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Cytoskeleton, May 2016 73:258–268 (doi: 10.1002/cm.21299)

V 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Myo1g Is An Active Player in Maintaining

Cell Stiffness in B-Lymphocytes
opez-Ortega,1,2 E. Ovalle-Garcıa,3 I. Ortega-Blake,4 A. Antill
O. L on,4 B. Chavez-Munguıa,5
G. Pati~ opez,6 R. Fragoso-Soriano,7 and L. Santos-Argumedo1*
1 n Y De Estudios Avanzados Del Instituto Politecnico Nacional,
Departamento De Biomedicina Molecular, Centro De Investigacio
Ciudad De Mexico, C. P. 07360, Mexico
2 noma De Mexico, Ciudad De Mexico, C. P. 04510, Mexico
Facultad De Medicina, Universidad Nacional Auto
3 noma De Nuevo Leo n, UANL. Facultad De Ingenierıa Mecanica Y Electrica, Av. Universidad S/N, Ciudad Universitaria,
Universidad Auto
San Nicolas De Los Garza, Nuevo Leo n, C. P. 66451, Mexico
Instituto De Ciencias Fısicas, UNAM, Cuernavaca, Morelos, C. P. 62210, Mexico
5 mica Y Patogenesis Molecular, Centro De Investigacion Y De Estudios Avanzados Del Instituto Politecnico
Departamento De Infecto
Nacional, Ciudad De Mexico, C. P. 07360, Mexico
6 n En Inmunologıa Y Proteo
mica, Hospital Infantil De Mexico, “Federico Gomez”, Ciudad De Mexico, C. P.
Laboratorio De Investigacio
06720, Mexico
7 n Y De Estudios Avanzados Del Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Ciudad De Mexico, C. P.
Departamento De Fısica, Centro De Investigacio
07360, Mexico
Received 26 October 2015; Revised 11 April 2016; Accepted 13 April 2016
Monitoring Editor: Manuel Thery

B-lymphocytes are migrating cells that specialize in anti- Introduction

gen presentation, antibody secretion, and endocytosis;
these processes implicate the modulation of plasma
membrane elasticity. Cell stiffness is a force generated by I mmune surveillance involves the mobilization of cells
through different organs and tissues, where the cells are
exposed to different mechanical pressures [Olety et al.,
the interaction between the actin-cytoskeleton and the
plasma membrane, which requires the participation of 2010]. The cells respond to external stimuli by modulating
several proteins. These proteins include class I myosins, their elasticity. Cell stiffness, is regulated by the interactions
which are now considered to play a role in controlling between the actin-cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane
membrane–cytoskeleton interactions. In this study, we [Olety et al., 2010]. This interaction is important during
identified the motor protein Myosin 1g (Myo1g) as a cell spreading [Raucher and Sheetz, 2000], cytokinesis,
mediator of this phenomenon. The absence of Myo1g phagocytosis, endocytosis, cell migration [Raucher and
decreased the cell stiffness, affecting cell adhesion, Sheetz, 2000], cell adhesion [Keren, 2011], vesicular traf-
cell spreading, phagocytosis, and endocytosis in B- ficking [Keren, 2011], and the development of membrane-
lymphocytes. The results described here reveal a novel protrusions, such as microvilli [Pietuch et al., 2013], filopo-
molecular mechanism by which Myo1g mediates dia [Heiman and Shaham, 2010], and pseudopods [Houk
and regulates cell stiffness in B-lymphocytes. V 2016 Wiley
C et al., 2012].
Periodicals, Inc. The lipid membrane is non-elastic and cannot sustain
large pressures [Staykova et al., 2011]. Therefore, cells
Key Words: B-lymphocyte; cell stiffness; cytoskeleton; respond by adding or removing plasma membrane through
exocytosis or endocytosis, thereby significantly modifying
cell rigidity [Staykova et al., 2011]. B-lymphocytes are spe-
cialized cells that are involved in antibody secretion, and
the endocytosis and exocytosis of several molecules; all these
phenomena lead to an important exchange of membranes
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online ver- between the plasma membrane and intracellular compart-
sion of this article.
*Address correspondence to: Dr. Leopoldo Santos-Argumedo, Depar- ments. Various proteins, membrane lipids, and cell firmness
tamento de Biomedicina Molecular, Centro de Investigacion y de regulate this mobilization of membranes.
Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Avenida IPN 2508, C.P. 07360, Ciu- To achieve the mobilization of membranes, the presence
dad de Mexico, Mexico. E-mail:
Published online 22 April 2016 in Wiley Online Library of proteins that bind the actin cytoskeleton to the plasma
( membrane is important. Myosins are known to play an

