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#267 Sandico Street, Poblacion II, Marilao, Bulacan

Tel No.: (044) 248 64 14 Email Address:


First Quarter
Module 1
Week 1
Prepared by: Nikko S. Carillo
Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________
General Physics I
Module 1: Introduction to Physics and Measurements
I. Learning Objectives

 Solve measurement problems involving conversion of units, expression of measurements in scientific

 Differentiate accuracy from precision
 Estimate errors from multiple measurements of a physical quantity using variance
II. Lesson Proper
Introduction to Physics
Science is a systematized body of knowledge that is based on facts gathered through observations,
experiences and experiments in order to formulate a verifiable conclusion or law that serves as basis of
technology for the benefit of man and his environment. There are three major branches of science: natural
science, social science and applied science.
Social science deals with human behavior primarily in its social and cultural aspects. While Applied
science is the application of the theoretical sciences, like those in social and natural sciences.
Natural Science deals with the understanding and description of nature and is subdivided into biological
and physical sciences. Biological science deals with the study of living things while physical science deals with
the study of nonliving things. Physics is a subbranch of physical science. It is considered a basic science
because it serves as the foundation of other sciences.
Physics is divided into two main branches- classical physics and modern physics. Classical physics
refers to the traditional topics in physics that were recognized and developed before the beginning of the 20 th
century. These topics are concerned with matter and energy under normal conditions. Modern physics, on the
other hand, refers to concepts in physics that have surfaced since the beginning of 20th century. This branch is
mostly concerned with the behavior of matter and energy under extreme conditions.
A. Classical Physics
1. Mechanics- the study of forces acting on bodies, whether at rest or in motion
a. Statics- on forces acting on bodies at rest
b. Kinematics- on motion without regard to its cause
c. Dynamics- on motion and the forces that affect it
2. Acoustics- the study of the production and propagation of sound waves
3. Optics- the study of light
a. Physical optics- on the production, nature and properties of light
b. Physiological optics- on the part played by light in vision
c. Geometrical optics- on the reflection and refraction of light as encountered in the study of mirrors and
4. Thermodynamics- the study of the relationship between heat and other forms of energy
5. Electromagnetism- the study of the properties of electric current and magnetism, and their relationship
a. Electrostatics- on electric charges at rest
b. Electrodynamics- on moving charges
c. Magnetostatics- on magnetic poles at rest

B. Modern Physics
1. Atomic and Nuclear physics- the study of the components, structure and behavior of the nucleus of the atom
2. Quantum physics- the study of the discrete nature of phenomena at the atomic and subatomic levels; its focus
is on the indivisible units of energy called quanta as described by Quantum theory
3. Relativistic physics- the study of phenomena that take place in a frame of reference that is in motion with
respect to an observer.
4. Solid State physics- the study of all properties of solid materials, including electrical conduction in crystals of
semiconductors and metals, superconductivity and photoconductivity
5. Condensed Matter physics- the study of the properties of condensed materials with the ultimate goal of
developing new materials with better properties; it is an extension of Solid State physics
6. Plasma physics- the study of the fourth state of matter, plasma
7. Low-Temperature physics- the study of the production and maintenance of temperatures down to almost
absolute zero, and the various phenomena that occur only at such temperature

In describing objects, it is not enough to simply say that something is small, heavy or light. We need to
describe things in a mathematical manner. This process of obtaining the size or magnitude of a quantity, such as
length of your hair, or weight of your seatmate is called measurement.
International System (SI) Units or Metric System
Quantity Unit (Symbol) Power of Ten Prefix Abbreviation
Length Meter (m) 1012 Tera T
Mass Kilograms (kg) 109 Giga G
Temperature Kelvin (K) 106 Mega M
Time Second (s) 103 Kilo k
Amount of substance Mole (mol) 102 Hecto h
Electric current Ampere (A) 101 Deca da
Luminous intensity Candela (cd) gram, meter or liter
10-1 Deci d
10-2 Centi c
10-3 Mili m
10-6 Micro µ
10-9 Nano n
10-12 Pico p
English System
1cm = 0.3937 inch 1 foot = 12 in 1 ton = 2000 pounds
1m = 3.2808 feet 1 mile = 5280 ft 1 Newton = 0.2248 lb
1m = 1.0936 yard 1g = 0.0353 ounce 1 pound = 16 ounces
1km = 0.6214 mile 1kg = 2.2 pounds 1 gallon = 3.788 liters
1 inch = 2.54cm 1kg = 0.0685 slug

