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Europäisches Patentamt

(19) European Patent Office *EP000738847B1*

Office européen des brevets (11) EP 0 738 847 B1

(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.7: F16K 11/078, F16K 27/04
of the grant of the patent:
31.10.2001 Bulletin 2001/44

(21) Application number: 96109942.1

(22) Date of filing: 27.04.1993

(54) Single-control mixer cartridge for hot and cold water

Einhebelmischventilkartusche für heisses und kaltes Wasser
Cartouche pour robinet mitigeur à commande unique pour eau chaud et froide

(84) Designated Contracting States: (73) Proprietor: AMFAG S.p.a.

DE ES FR IT 46042 Castel Goffredo (Mantova) (IT)

(30) Priority: 30.04.1992 IT MN920010 (72) Inventor: Bosio, Orlando

46040 Casaloldo (Mantova) (IT)
(43) Date of publication of application:
23.10.1996 Bulletin 1996/43 (74) Representative: Modiano, Guido, Dr.-Ing. et al
Modiano & Associati SpA
(62) Document number(s) of the earlier application(s) in Via Meravigli, 16
accordance with Art. 76 EPC: 20123 Milano (IT)
93106817.5 / 0 571 768
(56) References cited:
EP-A- 0 433 781
EP 0 738 847 B1

Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give
notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in
a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art.
99(1) European Patent Convention).

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 0 738 847 B1 2

Description and particularly those meant to be inserted in small

faucets, often have an inadequate performance as re-
[0001] The invention relates to a single-control mixer gards delivered water flow-rate and functionality, con-
cartridge for hot and cold water. sidered as ease in adjusting the temperature of the wa-
[0002] As known, devices known as mixer cartridges 5 ter and as ease in sliding during actuation.
are widely used in the field of faucets; these cartridges [0010] The aim of the present invention is therefore to
are inserted in the faucets and allow, by acting on a sin- provide a single-control mixer cartridge for hot and cold
gle actuation lever, to vary both the flow-rate delivered water which overcomes the problems encountered in
by the faucet from zero to a maximum value and the the use of the prior art mixer cartridges. Within this aim,
temperature of the delivered water by appropriately mix- 10 an object of the invention is to provide a mixer cartridge
ing the hot water and the cold water that arrive at said which is intrinsically suited to be inserted in an optimum
faucet. manner in ordinary faucets, such as flush-mount faucets
[0003] These devices comprise a bottom provided for bathtubs and showers. Another object of the inven-
with two inlet openings for the separate inflow of hot and tion is to provide a mixer cartridge which can be con-
cold water and with an outlet opening for hot, cold or 15 verted for optimum insertion in different faucets.
mixed water, and a body which is associated with said [0011] A further object of the present invention is to
bottom so as to define a portion of space suitable to con- provide a mixer cartridge having optimum performance
tain a fixed plate, made of ceramic material and provided characteristics from all points of view.
with holes corresponding to the openings of the bottom, [0012] The mixer cartridge according to the invention
and a movable plate, also made of ceramic material, 20 is defined in claim 1.
which comprises a mixing chamber. [0013] Further characteristics and advantages of the
[0004] Said movable plate is coupled, with a plate present invention will become apparent from the de-
covering element interposed or not, to the above men- scription of a preferred but not exclusive embodiment of
tioned actuation lever, which is pivoted on a rotating cou- the invention, illustrated only by way of non-limitative ex-
pling inside said body; in this manner it is possible to 25 ample in the accompanying drawings, wherein:
make the movable plate assume different positions with
respect to the fixed plate, thus obtaining different flow- figure 1 is a sectional view of the cartridge according
rates and temperatures of the water delivered by the to the present invention, taken along a diametrical
faucet, according to methods which are too well-known plane;
to delve into them. 30 figure 2 is an exploded view of the components of
[0005] Known cartridges have a bottom which, by vir- the cartridge according to the present invention;
tue of the shape and arrangement of the openings, is figure 3 is a view of the bottom of the cartridge, tak-
excellently suited for inserting the cartridge in very sim- en from the side directed toward the inside of said
ple faucets, such as ordinary flush-mount faucets for cartridge;
bathtubs and showers, whereas it is troublesome to in- 35 figure 4 is a sectional view, taken along the plane
sert said cartridge in different faucets, such as for ex- IV-IV of figure 3;
ample faucets for wash-bowls or bidets or for bathtub figure 5 is a view of the bottom of the cartridge, tak-
fittings. en from the side directed outwards;
[0006] A cartridge having the features set forth in the figure 6 is a view of the gaskets located at the pe-
preamble of claim 1 is known from EP-A-433 781. 40 riphery of the water flow openings provided in the
[0007] So-called adapter devices have thus been pro- bottom;
posed; they are inserted between the cartridge and the figure 7 is a view of the fixed plate, taken from the
base of the cartridge accommodation cavity formed in side directed toward the bottom;
the faucet; however, these adapter devices are not ca- figure 8 is a sectional view, taken along the plane
pable of meeting all the requirements of the various 45 VIII-VIII of figure 7;
kinds of faucet, and most of all they create maintenance figure 9 is a view of the fixed plate, taken from the
problems since, as they usually remain stuck in said side directed toward the movable plate;
cavity due to the hardening of the gaskets or to lime con- figure 10 is a view of the movable plate, taken from
cretions, they cannot be removed and thus cleaned or the side directed toward the plate cover;
replaced when necessary. 50 figure 11 is a sectional view, taken along the plane
[0008] There are also cartridges in which the bottom XI-XI of figure 10;
is shaped so that it adapts in optimum conditions to in- figure 12 is a view of the movable plate, taken from
dividual types of faucet which are different from flush- the side directed toward the fixed plate;
mount ones for bathtubs and showers; however, obvi- figure 13 is a view of the noise screen inserted with-
ously they do not allow interchangeability, since they are 55 in the movable plate;
targeted for a single type of faucet, with all the conse- figure 14 is a view of the plate cover, taken from the
quent and well-known disadvantages. side directed toward the movable plate;
[0009] It should also be noted that known cartridges, figure 15 is a sectional view, taken along the plane

