as wulst.
Statistical data analysis Externally, the lateral curved margin of the wulst (sagittal
For statistical analysis of the neurohistological data eminence) located on either side of the inter-hemispheric
parametric unpaired t-test with welch’s correction was (longitudinal) fissure is demarcated from the rest of the
applied to find out the differences in neuronal soma hemispheric surface by an indistinct groove (vallecula).
diameter of 15 and 30-day-old chick. A minimum criterion The sagittal eminence became flattened and continued
of probability P<0.05, P<0.01 and P<0.001, was accepted to the caudal (posterior) pole of the telencephalic
as an indicative of significant difference. All the results hemisphere (Fig. 1C). Functionally, the wulst has been
were shown as the Mean ± Standard Error of the Mean divided into two subfields: a rostral small somatosensory
(SEM). All the statistical analysis was performed using motor area and a caudal large posterolateral visual area
Microsoft Excel, and Graph Pad Prism software’s. termed as visual wulst (Fig. 2A, 4-5). Visual wulst is
RESULTS further consisting of the four morphologically
distinguished, dorso-ventrally arranged laminae: the
Morphological analysis hyperpallium apicale (HA), the interstitial nucleus of the
The anatomical analysis in the present research study hyperpallium apicale (IHA), the hyperpallium
revealed that the chick brain is relatively a large sized, intercalatum (HI), and the hyperpallium densocellulare
more or less triangular or pear shaped, broad rounded, (HD) (Fig. 2A). Hyperpallium apicale is the most
soft and whitish organ (Fig. 1A-D). The chick brain superficial lamina of the visual wulst which lies medially
consists of three major subdivisions: the rhombencephalon at the rostral level and dorsally at the caudal level (Fig.
(consists of metencephalon, myelencephalon and pons 2A). Hyperpallium apicale is bordered by a narrower,
varolii), the mesencephalon (consists of optic bigemina cellular layer called the interstitial nucleus of the
and crura cerebri) and the prosencephalon (consists of hyperpallium apicale, which lies ventro-laterally at the
rhinencephalon, telencephalon or cerebral hemisphere rostral level and dorso-laterally at the intermediate level
and diencephalon) (Fig. 1C). Telencephalon of forebrain (Fig. 2A). Hyperpallium intercalatum is bounded dorsally
is one pair of large sized, pear or obtuse triangle shaped by interstitial nucleus of the hyperpallium apicale and
pyriform lobes that are collectively referred to as cerebrum ventrally by hyperpallium densocellulare (Fig. 2A). It lies
which is the largest part of the brain in the presently ventro-laterally at rostral level and dorso-laterally at
studied bird, chick. The cerebrum is one of the most intermediate level. Hyperpallium densocellulare laminae
2116 Adarsh Kumar et al

Fig. 1 : Photographs showing the brain of chick, Gallus gallus domesticus: (A) dorsal view of 15-day-old chick brain showing: 1-cerebral
hemisphere, 2-optic lobes, 3-cerebellum & 4-medulla oblongata. Arrow a & b show longitudinal & transverse fissures, respectively.
(C) dorsal view of 30-day-old chick brain showing: P-prosencephalon, M-mesencephalon, R-rhombencephalon, V- vallecula & W-
wulst. (R) rostral end, (C) caudal end, (L) lateral side & (M) medial surface. (B) & (D) ventral view of 15 & 30-day-old chick brain
showing: 1-olfactory bulb, 2-cerebral hemisphere, 3-optic chiasma, 4-optic lobe, 5-cerebullum & 6-medulla oblongata.

