QP Cdsi2024 Elementary-Mathematics 22042024

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CD.S. Examination (1),2024 er are arTereah are TeherOr OfeereaT CITA at BET ATE Te Te TT a. ft. at.: SRSU-T-EMT = atta gferan oa 1089509 unter attra que: 100 aye 1, Ufa aren FA ges are, aa ga atten gfe set UgaTET an a f& gad arg fen on, co . Pe mee conte eam car vai f OMR sre-aae H, sfera tore wy, det TE D ay, cara @ wai fan fart qa on fads & vet ait ‘eee oft sem cht qen/faeiatea cht fete a sacar Peer at ga ater afer ot are 4 fee ne show A ae aT srppnie ferent @ | aterm afer oe eT fea | a vita fever #100 seater (se) fee mee | wets wei Met sik ofis at H om 8 1 vere wear a an wane (srk) feu me € | ged a we wea aL a Gi, fa omy sae HC sia SET aed & | afg sarvat Car ait fae um & aafte sean at @, ct Sa wget a sift wt A ona aa AA | were wei & fee dearer ver a yeaa Graz | arrest ae ae rea ster & feu re saa HK A sifted we & | Seva | fee me fee Afar | et seis % aim aM | 3ee veel fa sig after % fafa seiai & wegen soa sift BET YE wR, SIH WaT sana & are Sita agent & ayEN Fo fae sae vaw #23 ET ae at at wl seers Fae & arg dan aden aa Saer Tea aes wT aly @ | svat are eiaror aferenr et ary at segAAA B | we arm & fore ore, whe gferen & aia FH dems F | He ql ). Tera Tent & fore avs; wegits ser-uat 8 setae gre fan we wera Set & Ferg ave feat are | (Were wea & fore an Safere set % 1 oaftcare ger wees we & fore feu ne wp Tera set & fee we 2g era Fy are eat a eee Fterg avs 2 wa Heer STEM | Gi) a RE sateen ww a afte ae A 8, at ea Tera See FET HET, TaRe ee oa a eH aT ‘wel tien @, fee oft sa wer & fore sagan At seh ace ar ave feat SET | Gi) af seficarn grr a we eet ael fear SH 2, sraig Tofica GI see Ml fee oe &, at se feng aig avs set fee TET | ore as sre) ae atheror a fecrenr earerd at a ET AE Ta eT GT ‘Note : English version of the instructions is printed on the back cover of this Booklet. SRSU-T-EMT (1-A) ‘SRSU-T-EMT AR a:b:e:d= V4: V3: V2: V1, a? +b? +07 +4?) (a? ~b? +6? — a?) ara eT 8? f@ 1 b) 2 © 8 @ 6 ar art 3 A 20, Su, du 3A au ® sie THR we aaa gO at aa sa Hoan aren ae FA: xt, 4t, 3t SAX at @, wet x, u, ¢ area Herd & | xara eT? (@) 8 ) 6 © 5 @ 2 a m:n=1:2 9 p:q=3:4, @ (2m + 4p) : (n + 3q) Fare ara z 2 (@) 1:1 ) 1:3 © 2:1 @ 2:3 ‘afe eaa Fi at 5% 8, at & 10,000 (wet) A uf % a 8 3 aut & arg fer area aaah ars sit rere ears & dre fsa stat tm 2 (a) © 175-25 (b) © 152-25 © % 7625 @) 2425 (2-4) ee caf Tue germ seh aelteas yer gyath Apa A add oth wa wah aes yea a 50% afte 1 a fen | ge aa-2a A fee ore me? (a) 20% (b) 40% (©) 15% (d@) 100% af Uw am ay sina ste wfteahuit da a sit 44° 2, a ae Ft ypnsit Ft ‘Hem Peet 8 2 (a) 12 (b) 16 © 18 (@ 20 cafe wa fear afte & agit ar area ik TPG HAM: 2 St — 100%, at Frafetad 4 a Bra wel 8? (a) ahem arise: aga % faa A fra & 1 & tr aaa ww ff whem 2 ot fe x? 42x-100=021 © te tar w & we 8 ot fe x? 2x-100=0 81 (@) tar aig wetter aa 2 Lack azb:c: V4: 3 : J2 : Ji, then what|5, A person bought a book at 3/4*® of its listed Ca? +b? +e% +0?) , price and sold it at 50% more than its listed is the value of to +e a?) price. What is the percentage of gain in the transaction ? @ 1 () 2 @) 20% © 8 b) 40% @ 6 © 75% 2. The speeds of four cars are 2u, 3u, 4u and xu (a) 100% and the time taken by them to cover the same distance is xt, 4t, 3t and 2t respectively, where x, u, t are real numbers. What is the value of 6. If the difference between the