䊏 258
important role in this phenomenon [Olety et al., 2010]. cells [Raucher and Sheetz, 1999] affects their endocytosis
They are the primary microfilament–associated proteins capability.
and comprise a family of molecules characterized by both We have illustrated several defects in B-cells obtained
their ability to bind to filamentous actin and their ATPase from Myo1g-deficient mice; however, the mechanism by
activity, which couples the hydrolysis of ATP with confor- which Myo1g regulates these phenomena is unclear [Mara-
mational changes. These changes direct the movement of villas-Montero et al., 2014]. For this reason, our goal in
myosins along the microfilament cytoskeleton; simultane- this work was to evaluate cell stiffness and cell functions in
ously, the myosins can also specifically bind various mem- Myo1g2/2 and WT B-cells where membrane elasticity is
brane phospholipids. Consequently, myosins, such as class I important. Thus, the aim of this study was to characterize
myosins, represent probable candidates for mediating the the function of Myo1g in maintaining cell stiffness in B-
maintenance of cell stiffness [Krendel, 2005]. lymphocytes. Depletion of Myo1g leads to a loss of cell
The class I myosin family has eight members (Myo1a– stiffness, affecting endocytosis, cell spreading, and cell adhe-
Myo1h) [Kim et al., 2006; Maravillas-Montero and Santos- sion. These results reveal a novel molecular mechanism by
Argumedo, 2012]. Previous work has shown that the which Myo1g mediates and controls cell stiffness in B-cells,
knockdown of class I myosins in Dictyostelium discoideum which is important for several processes.
decreases cortical tension whereas the overexpression of
these proteins has an opposite effect [Dai et al., 1999]. Results
Enterocytes of Myo1a-deficient mice have lower cell mem-
brane tension than that of the wild-type (WT) cells, and Lack of Myo1g Alters Cell Adhesion
the reconstitution of class I myosin in these cells results in and Spreading in B-Lymphocytes
an increase in this parameter [Nambiar et al., 2009]. To evaluate the role of Myo1g in the maintenance of cell
Myosin1g (Myo1g) is a monomeric class I myosin that stiffness in B-lymphocytes, we quantified this parameter in
comprises: a single N-terminal catalytic motor (head) the B-lymphocytes of WT and Myo1g-deficient mice using
domain; a regulatory neck region containing 2 IQ-motifs an atomic force microscope (AFM). This methodology is
for calmodulin binding; and a C-terminal tail that directly widely used for evaluating biophysical parameters in several
associates, through a pleckstrin homology (PH domain), cell types, allowing the quantification of resistance to cell
with phosphatidylinositol 3,4-bisphosphate [Patino-Lopez deformation in live cells. The resistance to cell deformation
et al., 2010] and phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate illustrates the link between the actin-cytoskeleton and the
[Dart et al., 2012] in membranes. plasma membrane, and this opposition is an important fea-
Myo1g is expressed in hematopoietic cells, especially in ture of cell physiology. This methodology is graphically
B-lymphocytes [Patino-Lopez et al., 2010; Maravillas- described in Fig. 1a. We evaluated cell stiffness in resting
Montero and Santos-Argumedo, 2012; Maravillas-Montero and activated B-lymphocytes. We obtained 16 force-
et al., 2014], and localizes to the plasma membrane [Pat- nanoindentation curves (Fig. 1b), we processed these curves
ino-Lopez et al., 2010]. It is required for the maintenance to obtain the real values of cell stiffness. As shown in Fig. 1c,
of membrane tension in T-lymphocytes [Olety et al., 2010; cell stiffness was higher in the WT B-cells than in the
Gerard et al., 2014], and is also involved in the phagocyto- Myo1g2/2 B-cells when both cell types were activated. Inter-
sis of opsonized microbeads in macrophages [Dart et al., estingly, under resting conditions, the WT and Myo1g2/2
2012]. In a previous paper, we reported that Myo1g is B-cells showed the similar values.
involved in spreading, adhesion, endocytosis, and exocytosis We analyzed CD44- and IgM-dependent adhesion and
[Maravillas-Montero et al., 2014]. In that paper, we spreading. In the spreading assays, we consistently observed a
described defects in cell functions that involve the regula- clear defect in the CD44-dependent spreading of Myo1g2/2
tion of cell stiffness. Therefore, it is probable that these B-cells; this defect was not observed in the IgM-induced
abnormalities in maintaining cell elasticity or membrane spreading (Fig. 1d). A more detailed view of this process can
tension may be due to the lack of Myo1g, because the par- be observed in the enlarged pictures (white arrows).
ticipation of class I myosins in this phenomenon is well To quantify these differences, we evaluated the spread
known [Olety et al., 2010; Gerard et al., 2014]. This area of each lymphocyte from a total of 200 cells per group.
hypothesis arises from the importance of class I myosins in As depicted in Fig. 1e, the Myo1g2/2 B-cells did not
maintaining membrane tension in several cell types, such as spread as much as the WT cells when an a-CD44 stimulus
fibroblasts [Houk et al., 2012], where the authors showed was used; however, we did not see these differences with an
defects in cell spreading due to changes in membrane ten- a-IgM stimulus. To verify these results, we also quantified
sion. Similarly, in endothelial cells, changes in membrane the “shape factor”, which was the coefficient of the length
tension affect cell adhesion [Delanoe-Ayari et al., 2004]. and width of each given cell. Values closer to 1.0 indicated
Finally, it has been reported that modifications in the mem- a more rounded shape compared with the WT cells. As
brane tension of MDCK [Boulant et al., 2011] and HeLa shown in Fig. 1f, most of the Myo1g2/2 B-cells developed