3 EP 0 738 847 B1 4

XV-XV of figure 14; the axis 1a, and are almost entirely located on the other
figure 16 is a view of the plate cover, taken from the side of the axis 1b.
side directed toward the coupling; [0019] Said openings are advantageously mutually
figure 17 is a plan view of the coupling; separated by thin walls 18a, 18b and 18c having a sub-
figure 18 is a side view of the coupling; 5 stantially uniform thickness, so as to exploit the availa-
figure 19 is a sectional view, taken along the plane ble area as much as possible.
XIX-XIX of figure 17; [0020] The inflow openings 2 and 3 are provided re-
figures 20, 21 and 22 are views of the lever taken spectively with the through gaskets 19 and 20, which
along three orthogonal planes; provide maximum functional assurances and, again
figure 23 is a view of the body, taken from the side 10 with the purpose of maximally exploiting the area avail-
directed toward the inside of the cartridge; able for water flow, are thinner in the regions 19a, 20a
figure 24 is a sectional view, taken along the plane in which they are adjacent to the gasket 21 of the outflow
XXIV-XXIV of figure 23; opening 4, also characterized by a thinner portion in the
figures 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 are views of differ- regions 21a.
ent relative positions of the water flow openings pro- 15 [0021] It should be furthermore noted that the internal
vided in the fixed and movable plates; perimeter of the gasket 21 is shaped like two oppositely
figure 31 is a schematic view of different positions arranged circular arcs 21b and 21c, which are linked by
of the movable plate in its movement within the body means of the two circular arcs 21d; this allows the bot-
of the cartridge. tom according to the present invention to be correctly
20 associated with most of the types of holes provided in
[0014] With reference to the above figures 1 and 2, currently commercially available faucets.
the cartridge according to the present invention com- [0022] The cartridge according to the present inven-
prises: a substantially flat bottom 1, provided with open- tion, with the bottom described above, is perfectly suited
ings for the separate inflow of hot water 2 and cold water to be inserted in certain types of faucet, such as flush-
3, and with an opening 4 for the outflow of hot, cold or 25 mount faucets for bathtubs and showers, but it is pro-
mixed water; a body 5, associated with the bottom 1; a vided with means for connection to a supplemental bot-
fixed plate 6, provided with inflow openings 7 and 8 for tom to allow optimum conditions of insertion in different
hot and cold water respectively, and with an outflow faucets; said means comprise the three slots 22, which
opening 9 for hot, cold or mixed water; a movable plate pass through the thickness of the bottom, are provided
10, internally comprising a mixing chamber 11 and a 30 with a tooth 22a and are suitable to stably associate,
noise screen 12; a plate cover 13 removably rigidly cou- with a snap-together action, with protrusions which are
pled to the movable plate 10 and coupled, by virtue of rigidly coupled to the supplemental bottom.
the pin 14, to the actuation lever 15, which is pivoted at [0023] Once said protrusions have been associated
16 on the coupling 17 which is rotatable within the body with said slots, they can be separated only by using an
5. 35 appropriate tool, whereas the connection is assuredly
[0015] By moving the lever 15 about the fulcrum 16, fixed when the cartridge is extracted from its seat in the
the movable plate 10 moves with respect to the fixed faucet for maintenance or replacement.
plate 6; this movement, as is known, varies from zero to [0024] The reference numeral 23 furthermore desig-
a maximum value the flow-rate of water delivered by the nates two reference pins suitable to enter circular holes
faucet in which the cartridge is inserted. 40 provided at the base of the cavity for accommodating
[0016] By rotating the coupling 17 between two ex- the cartridge in a faucet; in order to be also associable
treme positions which are mutually spaced by an angle with holes provided in a supplemental bottom, if provid-
termed "mixing angle", the temperature of the water de- ed, said pins are shaped to define a cylindrical portion
livered by the faucet varies from the minimum temper- 23a whose diameter is equal to that of said circular
ature, which coincides with the inflow temperature of the 45 holes, conveniently reduced in its outward bulk by the
cold water, to the maximum temperature, which coin- wall 23b.
cides with the temperature of the hot water. [0025] The bottom 1 is provided with a wall portion 24
[0017] It is now possible to separately examine the in- containing the fixed plate 6 and having recessed re-
dividual components, starting from the bottom 1, with gions, such as 25a, in which teeth such as 25b are de-
reference to figures 3, 4, 5 and 6. 50 fined; said teeth allow to stably associate the body 5 with
[0018] As mentioned, the bottom 1 comprises the said bottom 1 by snap-together engagement of the teeth
openings 2 and 3, respectively for the inflow of hot and which are located at the ends of the legs 5a of said body.
cold water, and the opening 4 for the outflow of hot, cold [0026] The body 5 comprises a first substantially cy-
or mixed water, depending on the position of the mova- lindrical portion 5b suitable to be arranged directly after
ble plate 10 with respect to the fixed plate 6; said open- 55 the wall portion 24 of the bottom and connected, by
ing 4 is symmetrical with respect to the axis 1a and is means of the flat annular portion 5c provided with helical
almost entirely contained on one side of the axis 1b; the grooves 5d for containing lubricating grease, to the sec-
openings 2 and 3 are also symmetrical with respect to ond cylindrical portion 5e, for containing and guiding the