interior and exterior angles of a regular polygon is 144°, x? then what is the number of sides of the (@) 8 ane 6 7 (a) 12 © 5 ) 16 @ 2 © 8 3 If m:n=1:2 and p:q=3:4, then what is (2m + 4p) : (n + 3q) equal to? one (@) 1:1 7. If the sum and product of the roots of a Oh) 8, quadratic equation are 2 and ~100 ( 2:1 respectively, then which one of the following is, @ 2:3 Sera (a) There are infinitely many such 4, If the rate of interest is 5%, then what would, 4 pei gegen cr equations having different roots. be the difference between compound interest and simple interest received on € 10,000) (4) There is only one such equation which is (each) after 3 years from now ? x2 42x-100=0. (a) & 175-25 (©) There is only one such equation which is (b) 152.25 322x100 =0. (© ©1625 (a) There is no such equation. (@) = 24-25 (3-A) 8 10. ‘SRSU-T-EMT AS 2, WEIS pix) = x3 + 3x2 - 6x a HH Wes 2, tage & ae yest ait a ‘aires FT 8? (@) 10 (bo) 17 @ 2 (d) 37 f& t = cos 79°, a cosec 79°1 — cos 79°) FRA TRB? (a) (b) fie 1-t t ial fas t Arr fife pix) = x4 + agx® + apx? + ayx + ag BAK gx) = x4 + byx? + box? + byx + bo ABI B | Ae a, B, x, 5, pox) ITH & ait a, By, 2, a(x) * Pw) atx) cee & &-@&-Pa-) aT? ? (a) -A+8 by 4-8 © A+8 @ -2-8 12. 13. ua. (4- A) aR wets 0% fore ae os 0< F, who x os 0 =x +p H anaes et 2% dt Frafetiad #8 saat aa 2 2 (a) ) p=1/8 psi/s (© p21/8 @) psi/4 cos’ 0+ Ssin?9+2 % aftaad aM oft =a war & ata ar sick Fa BP @) 4 ) 3 © 2 @ 1 ABC tH aaa faa @, Gt BI aABT e, Fa war f& AB = 6 cm 3K BC =8 em? 1 fy ABC ® siata afteran dana ara at mr forge 8? 24/7 em 96/7 cm (a) (b) (©) @) 24cm 32cm kar oiftenes ara war & fare fore, 2x? 4x +k =0 % Ae areata & 2 @ 1 (b) © @ mew 10. ‘SRSU-T-EMT If2is a zero of the polynomial p(x) = x? + 3x — 6x — a, then what is the sum of the squares of the other zeros of the polynomial ? (a) 10 () 17 © 21 (d) 37 If t=cos 79°, then what is cosee 79° (1 - cos 79°) equal to ? ay Et ) fee ie © =e (6a a alist Suppose p(x) = x* + a,x? + apx® + a,x +a, and a(x) = x4 + byx? + byx” + b,x + by are the polynomials. If a, 8, y, 8 are zeros of p(x) and ©, B, % A are zeros of q(x), then what is p(x) ~ a(x) G-aG-P-p (a) -A+6 equal to? (b) A-8 (© A+ @ -a-5 1. 12, 13. 14, (5-A) If the equation x cos @ =x? +p has a real solution for every @ where 0 < 6 < a then which one of the following is correct ? (a) p=1/8 ) psi/8 © p21/8 @ psi/4 What is’ the difference between the greatest value and the least value of cos” 0 +3 sin?0 +2? (@) 4 ) 3 © 2 @ 1 ABC is a right-angled triangle, right-angled at B such that AB = 6 cm and BC = 8 cm. What is the perimeter of the square inscribed in the triangle ABC with maximum area ? (a) 24/Tem (db) 96/7em (© 24cm (@) 32cm ‘What is the greatest value of k for which 2x? — 4x +k =0 has real roots? Grea o) 2 @ 3 @ 4 15. 16. 17. SRSU-T-EMT frafafad S21 fran sifsre : 110, 41, 43, 95, 127, 99, 61, 92, 71, 93, 110, 36. afe 93 1 948 acer fear aren @, at freafertiad aeri 1 fran fifa : 1.38 afer sit grt afer % dre ar FE | 2, aa are ott GUA area & aha ar iat 0-1 awe 8. AQ ages ath yt agers & ate ar siat we sede seri i a aaa adi & 2 (a) Far 1sik2 ) Fae 23m 3 © Farisiks @ 1,233 Hom (225)19% 100% ears we ata ais B ? @ 6 &) 5 © 4 @ 2 aR ab og a opt dent % dh oa 19 +2>43¢+ 44 at 108 fanfia fee ore, a frat dione dame a wat F 2 @ 3 ) 4 © 5 @ 6 18. 19. (6-A) af nm al ae 8, din & ffir arte fer, 4+ 69+ 9" + 11" #1 108 fanaa we We area aah fits Senet ar areet wee 2 (@) 3 () 4 © 6 @ 7 ‘Wa AVN (1234567891011 1213 ... 