Many problems in physics require the conversion of one unit of measurement to another. This technique of
converting between units is called dimensional analysis. The starting point for dimensional analysis is unit
equality. A unit equality or conversion factor is an equation that shows the equivalent amounts of different
1. Convert 15m to feet
2. Convert 40 gigabytes to kilobytes
3. Convert 120 km/hr to m/s
4. How many inches are there in 12m?
5. Convert 15L to m3

Scientific Notation
Scientists made a way of writing extremely large and extremely small numbers in an easy way. This is
through the power of ten notation or exponential notation. In science, this is called the scientific notation. In this
method, the standard format is N x 10e, where N represents any single nonzero digit to the left of the decimal
point and e represents the exponent.
1. Equatorial diameter of Earth = 12, 756, 000 meters
2. Volume of Earth = 1, 100, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 cubic meters
3. Age of Earth = 4, 540, 000, 000 years
Significant Figures
Rules for Identifying Significant Figures
1. All nonzero digits are always significant.
2. Ending zeros to the right of the decimal point are significant.
3. Zeros to the right of the decimal point which are written only for the purpose of locating the decimal point are
not significant.
4. Zeros written between nonzero digits are significant.
5. Zeros written to the left of an understood decimal point are ambiguous; they may or may no be significant.
To avoid the ambiguity, rewrite the number in scientific notation.
1, 435 km 0.000143 g 5 x 103 kg
40.00 cm 2008 m 5.00 x 103 kg
Precision and Accuracy
Accuracy of measurement describes how well the results agree with an accepted value of the quantity
being measured. Precision refers to the degree of exactness to which a measurement can be reproduced.
You can numerically describe the consistency (precision) of measurements using variance. This
measures how far or close the measurement are from the mean (average). Variance is defined as the average of
the squared difference of the measurements from the mean. The square root of the variance is called the
standard deviation.
Graphing Data
A graph is a pictorial presentation of the relationship between variables. It shows how a quantity
changes with other variables. The dependent variable is sometimes called the responding or experimental
variable, and independent variable is also known as the manipulated variable. The dependent variable
responds to the changes in the independent variable, whereas the independent variable is the one that you
manipulate in the experiment.
A trend can be used to make predictions using the data. Notice that the graph is a straight line that
intersects the origin (0, 0) of the Cartesian plane. This illustrates direct proportionality. When the line does not
intersect the origin, there is only a linear relation between the variables.

III. Exercise
A. Make a diagram that will represent science and its branches down to the subbranches of physics.
B. Convert the following. Show your complete solution and box your final answer.
1. 180 lb to kilogram 6. 28.5L to mm3
2. 25 microseconds into nanoseconds 7. 1, 255, 467 mm to cm
3. 36 ft/s to km/hr 8. 13km to mile
4. 24Gg to lb 9. 1 terabyte to kilobytes
5. 80km/h to ft/s 10. 125 micrograms to decagram
C. Convert your answers in Test B to scientific notation.
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

IV. Reflection
Look for different products on your house a examine their different measurements. Compare the
measurements and comprehend on how will you look on things now as you know the different types of
measurements and conversion.

V. Self-learning activity
Help your parents or guardian in preparing your dinner or lunch. Take note of the different measurement
of the ingredients and make sure that you follow the exact recipe by applying the different measuring
techniques and conversion techniques.

Comments and feedback:

SCORE FOR THE WEEK: ___________________________________



Reference: General Physics I – DIWA Learning Systems Inc. (2017)

#267 Sandico Street, Poblacion II, Marilao, Bulacan
Tel No.: (044) 248 64 14 Email Address:


First Quarter
Module 2
Week 2
Prepared by: Nikko S. Carillo
Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________
General Physics I
Module 2: Scalars and Vectors
I. Learning Objectives
 Differentiate vector and scalar quantities
 Perform addition of vectors
 Rewrite a vector in component form
II. Lesson Proper
Physical quantities can be classified as scalars or vectors. A scalar is a quantity that can only be
described by its magnitude (numerical value consisting of the number and the unit), such as time, mass and
temperature. A physical quantity characterized by both magnitude and direction is called a vector. Some
examples of vector quantities are velocity, acceleration, force, momentum and electric field.