5 EP 0 738 847 B1 6

coupling 17 in its movement. flow of water, thus avoiding any throttling thereof, and
[0027] Said cylindrical portion 5b is internally provided indeed offering large passage sections, as better de-
with strengthening ridges 5f in regions which, by virtue scribed hereinafter.
of the particular shape of the movable plate 10, are not [0035] Continuing with the description of the outflow
involved in the movement of said plate; this circum- 5 opening 9, it can be seen that its section on the surface
stance is highlighted by figure 31, which shows, in 10a, of the plate which is directed toward the bottom, shown
10b, 10c and 10d, the four extreme positions of the in figure 7, is shaped so as to form two oppositely ar-
movement of the plate 10. ranged circular arcs 9d and 9e which are linked by the
[0028] The wall 24 of the bottom 1 is also provided circular arcs 9f; in this respect, it follows the shape of
with similar ridges 24a. 10 the gasket 21 for the purpose specified earlier.
[0029] The fixed plate 6 is now described in detail. [0036] The surface 9g, which is substantially flared to-
[0030] As mentioned above with reference to figure 2, ward the above described section, shown in figure 7,
the fixed plate 6 comprises the two inflow openings 7 and a small section portion 9h, having an opposite
and 8, respectively for hot and cold water, which are ar- shape, extend from said section towards the section il-
ranged symmetrically with respect to the diametrical ax- 15 lustrated in figure 9; this provision is aimed at optimizing
is 6a, and the outflow opening 9 for hot, cold or mixed fluid-dynamic conditions.
water, which is symmetrical with respect to said axis 6a. [0037] Before ending the description of the fixed plate
[0031] Starting by considering the inflow openings, it 6, it should be noted that the inflow sections 7a, 8a and
can be seen that on the surface directed toward the bot- the outflow section shown in figure 7 are tangent, on op-
tom 1, visible in figure 7, they have sections 7a, 8a, 20 posite sides, with respect to the diametrical axis 6b
which are shaped like a drop which is elongated toward which is at right angles to the axis of symmetry 6a; final-
the axis of symmetry 6a, and that on the surface directed ly, one should also consider the presence of the re-
toward the movable plate 10, visible in figure 9, they cessed peripheral region 6c, which improves the condi-
have sections 7b, 8b which are shaped so as to form a tions of the movement of the movable plate 10 in contact
circular arc which is concentric with respect to the wall 25 with the fixed plate 6; said region 6c is internally delim-
of the plate. ited by a circumference which is concentric to the exter-
[0032] Two walls 7c and 7d, which are flared toward nal wall of the plate which encloses the sealing region.
the section 7b, and two walls 7e and 7f, which are flared [0038] The movable plate 10 is now described, having
toward the section 7a, extend from said section 7a to- an elongated shape, and the edge whereof is shaped
ward said section 7b so as to define the opening 7; sim- 30 so as to define the two half-circles 26a, 26b which are
ilarly, two walls 8c and 8d, which are flared toward the linked by means of the two straight portions 26c.
section 8b, and two walls 8e and 8f, which are flared [0039] On the surface shown in figure 12, meant to be
toward the section 8a, extend from said section 8a to- directed toward the fixed plate 6, said movable plate 10
ward said section 8b, so as to form the opening 8. has a water flow opening connected to the mixing cham-
[0033] An optimum shape of the inflow openings 7 35 ber 11 and shaped so as to define a first portion 27,
and 8 is thus produced; the drop-shaped section 7a, 8a whose circular edge has a diameter which is intermedi-
for water inflow, which has determined the shape of the ate between the diameter of the internal edge of the sec-
inflow openings 2 and 3 in the bottom 1, with the related tions 7b and 8b and the diameter of the section portion
gaskets 19 and 20, is the most suitable to act as inter- 9a, as can be seen from figure 25; a second portion 29
mediate section in the path of the water entering the car- 40 extends from said portion 27, is linked by means of the
tridge toward the movable plate 10, between the two ex- two protrusions 28, is symmetrical with respect to the
treme sections which, it is stressed, are the circular out- axis of symmetry of the plate and is closed by an arc.
flow section at the base of the seat of the cartridge in [0040] The mixing chamber 11 defined within the plate
the faucet and the arc-like section 7b, 8b; the flared walls 10 is provided with the resting abutment 30 for the noise
of said openings define a fluid path with optimum fluid- 45 screen 12, which is constituted by the circular portion of
dynamic conditions. metallic mesh with folded edge which can be seen in
[0034] The outflow opening 9 is now considered in or- figure 13; above the level of said abutment, said mixing
der to observe that its section on the surface directed chamber 11 is shaped so as to define a side wall 31
toward the movable plate, shown in figure 9, is shaped which follows the shape of the outer lateral wall of the
so as to define a portion 9a which is comprised within 50 plate.
the inflow openings, with an edge which is concentric [0041] The reference numeral 32 furthermore desig-
with respect to said openings, and expands in 9b at right nates one of the seats for the feet with which the plate
angles to the axis of symmetry 6a in the region not af- cover 13, described hereinafter, is provided; said plate
fected by the inflow openings in a portion which is closed cover delimits the mixing chamber 11 in an upward re-
by the arc 9c, which is concentric with respect to the 55 gion.
periphery of the plate and has a diameter equal to that [0042] A few brief notes on operation, given with ref-
of the outer edge of the arc-like openings 7b and 8b; a erence to figures 25 to 30, in which the water flow re-
section is thus defined which maximally facilitates the gions are indicated by stippling, shall suffice to highlight