99100) HI 16 8 feenfira fara sre, at terme en ei 2 (a) 15 () 12 @ 4 @ 3 A,B,C, D Uh MH BH FAM: 3, 6, 9, 12 Hal 7 WU at and @ 1 eae afatte, ww a ara Te wee ver Fact ws a cafe a a eT B ait aig sf cafe arma at a2 amr ae ar bal |e ara Fé 2 fe a st om ST STG | a HT eer & fee se aE feat He ait 2 (a) 36/25 (b) 12/5 © 4 @ 2 15. (a) land 2only (b) 2and 3 only (© Land 3 only @ 1,2and3 16. What is the digit at the 100" place of number (225) 2 @ 6 ) 5 © 4 @ 2 17. If a, b, c, d are natural numbers, then how many possible remainders are there when. 1% +2? + 3° + 44 is divided by 10? (@) 3 ) 4 © 5 (@) 6 ‘SRSU-T-EMT (7- Consider the following data : 110, 41, 43, 95, 127, 99, 61, 92, 71, 93, 110, 36. If 93 is replaced by 94, then consider the following statements : 1. The difference between new median and old median is 1. 2. The difference between new mean and old mean is less than 0-1. 3. The difference between new mode and ‘old mode is zero. Which of the statements given above are correct ? 18. 19. A) Ifnis a natural number, then what is the sum of all distinct remainders of 4" + 6" + 9° + 11" when divided by 10 for various values of n ? @ 3 ) 4 © 6 @ 7 ‘When the number (12345678910111213 ... 99100) is divided by 16, what will be the remainder ? (a) 15 (b) 12 © 4 @ 3 A, B, C, D can complete a work in 3, 6, 9, 12 hours respectively. Further, only one person can work at a time in each hour and nobody can work for two consecutive hours. It is not necessary to engage all. What is the minimum number of hours that they will take to finish the work ? (a) 36/25 (b) 12/5 @ 4 @ 2 a1. a p= ‘Gc Poe) «fa a? +07), 25. ea ven FH aya wal den n Shah 2 fH (+1) xnx (n- 1) x (n-2)x... 3x 2x1, Ti p? + 3bp Pras arax 2 2 9108 Hea Bt? (a) -2a (a) 91 ®) a (b) 90 © 28 © 13 (@) 8a @ 12 22, 4.25 maa at 3.4m Ts eH oa & aed a i m0 4. 777888 ee eas |e oe + 777555 Fraferan ferret cafe fei sf van & sera Ft agate adi 2, Rill Amwm@titet a oes eta, + ? gre at mast a? Ries 3. 37 ess 8 Re ne Be ar aT a a Te BAC : &) 90 (@) ¥aa 1 ait 2 (©) 400 ) Fae 2 ait 3 (@) 500 © *aaisks @ 1,233 23, x‘ — 18x"y? — 30dy!, x — axy — axy? — 5y? ‘aft x? — 125y9 = HCF Fa 8? 27, Prafefad seri 1 fran fifi : (a) x-5y aie 1. -af& (8m3 + 2m? + 5m + n)/m TH OR Fé 2, oat m itn qs % dn ma (©) x? + Sxy + 25y? asa 7a 2 els 2, 5(8™) +2" af qt sens m % fre, 24, aft unpf siemsit x22, y2.2% fig, 768 atk 408 aad x°y? 1 HCF 32xy @, a (x+y) 1 A aa 2? ede wedi 3 & wte-an/ate-a we RA? @ 5 (@@) Faq ) 7 (b) Fat 2 © 9 ( 13% ahi @ u @ amaze SRSU-T-EMT (8-A) 21. If p= eas ar eo?) + Ve =8°), then what is p® + 3bp equal to? (@) -2a ) a © 2 @ 3a 22, A plank of wood 4:25 m long and 3-4 m wide is to be cut into square pieces of equal size. How many square pieces of largest size can be cut from the plank, if no wastage is allowed ? (a) 45 90 (©) 400 (@ 500 28, What is the HCF of x* — 13x°y? - 300y4, x3 — 4x2y — 4xy? — 5y? and x3— 125y3? (a) x-5y () x+5y (co) x? + Bxy + 25y? @ 1 24, If HCF of 768 and x°y? is 32xy for natural numbers x > 2, y > 2, then what is the value of (x+y)? @ 5 ® 7 © 9 @ u ‘SRSU-T-EMT (9-A) What is the smallest natural number n such that (n + 1) xx (n~1) x (n-2)x... 3x 2x1 is divisible by 910? (a) 91 (b) 90 © 13 @ 12 ‘The expression 555777 + 777° is divisible by which of the following ? Te2 a. 40) 3.5 8 Select the correct answer using the code given below : (a) Land 2only (b) 2and 3 only (© Land 3only (@) 1,2and3 Consider the following statements : 1. If @m* + 2m? + 5m + n)/m is not an integer, where m and n are integers, then n is not divisible by m. 2 5(8™) + 29” is din whole numbers m. Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? ible by 48 for all (a) Lonly (b) 2only (©) Both 1 and 2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 28. SRSU-T-EMT Ot sare densi ar art 408 | ae aa Fema HI GM BF AMA 20% 4H 2, TA Femsit % ata aw sat ee 2? (@) 12 (b) 18 @ 24 @) 28 50 af we an at 40 fea A ae aaa | aw am am ys aa tas of A safe % arg 5 caftral A we ate arr ats at 2 am @ ye aA § feat aa aT? (a) 45 fer () 50 fer (© 55 fer @ aati ts ch feaferfiac 4 a atr-er wel 2? (a) 010 (10-A) . ae . Ua aire H feahte ste ot 1:4 & aa FS ait we a aney aia F fete sik wrt 4:18 agar 8 1 a tat & Ronit at fire segura freer ore fe wee tar aa fier rea @t fre featte ar ori & saat 1:3 a? @) 5:1 ) 6:1 © 10:1 @ 11 3sin 6 +5cos0=5, WM 5sin 9-3 cos 0 IA aT 8? (a) (b) -2 @ 5 @ 8 WRG xt HD tld tk 3 eal Hi froafafaa 7 fran Fifi ; 1 Wa ae 2 1a Peon fear ae a aera Faz 2, Wa age aH xt 1.8 fara fasar re ah eet Ire aefe seri 8 ate -a/ata wel 8/8? (a) Fat ) Fate (13K 2eht @) ami7a2 28. The sum of two positive numbers is 40. If the GM of these two numbers is lower than their AM by 20%, then what is the difference between the two numbers ? @ 1 (b) 18 © 24 (@) 28 29. 50 men can complete a work in 40 days. They begin the work together but a batch of 5 men left after each period of 10 days. What is the time to complete the work ? (a) 45 days (b) 50 days (© 55 days (@) 60 days 30, If x= ‘ a+ 9 Da then which one of the following is correct ? (a) 010 SRSU-T-EMT 81. 32, 33. (11-A) A bottle contains spirit and water in the ratio 1: 4 and another identical bottle contains spirit and water in the ratio 4 : 1. In what ratio should the mixtures in the two bottles be mixed to get a new mixture in which the ratio of spirit to water is 1:3? (@ 5:1 (b) 6:1 © @) det If 3 sin @ +5 cos @=5, then what is the value of 5 sin 0-8 cos 0 ? @ - (b) -2 @ 5 @ 8 Consider the following in respect of the polynomial x# + x#h+2 4 xflerd 4. xfh+6 1. The remainder is zero when polynomial is divided by x? + 1. the 2 The remainder is zero when the polynomial is divided by x* + 1. Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? (a) Lonly () only (© Both 1and2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 34. 37. o Aan» then’ what is the GM of 3n numbers ? @ PQ () PQ? PQ Pa © @ ‘The cost price of y articles is equal to selling price of z articles. If y : z = 5: 4, what is the profit percentage ? (a) 20% ) 25% (©) 30% (a) 40% 45. 47. (15-A) ‘A sum of money invested at simple interest triples itself in 8 years and becomes n times in 20 years. What is the value of n? @ 5 ) 6 © 75 @ 9 If the work done by x men in (x + 1) days is equal to thé work done by (x + 5) men in (x—2) days, then what is the value of x? @ 5 (b) 6 © 7 @ 8 If(a +b): (b+o):(e +a) , then what is the value of (a—b +c):(a+b—c)? (a) @) 2:3 © 3:1 @) 4:3 Let x be the compound interest at the end of 3 years on a sum of & 1000 at the rate of 10% compounded annually and y be the simple interest at the end of 3 years on a sum of = 1000 at the annual rate of 11%. What is the difference between x and y ? (a) 16 (b) F165 ( &5 @ @1

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