lie ventro-laterally at rostral level and dorso-laterally at (HCC) (Fig. 2B; 4J-N; 5A-D). At the most rostral level,
intermediate level (Fig. 2A). Towards the caudal pole, the hippocampal complex is occupied by a small area
the interstitial nucleus of the hyperpallium apicale, the that is the area parahippocampalis (APH) limited
hyperpallium intercalatum, and the hyperpallium dorsolaterally by the most superficial layer of the visual
densocellulare disappear thus only the hyperpallium wulst that is the hyperpallium apicale (Fig. 2B; 4J-N; 5A-
apicale remains ventrally limited by mesopallium (Fig. 2B; D). The hippocampal complex is relatively a simple
5). structure in chick as clearly defined hippocampal layers
The dorsomedial forebrain is relatively a narrow, are not readily apparent in the chick hippocampus proper
curved strip of tissue that lies on the dorso-medial surface (Hp) in the present study (Fig. 3C-D). At the intermediate
of the cerebral hemisphere and is separated from the level, the size of the hippocampal complex is increased
rest part of the telencephalic hemisphere by a lateral dorsally and laterally from rostral towards caudal
ventricle and is also known as hippocampal complex direction. The hippocampal complex comprises two major
Age affects the neuronal soma diameter in cerebral cortex of 15 and 30-day-old chick 2117

Fig. 2 : Microphotographs (A-D) showing the cresyl violet stained sections of chick, Gallus gallus domesticus forebrain from rostral to
caudal pole. (HA) hyperpallium apicale, (HV) hyperstriatum ventral, (LH) lamina hyperstriatica, (HP) hippocampus, (APH)
parahippocampal area, (CI) intermediate corticoid area, (L) layer, (CDL) dorsolateral corticoid area & (VL) lateral ventricle. Section
(A) is 1480 µm posterior from the first rostral section of the cerebral hemisphere, while the section (B), (C) & (D) are 2720 µm, 2600
µm & 800 µm posterior from the previous sections. Magnification 40x. Scale bar = 500 µm.

divisions: the ventrally situated hippocampus proper and hippocampal complex progressively disappeared. Thus,
the dorsally situated area parahippocampalis (Fig. 2C; caudally at the level of cerebellum, only the
3C-D; 5B-I). A clear boundary between the two parahippocampal area of the hippocampal complex
structures is not present in presently studied bird. A observed limited laterally by the dorsolateral corticoid
ventrally situated V-shaped structure appeared in the subfield (CDL) of the corticoid complex (Fig. 5L-M).
ventral two-third part of the hippocampal complex that The dorsolateral forebrain or corticoid complex of
extends from medial to lateral ventricle is termed as the chick is formed at the dorsolateral surface of the
hippocampus proper (Fig. 2C; 3C; 5B-I). The telencephalic hemisphere after the progressive
hippocampus is widest dorsally at the junction with the replacement of the laterally situated most superficial layer
area parahippocampalis and tapers ventrally towards the of the posteriolateral forebrain that is the hyperpallium
septum (Fig. 2C; 3C-D; 5B-I). The dorsomedial curvature apicale (Fig. 2C-D; 3E-F; 5E-M). The dorsolateral
of the telencephalon above the angle of the lateral forebrain further consists of two subfields: an intermediate
ventricle is known as the area parahippocampalis. The corticoid subfield (CI) and a dorsolateral corticoid subfield
dorsally situated area parahippocampalis over the (CDL). The intermediate corticoid subfield is a medial
hippocampus proper appears to be a transitional zone wide area that constitutes a transition zone between the
between the hippocampus proper and the adjacent dorsolateral corticoid area of the corticoid complex and
dorsolateral forebrain (Fig. 2C; 3D; 5E-I). the area parahippocampalis of the hippocampal complex
Parahippocampal area is only the subfield of the (Fig. 2C; 3E; 5E-K). In the intermediate corticoid subfield,
hippocampal formation that is present in the rostral based on the neuronal soma size and density, three
hippocampal complex (Fig. 2B; 4J-N; 5A-D). At the dorsolaterally arranged cellular layers have been
caudal most level of telencephalic hemisphere, the recognized: Layer-I, Layer-II and Layer-III. The
intermediate corticoid subfield (CI) of the corticoid outermost layer that is present towards the dorsal surface
complex along with the different subfields of the of the cerebral hemisphere is referred to as Layer-I. The
2118 Adarsh Kumar et al