Vector Addition
A resultant vector is a single vector which represents the sum of two or more given vector quantities.
This may be obtained by the graphical method or by the analytical method.
A. Graphical Method
(see the separate video presentation for this topic)
B. Analytical Method
1. V1= 30m, 30° N of E
V2= 20m, 60° N of W
V3= 10m, SW
x- component y- component
V1 cos sin

V2 cos sin

V3 cos sin

Σx= Σy=

R=√ R 2x + R2y

θ = tan-1( ¿

III. Exercise
A. Solve for the resultant vector of the given vectors using analytical and graphical method.
1. V1= 70N, E
V2= 57N, SE
V3= 55N, 30° E of N
V4= 45N, 60° S of E

x- component y- component
V1 cos sin

V2 cos sin

V3 cos sin


Σx= Σy=
R=√ R 2x + R2y

θ = tan-1( ¿

IV. Reflection
Try to imagine your life as a vector quantity. Besides the magnitude, what direction do you think is your
life taking you? Describe and explain where that direction is leading you, and how will it help you in the future.

V. Self-learning Activity
Identify your current location via an online interactive map. Using that point as a reference, choose at
least five places, which can be a city or a famous landmark. Express their locations in terms of vectors. The
magnitude of one vector is the distance from your current location to one of your chosen places, which you can
find on the online map. The direction of the vector can be measured by constructing a Cartesian plane with your
current location at its origin.

Comments and feedback:

SCORE FOR THE WEEK: ___________________________________



Reference: General Physics I – DIWA Learning Systems Inc. (2017)

#267 Sandico Street, Poblacion II, Marilao, Bulacan
Tel No.: (044) 248 64 14 Email Address:


First Quarter
Module 3
Week 3
Prepared by: Nikko S. Carillo
Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________
General Physics I
Module 3: Kinematics
I. Learning Objectives
 Convert a verbal description of a physical situation involving uniform acceleration in one dimension into
a mathematical description
 Interpret displacement and velocity, respectively, as areas under velocity vs. time and acceleration vs.
time curves
 Solve for unknown quantities in equations involving one-dimensional uniformly accelerated motion ,
including free fall motion
II. Lesson Proper
Describing motion is the focus of a field of physics called mechanics. Mechanics is basically the study
of motion. It has two general parts- kinematics and dynamics. Kinematics is the mathematical description of
motion. You can describe motion using kinematic quantities such as position, speed and acceleration.
Dynamics, on the other hand, is the study of the causes of motion. For example, when an object falls, you can
say that gravity is the cause of its falling motion.

Speed is a scalar quantity while velocity is a vector quantity. Speed can be defined as the change in
distance that a body moves in a period of time, which is also known as instantaneous speed. When this speed is
associated with direction it will be a vector quantity known as velocity. Both speed and velocity follow the SI
unit of meter per second (m/s) the only difference is that velocity has direction in its unit.
distance d
speed= ∨s=
time t
1. A truck is moving with unknown speed for 30s, what is its speed if its motion covers a distance of 950m?

2. A boy runs his bicycle with a speed of 5m/s. How far does the boy go after 6 minutes?

3. What is the displacement of an object moving 25m/s south within 22s?

Acceleration is the rate at which velocity changes. Knowing acceleration of an object tells you how fast
the velocity of an object is changing. The SI unit for acceleration is meter per second squared (m/s2).
Vf −Vi 2
Vf −Vi
or a=
Acceleration Equations
At Rest With Initial Velocity
Vf= at Vf= Vi + at
d= 0.5at2 d= Vit + 0.5at2
Vf2= 2ad Vf2= Vi2 + 2ad

1. A boy started to run from rest until it reaches its velocity of 5m/s after 3 minutes. What is the acceleration of
the boy?

2. Give the final velocity of the car with an acceleration of 30m/s2 that is observed with initial velocity of 10m/s
running for 95s.

An important example of uniformity accelerated motion is the free fall of an object. When an object falls
under the influence of gravity alone, it is in a state of free fall. Galileo has proven that all objects, in the
absence of air resistance, fall with the same constant acceleration. This acceleration is called acceleration due to
gravity and denoted by symbol g. Its magnitude is approximately g=9.8m/s2.

1. Suppose you thrown a ball upward on the top of a cliff with a speed of 29.4 m/s. Compute for the distance
covered as it reaches its maximum height and compute for the maximum height.

