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N2-The Human Brain

Telencephalon/endbrain Mesencephalon (midbrain)

1. frontal lobe 31. quadrigeminal lamina
2. parietal lobe 32. tegmentum
3. occipital lobe 33. cerebral peduncle
4. temporal lobe 34. cerebral aquaduct
5. central sulcus
6. precentral gyrus Cerebellum
7. postcentral gyrus 35. cerebellum
8. olfactory bulb a. vermis
9. anterior commissure b. tonsil
10. corpus callosum c. flocculus
a. genu d. arbor vitae
b. trunk e. fourth ventricle
c. splenium 36. pons
d. rostrum f. superior cerebellar peduncle
11. septum pellucidum g. middle cerebellar peduncle
12. fornix h. inferior cerebellar peduncle
13. posterior commissure
Brain Stem
(14 – 18 not visible on this model) 37. medulla oblongata
38. olive
Diencephalon 39. pyramid
19. thalamus 40. first cervical nerve
20. hypothalamic sulcus
21. hypothalamus Cranial Nerves
22. interthalamic adhesion I. Olfactory nerve
23. pineal body II. Optic nerve
24. left mamillary body III. Oculomotor
25. pituitary gland (hypophysis) IV. Trochlear nerve
26. choroid plexus of 3rd ventricle V. Trigeminal nerve
27. caudate nucleus VI Abducens nerve
28. pulvinar VII Facial nerve
29. medial geniculate body VIII Vestibulocochlear nerve
30. lateral geniculate body IX Glossopharyngeal nerve
X. Vagus nerve
XI Accessory nerve
XII Hypoglossal nerve

3B – C15 2-Part Brain Page 1 of 1

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