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PALLADIUM BOOKS PRESENTS . . . AFTER THE BOMB A TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE SUPPLEMENT Dedicated to Kate, Loved and Cherished. Copyright (c) 1986 by Kevin Siembieda. All rights reserved under the Universal Copyright Convention. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews. All Incidents, situations, insticutions, governments and people are fic- tional and any similarity, without satric intent, of char- acters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. Cover art and all interior art is {c) 1986 by Peter Laird, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a registered trademark and copyright jointly held by Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic book is available from: Mirage Studios P.O, Box 1218 Sharon, CT 06069 ($1.50 ea.) After the Bomb is published by Palladium Books, 5926 Lonyo, Detroit, Michigan 48210. PALLADIUM BOOKS PRESENTS .. . AFTER THE BOMB WRITTEN BY: Erick Wujcik EDITED BY: Alex Marciniszyn Kevin Siembieda ILLUSTRATED BY: Peter Laird GUN BUNNIES ADVENTURE AND ADDITIONAL TEXT BY: Matthew Balent TYPED BY: Maryann Siembieda ART DIRECTION: Kevin Siembieda COVER PAINTING BY: Peter Laird TABLE OF CONTENTS CREATING A CHARACTER . eakeh Adapting Teenage Mutaa: Ninja Turtles to After the Bomb Mutation Background (substitute table) . Adapting Heroes Unlimited to After the Bomb A PLAYERS INTRODUCTION Notes on Life After the Bomb Money ... THE EMPIRE OF HUMANITY Emperor Christian Professor Sybek . General Ulster Empire Troopers Type 2xd Robot Armor Typical Empire Soldier with G-9 Assault Rifle Empire Sobre-15 Jet Fighter-Bomber . Empire LC-12 Assault Helicopter ...... Empire 35-H Armored Tanks Note: see pg. 44 for Empire Security Robots eT THE RODENT CARTEL OF FILLY . NIYAK .. BIRD ISLAND .. OTHER LANDS AND AREAS .... GUN BUNNIES AND ZOMBIES (Adventure) The Benny Area Enter the Gun B Other Non-Player Characters for Gun Bunny Gloons/Psycho-ZOMBies sssssssseccsessereanesesssneen A JOURNEY TO BOAR’S TOWN (Adventure) .. Other Non-Player Characters for Boar's CLEM'S BIG ADVENTURE (Adventure) Other Non-Player Characters for Clem's Adventure AERIAL SUPREMACY (Adventure) Other Nen-Player Characters for Aeri THE POWER OF ALI KOMANI (Adventure) . ee Other Non-Player Characters for the Komani Adventure THE RODENT PLAGUE (Adventure) .. Other Non-Player Characters for the Plague Adveneure .. ENCOUNTER TABLES 2... Wilderness Encounter Quick Rolling Mutant Animals Table Special Power Table ... Animal Type Table Quick Roll Murant Bogs Table . Veet The City of Filly, Home of the Rodent Cartel (Arc) | Supremacy troduction Ibe sa oe rst Tang Mane Dols ee oat asnege tte Sile Tonste ess Adventure Supplement? fe eore Of this book was a scenario called you ed 11, After the Bomb. It wes originally Intended as Suvencure chapter in the TMNT game. Then we just jad away with che possibilities of a world filled ich mutant animals. Finally, we decided that After che (deserved © dodk of ite very own. We hope you IKE As you examine the world welve created you will ickly see that we've only covered a small pkece of the rid, Just part of the Nartheastern Seaboard of the U.S. leeve the reat to the Imoginction of creative gsme iastera, OF couras, 1 You want mare theo by all means ‘Tet us know! reating a Character )APTING TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES TO AFTER THE BOMB in order to use the macerial ip this book you! eed yme ind of roleplaying game rales, Alebough an Imagi~ fie une mance ee it ws So yon olecaust gomey e's deaignes for the special animal mu fier rules in ‘Teenage, Mutant Ninje Turtles and. Other USrangeosr.Twore’s fost one’ minor modification nesdess Moen you roll up characters for After the. Bomby_ leave Wn 'slop 3. Cause of Maecion! Ipage 7 In the rule! beck Bod subatiuse che following: Step 5: Mutation Backgrowns After you've rolled for the animal type, the next “hep