7 EP 0 738 847 B1 8

some of the main characteristics of the invention, the which are also provided at the base of the coupling.
general operation of said invention being well-known. [0050] The reference numeral 41 furthermore desig-
[0043] In the position of figure 25, which is obtained nates a recess which is provided at the base of the cou-
by placing the coupling 17 supporting the movable plate pling 17 and allows the insertion of the pin 14 in the hole
actuation lever 15 at the center and by placing said lever 5 15a of the lever 15; said lever 15 is already located in
at one end of its stroke about the fulcrum 16, no water said coupling, and said insertion can consequently oc-
flows; the circular edge of the portion 27 of the section cur for example in a single operation together with the
of the movable plate is superimposed on the safety re- fulcrum 16.
gion comprised between the inflow sections 7b and 8b [0051] It should be stressed that all of the above de-
and the portion 9a of the outflow section, all of which are 10 scribed provisions are aimed at containing the axial size
provided in the fixed plate. of the cartridge.
[0044] Without rotating the coupling 17, the lever 15 [0052] Again with reference to the plate cover 13, it
is moved and, by passing through the position of figure should be noted that within the cavity 35 there is the
26, in which medium flow-rate and mixing with equal protrusion 42, which is associable with the recess 15b
flows of hot water entered from 7b and of water entered 15 in order to ensure the correct mutual assembly of the
from 8b occur, one reaches the position of figure 27, with lever 15 and of the plate cover 13. To complete the de-
the maximum flow-rate and with equal flows of hot and scription of the coupling 17, the reference numerals 17a
cold water; here the importance of the portion 29 of the and 17b designate two per se known protrusions con-
section of the movable plate in conveying water to the stituting stroke limiting elements; the reference numeral
outflow opening is evident. 20 17c designates a seat for the pin 15c extending from the
[0045] By turning the coupling 17 until it reaches the lever 15 proximate to the hole 15d for accommodating
stroke limit on the hot water side, the position of figure the fulcrum 16 and ensuring the correct assembly of the
28 is obtained; this position indeed conveys only hot wa- lever with the coupling; the reference numeral 17d des-
ter with the maximum flow-rate, and said flow-rate can ignates the seats for a device for limiting the flow-rate
be decreased by moving, as a consequence of the 25 delivered by the faucet, which is disclosed in European
movement of the lever 15 about the fulcrum 16, into the patent application No. 93106818.3 filed on April 27,
position of figure 29, which shows the importance, in 1993 by the same Applicant; and finally the reference
terms of water conveyance, of the presence of the por- numeral 17e designates the hole for accommodating
tion 9b of the outflow section in the fixed plate combined the fulcrum 16 of the lever 15.
with the portion 29 of the opening of the movable plate. 30 [0053] From all of the above it can be immediately un-
[0046] By continuing the movement of the lever 15 un- derstood that the present invention provides a mixer car-
til it reaches the stroke limit, one reaches the closure tridge which is intrinsically insertable in an optimum
position of figure 30, showing the importance of the pro- manner in certain types of very simple faucets, such as
trusions 28, which allow to obtain a high mixing angle flush-mount faucets for bathtubs and showers, and can
highly appreciated by users since it allows easy and fine 35 be easily converted, by virtue of the stable engagement
temperature adjustment without having to reduce the di- of a supplemental bottom, for optimum insertion in
mensions of the sections 7b and 8b, while maintaining faucets of a different kind.
an adequate safety region for sealing. [0054] This leads to absolute interchangeability, since
[0047] The plate cover 13, the actuation lever 15 and only one type of cartridge is provided together with a
the coupling 17 are now described; it is immediately ev- 40 plurality of supplemental bottoms suited for the various
ident that said plate cover 13 has, on the side directed requirements, with easily imaginable advantages in
toward the movable plate 10: the five feet, such as 13a, terms of supply on the part of distribution organizations.
for association with said plate; the recess 13b for the [0055] In the cartridge according to the present inven-
gasket 33 shown in figure 1; and the protrusion 13c, tion, optimum utilization of the areas available for the
meant to make contact with the noise screen 12, which 45 flow of water allows to obtain great flow-rates even in
rests on the abutment 30 of said movable plate. the small sizes imposed by the dimensions of the spac-
[0048] On the side directed toward the coupling 17, es for accommodating the cartridge in the faucets des-
the plate cover 13 is instead provided with the flat sur- tined to accommodate it.
face 34, which makes contact with said coupling; said [0056] One should also note the optimization
flat surface is provided with the cavity 35 for accommo- 50 achieved as regards the functional characteristics, with
dating the end of the lever 15 which protrudes from said the achievement of a high mixing angle, reliability con-
coupling. cerning the seals, easy sliding movements, and opti-
[0049] The seats 36 and 37 of the traction pin 14, rig- mum fluid-dynamic characteristics.
idly coupled to the lever 15 in the hole 15a, are present [0057] The described invention is susceptible to nu-
at the edges of the cavity 35; since said pin 14 is partially 55 merous modifications and variations, all of which are
located within the recesses 38 provided at the base of within the scope of the inventive concept as defined in
the coupling 17, said seats have protrusions 39 which the claims; thus, for example, the means for stably cou-
extend from the flat surface 34 to enter recesses 40 pling a supplemental bottom which are provided in the

