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I. Complete the sentences with mustn’t or don’t/doesn’t have to.

1. I don’t want anyone to know about our plan. You ……mustn’t ……. tell anyone.
2. Richard ……doesn’t have to……. wear a suit to work, but he usually does.
3. I can sleep late tomorrow morning because I ……don’t have to……. go to work.
4. Whatever you do, you …mustn’t…. touch that switch (công tắc). It’s very dangerous.
5. There’s a lift in the building, so we ……don’t have to……. climb the stairs.
6. You ……mustn’t…. forget what I told you. It’s very important.
7. Silvia ……doesn’t have to……. get up early, but she usually does.
8. Don’t make so much noise. We ……mustn’t……. wake the children.
9. I ……mustn’t……. eat too much. I’m supposed to be on a diet.
10. You ……don’t have to……. be a good player to enjoy a game of tennis.

II. Flavia works in a call center. Read her office rules. Complete Flavia’s description
of her work with have to, can or can’t and the words in brackets.

Office Rules

Employees must wear a uniform at all times.

Employees must not check emails during working hours.

You must not talk to other employees during working hours.

You must answer the phone within 5 seconds.

Employees must always be polite to customers.

I’m telling you, Jo, it’s a terrible place to work! The customers can’t see you, but we still
(1) …have to…… wear a uniform all the time. You (2) …can’t wear…. (wear) your
normal clothes.

I (3) …can’t check…. (check) my emails – it’s not allowed – and I (4) …can’t speak….
(speak) to my colleagues during the day! Fortunately, we (5) ……can talk…. (talk) to
each other during our breaks!
When the phone rings, we (6) ……have to answer………. (answer) it very quickly –
withing 5 seconds. And we always (7) ……have to be……. (be) polite to customers, but
they’re often incredibly rude to us! I really (8) ……have to find…. (find) a new job!

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