It (o determine the background of the mucaced eri- mmol in the world of After the Bomb. Roll percencile dice “of this sable. O15 Technicians: Rejeed In one of tbe animal civies. ‘ois Tears the character received an excellent education with a Reavy technical emphasis. +15% Scholastic. Bonue Whh § High Schoo! skill 10 College kills and 12 See- ondary skills, The character hes earned from 2,000 10 12,000 bucks [206 tlmes 1,000). The character will oppose the Empire of Humenity, But will not discriminace against fuans These ursan cheraceers tend 10 think of heir country cousins a a bit backward, 16-25 Militia: The characcer wat raised in an agricultural fommunity. Frequent ralér and skirmishes with the Em- pire and their New Kennel allles meant mandatory mill- tery Ualnieg for all youths. 5% Scholastic Bocus and 6 High Schoo! skills, 8 Sceoodery skills and 3 Military hills fn addition, all rural characters will know Agriculcural sod First Aid. Only 200 to. 1200 tucks (206 times 100) are fayallable for initial equipment. Cherees are the character bad ticle persoral contact with bumans end will treat ‘of them potential enemies. 26.35 Elite Militias Musant ooimal rnificary unity are often iF jent, raising families in fortified com- pounds Setween bartles. Their offspring are highly trained hniltoriiy, but tend to. mise out on some of the civilian {hills No Scholastic Bosus and 4 High Sedool skills, 5 Secondary skills and 6 Miltory skills, ‘The characcer wil) own nfletype weapon (advault rifle, subrachine gan, foiper rifle, oF shotgun), a pistol, anda complete set of inilitary equipmen’ and supplies plus 100 bucks cash. Elie Millia cend ta sreat humans with a. professional cool. 36-55 Guercilias; Primitive communities, far removed from ihe protection of Cardenla, have hod to learn guerrilla, fechaigues in order to survive the constant raiding {rom the Empire of Humanity os well as mutant renegades, From en eorly age che children pave vo learn bow te vold mines, booby traps and other fazardi, Ne Scholastic Bonus, but all these characters nave 2 High Schoot skills, 4 Secondary skills, 2. Military skills, plus Basic Survival 50%, Prowl 40%, Tracking 75%, and Dasic Explasives 40%, 190"'to 600 bucks (1D6 times 100) worth af equipment ta available, These characters have learned to hide their true fealings (usually hatred) {rom humans. 56-75 Scous; Some families ere so remote that a mucont EhilG Will Be raised without feeIng more than one stran- fer o yeer, These characters are usually recrulced ax Scouts, No Scholastic Genus. The character bas 4 Secor Gary. skills, 2-Milltary skills, plus Basie Survival 90%, Escupe Artist 25%, Prow! 80%, Fishing BO%, Hureing 40%) Tracking 80%, and Trapping 63%, Bonuses of +10 In $0.6. and ae2 in'P.C. are els added. The cbaracter usually Comes put of the wildemess with ragged clothes, one aged weapon, apd a qunny sack of cooking tools and vae~ fil seavenged items, The character is friendly, but rustice Curious, and not nacessurlly hastile toward humans 76-85 Ferol Scouts: Alter to many atcacks by the empire TRE noe urprisiag that many mutant apices) young found Chemselves. lost ard atone in the wilderness. Those that Survived alone end eventually returned co civilizetion are Known a1 Feral Scouts, Thoy tord to be rougher, but or ff well sducated 9g the average mutant animal. No Scho- Tostie Bonas, 2 Secondary abills, 2 Miltary skills, Basic Survival 98% Climbing 80%, Escape Artisc 15% Prov! 30%, ‘Tracking 75%, ond Hutcing 90%, There I @ SOC. bonus of +3 and bonis of #15, a P.E, bonus of +6, a Pa 8 PP. boous of +2, The chi worth of government-supplied Weapons, supplies and equip ment, These characters rend 10 be antisocial in the ex~ treme. 