Fig. 3 : Microphotographs (A-F) showing the cresyl violet stained sections of chick, Gallus gallus domesticus forebrain from rostral to
caudal pole. (VW) visual wulst, (Hp) hippocampus proper, (APH) parahippocampal area, (CI) intermediate corticoid area, (L) layer,
(CDL) dorsolateral corticoid area & (VL) lateral ventricle. Section (A) is 1480 µm posterior from the first rostral section of the
cerebral hemisphere, while the section (B) is 2720 µm posterior from section (A), section (C) & (D) are 2600 µm posterior from
section (B), while section (E) & (F) are 800 µm posterior from the section (C) & (D). Magnification 100x. Scale bar = 100 µm.

middle Layer-II is present in the center of the intermediate extends widely on the dorsolateral surface of the caudal
corticoid subfield of the dorsolateral forebrain. The telencephalon and is separated by a lateral ventricle from
innermost layer that is present beneath the Layer-II, the underlying nidopallium until its caudal pole (Fig. 2C-
towards the ventricle is called Layer-III (Fig. 2C; 3E). D; 3F; 5H-M).
At the caudal most level of the telencephalic hemisphere, Neurohistological analysis of Telencephalon
the intermediate corticoid subfield along with the different
In presently studied bird, the Cresyl-Violet-stained
subfields of the hippocampal complex progressively
sections show the presence of three neuronal types the
disappeared. Thus, caudally at the level of cerebellum,
multipolar, the pyramidal, and the stellate neuron based
only the parahippocampal area of the hippocampal
on soma shape in all the external cortical areas of
complex observed limited laterally by the dorsolateral
telencephalon (hyperpallium apicale, hippocampus, area
corticoid subfield of the corticoid complex (Fig. 5L-M).
parahippocampalis, intermediate corticoid area, and
The dorsolateral corticoid area in chick is a thin, narrow,
dorsolateral corticoid area). The multipolar neuronal cells
superficial strip-like structure of the caudal telencephalic
possessed oval, spherical, rectangular, multiangular or
pallium adjoining the medially situated hippocampal
irregularly shaped somata (Fig. 6). The pyramidal
formation (HF). The dorsolateral corticoid subfield
Age affects the neuronal soma diameter in cerebral cortex of 15 and 30-day-old chick 2119

Fig. 4 : Drawing of stacked serial cresyl violet stained forebrain sections from rostral to caudal pole (A-N) of 15-day-old chick, Gallus gallus
domesticus, showing the position of the (VW) visual wulst & the (APH) area parahippocampalis of the dorsomedial forebrain.
Below each section the distance from the previous section is given from rostral to caudal end. The section (A) is 760 µm posterior
from the first rostral section of the cerebral hemisphere. Scale bar = 2mm.

projection neuronal cells possessed triangular, pyramidal Statistical analysis

or cone-shaped somata, while the stellate neuronal cells Statistical analysis of all the data measured for the
possessed round, oval, spherical or circular shaped soma diameter was done by using parametric, unpaired,
somata (Fig. 6). The hyperpallium apicale region contains two tailed, t-test with welch’s correction. The results
homogenously distributed, purple blue coloured, densely obtained from statistical analysis revealed that the age-
packed, neuronal somata (Fig. 6A-B). The hippocampus factor induces remarkable changes in neuronal soma
(Fig. 6C) and the area parahippocampalis (Fig. 6D) of diameter of 30-day-old chick in comparison to 15-day-
the hippocampal complex were observed to be populated old chick (Table 1). The soma diameter of different
by the homogenously distributed, purple blue coloured, neuronal cells of 30-day-old chicks were compared with
densely packed somata of different neuronal cells. In the the soma diameter of different neuronal cells present in
dorsolateral forebrain of chick, the intermediate corticoid 15-day-old chicks in posterior-lateral forebrain, dorso-
subfield contains more or less homogenously distributed, medial forebrain and dorso-lateral forebrain for significant
less-moderate densely packed, purple-blue colored somata or non-significant decrease or increase (Fig. 7-9).
(Fig. 6E). The dorsolateral corticoid subfield contains
Posterio-lateral forebrain
uniformly distributed, moderately packed, purple-blue
colored neuronal somata arranged in the narrow strip like The outcomes of statistical analysis for the soma
structure of the corticoid complex (Fig. 6F). In present diameter of multipolar neurons of 30-day-old chick
study, different neuronal cells show variations in their showed a significant (***P<0.001) decrease in HA, IHA,
soma diameter in all the five sub-regions of telencephalon and HI layers of hyperpallium apicale whereas a non-
in both 15 and 30-day-old chick (Table 1). significant decrease was observed in HD layer. A
significant decrease was observed in the soma diameter
2120 Adarsh Kumar et al