CYTOSKELETON Myo1g Mediates Cell Stiffness in B-Lymphocytes 259 䊏

Fig. 1. Myo1g deficiency reduces CD44-dependent spreading and adhesion. A: Changes in cell stiffness were recorded by placing
the AFM probe onto the cell, followed by the determination of the elastic response by approaching and retracting the AFM probe
from the cell in order to obtain the force versus distance curves. B: Force vs. distance (F vs. D) curves showing the stiffness of WT
or Myo1g2/2 unstimulated (black lines) or stimulated (gray lines) cells. C: Resting B-lymphocytes or LPS plus IL-4–activated B-lym-
phocytes were allowed to adhere to poly-L-lysine coated coverslips and then analyzed with an AFM microscope. The graph shows the
cell stiffness of B-lymphocytes, derived from the analysis of 25 cells and presented as mean 6 SD. D: Activated primary mouse B-
cells, spread over a-CD44 or a-IgM, were stained with TRITC-phalloidin to detect F-actin, the arrows indicate membrane-
projections in B-lymphocytes; note that Myo1g2/2 cells did not spread as much as WT cells with a-CD44 stimuli, Scale bar pano-
ramic pictures: 60 lm, Scale bar in enlarged pictures 5 lm. E: The spreading of B-lymphocytes over either a-CD44 or a-IgM was
measured by determining their relative area. Spreading of Myo1g2/2 B-cells in IgM substrate was compared to that of WT cells. For
D, E, and F, three independent experiments were performed, and a representative experiment is shown. F: The width and the length
of spread lymphocytes were measured to determine “shape factor” values for each cell, corresponding to the coefficient of these two
parameters. A total of 12 fields for each condition were analyzed, and around 20 random cells per field were measured. Each plot
represents a single cell. G: Equal numbers of activated B-lymphocytes were placed in 96-well plates coated with a-CD44, a-IgM, or
poly-L-lysine as a control. The absorbance of each sample was determined and data plotted as the mean of three independent experi-
ments. H: Resting B-lymphocytes were placed on fibronectin-treated coverslips, and the cells incubated for 30 min and then fixed
with 4% PFA for 20 min. After fixation, the cells were permeabilized with 0.01% Triton in PBS for 10 min at 48C and then stained
with a-Myo1g for 20 min, followed by a-rabbit-Alexa488 for 20 min and a-B220-biotin plus streptavidin-Cy3. Finally, the cells
were observed by confocal microscopy. Images show four slices of adherent cells; the positions of these pictures are as follows: basal,
one-third, two-thirds, and apical region of the cell. The coefficient of polarization was determined in these cells. Scale bar 5lm. I:
The graph shows the polarization coefficient of Myo1g, derived from the analysis of 30 cells, from at least three independent experi-
ments. Values represent mean 6 SD. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]
a rounded spreading pattern with an a-CD44 stimulus, a polarization index; this coefficient was calculated for each
while using an IgM stimulus, the Myo1g2/2 B-cells became cell presenting polarization by dividing the mean fluorescence
elongated, similar to the WT cells; the total amount of intensity of actin and CD44 signals at the capping site by the
CD44 was similar in the two groups of B-cells (data not mean fluorescence intensity of the rest of the cell. A polariza-
show). We also compared adhesion to a-CD44 and a-IgM tion coefficient > 1.5 indicated that CD44 was polarized to
to evaluate the participation of Myo1g in this phenomenon. the capping site; the polarization index of CD44 was lower
As shown in Fig. 1g, the adhesion of Myo1g2/2 B-cells and in Myo1g2/2 compared with WT B-cells (Fig. 2g), but the
WT cells to a-IgM was comparable. However, when differences were not statistically significant.
Myo1g2/2 B-cells were plated over a-CD44, the adhesion To determine whether CXCR5 is altered by Myo1g defi-
of the cells was significantly reduced when compared with ciency, we performed a migration assay to analyze the local-
WT B-cells. ization of this chemokine receptor in migrating cells. The
To examine the cellular activities in which Myo1g is data showed a delay in the polarization of this chemokine
involved, we observed the localization of Myo1g during B- receptor in Myo1g2/2 B-cells (white arrows, Supporting