85-90 Free Slaves: Born ito stovery in the Empire of Famenityy theee young mutant animals evencually escaped For the fost of their Hvar they bave a burning desire to being down humanity. They have 6 Secondary skills, 2 Milleary skills, Basic Survival 20%, and Escape Artist 50%. Add ay SD.C. bors of #25 ond a P.S, bonus of <5. Characters have 200 bucks worth of goverament-supplied ‘weapon’, supplies and equipment. Cruel treatment has Tort them with many kinds of Scars and a cocal hatred of humankind, 91-95 Scientists: Particularly bright youngsters are adopts ed inco a special training program. This is administered mostly by well-educated humans. Graduates have High School skills, 12 College skills ond 15 Secoodary sells Scholastic boms of s20%, The character will Rave 3,000 bucks woreh oF weapons, equipment and supplies, Scien- tists ore raised end trained largely by humans; they will be. as, comforteble ‘around human as around mutact nial 46-00 Ninja Ths character was adopted Ino, a Ninja seFoors 3 High School skills, 3 Military sills, 2 College tkilis, 6 Secondary skills and Hand to Hand Ninja. In ad dition, the character bas a choice of 3 ancient or ninja ‘weapon proficiencles. Outfitting. should include 230 bucks ‘of weapons, equlpmert ond supplies. In addition the schoo! will provide tha eheracter's primary ninja weapon lor pair Sf weapons). Ninja ore cautlous!y neutral toward animals alike, HEROES UNLIMITED The Palladium game, Heroes Unlimited, is anther Useful set of adcitional rules for this role-playing satcing. I the game master Inerds to use Heroes ae the excl- sive rule system then we recommend that all the player Characters store out as muteats, Should you. wish to, Use boeb Heroes Unlimited and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles then substitute the following for tbe Revised Random Power Table (T-M.N.T. pg 80), if you wane to allow both Tuman-and animal player characters, After the Bomb Revised Random Pomer Table 1-37 Mutant Haman with Psionios 18-70 Macant Super-Powered Human 71-00 Mutant Antal Powere After the Bomb: A player’s introduction The cime Is che tare cwenty-first century. ‘Tae place ly America. An America torn apere in a brutal cacastro- pe of war, plague and ouclear wiacer ("the Big. Destt"), An America now populated mostly by inrelligent mutated animals. AS & player in this game you will Have che epparti- ty co explore this strange pew world. You will also have, the rare pleasure of playiog ® mutent animal, hopefully 8 refreshing chenge from ihe usual armored Knighes and siiver-suiced spacemen. Most of the population are animals, mutated dogs, ats, mics and tose, but there are still some humans Femaining. Most bumans bave worked hard to belp. the ‘animal, escablishing cchoole, Factories and governments for the new animal order. Other humans were cox 30 er lightened, and records of persecurion and. killing were Now ll of the evil that bumans are capable of has been concencraced inte one poweriul force: eke Empire ‘of Humanicy. With a functional nuclear fusion lent, with advanced, early twancyefiest century technology, with loyal canine nation blind co their mednes and with o huge slave labor force, che Empire is by far the strongest force in the known” world. Worse, tbe Empire. loudly threatens to exterminate all the intelligent animel As player characters in the ganie your overall goal will be 0 safeguerd yeur fellow marane enkmale from the evil schemes of the Empire. This will invalve searching fhe ruine of the Jost civilization for various ariifects oF power ané knowledge. Even if such artifacts are unusable by the animals it Is necessary to ston the Empire fram Arowing any more paweriul than It already ls! NOTES ON LIFE: AFTER THE BOMB ‘The player characters, regardless of thelr origins, ree will usunlly be citizens of Cardanla, Whether faders, scouts, or members of the milieury. Mors Tew motes on Tite in After the Born’, Mover: Old money, dollars, pesetas, marks and pounds, ste ail totally wotthlesn Batter le! more. common chat ‘utrency ‘exchange inthe animal works. The Orly paper money now issues are the Cardanian Oucks. Small change Ste lig, and there are SRE ee a eck hetero" ered 