Fig. 5 : Drawing of stacked serial cresyl-violet-stained dorsal forebrain sections from rostral to caudal pole (A-M) of 15-day-old chick,
Gallus gallus domesticus showing the position of the (APH) area parahippocampalis, the (VW) visual wulst, the (Hp) hippocampus,
the (CI) intermediate corticoid subfield & the (CDL) dorsolateral corticoid subfield. At the caudal most level, the (HCC) hippocampal
complex is only represented by the parahippocampal area (APH) only & the corticoid complex by the dorsolateral corticoid subfield
only. Below each section the distance from the previous section is given from rostral to caudal end. The section (A) is 4440 µm
posterior from the first rostral section of the cerebral hemisphere. Scale bar = 2mm

of the pyramidal neurons of 30-day-old chick present in observed in their soma diameter (Fig. 8C). In the area
all the hyperpallium apicale layers viz. HA (**P<0.01), parahippocampalis of 30-day-old chick (Fig. 8D) a non-
IHA (***P<0.001), HI (**P<0.01) and HD significant increase was observed in the soma diameter
(***P<0.001). The stellate neurons of 30-day-old chick of multipolar neuronal cells, whereas in the pyramidal
showed a non-significant decrease in their soma diameter and stellate neuronal cells a non-significant decrease in
of HA layer and a significant (***P<0.001) decrease was their soma diameter was observed in comparison to 15-
observed in their soma diameter in IHA and HI layers; day-old chick (Table 1).
whereas a non-significant increase in the soma diameter Dorso-lateral forebrain
was observed in HD layer of hyperpallium apicale (Fig.
A non-significant increase was observed in the soma
7A-C; Table 1).
diameter of multipolar neurons present in the layer-I of
Dorso-medial forebrain intermediate corticoid area of 30-day-old chick in
The hippocampal multipolar neurons of 30-day-old comparison to 15-day-old chick, whereas in layer-II and
chick (Fig. 8A) showed a significant decrease in their layer-III, the multipolar neurons showed a significant
soma diameter in (dHp) dorsal hippocampus (*P<0.05), (**P<0.01) and a non-significant decrease in their soma
(mHp) medial hippocampus (***P<0.001) and (vHp) diameter, respectively (Fig. 9A). The pyramidal neurons
ventral hippocampus (***P<0.001). The pyramidal of layer-I showed a non-significant increase in their soma
neurons of 30-day-old chick showed a significant diameter, and a significant (***P<0.001) decrease in their
decrease in their soma diameter in dHp (**P<0.01) and soma diameter in both layer-II, and layer-III (Fig. 9B).
mHp (***P<0.001), whereas in vHp a non-significant The stellate neurons showed a significant increase in their
increase was observed in their soma diameter (Fig. 8B). soma diameter in layer-I (***P<0.001) and layer-II
In dHp a significant (***P<0.001) decrease was observed (*P<0.05), whereas in layer-III a non-significant increase
in soma diameter of stellate neurons of 30-day-old chick was observed in their soma diameter (Fig. 9C). In the
whereas in mHp and vHp a non-significant decrease was dorsolateral corticoid area of 30-day-old chick (Fig. 9D),
Age affects the neuronal soma diameter in cerebral cortex of 15 and 30-day-old chick 2121

