ML Bits & Answers

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1. Artificial Intelligence is about_____.

a. Playing a game on Computer

b. Making a machine Intelligent
c. Programming on Machine with your Own Intelligence
d. Putting your intelligence in Machine

2) The application/applications of Artificial Intelligence is/are

a. Expert Systems
b. Gaming
c. Vision Systems
d. All of the above

3.Which of the following is not an application of artificial intelligence?

a) Face recognition system
b) Chatbots

4. Face Recognition system is based on which type of approach?

a) Weak AI approach
b) Applied AI approach
c) Cognitive AI approach
d) Strong AI approach

5. K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) is classified as what type of machine learning algorithm?

a) Instance-based learning
b) Parametric learning
c) Non-parametric learning
d) Model-based learning

6.Which of the following is not a supervised machine learning algorithm?

a) K-means
b) Naïve Bayes
c) SVM for classification problems
d) Decision tree

7.Which algorithm is best suited for a binary classification problem?

a) K-nearest Neighbors
b) Decision Trees
c) Random Forest
d) Linear Regression

8. Which type of machine learning algorithm falls under the category of “unsupervised learning”?
a) Linear Regression
b) K-means Clustering
c) Decision Trees
d) Random Forest

9.Which one of the following models is a generative model used in machine learning?
a) Support vector machines
b) Naïve Bayes
c) Logistic Regression
d) Linear Regression

10.Which of the following is a disadvantage of decision trees?

A. Factor analysis
B. Decision trees are robust to outliers
C. Decision trees are prone to be overfit
D. None of the above

11.Which of the following is not an application of Euclid’s algorithm?

a) Simplification of fractions
b) Performing divisions in modular arithmetic
c) Solving quadratic equations
d) Solving Diophantine equations

12.Which is the number of nearby neighbors to be used to classify the new record ?
a. KNN
b. Validation data
c. Euclidean Distance
d. All the above

13.Classification done in Euclidean distance is comparing feature vectors of ?


a. Same Point
b. Within Point
c. Different Point
d. None of these
14.Which of the following is a common method for splitting nodes in a decision tree?
a. Gini impurity
b. Cross-validation
c. Gradient descent
d. Principal component analysis

15. Which of the following is a popular algorithm for constructing decision trees?
a. ID3
b. k-Nearest Neighbors
c. Support Vector Machines
d. Naive Bayes

16.Which of the following techniques can be used to reduce overfitting in decision trees?
a. Pruning
b. Bagging
c. Boosting
d. All of the above

17.What is the criterion provided by Clausius inequality for the process which is impossible?

a. Cyclic ∫ (đQ/T) = 0
b. Cyclic ∫ (đQ/T) > 0
c. Cyclic ∫ (đQ/T) < 0
d. all above processes are possible
18. What is the entropy change (dSiso) of a reversible isolated (dQ=0) process?

a. dSiso =0
b. dSiso >0
c. dSiso <0
d. none of the above

19.The target variable is represented along ____________

a) Y axis
b) X axis
c) Either Y-axis or X-axis, it doesn’t matter
d) Depends on the dataset

20.What is the simplified hypothesis?

a) h(x) = t1x
b) h(x) = t0 + t1x
c) h(x) = t0
d) h(x) = t0x

21.Hypothesis is: h(x) = t0 + t1x. How do we graphically find the desired cost function?
a) Plot J(t0, t1) against t0 and find minima
b) Plot J(t0, t1)) against t1 and find minima
c) Plot J(t0, t1) against either t1 or t0 and find minima
d) Make a 3-d plot with J(t0, t1) against t1 and t0 and find minima

22.SVM is a supervised Machine Learning can be used for

a. Regression
b. Classification
c. Either a or b
d. None of These

23.Support Vector Machine (SVM) can be used for _____.

(A) classification only
(B) regression only
(C) classification and regression both
(D) None of these

24.A list of symptoms, predict whether a patient has diseaseX or not

a. Medical Diagnosis
b. Weather Diagnosis
c. Spam Diagnosis
d. All the Above

25.Time complexity for Naive Bayes classifier for n feature, L classdata


a. n*L
b. O(n+L)
c. O(n*L)
d. O(n/L)
26.Which choice is best for binary classification?

a. K-means
b. Logistic regression
c. Linear regression
d. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

27.Ensemble learning is a machine learning technique that involves:

a. Training multiple models and combining their predictions
b. Training a single model on a large dataset
c. Training a model using a deep neural network
d. Training a model using reinforcement learning

28.Which of the following is an example of an ensemble learning algorithm?

a. Decision Tree
b. Support Vector Machine (SVM)
c. Random Forest
d. K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)

Bagging algorithms are effective in:

a. Handling imbalanced datasets
b. Sequential data prediction
c. Clustering high-dimensional data
d. Text classification tasks

30. AdaBoost is an example of:

a. Bagging algorithm
b. Boosting algorithm
c. Randomized algorithm
d. Reinforcement learning algorithm

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