9 EP 0 738 847 B1 10

bottom of the cartridge may assume a different config- and the plate cover (13).
uration with respect to the one described, and in partic-
ular the openings 22 may be present in any number; the 4. Mixer Cartridge according to any one or more of the
internal profile of the gasket 21 may also be different preceding claims, characterized in that said bot-
from the one described by consisting of the combination 5 tom (1) is provided with means (22,22a) for the sta-
of any number of circular arcs. ble engagement of a supplemental bottom.
[0058] In the practical embodiment of the invention,
all the details may be replaced with other technically 5. Mixer Cartridge according to claim 4, character-
equivalent elements. ized in that said means (22,22a) for the stable en-
[0059] Where technical features mentioned in any 10 gagement of a supplemental bottom comprise a plu-
claim are followed by reference signs, those reference rality of slots (22) passing through the thickness of
signs have been included for the sole purpose of in- the bottom (1) and provided with a tooth (22a) in an
creasing the intelligibility of the claims and accordingly, intermediate region of said thickness.
such reference signs do not have any limiting effect on
the interpretation of each element identified by way of 15 6. Mixer Cartridge according to claim 5, character-
example by such reference signs. ized in that each slot (22) has a substantially quad-
rilateral shape and in that the tooth (22a) present
in the intermediate region of the thickness extends
Claims at one of the sides.
1. Mixer cartridge, comprising a body (5) associated 7. Mixer Cartridge according to any one or more of the
with a bottom (1) for containing a fixed plate (6) and preceding claims, characterized in that said bot-
a movable plate (10) provided with a plate cover tom comprises: an outflow opening (4) for hot, cold
(13) which is coupled to an actuation lever (15) piv- or mixed water, which is symmetrical with respect
oted on a rotating coupling (17), the plate cover (13) 25 to a diametrical axis of symmetry (1a) and is com-
having a flat surface (34) suitable to make contact prised, except for a small portion, on one side of the
with said coupling (17) and being coupled to said diametrical axis (1b) which is perpendicular to said
lever (15) by way of a traction pin (14) accommo- axis of symmetry (1a); and two inflow openings
dated in corresponding seats (37, 36), said surface (2,3), respectively for hot and cold water, which are
(34) being provided with a cavity (35) for accommo- 30 located, except for a small portion, on the opposite
dating the end of the lever (15) protruding from said side of said diametrical axis (1b) and are symmet-
coupling (17); characterized in that said seats rical with respect to said axis of symmetry (a), sep-
(36,37) for said traction pin (14) are provided at said arated from each other and from the outflow open-
flat surface (34) of the plate cover (13) at the edges ing by means of thin walls (18a,18b,18c) having a
of said cavity (35), first recesses (38) being further 35 substantially uniform thickness.
provided at the base of said coupling (17) in which
the ends of said pin (14) are partially located, said 8. Mixer Cartridge according to claim 7, character-
seats (36, 37) having protrusions (39) extending ized in that the openings (2,3,4) provided in the bot-
from said flat surface (34) to enter further recesses tom (1) are fitted with through gaskets (19,20,21)
(40) provided in the base of the coupling (17), at 40 which are thinner in the regions where the outflow
side parts of said first recesses (38). opening (4) is adjacent to the inflow openings (2,3).