2. A ball was dropped at the top a 120m high building. How long does it take for the ball to reach the ground?
What is the speed of the ball before it hit the ground?
III. Exercise
1. A car traveled from Meycauayan to Malolos at a distance of 25km in 45 minutes. What is the average speed
of the car at m/s?
2. What is the distance covered by an object if it moves at a speed of 32m/s for 1 minute?
3. Compute for the acceleration of a bus that accelerates from 40km/h to 65km/h in just 3 seconds.
4. What is the acceleration of an object if it moves from rest to a final velocity of 12m/s in a distance of 100m?
5. What is the distance covered by a car as it accelerates from 35km/h to 160km/h in just 20s?
6. What is the final velocity of a car if it accelerated by 5km/h2 while moving at 20km/h in a 4km long field.
7-8. Wade throws the ball upward as they win the championship versus Dallas Mavericks. What is the initial
velocity of the ball if it reaches a height of 150m? How long does it take for the ball to reach its maximum
9-10. War Machine drops to the ground from an altitude of 2, 750m. What is his final velocity as he hits the
ground? How long does it take for him to hit the ground?

IV. Reflection
In free fall motion of an object, the same speed as it goes up will be the same speed as it hits the ground.
How do you apply it in your life?

V. Self-learning Activity
Watch the gravitational experiment video in youtube.
_QPSbk. Title: Galileo's Famous Gravity Experiment | Brian Cox | BBC Two

Comments and feedback:

SCORE FOR THE WEEK: ___________________________________



Reference: General Physics I – DIWA Learning Systems Inc. (2017)

#267 Sandico Street, Poblacion II, Marilao, Bulacan
Tel No.: (044) 248 64 14 Email Address:


First Quarter
Module 4
Week 4
Prepared by: Nikko S. Carillo
Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________
General Physics I
Module 4: Projectile Motion
I. Learning Objectives
 Deduce the consequences of the independence of vertical and horizontal components of projectile
 Calculate range, time of flight, and maximum heights of projectiles
II. Lesson Proper
Projectile Motion
A projectile is an object with an initial velocity and whose path is determined by the effects of gravity
and air resistance. The path followed by a projectile is called its trajectory.
x component y component
ax= 0 ay= -g
Vx= Vix = Vi cosƟ Vy= Vy -gt = Vi sinƟ - gt
x= Vxt = Vixt = vi cosƟ t Vf= Viyt – 0.5gt2 = (vi sinƟ) t- 0.5gt2

1. A cannon with muzzle speed of 1,000m/s fired a cannonball horizontally off the edge of the cliff. Find the
cannonball’s position r and velocity after 35s.
Given: Vix= 1,000 m/s
Viy= 0
t= 35s

x= Vixt = (1, 000 m/s) (35s) v= Viyt – 0.5gt2

= 35, 000m = (0) (35s) – 0.5(9.8m/s2) (35s)2
= -6, 002.5m

r =√ x 2 + y 2
r =√ (35,000 m)2 +(−6 , 002.5 m)2
r =6 , 948 m
Vy= Vy -gt
Vy= 0m/s – (9.8m/s2) (35s)
Vy= -343 m/s

v=√ v x + v y V y −343 m/ s
2 2
tanƟ= =
v=√ (1,000 m/s )2+(−343 m/s )2 V x 1,000 m/s
v=1 ,057 m/s Ɵ=tan (−0.343)
Ɵ=−19 °
2. Anton claims that he can throw a dart at a dartboard from a distance of 2m and hit the 5cm bull’s-eye if he
throws the dart horizontally with a speed of 20m/s. He starts the throw at the same height as the top of the
bull’s-eye. Will Anton hit the bull’s-eye?
Given: x= 2m
Vix= 20m/s
Find: y
x= Vix t
2m = 20m/s t
t= 0.1s

y= 0.5 gt2
= 0.5 (9.8m/s2) (0.1s)2
= 4.9cm

3. A long jumper leaves the ground at an angle of 30˚ to the horizontal and at a speed of 6m/s. How far does he
Given: Ɵ = 30˚
Vi = 6m/s
Find: x or r
' 2 Vi sinθ
x= Vi cosƟ t’
= (6 m/s) (0.87) (0.61s)

( s)
2 6sin 30 ° = 3.18m
9.8 m/s 2
Vi sin 2 θ
t’ = 0.61s 2
(6 m/s) sin 60 ˚
9.8 m/ s2
36 sin 60 ˚
r= 2
9.8 m/ s
r= 3.2m

III. Exercise
1. A baseball is thrown horizontally with an initial velocity of 20m/s from a height of 1.5m. How long will it
take to reach the ground? How far will it go horizontally?