Fig. 6 : Microphotographs (A-F) showing the cresyl violet stained sections of chick, Gallus gallus domesticus forebrain from rostral to
caudal pole. (A) & (B) showing the visual wulst, (C) & (D) showing the hippocampus proper & the parahippocampal area of the
hippocampal complex, (E) & (F) showing the intermediate & the dorsolateral corticoid areas of the corticoid complex. Arrows 1, 2
& 3 showing small, medium & large sized soma in their respective fields. Section (A) is 1480 µm posterior from the first rostral
section of the cerebral hemisphere, while the section (B) is 2720 µm posterior from section (A), section (C) & (D) are 2600 µm
posterior from section (B), while section (E) & (F) are 800 µm posterior from the section (C) & (D). Magnification 400x. Scale bar
= 50 µm.

a significant (***P<0.001) decrease was observed in the chick brain consists of three major subdivisions: the
soma diameter of the multipolar, the pyramidal and stellate rhombencephalon (consists of metencephalon,
neuronal cells in comparison to 15-day-old chick (Table myelencephalon and pons varolii), the mesencephalon
1). (consists of optic bigemina and crura cerebri) and the
DISCUSSION prosencephalon (consists of rhinencephalon,
telencephalon or cerebral hemisphere and diencephalon).
The results of present study evaluate the effect of
Telencephalon of forebrain is one pair of large sized, pear
age-factor on the soma diameter of diverse telencephalic
or obtuse triangle shaped pyriform lobes that are
neuronal cells in two different age group (fifteen and
collectively referred to as cerebrum which is composed
thirty-day-old) of male chicks, Gallus gallus domesticus
of two symmetrically right and left cerebral hemispheres.
along with morphological, anatomical, and histological
These observations were in accordance with reports in
aspects of telencephalon for clear understanding by using
other birds such as Quail (Al-bakri, 2016), Vana raja birds
Cresyl-Violet-staining method. The present study
(Kumar et al, 2016), Vencobb broiler chicken (Gupta et
demonstrated that the smooth, large sized, pear shaped,
al, 2016), Pigeon (Al-Nakeeb and Jasim, 2018), Broiler
2122 Adarsh Kumar et al

Fig. 7 : Showing the results of parametric unpaired two tailed t-test for soma diameter of different neuronal classes observed in the visual
wulst of non-stressed (NS) 15- and 30-day-old chick, Gallus gallus domesticus. Hyperpallium apicale (HA), interstitial nucleus of
the hyperpallium apicale (IHA), hyperpallium intercalatum (HI), and hyperpallium densocellulare (HD). Data is significantly
different at levels: **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001.

Fig. 8 : Showing the results of parametric unpaired two tailed t-test for soma diameter of different neuronal classes observed in the
hippocampus (A, B, C) and parahippocampus (D) of non-stressed (NS) 15-, and 30-day-old chick, Gallus gallus domesticus. dorsal
hippocampus (dHp), medial hippocampus (mHp) and ventral hippocampus (vHp). Data is significantly different at levels: *P <
0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001.
Age affects the neuronal soma diameter in cerebral cortex of 15 and 30-day-old chick 2123

Fig. 9 : Showing the results of parametric unpaired two tailed t-test for soma diameter of different neuronal classes observed in the
intermediate (A, B, C) and dorsolateral corticoid area (D) of non-stressed (NS) 15-, and 30-day-old chick, Gallus gallus domesticus.
Data is significantly different at levels: *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001.