2. Mixer Cartridge according to claim 1, character- 9. Mixer Cartridge according to claim 8, character-
ized by a recess (41) at the base of the coupling ized in that the perimeter of the internal wall of the
(17), for allowing insertion of the traction pin (14) of 45 gasket (21) of the outflow hole (4) for hot, cold or
the plate cover (13) in the lever (15) arranged in said mixed water is shaped so as to define consecutive
coupling (17). circular portions (21b,21c) in which at least the dif-
ferent centers are aligned along the axis of symme-
3. Mixer Cartridge according to claim 2, character- try.
ized in that. the lever (15) has, on its side wall, a 50
pin (15c) accommodated in a seat (17c) provided in 10. Mixer Cartridge according to any one or more of
the coupling (17), for ensuring correct mutual as- claims 8 to 9, characterized in that the perimeter
sembly of said lever (15) and said coupling (17), and of the internal wall of the gasket (21) of the outflow
furthermore has, proximate to its end, a recess hole (4) is shaped so as to define two oppositely
(15b) suitable to associate with a protrusion (42) 55 arranged circular arcs (21b, 21c), each of which ex-
which is present in the cavity (35) accommodating tends half on one side and half on the other side
said end which is present in the plate cover (13), for with respect to the axis of symmetry (a), said arcs
ensuring correct mutual assembly of the lever (15) (21b,21c) being linked by means of two circular arcs

11 EP 0 738 847 B1 12

(21d). treme edges of said section (7b,8b); and in that two

walls (7e,7f,8e,8f) with an opposite shape extend
11. Mixer Cartridge according to any one or more of from said section (7a,8a) on said surface directed
claims 7 to 10, characterized in that the bottom (1) toward the bottom (1) at the edges of said section
comprises reference pins (23) suitable to enter at 5 (7a,8a), shaped like circular arcs.
least holes provided at the base of the cavity for ac-
commodating the cartridge in a faucet, said pins 16. Mixer Cartridge according to claim 15, character-
(23) being shaped so as to define a cylindrical por- ized in that the section of the outflow opening (9)
tion in which the diameter is equal to the diameter on the surface of the fixed plate (6) which is directed
of said holes, said portion being conveniently re- 10 toward the movable plate (10) is shaped so as to
duced in its outward dimension. define a portion (9a) which is comprised within the
inflow openings (7,8) with an edge which is concen-
12. Mixer Cartridge according to any one or more of the tric with respect to said openings and expands at
preceding claims, characterized in that said body right angles to the axis of symmetry (6a) in the re-
(5) comprises a first substantially cylindrical portion 15 gion not affected by said openings (7,8) in a portion
(5b) provided with legs (5a) for stable snap-together which is closed by a circular arc (9c) which is con-
engagement with said bottom (1), said first portion centric to the periphery of the plate (6) and has the
(5b) being connected by means of a flat annular re- same diameter as the outer edge of the inflow sec-
gion (5c) to a second cylindrical portion (5e) for con- tions (7b,8b), whereas the section of said outflow
taining the rotating coupling (17) and guiding it in its 20 opening (9) on the surface directed toward the bot-
movement, said bottom (1) comprising a wall por- tom (1) is shaped so as to define consecutive circu-
tion (24) containing the fixed plate (6) and is ar- lar portions (9d,9e) having at least different centers
ranged so as to continue the wall of said first cylin- aligned along the axis of symmetry (6a); in that
drical portion (5b) of the body (5). walls (9g,9h) extend from the section on the surface
25 which is directed toward the bottom (1) and are sub-
13. Mixer Cartridge according to claim 12, character- stantially flared toward the section on the surface
ized in that said flat annular region (5c) is provided, directed toward the movable plate (6), except for a
on its face directed toward the inside of the car- portion of wall (9h) having the opposite shape in the
tridge, with helical grooves (5d) suitable to contain region proximate to the periphery of the plate (6).
lubricating substances. 30
17. Mixer Cartridge according to claim 16, character-
14. Mixer Cartridge according to claim 12, character- ized in that the section of the outflow opening (9)
ized in that the internal surface of the first cylindri- on the surface of the fixed plate (6) directed toward
cal portion (5b) of the body (5) has two oppositely the bottom (1) is shaped so as to define two oppo-
arranged strengthening ridges (5f) in regions not in- 35 site circular arcs (9d,9e), each of which extends half
volved in the movement of the movable plate (10), on one side and half on the other side with respect
said ridges (5f) being also present in the wall portion to the axis of symmetry (6a), said arcs (9d,9e) being
comprised within the bottom (1). linked by means of two circular arcs (9f).