cell attachment to fibronectin-coated coverslips. Myo1g was Information Fig. 1a). We decided to determine the intracel-
polarized to the site of interaction with fibronectin in a lular localization of CXCR5 during migration and observed
large proportion of cells (Fig. 1h); this polarization may an impaired mobilization of CXCR5 to the leading pole
indicate Myo1g activity. The mean fluorescence intensity (white arrows, Supporting Information Fig. 1b), suggesting
(MFI) observed in these interaction sites was measured, that cell stiffness is also involved in the localization of this
indicating that Myo1g was polarized to the sites of contact receptor.
(Fig. 1i).
Resting B-cells have a well-defined spherical shape with Myo1g Deficiency Increases the Internalization
uniform actin distribution throughout the cell periphery, of Transferrin Receptor (TfR) and the
but in the presence of various chemokines, such as Endocytosis of Microbeads
CXCL13, the cells switch their morphology from a spheri- Endocytosis of large particles requires a less rigid mem-
cal to a more elongated shape with membrane projections brane, which correlates with the reduction of cell stiffness
(migratory phenotype) [Saez de Guinoa et al., 2011]. We in Myo1g-deficient B-cells. Therefore, we evaluated the
analyzed the migratory phenotype of the cells at different endocytosis of soluble Tfn and compared it with the inter-
time-points and found that Myo1g2/2 B-cells were less nalization of a-LFA-1 or IgG-coated microbeads by B-
prone to the migratory phenotype during the first minutes lymphocytes.
of the response (5–10 min). Later, the cells from the WT Using a Tfn internalization kinetic assay, we recorded an
mice became less elongated and the differences became less increase in Tfn endocytosis by Myo1g2/2 B-cells, which
evident compared with the Myo1g2/2 B-cells, (white became statistically significant after 30 min (Fig. 3a); this
arrows, Fig. 2a). A more detailed view of this process can be increased endocytosis was not due to differences in the lev-
seen in Fig. 2b (white arrows). To quantify these differen- els of TfR on the cell surface (Fig. 3b). A similar phenom-
ces, we once again used the “shape factor” (Fig. 2c). To enon was observed with internalization of a-LFA-1- or
eliminate the possibility that these changes were due to dif- IgG-coated microbeads; the data showed increased internaliza-
ferences in CXCR5 expression, WT and Myo1g2/2 B-cells tion of a-LFA-1- or IgG-coated microbeads by Myo1g2/2 B-
were stained and analyzed by FACS. The expression of cells (Figs. 3c and 3d). As a whole, these results indicate that a
CXCR5 is similar in the B-lymphocytes from both types of less rigid membrane allows an increased internalization of both
mouse [Maravillas-Montero et al., 2014]. soluble and particulate ligands, indicating that Myo1g is an
We next evaluated whether the lack of Myo1g affects the active player in these processes.
migration in vitro. We have previously evaluated the migra-
tion on fibronectin-coated surfaces, where we observed an Topology of the Plasma Membrane Is Affected
impaired migration under CXCL13 stimulation. In this by Myo1g Deficiency
context, we performed chemotaxis assays in Transwell Class I myosins are localized to and actively involved in the
chambers to evaluate the response to this chemotactic agent development of various types of membrane extensions in
in cell suspension. The results demonstrated a reduced several cell types. They are also required for the formation
migration of Myo1g-deficient B-cells when compared with and maintenance of these microstructures. Therefore, we
WT B-lymphocytes (Fig. 2d). evaluated the presence and length of microvilli in activated
To further investigate if Myo1g is located at the leading B-lymphocytes using electron microscopy. The results dem-
pole of B-cells, the localization of Myo1g was determined onstrated that the microvilli of Myo1g2/2 B-cells were
and compared with actin and CD44 (white arrow, Fig. 2e). shorter and less abundant than those of WT B-cells (arrows
The results presented in this study showed that polarization Figs. 4a and 4b).
of CD44 was similar in B-cells from Myo1g2/2 mice com- Based on these data, we decided to determine the topog-
pared with that in WT cells (white arrow, Fig. 2f ). We used raphy of the plasma membrane more precisely. The