486 legal tendar ip Cardacio, in most of the. Cancessed Lands, with ay representatives of the: Rodent Cartel a ‘hrougbour the Plains of Free Caxtle. Here sre some ()p- cal prices end ‘payments ‘An overnight room in en inn ‘4A 5 pound sack of flour A Tine ctnner for imo Cloth Pens Cloth Shire Leather Armor IA.R. 9, SD.C. 20) Chala Mall (AR. 19, SID.C, 44) 12 Arrows gooe quality long bow dagger fine quolity long sword 45 eutomatic isto! hip of ammuattion (8 rounds) Flashlight Flashiiahe battery Farm lator dally wager Solter’s dally wager papan>> From this list you should get the Idew that bast, primitive things, like Food, clothing end simple cratis, are Pretty cheap. On the other hand, any kind of mamicecy tured teem Is relatively expensive, And the more techno: logiciaily sdvanced it ig, the more it will cost Bosleally, Bry old, working artHfacts are worth the same in bucks of chey are in cellars. Those items vill fend to be worn dowa ang troublesome. Newly made ver sions of the same items will coat 3 times as many bucks 9 dollars, For example, a 23mm camers liste for $250 in TMNT. chat means that an old, vintage 1986, cemere Would be old for aboue 250 Buske, But, if 0 factory Cardania stares raking new 35mm cameras they will sell foe 750 Bucks, chree times as much, Prices to VMLNT: fare) Heroes Unilmited ean easily be traneleted inte ‘Bucks. ‘The Empire of Humanity and New Kennel don't use ny kind of cab. Testead’ thay hover an Elucttonie. Cur, ency Exchange and the velue of something Is. measured in Empire Credits. Everyone carrles credit cards emoece: sd with the electronics necessery for crediting or debie- fing a person's account. As an additional security measure leach person's card must be activated by thac person's Ehumbprints in the Empire, prices are roughly equivalent to pre-ceath American doliars. New Kennel bas a by flation problem ord Is slwayt ‘adjusting’ prices, creating have among the tradesmen and bankers. In ail furans comrolled areas there ie en active black merket thet deals only (9 buck Offepring: Although interspecies dacing and marsiage are fairly common, producing offapring Ia. only possible becween mutants wich the 2ame animal beritege. Far en ample, a mutant dog would have to mate with arather ‘mutant dog in order to bave chilcren, Even a mate be- Eween a mutsoc dog ond a murane coyote oF wall woul be infertile. “Any burnan children will have a 38% chance ‘of being bora wish mutane abilities. Humans canaot mete ‘wich mucane animals and produce offspring. Mucant Monsters: Let me first point out the follow= ing, hi te 8 Fantany. game!” Veo, in" che ren) world mis ants are not fury they ore born with severe malferma Hons nd generally migcarzy, dle in chilcbirch oF require Invecsive care for thelr entire lives. In this fentasy game things are unreal, miutuate are bors’ with Incredible powers animal mutante are almost always born with human in- telligence, and characters are rarely grotesque. ‘That's ta ‘more real chan magical. ireballs or fascer-tnan-Iight trav. el, We designed the game so that it would be fun Real mctear wor, real any king of war, is not fu Feel free to play ovr games, fantasize about our worlds, bbut don't forges thet reel world violence Js something we" should ail do-our best to avoid. The Empire of Humanity This wouldn't de much of a ratecpiaying. game with= Bea ech al drot silelnn, Bongsae no esaee aneed Ai ali she’ pone-bolocauat powers is the Empire” of Haman Sop 9 tyronical Teaim built on ¢ toundetion oF Tote ema Titi. "Tee capitol Ia Technouile, en sdvanced, walled Gey bute aroun. working. fusion’ reaesor he only ane Iet in the world) The Empire la ruled by a braval cleta- Gira incone on ensloving. and exterminating all wention« finals: "Their ‘economy ts cepesdere om stave labor rade fiiraly of numarok orimals.. Slave uprisings ave ‘been ffequen, as ave ral repreisions, Population: The buman population is roughly 28,500. Most I the troughly 