2. A cannonball on the ground is fired at 35˚ with an initial velocity of 250m/s.

a. How long will it take to hit the ground?
b. How far from the cannon ball will it hit the ground?
c. Compute for the maximum height to be reached by the cannon ball.

3. A soccer ball was hit and moved upward at a 50˚ angle with an initial velocity of 40m/s.
a. Find the length of time of flight.
b. What is the horizontal distance reached by the soccer ball?
c. What is the maximum vertical distance reached by the soccer ball?

IV. Reflection
Projectiles move in a parabolic path. Which part of your life seems to move like a projectile? Why do
you say so?

V. Self-learning Activity
Search for games like Angry Bird, Gunbound and other related apps. Then try to apply the concept of
projectile motions on the said apps.

Comments and feedback:

SCORE FOR THE WEEK: ___________________________________



Reference: General Physics I – DIWA Learning Systems Inc. (2017)

#267 Sandico Street, Poblacion II, Marilao, Bulacan
Tel No.: (044) 248 64 14 Email Address:


First Quarter
Module 5
Week 5
Prepared by: Nikko S. Carillo
Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________
General Physics I
Module 5: Newton’s Laws of Motion
I. Learning Objectives
 Apply Newton’s 2nd law and kinematics to obtain quantitative and qualitative conclusions about the
velocity and acceleration of one or more bodies, and the contact and noncontact forces acting on one or
more bodies
 Solve problems using Newton’s Laws of motion in contexts such as, but not limited to, ropes and
pulleys, the design of mobile sculptures, transport of loads on conveyor belts, force needed to move
stalled vehicles, determination of safe driving speeds on banked curved roads
II. Lesson Proper
Newton’s Laws of Motion
Law of Inertia
Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in
that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it. The
tendency of things to resist change in motion is called inertia. The
larger the mass, the greater the inertia. The smaller the mass, the
lesser the inertia.

Law of Acceleration
Acceleration of a body increases as the amount of force producing the
acceleration increases. The relationship between an object’s mass m, its
acceleration a and the applied force F is F= ma.

Law of Interaction
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. When an object exerts a force on another object,
the second object exerts a force of equal strength in the opposite direction on the first object.

Mass is the property of an object itself. It is the measure of an object’s inertia or its “quantity of matter”.
Weight is a force or the pull of gravity on an object.
1. An unbalanced force of 48N acts on a 10kg object. What acceleration is produced?

2. Calculate the accelerating force needed t change the speed of a 10kg object from 5m/s to 15m/s in a distance
of 12.5m.

3. A 1,250kg car moving at a speed of 18m/s is uniformly decelerated to a stop in 4.5s. Find the braking force

III. Exercise
A. Read the problems carefully and answer it correctly. Write your complete solution and box your final
1. A 2,800kg car is accelerated from rest at a rate of 5m/s2. What force is applied to it?

2. A force of 75,000N is produced and subjected to a 2,000kg missile for 8s. Find its initial velocity.

3. A force of 18N is applied to a 4kg block that is at rest on a level surface. Find the acceleration. How fast and
how far did the block travel in 5s?
4. A force if acting on a 28kg boy, which accelerates him at 3m/s2. What is the magnitude of the force? What
acceleration would be produced by the same force when it acts on a mass of 25kg and 30kg?

5. An 800kg car is going 15m/s along a level highway. How much force is required to stop the car in a distance
of 60m?

6. A 500kg vehicle is moving with a velocity of 10 m/s. What constant force applied for a period of 8s will
increase its velocity to 30m/s?

7. A rope is attached to a 40kg object and is pulled upward with a force of 600N. What is the upward
acceleration of the object?

8. A 2kg body is being raised by means of a string at an acceleration of 3m/s2. What is the pull on the string?

B. Give 3 examples each for the three Newton’s Law of Motion.

IV. Reflection
Based on Newton’s Third Law of Motion, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, what
scenarios in life you experienced it or you can apply it?