15. Mixer Cartridge according to any one or more of the 40 18. Mixer Cartridge according to claim 15, character-
preceding claims, characterized in that said fixed ized in that the sections of the two inflow openings
plate (6) comprises: an opening (9) for the outflow (7,8) and the section of the outflow opening (9) on
of hot, cold, or mixed water, which is symmetrical the surface of the fixed plate (6) directed toward the
with respect to a diametrical axis of symmetry (6a); bottom (1) are tangent, on opposite sides, with re-
and two inflow openings (7,8), respectively for hot 45 spect to the diametrical axis (6b) which is perpen-
and cold water, which are symmetrical with respect dicular to the axis of symmetry (6a).
to said axis (6a); characterized in that the section
(7a,8a) of each inflow opening (7,8) on the surface 19. Mixer Cartridge according to claim 15, character-
directed toward the bottom (1) is shaped like a drop ized in that said fixed plate (6) comprises, at the
which is elongated toward the axis of symmetry 50 surface directed toward the movable plate (10), a
(6a), and in that the section (7b,8b) on the surface recessed peripheral region (6c) which is internally
directed toward the movable plate (10) is shaped delimited by a circle which is concentric with respect
so as to define a circular arc concentric with respect to the external wall of the fixed plate (6).
to the wall of the plate (6); and in that two walls (7c,
7d,8c,8d) extend from the section (7a,8a) on the 55 20. Mixer Cartridge according to claim 15, character-
surface which is directed toward the bottom (1) and ized in that the movable plate (10) has, on its sur-
are flared toward the section (7b,8b) on the surface face directed toward the fixed plate (6), a water flow
directed toward the movable plate (10) at the ex- opening connected to the mixing chamber (11) de-

13 EP 0 738 847 B1 14

fined within said movable plate, which is shaped so 37) von der genannten ebenen Fläche (34) vorra-
as to define a first portion (27) having a circular edge gende Vorsprünge (39) haben für einen Eintritt in
whose diameter is intermediate between the diam- weitere Rücksprünge (40), welche am Boden der
eter of the internal edge of the section (7b,8b) of the Kupplung (17) vorgesehen sind, und zwar an den
inflow openings (7,8) present on the surface of the 5 seitlichen Teilen der genannten ersten Ausnehmun-
fixed plate (6) which is directed toward the movable gen (38).
plate (10) and the diameter of the portion (9a) of the
section of the outflow opening (9) which is com- 2. Mischerpatrone nach Anspruch 1,
prised within said inflow openings (7,8); and in that gekennzeichnet durch
a second portion (29) extends from said first portion 10 eine Ausnehmung (41) am Boden der Kupplung
(27), is connected thereto by means of two protru- (17) für das Zulassen eines Einsetzens des Zugstif-
sions and is symmetrical with respect to the axis of tes (14) der Scheibenabdeckung (13) in dem Hebel
symmetry of the movable plate (10); said movable (15), der in der genannten Kupplung (17) angeord-
plate (10) having an elongated shape whose edge net ist.
defines two half-circles linked by straight portions. 15
3. Mischerpatrone nach Anspruch 2,
21. Mixer Cartridge according to claim 20, character- dadurch gekennzeichnet,
ized in that the mixing chamber (11) defined within daß der Hebel (15) an seinen Seitenwänden einen
the movable plate (10) has, at the first portion of the Zapfen (15c) hat, der eingepaßt ist in einen Sitz
water flow opening, a resting abutment (30) for a 20 (17c), welcher in der Kupplung (17) vorgesehen ist,
noise screen (12) adapted to be kept in position by zum Sicherstellen eines korrekten wechselseitigen
a protrusion extending from the overlying plate cov- Zusammenbaus des genannten Hebels (15) und
er (13), said screen (12) being constituted by a cir- der genannten Kupplung (17) und weiterhin, be-
cular portion of flat mesh with folded edges, said nachbart zu seinem Ende, eine Ausnehmung (15b)
mixing chamber (11) having, from the level of said 25 hat, welche geeignet für ein Anliegen an einem Vor-
noise screen (12) up to the surface of the movable sprung (42), welcher vorgesehen ist in der Ausneh-
plate (10) which is directed toward the plate cover mung (35), welche das genannte Ende aufnimmt,
(13), a lateral wall (31) which follows the shape of welches in der Scheibenabdeckung (13) vorgese-
the lateral outer wall of the plate. hen ist, um einen korrekten, wechselseitigen Zu-
30 sammenbau des Hebels (15) und der Scheibenab-
deckung (13) sicherzustellen.
4. Mischerpatrone nach einem oder mehreren der vor-
1. Mischerpatrone, umfassend: ein Gehäuse (5), das angehenden Ansprüche,
mit einem Boden (1) versehen ist zur Aufnahme ei- 35 dadurch gekennzeichnet,
ner fixierten Scheibe (6) und einer beweglichen daß der genannte Boden (1) mit Mitteln (22, 22a)
Scheibe (10), die mit einer Scheibenabdeckung für eine feste Anlage eines zusätzlichen Bodens
(13) versehen ist, welche mit einem Betätigungshe- versehen ist.
bel (15) gekoppelt ist, welcher an einer schwenkba-
ren Kupplung (17) angelenkt ist, wobei die Schei- 40 5. Mischerpatrone nach Anspruch 4,
benabdeckung (13) eine ebene Fläche (34) auf- dadurch gekennzeichnet,
weist, die zur Anlage mit der genannten Kupplung daß die genannten Mittel (22, 22a) für die feste An-
(17) geeignet ausgebildet ist und mit dem genann- lage eines zusätzlichen Bodens eine Mehrzahl von
ten Hebel (15) mittels eines Zugstiftes (14) gekop- Schlitzen (22) umfassen, welche sich über die Dik-
pelt ist, der in entsprechenden Sitzen (37, 36) an- 45 ke des Bodens (1) erstrecken und mit einer Nase
geordnet ist, wobei die genannte Fläche (34) mit ei- (22a) in einem Zwischenbereich der genannten Dik-
ner Ausnehmung (35) zur Aufnahme des von der ke versehen sind.
genannten Kupplung (17) vorstehenden Endes des
Hebels (15) versehen ist, 6. Mischerpatrone nach Anspruch 5,
durch gekennzeichnet, 50 dadurch gekennzeichnet,
daß die genannten Sitze (36, 37) für den genannten daß jeder Schlitz (22) eine im wesentlichen recht-
Zugstift (14) an der genannten ebenen Fläche (34) eckige Form hat und daß die im Zwischenbereich
der Scheibenabdeckung (13) an den Kanten der ge- der Dicke vorgesehene Nase (22a) sich an einer
nannten Ausnehmung (35) vorgesehen sind, wobei der Seiten erstreckt.
erste Ausnehmungen (38) weiterhin am Boden der 55
genannten Kupplung (17) vorgesehen sind, in de- 7. Mischerpatrone nach einem oder mehreren der vor-
nen die Enden des genannten Stiftes (14) teilweise angehenden Ansprüche,
angeordnet sind, wobei die genannten Sitze (36, dadurch gekennzeichnet,

