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Group Written Assignment

Group:………………………………… Lecture Group:……………………………… Faculty:………………………..

INTRODUCTION Strong introductory statement. Adequate introductory Weak introductory statement. Lack of introductory statement.
CONCEPT Convincing concept Clear concept with Clear concept with some creative Rather conventional
with very creative creative ideas. Some ideas. presentation of the
ideas. Very original originality apparent; Little or no variation; book. Repetitive with
presentation of good variety and material presented little or no variety;
material; captures the blending of materials / with little originality insufficient use of
reader's attention. media. or interpretation. materials / media.

ORGANIZATION Student presents information in Student presents information Reader has difficulty following Reader cannot understand
logical, interesting sequence in logical sequence which presentation because the student presentation because there is no
which reader can follow. reader can follow. jumps from one point to another sequence of information.
without finishing the sentences.

PROFICIENCY IN Language ability does not Errors may occur in low Linguistic structures are not very Vocabulary inaccurate.
ENGLISH impede the performance of any frequency and highly elaborate and thoroughly controlled. Unable to function in written
language use task. complex structures. Still shows signs of being ill at ease language.
Has a wide range of control over Can effectively combine with the use of language. Written production is limited to
structures. structure and vocabulary to occasional isolated words.
Highly articulate. convey his/her meaning.
The individual speaks readily
and fills pauses suitably.

SOURCES AND Demonstrates skillful use of Demonstrates consistent use Demonstrates an attempt to use Demonstrates an attempt to use
EVIDENCES high-quality, credible, relevant of credible, relevant sources credible and/or relevant sources to sources to support ideas in the
sources to develop ideas that are to support ideas that are support ideas that are appropriate writing.
appropriate for the discipline situated within the discipline for the discipline and genre of the
and genre of the writing and genre of the writing. writing.

STLYE FORMAT Excellent Good Room for Improvement Out of Format

CONCLUSION Strong concluding statement. Adequate concluding Weak concluding statement. Lack of concluding statement.
CREATIVITY (2 marks)

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