chicken (Kumaravel et al, 2019) and Ostrich (Koushafar is relatively a narrow, curved band of tissue that lies on
and Mohammadpour, 2019). The present study also the dorsomedial surface of the cerebral hemisphere and
showed that all the telencephalic external cortical areas is separated from the rest part of the hemisphere by a
were populated with three types of neuronal cells: the lateral ventricle (VL). The hippocampal complex is
multipolar, the stellate and the pyramidal neurons on the further comprising two major divisions: (a) ventrally
basis of soma shape that show homology with the results situated V-shaped structure appeared in the ventral two-
of above-mentioned avian studies only in respect of third part of the hippocampal complex ranges from medial
hippocampal morphology. to lateral ventricle is called hippocampus and a dorso-
The histo-morphological avian studies have revealed medial curvature of the telencephalon above the angle of
that the wulst is a laminated bulge that occupies the the lateral ventricle extending towards the rostro-caudal
rostrodorsal surface of the cerebral hemisphere. direction is known as the area parahippocampalis. The
Functionally, the wulst has been divided into two subfields: hippocampus proper could be subdivided into medial
a small rostral somatosensory motor region and a large (HCm), lateral (HCl) and ventral (HCv) hippocampus.
caudal posterolateral visual region known as visual wulst At the most rostral level, the hippocampal complex is
(VW). The visual wulst is further consists of four occupied by a small area that is area parahippocampalis
morphologically distinguished, dorso-ventrally arranged (APH), limited dorsolaterally by the most superficial layer
cellular laminae: the hyperpallium apicale (HA), the of the visual wulst (VW) that is hyperpallium apicale
interstitial nucleus of the hyperpallium apicale (IHA), the (HA). The area parahippocampalis seems to be a
hyperpallium intercalatum (HI), and the hyperpallium transitional region between the hippocampal area and the
densocellulare (HD). Towards caudal end, the IHA, the adjacent telencephalic areas of the cerebral cortex as
HI and the HD layers of the visual wulst vanish thus observed in Chicken and Homing pigeon (Tömböl et al,
only the HA layer leftovers, limited ventrally by the 2000), Pigeon (Vargas et al, 2004), P. Krameri (Srivastava
mesopallium in Strawberry Finch (Chand et al, 2013), and Sin, 2012), House crow (Singh et al, 2014 and
pigeon (Shimizu and Karten, 1990), Chick (Deng and Srivastava et al, 2016), Vencobb broiler chicken (Gupta
Rogers, 2000, 2002), Zebra finch (Watanabe et al, 2011), et al, 2016), Strawberry finch (Srivastava et al, 2007),
Baya weaver (Srivastava and Gaur, 2013), which is also Parrot and Koel (Singh et al, 2015), Indian roller (Ojha
observed in present research study. and Singh, 2021a, 2021b), Vana raja birds (Kumar et al,
2016) and broiler chicken (Kumaravel et al, 2019).
Different studies were in agreement with the findings
of present study that disclosed the dorsomedial forebrain The present study revealed that the corticoid complex
Table 1 : Showing both the significant and non-significant results of the Unpaired two tailed t-test (with Welch’s correction) for soma diameter of different neuronal classes observed in the
telencephalic areas of 15 & 30-day-old chick, Gallus gallus domesticus.
Soma Diameter (µm)(Mean ± SEM) Unpaired t-test (with Welch’s correction) Results
Region Neurons
15-day-old 30-day-old Df P tcalculated ttable Significant or
chick chick value value value value Non-significant
HA Multipolar 32.46 ± 0.82 22.96 ± 0.68 17 P<0.0001 8.872 2.11 Significant***
Pyramidal 22.63 ± 0.79 19.15 ± 0.49 15 0.0019 3.760 2.131 Significant**
Stellate 11.07 ± 0.28 10.66 ± 0.03 17 0.3247 1.014 2.11 Non-significant
IHA Multipolar 30.89 ± 0.90 19.91 ± 0.69 16 P<0.0001 9.665 2.12 Significant***
Pyramidal 25.97 ± 0.78 15.35 ± 0.42 13 P<0.0001 12.02 2.16 Significant***
Stellate 11.73 ± 0.42 8.05 ± 0.31 16 P<0.0001 7.100 2.12 Significant***
HI Multipolar 28.79 ± 0.72 21.92 ± 0.16 14 0.0002 5.039 2.145 Significant***
Pyramidal 22.21 ± 0.78 19.30 ± 0.47 14 0.0068 3.174 2.145 Significant**
Stellate 9.76 ± 0.30 7.31 ± 0.34 17 P<0.0001 5.379 2.11 Significant***
HD Multipolar 22.56 ± 0.91 21.10 ± 0.66 16 0.2108 1.304 2.12 Non-significant

