In the Cryptocurrency Ecosystem, There is Talk Very Loudly and With a Lot of Enthusiasm About a Narrative That is Creating Excitement and Excitement Among Investors, Both the Most Experienced and the Most Novice,

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Four AI Cryptocurrencies

That Can Give Great Returns

In the cryptocurrency ecosystem, there is talk

very loudly and with a lot of enthusiasm about a
narrative that is creating excitement and
excitement among investors, both the most
experienced and the most novice, and it is none
other than the narrative of Artificial Intelligence,
let's go. Let's see in this note four projects of
this trend that are going very strong , The
madness started with Chat GPT, but the truth is
that Artificial Intelligence has been around for
many decades since the 80's. Black Rock
believed Aladdin that it is an Artificial
Intelligence, an investment program that uses
Artificial Intelligence to be able to invest that at
the same time Today it is much more advanced,
that is to say that these first experiments on this
technology are practically 40 years old that we
know of, but it was a couple of years ago
Open Ai released a product called Chat GPT
that revolutionized Artificial Intelligence for the
consumer, in the end, retail, us common people.
Beyond the fact that the developers were
already using it, we had access

But let's get into the matter with the four Artificial
Intelligence cryptocurrency projects that can
provide excellent performance in the next Bull


For those who know something about the

Render project, you might wonder, but does it
not use Artificial Intelligence as such and does
not yet have a Mainet platform to use? And it's
true that it still doesn't have Mainet, that is, I
can't go and contract the service today
completely true, however, they have already
presented tests, they have already shown
models and it is the company or the project that
is closer to doing decentralized rendering. In
other words, Nvidia is centralized, this would be
decentralized through nodes that render puts at
the service of the people who hire it on demand,
this would lower the production cost a lot, not in
the long term, but
new entrepreneur who does not have the money
to set up a plant with video cards, he can render
each job he is doing using Render this
decentralized project so it is truly powerful
Render as you see here it is a distributed gpu
that is really interesting, imagine putting it in the
cloud Through nodes a lot of video cards, I
provide mine, you provide yours rendering for
someone and they pay us in Render token for
providing that service, the concept is very
It is true that they are not yet on mainnet But of
the entire ecosystem that works on distributed
rendering, it is number one and the one that is
closest to being able to achieve it

Bittensor (tao)
Let's move on to one that is currently working
and that already contributes to the ecosystem
and that is Tao Bittensor, which rose a lot, many
will think that it is expensive, but the big problem
of Artificial Intelligence is that to grow it requires
a lot of information and is expensive to obtain.
from social networks, in fact Chat GPT has
learned a lot from Twitter, it no longer does it but
at the time it did, from Facebook it has a lot of
information from Instagram, it has a lot of
information Tiktok has a lot of sources and all
this has a cost, here it is born Bittensor, which
we can define as a blockchain that has subnets,
a set of subnets, each of which has miners and
is directed to an area.

The main mother blockchain is learning from all

the subnets and providing rewards with the Tao
token and something very interesting is that it
has a Bitcoin style in which it constantly has
halvings, the first one will happen in 2025 which
is making it more scarce, reducing the supply,
not what it emits, then as it generates value to
the network, providing information and nurturing
Intelligence decentralized artificial allows you to
receive the Tao Token that becomes scarce,
what they Propose is interesting and the most
interesting of all is that they facilitate Machine
learning for all developers who do not have to
be the owner of Facebook or Twitter to be able
to develop

Worldcoin as such is not a currency of Artificial
Intelligence, it is a currency against Artificial
Intelligence, that is what is interesting, but it is in
the narrative. Why Worldcoin tells you that you
had to have a verifiable digital identity, because
the problem is that soon artificial intelligences
They will be so powerful that it will be difficult to
identify a human . Indirectly, it is linked to the
narrative because, to begin with, the founder is
Sam Altman, who is the founder of Open IA.
It is not an AI company, it is a company that is
focused on the identification of Artificial
Intelligence , which can be very useful for
preventing fraud that uses AI

Keep protocol

This project already works on web 2 and has

web 3 and web 2.5 on 2.5 is an interface to bring
you to web projects 2 to web 3
What they propose has a lot to do with what
they also propose in Bittensor. It has a machine
learning system that learns, but it goes much
further because it divides it into three layers:
consensus, data, then it solves problems in all
areas. levels including creating nfts that truly
have ownership. What does this mean that
practically everything you are doing in this
blockchain also through Machine learning will
be educating the decentralized artificial
intelligence that they provide just as Bittensor
does, it is a way to feed an Artificial Intelligence
that can provide developers to build on top of it,
this narrative clashes quite a bit with Bittensor,
but the big difference is that Vensor today is
worth 12.6 billions and Keep protocol is
currently listed on the pre-market at 50 million,
meaning that it is available much cheaper And
keep is a real Genuine project that already has a
product, web 3 does not have it yet but it already
has it on web 2
These four projects that we reviewed have great
potential to continue performing well in the next
cryptocurrency bull market, since they are
directly and indirectly immersed in the narrative
of Artificial Intelligence that will surely be the
protagonist in the coming months. Having an
exponential journey, if you were interested in
these projects, I encourage you to do your own
research on each of them.

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