V. Self-learning Activity
Search for different Marvel or DC characters and examine their powers. Then, apply the law of motion
if their power is really possible or not.

Comments and feedback:

SCORE FOR THE WEEK: ___________________________________



Reference: General Physics I – DIWA Learning Systems Inc. (2017)

#267 Sandico Street, Poblacion II, Marilao, Bulacan
Tel No.: (044) 248 64 14 Email Address:


First Quarter
Module 6
Week 6
Prepared by: Nikko S. Carillo
Name:____________________________________________ Date:____________
General Physics I
Module 5: Work, Power and Energy
I. Learning Objectives
 Determine the work done by a force acting on a system
 Relate the gravitational potential energy of a system or object to the configuration of the system
 Solve problems involving work, energy, and power in contexts such as, but not limited to, bungee
jumping, design of roller -coasters, number of people required to build structures such as the Great
Pyramids and the rice terraces; power and energy requirements of human activities such as sleeping vs.
sitting vs. standing, running vs. walking.
II. Lesson Proper
Work is the quantity equal to the force applied to an object times the motion of the object in the
direction of the applied force. A force does work when it acts on a body so that there is a displacement of the
point of application in the direction of the force. If constantly acting force does not produce motion, no work is
performed. The joule is the SI unit for energy and work. It was named from Scottish brewer and scientist James
Prescott Joule. One joule, (J) is equal to work done by a force of 1 newton (N) moving its point of application
through 1 meter (m).
W= Fd
Work= Force * distance
J= N * m
1. Find the work done when a force of 300N is applied in pulling a box a distance of 6m.

2. How much work is needed to lift a 150N sack of potatoes to a height of 5m?

Power is the rate of performing work. Power measures how quickly the work is done. Mathematically,
power is equal to the work done divided by the time in which the work is done. Work is measured in joules (J),
time is measured in seconds (s), and power is measured in joules per second (J/s). Joules per second are more
commonly known as watts(W). The SI unit of power is the watt.
The concept of power is also useful when dealing with electricity. The usual way of expressing electrical
energy is in kilowatt hours; 1kWh is the energy spent un using energy at 1 kilowatt of power for 1 hour. In case
of machines or engines, power is still expressed in units of horsepower(hp) where 1 hp equals 746W. It was first
used by James Watt in 18th century as a way of describing the power of the steam engines he made.
1. If a crane lifts a load of 3,000N to a height of 4m in 6s, what is its power?

2. What average power is employed in lifting 30kg sack of rice to a height of 15m in 1min?

Energy is the ability to do work. Potential energy is energy that is stored in an object. An object’s
potential energy is determined by its position relative to the ground. Potential energy (PE) is equal to the
product of an object’s weight and its height (h). This is referred to as gravitational potential energy.
PE= weigh * h PE= mass * g * height
1. A 25kg object is located 8m above the ground level. Find its potential energy.

2. A boy has 1250J of PE at the top of a guava tree 6m high. What is his mass?

Kinetic energy is energy of motion. If an object is not moving, it has no KE. Kinetic energy is dependent upon
the speed of an object. Kinetic energy has the same units as potential energy.
KE= 0.5 mv2
1. A 2000kg car is traveling at 25m/s. Find its KE.

2. A 65kg man runs 500m in 60s at constant speed. Find its KE.
Forms of Energy
 Thermal (Heat) energy is caused by the motions of particle that make up matter. It is created when any
object emits heat of any kind.
 Nuclear energy is the energy produced in the nucleus of an atom. It originates from the splitting of
uranium atoms in a process called fission.
 Kinetic energy; everything that moves has kinetic energy. The faster an object goes, the more kinetic
energy it has. Kinetic energy is created when something moves.
 Sound energy is the energy associated with the sound waves which are produced when objects vibrate.
 Electrical energy is a form of energy that arises from the distribution or movement of electrical charges
within or on objects. Electrical energy can be converted to other energy forms.
 Electromagnetic of Light energy is the energy moving electrons given off in the form of light. Hence,
anything that emits light, such as a flame or a bulb has light energy.
 Strain energy; if something is stretched, pushed or put under pressure in any way, it creates energy.
 Gravitational Potential energy; imagine a book in a shelf, this book would have gravitational potential
because it if gets nudged, the gravity would have an effect on it.
 Chemical energy is an energy released when atoms bond together.