CYTOSKELETON Myo1g Mediates Cell Stiffness in B-Lymphocytes 261 䊏

Fig. 2. Myo1g deficiency affects the dynamic changes of B-lymphocytes. A, B: Resting primary WT and Myo1g2/2 B-cells were placed on
fibronectin-covered coverslips for 30 min, after that the cells were treated with CXCL13 and incubated for 5, 10, 20 and 60 min, and then fixed
and stained with TRITC-phalloidin for 20 min, the arrows indicate the cells with migratory phenotype. The cells were then analyzed by confocal
microscopy, Scale bar panoramic pictures: 60 lm, Scale bar in enlarged pictures 5 lm. C: The “shape factor” of B-lymphocytes that adhered to
fibronectin and were stimulated with CXCL13 was evaluated. Twelve fields for each condition were analyzed, and around 20 randomly selected
cells per field were measured. The graph shows the morphology of cells with a migratory phenotype, derived from at least three independent
experiments and presented as mean 6 SD Each plot represents a single cell. D: Resting primary WT and Myo1g-deficiency B-cells were placed in
transwell chambers with CXCL13 and the cells were stained with a-B220-PB and the fluorescence was acquired by flow cytometry. E: Resting pri-
mary WT B-cells were placed on fibronectin-covered coverslips for 30 min and then treated with CXCL13 for 20 min; then, they were fixed and
stained with polyclonal a-Myo1g plus FITC-a-IgG-rabbit and a-CD44-biotin (clone IM7) plus SA-Cy3 or TRITC-phalloidin for 20 min. After
the incubation the cells were analyzed by confocal microscopy to determine Myo1g localization, arrows indicate the localization of Myo1g in the
leading pole. Scale bar 5 lm. F: Resting primary WT and Myo1g2/2 B-cells were placed on fibronectin-covered coverslips for 30 min; after that,
the cells were treated with CXCL13 several times and were fixed and stained with a-CD44-biotin (clone IM7) plus SA-Cy3 for 20 min. The cells
were then analyzed by confocal microscopy to determine CD44 polarization to the leading edge, arrows illustrate the CD44 polarization in B-
cells. Scale bar 5 lm. G: A polarization index was calculated for each cell presenting with this polarization, by dividing the mean fluorescence inten-
sity of actin and CD44 signals at the cross-link site by the mean fluorescence intensity of the rest of the cell. When capping gave a polarization coef-
ficient > 1.5, it was considered a positive result that CD44 was polarized to the cross-linking site. The graph shows the polarization index of
CD44 to the leading edge, derived from the analysis of a total of 100 cells with this structure, from at least three independent experiments, differ-
ences significantly were not observed. Values represent mean 6 SD. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wiley-]

䊏 262 Lopez-Ortega et al. CYTOSKELETON

Fig. 3. Myo1g deficiency increases endocytosis of Tfn and receptor-dependent phagocytosis in B-lymphocytes. A: Resting B-
lymphocytes were treated with FITC-Tfn for 1 h at 48C and were then incubated at 378C for several different durations. After incu-
bation, the fluorescence was quenched by the addition of 0.5% trypan blue for 30 s, and the cells were extensively washed with 1x
PBS. Finally, the cells were fixed and fluorescence was analyzed by flow cytometry. The graph shows the percentage of Tfn endocy-
tosed by B-lymphocytes, derived from the analysis of six independent experiments and presented as mean 6 SD. B: TfR on plasma
membrane of B-lymphocytes. Cell surface TfR of resting or LPS plus IL4-activated B lymphocytes from WT or Myo1g-deficient B-
lymphocytes were stained with goat a-mouse TfR during 20 min, then, the cells were treated with FITC-rabbit a-goat IgG and ana-
lyzed by flow cytometry. The graph shows the amount of TfR on the surface derived from the analysis of four independent experi-
ments, values are mean 6 S.D. C: Resting B-lymphocytes were treated with 0.5 lm a-LFA-1 coated-microspheres for 30 min at
378C, after which the fluorescence was quenched by the addition of 0.5% trypan blue for 30 s and the cells extensively washed with
1x PBS. Finally, the cells were fixed and the fluorescence was analyzed by flow cytometry. D: The graph shows the MFI of microbe-
ads inside Myo1g2/2 or WT B-cells; the data are derived from five independent assays, values represent mean 6 SD.

abundance of several plasma membrane structures in In summary, we determined that the class I myosin,
Myo1g2/2 B-cells was indeed lower than in WT B-cells Myo1g is an active player in the maintenance of B-
(Fig. 4c). We also found smooth areas on Myo1g2/2 B- lymphocyte cell stiffness, which is directly linked to endocy-
cells (red arrows, Fig. 4c). A more detailed view of the tosis and the development of membrane projections.
membrane topography can be seen in Fig. 4d. In this con- Further work is necessary to elucidate the mechanisms by
text, we used a roughness index; this index is a coefficient which Myo1g modulates these processes, as well as to deter-
that indicates the cell surface texture. We quantified the mine the reason the Myo1g deficiency did not have a more
roughness of the plasma membrane and the height of mem- pronounced effect on cell stiffness.
brane protrusions at the cell surface. The data showed that
the membrane was smoother (Fig. 4e) and microvilli were Discussion
shorter on Myo1g2/2 B-cells (Fig. 4f ). These values could
indicate cell surface alterations in the boundary between the In the current study, the effect of Myo1g deficiency on cell
actin-cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane. stiffness was assessed to determine whether its reduction

