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Survey: "Image Fusion (MR, PET, etc) Evaluation"

Reviewer: Clinical Instructors (LAW, Camille)

Reviewee: Students (Ceselka, Veronica)
Survey Period: 2/26/2024
Completed: 2/26/2024 9:01:21 AM CT

1. Please assign each task a score of Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.

Unsatisfactory in any essential task constitutes competency failure.
The student will repeat the competency at a later date.

Imports the secondary data set in preparation for accurate Satisfactory [2 pts]
image registration with the primary image set. Additional Comments: Confirmed in the sim order that the MD
wanted a 3D T1 post and T2 Flair, and SSG specified she
needed another 3 mm scan (Ax T1 thin) but didn't see the "thin"
scan so double double-checked with the Planner to confirm Ax
T1 Post; he said yes. So she moved over from PACs 3D T1 post,
T2 Flair, and Ax T1 Post to MIM for fusion.

Reviews the anatomy on the image sets and seeks input from Satisfactory [2 pts]
the physician and/or patient history to accurately identify the Additional Comments: According to the initial consult, the
primary area of concern. patient's treatment area mentioned the superior portion of the
brain. Sim order only mentioned SBRT CNS and 1-2 lesions for

Identifies the correct features on the corresponding images to Satisfactory [2 pts]

assist with the image fusion process (e.g. tumor mass, bony Additional Comments: She saw there were lesions but unsure
anatomy, etc.). which one was the area of focus, so instead just focused on the
bone, and then the ventricles and midline.

Closely aligns the target anatomy on the image sets in all 3 Satisfactory [2 pts]
planes (applying correct directional alignment to include up, Additional Comments: Senior mentioned fusion was accurate
down, left, right and rotation) and no additional adjustments were needed.

Fuses the two image sets using the software tools provided to Satisfactory [2 pts]
obtain a reliable rigid registration. Additional Comments: Veronica used the MSK brain setup
workflow for the fusion, entered the Ax 3D T1 post to the
primary MR fusion (1mm, highest quality scan), and the
remainder for the subsequent fusion slots. She used the box-
based assist, tab to flash back and forth, and small window
finder to evaluate the ventricle and skull.

Evaluates the final image registration to assure appropriate Satisfactory [2 pts]

matching and orientation of the area of interest.

Mean: 2.00 of 2 Points: 12 Score: 100.0%

2. Overall rating:

Pass [2 pts]
If applicable, please specify reason for failure: Veronica completed 5 practice cases in "development"
and 5 clinical fusions consisting of 1 HN and 4 brains including the competency for training. Once she
got on board with the training process she developed a good understanding of the general flow and
fusion process. Feedback from the senior: how was her overall communication? Email communication
was perfect how would you say your knowledge is on the fusion process? Fusion was well aligned how
was her fusion for the different studies? No adjustments were needed how were the contents of the
SPC? Filled out properly Overall feedback, once she got her footing for the training process and stuck
to what she needed to do, she felt comfortable. She was happy to make the "rushing mistake" early in
the program so that she could apply it forward to future training.

Mean: 2.00 of 2 Points: 2 Score: 100.0%

Total points for all rating scale questions: 14
Mean percentage score for all rating scale questions: 100.0%
(Each main question equally weighted)
Responses as of 5/6/2024 8:00:20 AM CT

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