Adarsh Kumar et al
Pyramidal 22.25 ± 0.94 16.90 ± 0.29 10 0.0003 5.452 2.228 Significant***
Stellate 9.64 ± 0.37 10.34 ± 0.28 16 0.1521 1.504 2.12 Non-significant
dHp Multipolar 22.46 ± 0.89 19.72 ± 0.73 17 0.0292 2.381 2.11 Significant*
Pyramidal 18.72 ± 0.62 16.14 ± 0.21 10 0.0028 3.925 2.228 Significant**
Stellate 12.45 ± 0.47 9.26 ± 0.40 16 P<0.0001 5.160 2.12 Significant***
mHp Multipolar 24.53 ± 0.76 18.04 ± 0.51 15 P<0.0001 7.106 2.131 Significant***
Pyramidal 19.97 ± 0.50 14.50 ± 0.74 15 P<0.0001 6.116 2.131 Significant***
Stellate 9.14 ± 0.22 8.64 ± 0.19 17 0.1034 1.721 2.11 Non-significant
vHp Multipolar 23.86 ± 1.03 18.22 ± 0.49 12 0.0003 4.950 2.179 Significant***
Pyramidal 14.50 ± 0.74 18.95 ± 0.38 16 0.3054 1.059 2.12 Non-significant
Stellate 9.88 ± 0.41 8.77 ± 0.35 17 0.0559 2.052 2.11 Non-significant
APH Multipolar 22.69 ± 0.85 23.30 ± 0.53 15 0.5526 0.6075 2.131 Non-significant
Pyramidal 17.61 ± 0.72 17.25 ± 0.59 17 0.7056 0.3842 2.11 Non-significant
Stellate 9.36 ± 0.58 8.64 ± 0.41 16 0.3288 1.007 2.12 Non-significant
L-I Multipolar 18.43 ± 2.03 26.63 ± 0.26 10 0.2407 1.247 2.228 Non-significant
Pyramidal 16.16 ± 0.63 18.11 ± 0.72 17 0.0571 2.041 2.11 Non-significant
Stellate 7.83 ± 0.15 10.50 ± 0.29 13 P<0.0001 8.278 2.16 Significant***

Table 1 continued...
Age affects the neuronal soma diameter in cerebral cortex of 15 and 30-day-old chick 2125

Hyperpallium apicale (HA), interstitial nucleus of the hyperpallium apicale (IHA), hyperpallium intercalatum (HI), hyperpallium densocellulare (HD), medial hippocampus (HCm), lateral
hippocampus (HCl), ventral hippocampus (HCv), area parahippocampalis (APH), layer-I (L-I), layer-II (L-II), layer-III (L-III), and dorsolateral corticoid area (CDL). Data is significantly
is present towards the dorsolateral side of the cerebral
cortex and includes two subfields: the dorsolateral
corticoid subfield and the intermediate corticoid subfield.




Significant** The intermediate corticoid (CI) region is found to be

further composed of three layers: Layer-I (present
towards the dorsal surface), Layer-II (present in the
centre of the intermediate corticoid region) and Layer-
III (present beneath the layer-II, towards the lateral
ventricle). At the caudal end of cerebral hemisphere, the
intermediate corticoid area along with the different
subfields of the hippocampal formation progressively

2.179 extinct. Thus, caudally at the level of cerebellum, only

the parahippocampal area of the hippocampal complex
and the dorsolateral corticoid area of the dorsolateral
forebrain are present. The dorsolateral corticoid subfield
is devoid of layering pattern and was observed to be a
narrower thin strip-like organization. These findings, of

the present study are in line with those of other studies

conducted in different birds like Parrot (Singh et al, 2019),
Chick and Pigeon (Tömböl et al, 2000b), Zebra finch
(Montagnese et al, 1996), chick, Gallus domesticus
(Kumar et al, 2021 and Kumar et al, 2021), Indian house


crow (Srivastava et al, 2014) and strawberry finch



(Srivastava et al, 2009).

Additionally, the specific results obtained in the
present study related to the variations induced by age-
factor in soma diameter of diverse neuronal cells observed
in the telencephalon of Gallus gallus domesticus cannot
be related with that of any other bird, because no exact
similar findings on variations induced by age-factor were

available to compare with the results of the present study.