CYTOSKELETON Myo1g Mediates Cell Stiffness in B-Lymphocytes 263 䊏

Fig. 4. Myo1g deficiency affects plasma membrane topology. A: Activated WT and Myo1g2/2 B-lymphocytes were fixed with
2.5% glutaraldehyde for 1 h and then processed for scanning electron microscopy. The images show the presence of membrane pro-
trusions such as microvilli, arrows show membrane-projections of B-cells. Scale bar 5 lm. B: The graph shows the length of micro-
villi in these cells, derived from the analysis of a total of 100 cells from at least three independent experiments and presented as
mean 6 SD. C, D: Activated B-lymphocytes were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for 20 min and processed for AFM (as described
above). The pictures show the topography of the cell surface of activated WT and Myo1g2/2 B-cells; arrows illustrate the presence of
smooth areas in Myo1g2/2 B-cells in C), Scale bar 2 lm. The graphs show the roughness E) and height of membrane-protrusions
F) on the surface of wild-type or Myo1g2/2 B-cells, derived from the analysis of 30 cells, from at least three independent experi-
ments. Values represent mean 6 SD. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

impairs B-cell functions such as endocytosis and spreading. stiffness, we hypothesized that a possible change in the loca-
The results obtained here are in agreement with reports by tion or posttranslational modifications of Myo1g, alone or
Olety et al. [2010] [Olety et al., 2010] and Gerard et al. in combination with other elements, may contribute to the
[2014] [Gerard et al., 2014] who observed a decrease in increase in cell rigidity. Previous data from literature shows
elasticity in cells with reduced or depleted expression of the same expression of class I myosins (Myo1c [Yip et al.,
Myo1g; the Jurkat cell line [Olety et al., 2010] and primary 2008], and Myo1e [Wenzel et al., 2015] during activation,
T-lymphocytes [Gerard et al., 2014], respectively, were used but changes in the location of these molecules after stimula-
for these studies. tion have been reported; an example is the association of
The increase in these biophysical parameters in LPS- Myo1c to vesicles after the treatment of adipocytes with
activated B-lymphocytes has been observed in various cell insulin [Yip et al., 2008]. Thus, we verified the expression
types such as macrophages and microglial cells [Pontes of Myo1g under resting and activated conditions where we
et al., 2013]. In an attempt to explain this increase in cell observed a similar expression of this protein in B

䊏 264 Lopez-Ortega et al. CYTOSKELETON

lymphocytes (Supporting Information Fig. 2). Therefore, that a lower membrane tension resulted in shorter mem-
more studies on the mechanisms controlling cell stiffness brane projections [Pietuch et al., 2013]. Additionally,
during cell activation are needed to clarify these processes. Hecht et al. [2011] showed that cells that have an increased
A reduction in cell spreading has also been reported in rate of endocytosis have fewer microvilli on their surface
other cell types involving different class I myosins [Santos- [Hecht et al., 2011].
Argumedo et al., 2013]; for example, Myo1c is implicated The roughness of normal cells indicates an adequate link
in the spreading of B-cells [Maravillas-Montero et al., between the cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane [Gira-
2011], HeLa cells [Brandstaetter et al., 2012], and fibro- sole et al., 2007]. Cell surface roughness is relevant because
blasts [Oh et al., 2013; Santos-Argumedo et al., 2013]. it is implicated in several cell processes such as migration,
These differences between cell spreading on a-IgM and a- the regulation of intracellular contacts, and cell adhesion
CD44 may be due to changes in cell stiffness. This is sup- [Keren et al., 2008; Krobath, 2007]. As a whole, the results
ported by a report in which B-lymphocytes treated with reported in this paper provide evidence of the participation
a-IgM displayed increased membrane rigidity, driving the of Myo1g in maintaining cell stiffness, and show how this
