Angiotensin II Multitasking in The Brain

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Review S131

Angiotensin II: multitasking in the brain

Juan M. Saavedra, Julius Benicky and Jin Zhou

In addition to controlling systemic blood pressure, factor (CRF) and arginine vasopressin that occur during
angiotensin II (Ang II) has several roles in the brain, stress. AT1-receptor blocking agents reverse the cortical
including the regulation of cerebrovascular flow and the alterations in CRF1 and benzodiazepine receptors
reaction to stress. In order to clarify the central effects of characteristic of isolation stress, effects probably related to
Ang II and its type 1 (AT1) receptors, we reviewed the their anti-anxiety effect in rodents. Sustained reduction of
literature reporting recent research on the effects of Ang II tone by AT1-receptor antagonism could be
pretreatment with the AT1-receptor blocker, candesartan, on considered as a preventive and therapeutic approach for
experimental ischemia, cerebrovascular remodeling, and brain ischemia and stress-related and mood disorders.
inflammation in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs), Additional preclinical studies and controlled clinical trials
and the responses to stress induced by isolation and by are necessary to confirm the efficacy of this novel
cold-restraint. Angiotensin II regulates the brain circulation therapeutic approach. J Hypertens 24 (suppl 1):S131–S137
through stimulation of AT1-receptors located in the Q 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
cerebrovascular endothelium and central pathways. SHRs
express greater numbers of endothelial AT1-receptors and Journal of Hypertension 2006, 24 (suppl 1):S131–S137
a central sympathetic overdrive, resulting in pathological
Keywords: angiotensin receptor blockers, renin–angiotensin system, brain
cerebrovascular growth, inflammation, decreased ischemia, stroke, brain inflammation, stress, corticotropin-releasing factor,
cerebrovascular compliance, and enhanced vulnerability to vasopressin, anxiety
brain ischemia. Sustained central AT1-receptor antagonism Section on Pharmacology, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes
reverses these effects. Sustained reduction of AT1-receptor of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
stimulation before stress prevents the hormonal and Correspondence and requests for reprints to Juan M. Saavedra, Section on
sympathoadrenal stress responses during isolation and Pharmacology, DIRP, NIMH, NIH, DHHS, 10 Center Drive, MSC 1514, Building
10, Room 2D-57, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA
prevents the gastric ulceration stress response to cold- Tel: +1 301 496 0160; fax: +1 301 402 0337; e-mail:
restraint, indicating that increased AT1-receptor stimulation
Sponsorship: This research was supported by the Intramural Research Program
is essential to enhance the central sympathetic response of the National Institute of Mental Health, NIH, DHHS. The authors thank
and the formation and release of corticotropin-releasing AstraZeneca for their supply of candesartan.

Introduction activity, cognition, control of emotional responses, and

Angiotensin II (Ang II), initially described as a peripheral cerebral blood flow [1–3].
circulating hormone regulating blood pressure and fluid
homeostasis, has been recognized as a brain neuromodu- It is of interest that Ang II, a well established cardiovas-
lator inducing fluid and salt intake and blood pressure cular hormone, could be proposed as a multitasking
increase [1]. There are two closely integrated central Ang central neuroregulator. Ang II is a phylogenetically old
II systems, one responding to Ang II generated in the regulatory system: in invertebrates, it is involved in water
brain and stimulating receptors inside the blood–brain and ion metabolism, immune responses, and neuronal
barrier and another with Ang II receptors in circumven- function [6]. As organisms evolved and increased in
tricular organs and in cerebrovascular endothelial cells complexity, Ang II was recruited as a regulator of increas-
(Fig. 1), responding to circulating Ang II of peripheral ingly sophisticated metabolic, circulatory, and neuronal
origin or to locally generated Ang II, or both [1–3]. Ang II systems. Thus the participation of Ang II in blood pres-
type 1 (AT1) receptors located in selective forebrain and sure control is a relatively new regulatory role from the
brain stem structures mediate the classical functions of phylogenetic point of view. However, because Ang II was
brain Ang II, including the control of the hormonal and initially discovered on the basis of its capacity to increase
central sympathetic systems [2,3]. The selective localiza- blood pressure through peripheral vasoconstriction,
tion of large numbers of AT1-receptors in sensory path- research was initially focused on its cardiovascular effects,
ways, all limbic structures [4], and the endothelium of and only recently it was realized that it has effects in the
cerebral microvessels (Fig. 1) [5] indicated the possibility brain beyond blood pressure control.
of several additional central roles for Ang II, including the
regulation of the reaction to stress, brain development, We will focus on recent research proposing novel func-
neuronal migration, sensory information and motor tions for brain Ang II, and in particular for AT1-receptors,