18,500) live. in Tachaowille snd. the re- fahder are elther om mititary duty or live as overseers the outlying plantations. They serve as the educated, Technologies! elise. All che grunt. work is done by she fmutart animal slaves. Murant animals are estimated at 290,000 and consist of equal numbers of horse, cattle, Dis 28 shecp. Carnivorous snivoals, asisiala wich the ower of flight, and rodencs are sterilized and often ex terinaces in CTequenc purges. Governments The Empire is ruled uy Emperor Chriscian's Inperis’ decree, lthough Ne will ofton lot others toke fhe credit for porenticlly unpopular measures, The primary Higelogy ie simple: intelligent murares are a threat to humanity and should be destroyed, Any apposition te the fulers of the Empire has been effectively silenced. ilkery Forces: Alcbough he soidlets of the Empire are Merci sorval: bument (approximately. 12% have, owtan forets) ‘hey are peovlded wich eufficient technologically Giperer equipment’ to make them ® match for any of heir larger delghbocing teesicories. Army: 3,700 hurtan solders provided with 210 suits of Type 1 Armor, 2400 sults of Type 2d. Armor, and 44800 Aucornatle Rifles (mlalmom «waning is W.P. tad pve, Large. quantities of verimunition, grenades, man: forcable anti-tank missiles (LAWS), esxy machine guns fe pistols are. stockplied. 48 tanks, 180 trucks, 85 jeep ted ‘ot armored personnel carriers’ make up the srmyrs feticle pooh ‘Auillery Troops: 4,900 mutated dogs trom New eoodl“are Gad Oy Tio Cape mune officers They ere fSrmed with Automatic Riflee and are suppiied with Unie forms and equipment, Each human officer commands /con- trols @ unk consisicg of @ Jeepy a UUck, three heavy Machine gun anics, sis grenade launchers ond one exullery eve . Navy: The Empire maintains at least 6 operational leet vider beatae all tinea, None of the boats are fer, all ere scavenged pre-death relies end ere not koovn for thelr reliability. These are used ‘momtly for stopping smagalers and terrerists ‘Alt Farce: Empire of Humanity aie superionty Is b- solucé The ait force hee over 600 trained pllois any 63 Sater-1S Jet Fighter-Bombers, 120 Combat. hellcopcersy 15 wide-bodled transporcs (auitable. for parachute ereps) anes wide variety of pro-deathelliraryareratt. Wile there are dozene of alriislds eosttered.arourd che ration the main sit base sa tuge alrarafe. carrier. permanesty Anchored betweer the Empire ond NPYale. Secret Forces: A network of several hundred pald imal-sptes circtlaces throughout the. various onimal ne~ tions Roughly 250 Internal tecurity police. wateh far hi ‘han’ or slave uprisings in the Empire. Midnight arrests thd sudden, unexplained "disappearances! arb common. wnomy: The Empire hat by far the strongest manufac- iurlag capacity in the known world. Recently the animal faves Inthe factories re being reploced by robors. The Empite 1s approsimerely the techcological equal of 1986 America, capable of making advanced vehicles, electronicsy pharmeceuricals sad weapons Their biggest problem is Eneir small population, which provides cco few technically ‘rained people. Emperor Christian Real Name: Daniel Chrlsclan Aligument: Diabolic ‘Auubuees: LO, 17, ME. 14, MA. 13, PIS. 14, PAP. 6 PE. 8, PB, 16, Spel 14 Age: 86 (looks 40) Sex: Male Size Welgne: 225ibs Height: 65" Hic Poims 32 SD.Cx 00 tece power Disposition: Sy, smooth talking’ and. slippery. He avoids ‘making outright starements, praferring to Imply ore thing Powers: Aires Physical Structure: Stone hristlen has 8 super power that allows him eo La ‘tantly change his body to 'hard_ stone. Io_chis form be has a 48 co PS, and AR. of 17 and an SD.C. of 600. He weighs 4 times normal (960Ibs) while stone and Is ce sistant to poralysis, scun rays, flame, heat end cold. Ex- Plosives, energy weapons, electricity and nuclear blasts do oly half damage Physical attacks, weapons and bulles fda no damage unless they scrike on a roll of 18 or better. Christian will avoid using this