The decrease in neuronal soma diameter of 30-day-old
chick in comparison to 15-day-old chick as shown in the
19.68 ± 0.50
16.45 ± 0.52
10.06 ± 0.18
19.41 ± 0.85
16.16 ± 0.76

19.32 ± 0.91
17.77 ± 0.42
9.79 ± 0.25

7.36 ± 0.32

present study may be because the neurons extend their

dendrites to form new connections in response to external
environment. Thus, the work of soma cytoplasm is
different at levels: *P<0.05, **P<0.01 and ***P<0.001.

extended towards the dendrites and so the soma diameter

constricts with increasing age in presently studied bird,
Gallus gallus domesticus.
22.98 ± 0.75
20.60 ± 0.84

22.07 ± 0.98
20.97 ± 0.39

30.60 ± 0.90
22.40 ± 0.88
13.56 ± 0.44
8.94 ± 0.37

9.14 ± 0.35

The findings of the present research study provide a
comparative description of variations in neuronal soma
diameter of various neuronal classes: the multipolar, the
pyramidal, and the stellate neurons in all the external
cortical areas of telencephalon of 15 and 30-day-old





chicks. The data shows that neuronal soma diameter, in

Table 1 continued...




all the regions of 30 day-old-chick, is decreasing whether

it is a significant or non-significant with few exceptions.
Thus, it can be predicted that the soma diameter is
decreasing in response to age factor in all the external

cortical areas of telencephalon. The present research

2126 Adarsh Kumar et al
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The authors declare that they have no competing
livia). The J. Comp. Neurol. 485(2), 165–182.
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The present research work has been approved by memory representation of large-scale space. Integrative and
the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) with Comp. Biol. 45(3), 555–564.
Protocol Number KUDOPS / 106 and all the experimental Bischof H J, Eckmeier D, Keary N, Löwel S, Mayer U and Michael N
procedures performed in the present research study were (2016) Multiple visual field representations in the visual wulst
of a laterally eyed bird, the Zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata).
carried out strictly in accordance with the animal care PloS One 11(5),
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University, Nainital. Uttarakhand, India. Participation of the homing pigeon thalamofugal visual pathway
Funding in sun-compass associative learning. Europ. J. Neurosci. 15(1),
The authors have no financial or personal relationship
Chand P, Maurya R C and Srivastava U C (2013) Neuronal morphology
with any third party whose interests could be positively and spine density of the visual wulst of the strawberry finch,
or negatively influenced by the article’s content. This Estrilda amandava. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. India Section B - Biol.
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Availability of data and materials
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available from the corresponding author upon reasonable Deng C and Rogers L J (2002) Organization of intratelencephalic
request. projections to the visual Wulst of the chick. Brain Res. 856(1–
2), 152–162.
Author’s contributions
Deng C and Rogers L J (2002) Prehatching visual experience and
Dr. Ram Chandra Maurya: Conceptualization, Data lateralization in the visual Wulst of the chick. Behav. Brain Res.
Curation, Formal Analysis, Methodology, Project 134(1–2), 375–385.
Administration, Resources, Software, Supervision, Drevets W C (2004) Neuroplasticity in mood disorders. Dialogues in
Validation, Writing-Review & Editing. Adarsh Kumar: Clinical Neuroscience 6(2), 199–216.
Investigation, Methodology, Visualization, Writing-Original El-Falougy H and Benuska J (2006) History, anatomical nomenclature,
comparative anatomy and functions of the hippocampal
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Gupta S K, Behera K, Pradhan C R, Mandal A K, Sethy K, Behera D
Writing-Review & editing. and Shinde K P (2016) Studies of the macroscopic and
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS microscopic morphology (Hippocampus) of brain in Vencobb
broiler. Vet. World 9(5), 507–511.
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Heyers D, Manns M, Luksch H, Güntürkün O and Mouritsen H
(DST-FIST Sponsored), Soban Singh Jeena Campus
(2007) A visual pathway links brain structures active during
Almora, Kumaun University Nainital for providing magnetic compass orientation in migratory birds. PloS One 2(9),
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