0263-6352 ß 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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S132 Journal of Hypertension 2006, Vol 24 (suppl 1)

Fig. 1 more resistant to ischemia [8]. The normalization of

cerebrovascular autoregulation by sustained AT1-recep-
tor blockade obtained by continuous administration of
candesartan for 2 weeks is the consequence of a reversal
of cerebrovascular pathological growth (Fig. 2) [8,12,13].
In SHRs, chronic AT1-receptor blockade significantly
reduced the volume of ischemia and tissue swelling
resulting from middle cerebral artery occlusion with
reperfusion [8] and in the model of permanent distal
middle cerebral artery occlusion (Fig. 2) [13]. The result-
ing increased capacity of the cerebral arteries to dilate, by
increasing collateral flow, reduced the loss of cerebro-
vascular flow in the periphery of the zone of ischemia and
contributed to the neuroprotective effect of the ARBs
[8,13]. Improved cerebrovascular flow is most probably
related to dilatation of collateral vessels. Preservation of
cerebrovascular flow above a crucial threshold of 0.50 ml/g
per min as a result of AT1-receptor blockade was essential
for tissue survival, and the area where cerebrovascular
Localization of angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptors in cerebrovascular flow was less than 0.50 ml/g per min correlated well with
endothelial cells. AT1-receptors are localized to the endothelium of a
cerebrovascular arteriole (arrow), as revealed by immunocytochemistry
the total area of ischemia [13]. Inhibition of the Ang II
using an antimouse monoclonal antibody. Modified from Saavedra et al. system, and not a reduction in blood pressure, is essential
[3], with permission. to ensure tissue survival after middle cerebral artery occlu-
sion, because a similar degree of blood pressure reduction
obtained after adrenergic receptor blockade [8] or calcium
in the regulation of cerebrovascular flow, brain ischemia channel inhibition [13] did not protect from ischemia.
and inflammation, stress, mood disorders, and cognition. Normalization of brain arterial compliance requires sus-
tained AT1-receptor blockade [13], paralleling the reversal
Role of angiotensin II in the regulation of the of the decreased lumen diameter and increased medial
cerebral circulation thickness characteristic of hypertension-induced cerebro-
Hypertension is characterized by alterations in the vascular pathological remodeling (Fig. 2) [14].
cerebral vasculature, including vasoconstriction and
increased pathological growth with proliferation of An additional mechanism contributing to the regulation
smooth muscle, decreased lumen, and decreased vascular of cerebrovascular compliance is the production of nitric
compliance [7]. These changes shift the cerebrovascular oxide at specific cellular sites. Ang II increases reactive
autoregulation towards the right, in the direction of oxygen species, enhancing scavenging of nitric oxide
higher blood pressures [8]. As a consequence, there is [14]. In the common carotid artery, principal arteries
a decreased capacity of cerebral vessels to dilate during forming the Willis polygon, and cerebral microvessels
hypoperfusion, increasing the vulnerability to brain of SHRs, there were lower concentrations of endothelial
ischemia and stroke. Ang II, through stimulation of nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) mRNA and protein, and
AT1-receptors located in cerebrovascular endothelium higher concentrations of adventitial inducible NOS
and smooth muscle, is a major factor contributing to these (iNOS) mRNA and protein than in normotensive con-
cerebrovascular alterations [5]. In addition, activation of trols, Wistar–Kyoto (WKY) rats [15]. Decreased cerebro-
AT1-receptors stimulates the central and peripheral vascular expression of eNOS during genetic hypertension
sympathetic system, increasing cerebrovascular vasocon- might be responsible for the decreased capacity to vaso-
striction [9,10]. These observations are supported by dilate in response to ischemia, and might influence the
the finding of increased expression of endothelial development of pathological remodeling by non-hemo-
AT1-receptors – a signal of increased AT1-receptor dynamic actions [16]. Conversely, increased expression
stimulation – in brain microvessels and middle cerebral of iNOS may result in upregulation of nitric oxide
artery of spontaneously (genetic) hypertensive rats production, leading to induced generation of reactive
(SHRs) when compared with normotensive controls [5]. oxygen species and inflammation. AT1-receptor blockade
decreased iNOS mRNA and protein and increased eNOS
In SHRs, inhibition of Ang II AT1-receptors with the Ang mRNA and protein in all brain vessels from SHRs,
II AT1-receptor blocker (ARB) candesartan, an inhibitor eliminating the difference in expression of eNOS and
of peripheral and brain AT1-receptors [11], shifts the iNOS proteins between SHRs and WKY rats and restor-
cerebrovascular autoregulatory response to the left, in ing the eNOS : iNOS ratio [15]. Restoration of eNOS
the direction of lower blood pressures, making the brain expression may stimulate production of nitric oxide by