mutant power around other humans. Palontes: None Level of Experience: ith Level ‘evel of Education: High School and Military Traising Scholastic Bonus: None ‘Occupation: Emperor Stall Explosives/Demolitions 39/90% First Ald 80% Pilot Automodiie - All 98% Pilot Military Vehicles 80% Pilot Helicopeers eax Pilot Combat Helicopters 64% Weapons Proficiencies W.P. Automatic Pistol, 6th Level, Expert WIP. Automatic Rifle WIP. Machine Gun wir. Energy Pistol WIP, Energy Rifle Physioui Skiile/Tralning Hand ro Hand Expert, 6h Level General Athletics Boning Espionage Skills/Special Training Prowi 65% Teackieg 65% Secondary Skills “Fishing, 93% writing, Creative 0% Combac Satta Aitacks Per Melee: 3 Bie strike, =5 to perry/dodge, +3. to damage, +8 10 roll Wich puneb ‘or fall, '»2 to pull” a punch, =I to strike on body Block [D4 damage 2D6 damoge If stone), kecek out/stur on natural twenty; Hick attack does 1D6 damage Personal Profile: Christian's self-proclaimed sitle of ‘VEmperor™ Ts disputed by no one in the Empire, at least ot ery loudly. Originally, just after the Death, Christien Waa the leader of a renegade military unit. He discovered the working fusion reactor and realized sta tecredible po- tential, He then seized the reactor and its peaceful so entific community by force. Since then he Ras built a pation and eliminated most of the vocal opposition. A few scientists escaped his purges and are vow held as prisoners in separate science laborataries. Although Chris: Han claims to hace all matancs (especially mutant animals), he ‘cerefully conceals the fact that he is a mutant him self The mutant power hse apparently kept him trom aging for he still ‘appears to De anly middle aged. This bas created rumors af @ secret "immortality drug's Special Weapons: Cheiscian never goes anywhere’ without Seine Kind of sidearm, Usually he wears 2 dim Auto~ matic Plotol. When faced with an emergonéy sieuetion, he will take along an experimental fon Blaster Pistol that has 8 shots and dose SD6 polots damege per blast. Professor Sybet Real Name: William Sybek Allgament: Wiscreant Rurures: -Q. 1, ME. 14, MA. 12, PS. 18, PLP. 19, 12, Spd 19 78" Sex: Male Size Level 11 Weight: 245\bs Heignt: 5'9" Mic Points: 75 5.D.C.: 60 Disposition: Egotistical, boas:ing, contempruaus of others. “None Tovel of Experience: 7ch Level ‘Tere of Baueatlon Ductoraie Bens: 35% ‘Decupatloa: Chie! Scientist for the Empire of Homenity ‘Scholastic Skill Electrical Engineeriog em Mechanical Enginecring 28% Robotic Engineering 949%, Laser Tectioolosy 38%. Mathematics ~All 55% Optic ba Physics 8e% aa 95% trike/ erry dodge/ damage. This is Christian's second In command Tn the Empire. ie Is alsa the scientist who produces: most of the experimental science needed to keep the Empire from falling to the mutated animals. He is nat © bruliant man but knows how ta "motivate" ‘the other scientists to produce. He does this by a combination of rewards and Threats, often involving Innocent reletives and friends of the scientists. He has 0 problems jailing or torturing reluccant colleagues. Sysck also. maintains a special jail for dissident 121 entisis. Mase of the most brilliant minds are kept here and forced to work on various projects. Most would be glad of liberation, but stay because of threats to their Families. Sybek is’ perfectly capable of ‘killing women or chilgren iF he belteves hae At Wilk speed up is sclentiie ‘One of Sybek's blind spas Is bis view of mutant animals, He doesn't. believe that they can reelly. think Alchough mony brilllane animal selontiets hove veon cup tured by the Empiro they have all deen kiled by Sybex, Weapons: Although Sybek is totally unérsined, In ‘an emérgency ie might attempt to fire a weapon. ‘The Weapon is likely €o be something powerful and exper mental and his alm is likely to be Incredibly bad. General Uiseor Real_Name: Mike User Alignment: Scrupuious Rieiioates: 1.18, OLE. 11, MAL 19, PAS. 19, PaPs 19, =f, BB. Tl, Spd 7 