Converting Energy to Other Forms

 When the nucleus of an atom splits, nuclear energy is produced in the form of heat, sound and light
 Solar panel are used to capture light energy from the sun and convert it to electricity
 Green plants undergo photosynthesis to convert light energy into chemical energy in the form of food.
 When you turn on a light, not all of the electricity is converted to light energy. Some of the energy is
converted to heat.
 When you rub your hands together, you are converting mechanical energy into heat energy.
 The fuel in a rocket engine has stored chemical energy. When the fuel is ignited, the fuel’s stored
chemical energy becomes heat energy and mechanical energy.
 When energy is converted from fuel to forward movement in a bus engine, some energy is wasted as
 Coal and wood contain chemical energy that is released as heat when the fuel is burned.

III. Exercise
A. Multiple choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. NO ERASURE.
1. If a force moves an object or changes its direction, what is being done?
A. Energy C. Power
B. Momentum D. Work

2. How much is work done by gravity on a man standing on a platform?

A. Positive C. 9.8m/s2
B. Negative D. Zero
3. How much work is performed on an object in uniform circular motion?
A. Positive C. 9.8m/ss
B. Negative D. Zero
4. How
A. mhmuch work is performed by gravity on an object of massC.m mg/hin free fall over a distance h meters?
B. mh/g D. mgh
5. A force of 10N works on a ball over a distance of 5m. The force is perpendicular to the displacement of the
ball. What is the total work done by the force?
A. -50N C. 2N
B. 0N D. 50N
6. Energy is measured in the same units as ____.
A. Force C. Power
B. g D. Work
7. Kinetic energy is proportional to ____.
A. Acceleration C. Velocity
B. Gravitational force D. v2
8. Why do energy and work use the same unit?
A. It is the unit chosen by Pascal who studied heat.
B. Energy is required to do work.
C. Both measure the speed at which power is used.
D. All of the above.
9. As a body falls freely in the absence of air, what happens to its kinetic energy?
A. Decreases C. Remains the same
B. Increases D. Decreases, then increases
10. A stone is dropped from a height of 50m. At what height is the energy half kinetic and half potential?
A. At the start of the flight C. Upon reaching the ground
B. At the middle of the flight D. The same all throughout the flight
11. What is power?
A. Force per unit length C. Work per unit time
B. Work per unit length D. Work times time
12. Which of the following is not a unit for power?
A. Joule-second C. Newton-meter per second
B. Horsepower D. Watt
13. If an object has kinetic energy, then it also must have ____.
A. Acceleration C. Impulse
B. Force D. Speed
14. An object that has kinetic energy must be ____.
A. At an elevated position C. Falling
B. At rest D. Moving
15. When a 300N force is applied to a box weighing 600N, the box moves 3m horizontally in 20s. What is the
average power?
A. 45W C. 900W
B. 90W D. 1800W

B. Read the problems carefully and answer it correctly. Write your complete solution and box your final
1. Find the work done in raising a 50kg box through a height of 3m.

2. Find the work done in lifting 25kg of bricks to a height of 25 in a building under construction.
3. Five thousand joules of work is used to raise an object to a height of 20m. What is the mass of the object?
4. A swimmer develops an average power of 220J/s as he covers 100m in 75s. What is the resistive force
exerted by water on her?

5. A constant force of 1,500N pulls a crate along a level floor a distance of 15m in 70s. What is the power used?

6. A man raises a 120kg barbell from the floor to a height of 1.5m in 60s. What is the average power output
during the lift?

7. A 1,400kg car can go from zero to 95km/h in 6s. What is the power required to do this?

8. What is the potential energy of a 12kg mass 80m above the surface of the Earth?

9. What is the kinetic energy of a 1.5kg ball that travels a distance of 80m in 10s?

10. Calculate the kinetic energy of a 700kg car moving at 12m/s. What is the kinetic energy of the car if the
speed is doubled?

IV. Reflection
Think about your potential talents and skills. What are they? How do you develop them? How can you
share your talents and skills to other people?

V. Self-learning Activity
Calculate the potential energy your body has and also calculate your work done within an hour. Also
calculate your kinetic energy as your run as fast as you can. Then relate it to our lesson.

Comments and feedback:

SCORE FOR THE WEEK: ___________________________________



Reference: General Physics I – DIWA Learning Systems Inc. (2017)

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