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AT1-receptors in ischemia and stress Saavedra et al. S133

Fig. 2

Angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor antagonism prevents pathological growth of cerebral arteries and protects against brain ischemia. (a) Cross
sections of the middle cerebral artery from a Wistar–Kyoto (WKY) rat and a spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) treated with vehicle or the
AT1-receptor blocker, candesartan, 1 mg/kg per day subcutaneously for 2 weeks. Note the enhanced growth in the SHR treated with vehicle, and
the reversal of remodeling after treatment with candesartan. (b) Brain sections from SHRs, treated with vehicle or candesartan as above, before
permanent occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. Note the decreased tissue swelling and infarct area when the rats were pretreated with the
AT1-receptor blocker. Modified from Ando et al. [5], with permission.

Fig. 3

Anti-inflammatory effects of angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor blockade in brain microvessels from a Wistar–Kyoto (WKY) rat treated with vehicle,
a spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) treated with vehicle, and an SHR treated with candesartan as in Fig. 2. Note the presence of infiltrating
macrophages attached to the microvessel wall in the SHR treated with vehicle, and the absence of infiltrating macrophages in the WKY rat and the
SHR treated with candesartan. Modified from Ando et al. [5], with permission.

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S134 Journal of Hypertension 2006, Vol 24 (suppl 1)