Age $3." Sex:'Male Size Level: 12 Weyghes 272100 jeght: 67" Hie Pointe 27 S.0.C: 85 Disposition: Business, efficienc, quick and impatient. ister Far no time for fools ond has trouble relaxing. Bionic Implants: Artificial Heart, Lungs and Kidneys. The Tate ford tnd arm are Slonie vith a AS of 28. All: Jon blacker is also built Into bia lett arm and ean firo 4 shots per melee for 1D8 points of damage - tc keeps the sectet_and uses It only in extreme emergencies, Lett eye ‘ean see Kelescoplc, infra-red, and has a targeting sight (31 co strike with any modern weopon|. Ulster has 2 bult In computer ané bio-tean, tn the flelc, be will use a cus: tomized suit of full bieale armor (wea't function for any- fone eisel. ALR. 18, 5.0,C, 900. Pulonics: ‘Nove Level of Experience: Sth Level ‘Tevet of Edcavion: Military Specialise OIaSLIC 18% ation General of Empire Armed Forces ‘Scholestic Sul ‘Ausomotive Mactsatce 93% Robotic Techaology 74% Explosives/Damol tions 5a/63% Later Technology 35% Pilor Automobile = Any 93% Pilor Military Vehicle a0 Pitoc Combat Helleaprer 73% itor Jeu Alrerare ~ Any name Weapon Proficiencies P. Revolver, Sth Level, Expert WLP. Automatic Pistol, Seb Level, Expert W.P. Automatic Rifle W.P. Energy Piscol W.P. Submachine Gun W.P.' Machine Gun W.P. Artillery Piece Grd Level WPL Nuncheku, ra Lever WP. Knife, 4th Level Physical Skille/ Training, Hand 9 Hand Expert, Sth Level General Athletics Esploaage Stills/Specia! Trainin ‘Cryptegraphy 73% Pron! 78% Survelllance Systems 50% Secondary Skills a 9% Firet Ald aa Pilot Sailboar aa Study History 8a Combat Stills Melee: 4 3 to strike, +3 to parry/coége, no bonus to domoge: +3 fo roll with punch or fell, =2 to pull © punch, +1 to strike fn body block (1D4 demagel, kick attack does 1D6 damage, Persone! Profile: Ulster is the key military genius of the Empire Gnd leads its primery armed forces. He alse per- Ssoasl'y commands 9 combined semy af human officers and fmurant dog troops, He Ia on avid stucemt of military ory and will rarely make any Kind of sirategic of tacti ‘cal mistake. None of his officers approach his skill and fre Uikely £9 misinterpret or change his ordere. Unlike mos: Empire humans, Uleter 18 not antl animal, We is siraply pro-human, If it were left to him, fhe would change policies of the Empire and make animals fll citizens. He works as bard as he can to protact the fow remaining humans of the worlé. Consequently, he also feels guilty and remorseful for the each of any of his soldiers, human or canine. Specie! Weapons: Always carries a 45 Automatic Pista} ‘Bt a aldearm. He travels in an armored tank that is out fiteed wich a cannon, twin .50 caliber mactine guns ond 8 laser cannon. Empire Troopert ical Empire Soldier In Type 1 Robotic Armor This is @ glant sized robo: big enough to conteln human operatcr. Roughly 210 are already essigned and nother dozen are manufactured every month. ‘The oper- ators of these auits require at least two months of inten- sive training. ‘Attributes: Suit provides a P.S. 28 and Spd 17 ‘Weight: 2,800 pounds Helgte: i4'6" “Senor sod blstronic Equine Buile-ia Telescopo, Nighteight, Targeting Sight, Com puter, Video Cemera, Radio Com-Link, Search Light snd Loud ‘speaker. Armor AR. 18 $.D.C. 1200, Nowe: So long at some ED.C. remiine che operator wil be affected only by rolls of 18 or better. Ballet Weapons ‘Dual Mini-Lasers: These head-mounted weapons have 200 foot range, each can {ire once each melee round, have 23 co srike, and do 2D6 points demage. Unlimited charges Retractable Blasters: Mounted on cach forearm. 