recovery of membrane tension [Krolick et al., 1977; Paster- property of the membrane affects various cellular functions
nak and Elson, 1985]. The absence of defects seen in cell in B-lymphocytes.
spreading induced via a-IgM can be explained by the com-
pensatory role played by other class I myosins (such
as Myo1c and Myo1e that are also expressed in B-cells) Materials and Methods
[Maravillas-Montero et al., 2011].
Changes in cell rigidity can affect migration; for example, Mice and Reagents
an increase in membrane tension leads to inhibition of lead- Female C57BL/6J (WT) or Myo1g-deficient (Myo1g2/2,
ing edge formation in neutrophils and a decrease in leading C57BL/6J background) mice (8–12 weeks old) described in
edge activities [Houk et al., 2012]. Changes in membrane
[Maravillas-Montero et al., 2014], were used in all experi-
stiffness oppose the development of membrane protrusions;
ments. The mice were reared at the Centro de Investigacion
therefore, it is expected that an increase in membrane ten-
y de Estudios Avanzados (Mexico City, Mexico) animal
sion would inhibit lamellipodium extension in migratory
facility, and the Animal Care and Use Committee of Centro
cells. This idea has been confirmed experimentally in fibro-
de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados approved all
blasts [Raucher and Sheetz, 2000]. Furthermore, an
experiments. The following is a list of the antibodies and
increase in membrane tension inhibits the development of
membrane protrusions during cell spreading in fibroblasts reagents used: purified rabbit polyclonal immunoglobulin
[Gauthier et al., 2011]. (Ig)G a-Myo1g [Patino-Lopez et al., 2010]; NIM-R8 (a-
In contrast, when we analyzed endocytosis, we observed CD44) [Santos-Argumedo et al., 1997]; a-rat-PE (BD
an increase in this phenomenon; these results are in agree- Pharmingen, San Diego, CA); purified a-goat-PE; a-IgG-
ment with those reported by Marion et al. [2005] that dem- rabbit-Alexa488 (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR, USA); a-
onstrated that overexpression of myosin 1B in Entamoeba IgG-rabbit-FITC (Jackson ImmunoResearch, West Grove,
histolytica produced a decrease in phagocytosis [Marion PA, USA); TRITC-phalloidin (Molecular Probes); FITC-
et al., 2005], which was attributed to an increase in cortical phalloidin (Sigma Chemical Co, St Louis, MO, USA);
tension. Overexpression of several class I myosins in D. dis- Pacific Blue a-B220 (BD Pharmigen); transferrin (Tfn)
coideum has been associated with an increase in phagocyto- (Sigma Chemical Co); fibronectin (2.5 lg/mL, Takara Bio
sis and membrane tension [Dai et al., 1999; Nambiar et al., Inc., Otsu-shi, Shiga, JP); recombinant mouse CXCL13
2009]. Therefore, as stated previously [Keren, 2011], a (PeproTech, Offenbach, Germany); and biotinylated mouse
reduction in membrane tension is expected to increase a-CXCR5 (BD Pharmigen).
endocytic processes. In contrast, it is also known that this
same alteration concurrently reduces the exocytosis of GPI-
B-Lymphocyte Isolation and Activation
anchored proteins in HeLa cells [Gauthier et al., 2009].
Additionally, we have previously reported an increase in the Mononuclear cells were isolated from spleen tissue by Ficoll
phagocytosis of S. aureus and a reduction in the secretion of density gradient separation. B-cells were enriched by pan-
tumor necrosis factor-a by Myo1g2/2 B-cells [Maravillas- ning using plastic dishes coated with anti-Thy-1 ascites
Montero et al., 2014]. (monoclonal NIM-R1 antibodies, a-CD90). For activa-
Finally, the formation of membrane extensions such as tion, 2 3 106 cells were incubated in 1 mL 10% fetal
pseudopods, filopodia, and microvilli is dependent on bovine serum (FBS) supplemented with Roswell Park
membrane tension. In this study, we demonstrated that Memorial Institute (RPMI) 1640 (Life Technologies) con-
Myo1g deficiency affects the length of these microstruc- taining lipopolysaccharides (LPS) from Escherichia coli
tures, indicating that this protein is involved in maintaining O55:B5 at 50 mg/mL (Sigma) plus 10 U/mL IL-4 (R&D
cell stiffness in B-cells. Pietuch et al. [2013] demonstrated Systems, Minneapolis, MN, USA) for 48 h at 378C.