the endothelium, improving vasodilatation and reversing pituitary–adrenal axis causing increased secretion of
the pathological arterial remodeling, an important mech- CRF, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and corti-
anism for neuroprotection during ischemia [17]. Inhi- coids, and increases the formation and release of arginine
bition of iNOS may reduce Ang II-induced generation vasopressin (AVP) [1,23].
of reactive oxygen species, decreasing nitric oxide scav-
enging, cellular damage, and inflammation [18]. The The regulation of AT1-receptor expression and stimula-
reversal of the eNOS : iNOS ratio, a restoration of the tion is most important as it determines the level of
balance lost during hypertension that occurs throughout activation of the brain Ang II system, and inhibition of
the entire cerebrovascular system, is associated with the brain AT1-receptors could prevent the response to stress.
normalization of brain arterial morphology and with pro- Candesartan was used to maintain a sustained decrease in
tection against ischemia. peripheral and central AT1-receptor stimulation before
the presentation of stress challenge. Pretreatment with
Chronic inflammation of blood vessels is also important candesartan prevented the following responses to the
for vulnerability to stroke in patients suffering from stress induced by isolation: enhanced AT1-receptor
hypertension and arteriosclerosis. Endothelial dysfunc- expression in the paraventricular nucleus, the increase
tion with endothelial macrophage adhesion is followed by in ACTH and decrease in AVP content in the pituitary
their infiltration into the blood vessel wall (Fig. 3) [19]. gland, the increase in adrenal corticosterone, aldosterone
Alterations in eNOS expression in SHRs correlate with and catecholamine concentrations, the increase in brain
increased expression of endothelial Ang II AT1-receptor and adrenal transcription of tyrosine hydroxylase (the
and intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), greater rate-limiting enzyme in catecholamine synthesis), and
numbers of endothelium-adhering macrophages in decreased urinary AVP and corticosterone concentrations
cerebral microvessels and carotid artery, and increased [23,25]. Thus, prior inhibition of brain AT1-receptors
numbers of perivascular infiltrating macrophages in prevented stress-induced hormonal and sympathoadrenal
microvessels of SHRs – evidence of cerebrovascular stimulation.
inflammation [5]. In addition, microvessels from SHRs
express enhanced tumor necrosis factor a (TNFa), inter- The regulation of the stress response by AT1-receptors
leukin-1b, and nuclear factor-kB, and upregulation of includes regulatory effects at higher central levels. Iso-
heat shock protein (HSP) genes such as HSP60, HSP70 lation stress in the rat decreases the expression of CRF
and HSP90 and heat shock factor-1 [20]. Sustained block- type 1 receptor (CRF1) and benzodiazepine binding in
ade of the AT1-receptor with peripherally administered the frontal, parietal, and cingulate cortices – effects
candesartan decreases the expression of ICAM-1 to a prevented by AT1-receptor inhibition before the stress
level similar to that in WKY rats [5], reduces the number challenge [25].
of perivascular infiltrating macrophages (Fig. 3) [5], and
fully reverses the upregulation of the HSP genes that is Pretreatment with candesartan was therapeutically
characteristic of SHRs [20]. beneficial in a stress-induced disorder, the formation of
gastric ulcers induced by cold-restraint in the rat, dramatic-
The reversal of the cerebrovascular inflammation in ally decreasing the number of gastric ulcerations (Fig. 4)
SHRs by AT1-receptor blockade demonstrates that [26]. The mechanisms involved in the protective effect of
AT1-receptor overstimulation is a molecular mechanism the ARB include reduction of the formation and release of
leading to brain inflammation. The suppression of inflam- the stress-induced adrenomedullary catecholamines, pre-
mation in brain vessels suggests important therapeutic vention of inflammation, and protection of the blood flow
advantages of ARBs, not only in the prevention of brain by inhibition of receptors in the endothelium and smooth
ischemia, but also in the treatment of inflammatory muscle cells of arteries located in the gastric mucosa [26].
diseases of the brain [2,3]. The anti-inflammatory effects include inhibition of the
enhanced expression of the proinflammatory cytokine
Role of angiotensin II in stress TNFa, ICAM-1, and the number of infiltrating neutro-
Angiotensin II is an important stress hormone. AT1- phils in the gastric mucosa [26], which have crucial roles in
receptors are highly concentrated in all parts of the the progression of gastric injury. Protection of gastric blood
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, including the par- flow and anti-inflammatory effects by ARBs is similar to
vocellular paraventricular nucleus, the site of formation of the protective effect exerted on cerebral blood flow and
corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) [4]. Stress enhances brain inflammation during brain ischemia [5,8,13,15,20].
the production of peripheral and brain Ang II and the
expression of brain and peripheral AT1-receptors, includ- Role of angiotensin II in mood disorders
ing those in the paraventricular nucleus [21–24]. Stimu- and cognition
lation of AT1-receptors during stress increases thirst, fluid It appears that overstimulation of AT1-receptors is
retention, and central [25] and peripheral sympathetic linked to anxiety. Mice expressing increased hypothala-
system responses [23], activates the hypothalamic– mic–pituitary–adrenal AT1-receptor numbers as a

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AT1-receptors in ischemia and stress Saavedra et al. S135