150 foot Fange, fire Gace pet melee, +1 to strike and do 606 poincs damage per blast. Note chat only one can be fired Ber melee ne no more than V2 shoct car be fired: per Combat Sctils ietacks Per Melee: 2 physical or 3 weapon “7 to strike, o bonus to parry, -4 to dodge, +13 to dam- age: no bone to roll with punch or Tall; Note: IF a Type Lerobot 1s knocked off its feet a will take 3 full melee rounes to recover. sa! Empire Soldier to T ‘An advancement over the Type 1 Armor, this ia nc- tually’ an veao-akeleton suits 2,400 suits have already deen Issued “and Empire factories’ are producing anocher 100 ‘each month. While net as powerful as the larger Type 1, the 2xd has the advantege of being cnesper to procucs, ‘Type 2xd operators. are iso much easier "to train, only three woeks Is needed, Attributes: Suite provides a P.S. 2% and Spd 18 ‘Beaks Sis pounds : os fy and Flectronic Equipment faliwin Targeting Sige, Computer, Radio Com-Link amd Loud Speaker, Armor: AR. 18, S.0.C, 240. Note: So long as somo S.D.C Femains, tho operator will bo alfected only by rolls of 1B or Dotter in We Top Blaseers: Mounted an cighe forearm. 88 foot range, tire ance pet mielee, #2 co strike and do SD6 polkes dame ‘age por Ulest, Note thet a more ahen 12 shore canbe Tited per tou Combat ‘Selle ‘Auwere oe: 2 phyaicel or 2 wobpon, “3 to HIKE, 0 bonus to parryidadge, 6 to damage, 42 {sell with punch oF Cal Motes 8 Type xd rabot Hk rocked ‘off ha fect’ le wills take. 1 full melee cound to Typical Empire Soldier Armed With G-9 Assault Rifle Often called G-O's, these ore the professional sol- diers of the Empire. Each is a veteran with an average of 2 years of combat experience. Mew recruits are (ral ed for at Feat sixteen weeks before being. atsigned. to Combat, All operators of robotic stmor ere recruited from the G-o's. Attributes: All soldiors have a minimum 10. of 10, a minimum PS, of 9, and a minimum P.E. of & Sensory” and Electronic Equipment jed a helmet com-link, © battery-powered motion detector and a Inser targeting weapon signe (3 10 strlkel. ior? Soldiers are issued flak Jackets that provide AR. C80. Issue Weapons OMG Geo Assault Rifle: This is a stendard tesue rapide re energy weapon. 480 foot range, four melee, +3 10 strike, and S06 points dai blast.’ Up co 38 shore may be fired conuquously before the weapon stares to overheet. The cool” Gown cycle takes $0 melee round, 45 Machine Pistol: A convencional side-arm similar AE Bean tabasco pean 300 feet ranaey Has 48 rounds per tele, ard 4D5. polncs damage per shot, The “weapon can be edjusted to fire single stot, € round burst, or full clip. Each clip holds 48 rounds. 10 Other Empire Weapons Empire Saber-15_Jec Fighter Bamber: These high powered ‘aircraft ore opsreted by a twe-man team, a pilot and a gunner. They can teavel at up to MACH 2.5, and can Operate for up co 4 hours on a single load of fuel. Their Vertical Take-OFf and Lending gear allows therm to ope fate from flelds as Short as 130 feet. Armor: A.R. 6, S.D.C. 325, Note: that woile the Saber-I5 ie in fllght it hus a +14"to dooge Hl ground attacks; ond 15 0 odgo equally superior arial combet veniclea, Weapo Laser Cannon: 560 foot range, fires once per melee, 18 charger per mitelon, +4 to strike and dose SDS damege per biast. 783mm Twin Machine Guns: 9,200 foot range, fires 120 rounds per melee, +2 tO strike and does €DS damage per round. 6) Air-to-Air Missiles: 28,000 foct range, +8 to serena TaD eamages (4) High Ezploulve Bombs: These are designed to be Stopped trom bigh sltitade wich pinpoint accuracy (62 1 strike). Staodard bombs can wipe out au entire bridge or building, Nuclear weepens, poleonous gas, or propaganda, leaflets ere somerimes substituted for the usual bombs Empire LC-12 Assault Melleopters: These are the back- bone oF most Empire Infantry operations. A pllot backed by a two-man roam, 0 pilot and e door guncer Who com trols the machine gue, There It room for up €0 12 pase engers on board. Top speed Is 209mph. Can operate Tor Up to & hours wishour refueling. Armor: A.B. 10, S.D-C. 430, while in full Tighe Je has w +8 co dodge. Weepon The slogie 50 caliber machine gun i mounted on the side and operared ty the door unger. It has = range of $90 feet, fires 46 rounds per melee and 1s +4 co strike, Each round does 7D6 damage.

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