Introduction To Ocean Cleanup Volunteering

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Introduction to Ocean Cleanup Volunteering

Discover the rewarding world of ocean cleanup volunteering, where

community members come together to protect our precious marine
The Importance of Ocean


1 Sustaining 2 Safeguarding 3 Combating Climate

Ecosystems Resources Change

Healthy oceans are vital Oceans provide Oceans play a crucial

for supporting diverse essential resources like role in regulating the
marine life and food, energy, and global climate and
maintaining delicate livelihoods that benefit mitigating the effects of
ecological balances. humanity. climate change.
Impacts of Marine Pollution

Harming Wildlife Human Health Risks Economic

Plastic waste, oil spills, and Pollutants in the ocean can
other pollutants endanger enter the food chain, posing Ocean pollution damages
marine animals, leading to threats to human health industries like fishing, tourism,
entanglement, ingestion, and through seafood and coastal communities,
habitat destruction. consumption. leading to significant
economic losses.
Types of Waste in the Oceans

Plastic Pollution Ghost Fishing Gear

Discarded plastic items, such as bottles, Abandoned, lost, or discarded fishing nets,
bags, and microplastics, make up the lines, and traps continue to entrap and harm
majority of ocean waste. marine life.

Organic Waste Hazardous Substances

Food scraps, wood, and other Chemical spills, heavy metals, and other
biodegradable materials can also contribute hazardous materials pose serious threats to
to ocean pollution. marine ecosystems.
Ocean Cleanup Activities

Beach Cleanups 1

Volunteers collect and remove litter

from coastal areas, preventing it from
entering the ocean. 2 Underwater Cleanups

Divers and snorkelers remove waste

from the seafloor and coral reefs,
Waste Sorting and Recycling 3 restoring habitats.
Volunteers sort and recycle collected
waste, ensuring it is properly disposed
of or repurposed.
Community Benefits of Volunteering

Community Engagement

Volunteers connect with their local community and work together towards a common ion and

Volunteering raises awareness about ocean conservation and inspires others to take action.
By: Cristiano Silva and Luís Severino

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