Fig. 4

Prevention of gastric mucosal lesions induced by cold-restraint stress by pretreatment with angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor blockers. Gastric
mucosa from rats treated with (a) vehicle or (b) the AT1-receptor blocker candesartan, for 2 weeks before being submitted to cold-restraint. Sections
of the glandular portion of the stomach in animals treated with (c) vehicle or (d) candesartan, for 2 weeks before being submitted to cold-restraint
stress. Note that pretreatment with candesartan prevented the development of stress-induced gastric ulcers. Bar represents 100 mm. (e) Number of
lesions in animals treated with vehicle (&) or pretreated with candesartan (&). P < 0.05 compared with stress vehicle. Modified from Bregonzio
et al. [26], with permission.

consequence of a gene deficiency in AT2-receptors [27] after peripheral administration of other ARBs such as
exhibit anxiety behavior [28]. The benzodiazepine bind- losartan [30].
ing site is part of the g-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA)
receptor complex, regulating, in higher centers, the Some preclinical and clinical evidence suggests that an
response to anxiety [29]. As ARBs prevent the stress- overactive brain Ang II system could be implicated in the
related decrease in benzodiazepine binding, protecting mechanisms leading to depression. Antidepressants
GABAA function, AT1-receptors may be involved in reduce drinking and the vasoconstriction elicited by
higher regulatory mechanisms controlling the behavioral Ang II [31]. In hypertensive, depressed individuals,
and cognitive responses to stress and anxiety. In the the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor,
elevated plus maze, a model representative of anxiety- captopril, improved mood – an effect not detected with
related behavior, candesartan pretreatment significantly other antihypertensive medications [32–34].
enhanced the number of entries into the open arm and
the time spent in the open arm, indicating a clear anxio- The role of Ang II in cognition has been studied by
lytic effect of the ARB. This effect is similar to that found administration of ACE inhibitors or ARBs. It appears that

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S136 Journal of Hypertension 2006, Vol 24 (suppl 1)

both ACE inhibitors and ARBs are able partially to and cerebrovascular AT1-receptors is a major factor deter-
reverse cognitive deficits in animal models [35]. There mining the cerebrovascular compliance and inflammation
is some anecdotal evidence, mostly from quality-of-life during hypertension and the response to brain ischemia.
measures in hypertensive patients treated with a number
of different antihypertensive medications, that blockade Angiotensin II is an important stress hormone, regulating
of the Ang II system with the ARB, losartan, can improve CRF, AVP, and the sympathetic system response to
cognition in humans [36–38]. It is possible that cognitive stress. Increased stimulation of the AT1-receptor during
improvement in hypertensive individuals and elderly stress is essential to enhance the central sympathetic
patients is partially related to improvement in the response and the formation and release of CRF and
cerebral circulation, as inhibition of AT1-receptors AVP. Sustained reduction of AT1-receptor stimulation
improves cerebrovascular compliance, reduces pathologi- before stress prevents the hormonal and sympathoadrenal
cal cerebrovascular growth, reduces cerebrovascular responses during the stress of isolation, and prevents
inflammation, and protects the brain from ischemia gastric ulcerations as a consequence of cold-restraint
[5,8,12,13,15]. In support of this hypothesis, increased stress. ARBs are also able to reverse the cortical altera-
AT1-receptor immunocytochemistry has been reported tions in CRF1 and benzodiazepine receptors character-
in association with microvessels in Alzheimer’s dementia istic of isolation stress – effects probably related to their
[39]. clear anti-anxiety effect in rodents.

Evidence from the literature indicates that mood dis- On the basis of suggestive preclinical evidence, prelimi-
orders are associated with abnormal responses to stress nary clinical observations, and evidence from the litera-
[40]. Inhibition of CRF1-receptors or AVP V1 type and V3 ture, it is tempting to speculate that sustained reduction
type receptors reduces anxiety in animal models, and a of Ang II tone by AT1-receptor antagonism should be
number of CRF1, V1, and V3 receptor antagonists are considered as a preventive and therapeutic approach to
under development for the treatment of mood disorders brain ischemia and stress-related and mood disorders.
and stress-related conditions [40]. Conversely, adminis- Additional preclinical studies and controlled clinical
tration of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) reduces anxiety trials are necessary to confirm the efficacy of this novel
in animal models and in humans [40]. All these com- therapeutic approach.
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