CYTOSKELETON Myo1g Mediates Cell Stiffness in B-Lymphocytes 265 䊏

Measurement of Cell Stiffness Scanning Electron Microscopy
To obtain the cell constant we considered the system Cells were fixed with 2% (v/v) glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cac-
depicted in Fig. 1a which corresponds to two springs in odylate buffer, pH 7.2, and dehydrated with increasing
series, one was the cantilever with spring constant and the concentrations of ethanol. Samples were critically point-
other was the cell with spring constant giving as a result dried in a Samdri apparatus, gold coated with an ion-
the apparent constant that can be seen in the Fig. 1b. The sputtering device (Jeol-JFC-1100), and examined with a
KcKa Jeol JSM-7100F field emission scanning electron micro-
measured membrane constant is thus given by Km5 Kc2Ka
since kc > km the change in the apparent constant (slope) scope. In the image, we measured the length (from bottom
reflects the change in cell stiffness. The experimental F vs. to top) of each microvillus, through the option of straight
D curves were obtained for each set of cells in each of the line for straight microvilli and for curved microvilli, we
categories of this work (Unstimulated Wild Type, Unstimu- used the Bezier curve tool option.
lated Myo1g2/2, Stimulated Wild Type and Stimulated
Myo1g2/2). A sample of one of these measurements is pre- Spreading Assays
sented in Fig. 1b. These curves are nearly linear and the Glass slides were coated with 20 lg/mL of NIM-R8 or a-
increase in slope comes from an increment in the cell stiff- IgM in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) for 1 h at 378C.
ness (see Ovalle-Garcıa et al., 2011 for a more general The coverslips were blocked with PBS containing 10% fetal
model) [Ovalle-Garcia et al., 2011]. calf serum for 1 h at 378C and then washed thoroughly
To select the region to be sampled, first we took a 2D with medium before use. Activated B-cells were transferred
image of the cell surface using the contact mode of the without washing to the pre-coated glass slides and incu-
AFM by placing the probe on top of the cell under micro- bated for 1 h at 378C. The cells were then fixed with 4%
scope (X20) observation. If the cell surface showed a hill paraformaldehyde for 15 min, washed again with PBS, and
shape after the scan, 16 force vs distance (F vs. D) curves permeabilized with 0.1% Triton X-100 in PBS for 10 min.
were acquired along a 1 mm line at the top of each cell. All After the incubation, the cells were washed with PBS,
AFM measurements were performed in a liquid environ- treated with TRITC-phalloidin, and mounted as described
ment at 298C. In order to have well-behaved F vs. D curves, previously [Maravillas-Montero et al., 2011]. The obtained
the vertical displacement of the probe was adjusted and the slides were investigated using an FV300 Olympus micro-
force-resistance was recorded. Each curve had 500 (force- scope using 603 objectives and NIH ImageJ for analysis
distance) ordered pairs. The average of the 16 curves was (
used to obtain the cell stiffness. The vertical probe displace-
Adhesion Assays
ment was 1 mm on average, applied with a 0.2 Hz fre-
quency, and 200 nm of that displacement was used for Polystyrene plates (96-well, Nalge Nunc International) were
determination. The AFM was equipped with the software coated with various substrate molecules such as poly-L-
PROSCAN 1.7. Si3N4 cantilevers with nominal spring lysine (0.01%, Sigma), fibronectin (2.5 lg/mL, Takara),
constant of k 5 30 mN/m and 728 pyramidal tip with and purified a-CD44 or a-LFA-1, for 1 h at 378C. The
nominal radius of 53 nm were used (both, software and plates were then washed twice with PBS before adding 4 3
cantilevers, were from TM Microscopes). The cantilevers 105 panning-enriched B-cells in 200 lL of RPMI 1640 per
were calibrated using the Torii et al., 1996 procedure [Torii well. The cells were allowed to adhere for 1 h at 378C. The
et al., 1996]. plates were then washed with 300 lL of PBS and fixed with
4% paraformaldehyde for 10 min before adding Crystal
Violet (Crystal Violet 7.5 g/L, NaCl 2.5 g/L, formaldehyde
1.57%, methanol 50%) for an additional 5 min. The cells
Analysis of Cell Topography were washed thoroughly three times with distilled water
Specific features in the AFM topography were analyzed by and solubilized with 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate, and the
line profiling routines provided in the WSXM imaging soft- plates were read at 540 nm using a Multiskan Ascent plate
ware ( The heights and roughness of reader (Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). After sub-
raised regions were measured relative to the surrounding traction of nonspecific colorimetric readings to obtain the
membrane, not the substrate. Because the raised domains absolute binding, the absorbance for each well was regis-
were irregularly shaped, care was taken for each zone in tered in at least four wells per condition in three independ-
acquiring representative profiles. The profiles were then ent experiments.
analyzed using the WSXM imaging software to obtain sev-
eral graphs and values of roughness and height. All the rep- Migration Assay
resentative height and roughness data were entered into We used a Zigmond chamber (Neuro Probe, Inc., Gaithers-
GraphPad for statistical analysis ( burg, MD, USA) for the quantification of migration.
tific-software/prism). Briefly, 1 3 106 B-lymphocytes were suspended in 0.5 mL

䊏 266 Lopez-Ortega et al. CYTOSKELETON

of 10% FBS supplemented with RPMI 1640 (Life Technol- CXCL13 was added to the lower wells. The plates were
ogies, Carlsbad, CA, USA) and immediately plated onto incubated for 3 h at 378C in 5% CO2. Controls without
glass coverslips that had previously been coated with 2.5 CXCL13 (bovine serum albumin) were maintained in each
lg/mL of fibronectin (Takara). The coverslips were then experiment to account for passive diffusion of cells. The
incubated for 30 min at 378C in 5% CO2 to allow the cells migration of B-lymphocytes was determined by counting
to attach. The coverslips, with the cells attached, were the cells that migrated to the lower chamber as a percentage
gently washed with 2.0 mL PBS, and 100 lL of supple- of the total cells that were loaded, with the passive diffusion
mented RPMI 1640 was pipetted onto the coverslips, subtracted as background.
which in turn were placed upside-down onto the Zigmond
slides. One of the grooves in the Zigmond chamber was Statistical Analysis
filled with supplemented medium (80 lL) and the cham- Results are presented as mean 6 standard deviation (SD).
ber was placed under a microscope. A baseline image was An unpaired two-tailed Student’s t-test was used to assess
obtained at 403 magnification and the other groove was the statistical significance of differences between the WT
then filled with CXCL13 (50 lg), also dissolved in supple- and Myo1g2/2 groups. The p-values obtained and the
mented medium. Digital images of the cells were taken number of samples or cells (n) used are stated in each figure
every 30 s for 1.5 h maintaining the temperature of the legend.
room at 35–398C. For analyzing the trajectories and speed
of migration, the migration tracks were traced for at least Acknowledgments
100 lymphocytes of each genotype, in six independent
experiments, using NIH ImageJ software with chemotaxis The authors gratefully thank Dr. Steve Shaw from NCI,
and migration tool 2.0 (Ibidi). NIH for providing Myo1g2/2 mice, Dr. Hector Romero-
Ramırez for his help at different stages of this work, and
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Garcıa Gomez for their excellent technical assistance in the
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animal facility.
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