15 EP 0 738 847 B1 16

daß der genannte Boden umfaßt: eine Auslauföff- üblicher Weise in seiner äußeren Abmessung redu-
nung (4) für warmes, kaltes oder gemischtes Was- ziert ist.
ser, welche symmetrisch ist gegenüber einer dia-
metralen Symmetrieachse und welche mit Ausnah- 12. Mischerpatrone nach einem oder mehreren der vor-
me eines kleinen Bereichs an einer Seite der dia- 5 angehenden Ansprüche,
metralen Achse (1b) vorgesehen ist, welche senk- dadurch gekennzeichnet,
recht zur genannten Symmetrieachse (1a); und daß das genannte Gehäuse (5) einen ersten, im
zwei Zulauföffnungen (2, 3), für warmes bzw. kaltes wesentlichen zylindrischen Bereich (5b) umfaßt,
Wasser, welche, abgesehen von einem kleinen Be- der mit Stegen (5a) für eine feste Einrastverbindung
reich, auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite der ge- 10 mit dem genannten Boden (1) versehen ist, wobei
nannten diametralen Achse (1b) angeordnet sind der genannte erste Bereich (5b) mittels eines ebe-
und welche symmetrisch sind gegenüber der ge- nen, ringförmigen Bereichs (5c) mit einem zweiten
nannten Symmetrieachse (1a), welche voneinan- zylindrischen Bereich (5e) für die Aufnahme der
der und von der Auslaßöffnung mittels dünner Wän- drehbaren Kupplung (17) und für deren Führung in
de (18a, 18b, 18c) getrennt sind, welche eine im we- 15 ihrer Bewegung verbunden ist, wobei der genannte
sentlichen gleiche Dicke haben. Boden (1) einen Wandbereich (24) umfaßt, der die
fixierte Scheibe (6) enthält und so angeordnet ist,
8. Mischerpatrone nach Anspruch 7, daß er die Wand des genannten ersten zylindri-
dadurch gekennzeichnet, schen Bereichs (5b) des Gehäuses (5) fortsetzt.
daß die im Boden (1) vorgesehenen Öffnungen (2, 20
3, 4) mit Durchgangsdichtungen (19, 20, 21) einge- 13. Mischerpatrone nach Anspruch 12,
paßt sind, welche dünner sind in den Bereichen, wo dadurch gekennzeichnet,
die Auslaßöffnung (4) benachbart zu den Zulauföff- daß der genannte ebene, ringförmige Bereich (5c)
nungen (2, 3) ist. auf seiner zum Inneren der Patrone gerichteten
25 Oberfläche mit spiraligen Nuten (5d) versehen ist,
9. Mischerpatrone nach Anspruch 8, die zur Aufnahme von Schmiermitteln ausgebildet
dadurch gekennzeichnet, sind.
daß der Umfang der Innenwand der Dichtung (21)
der Auslauföffnung (4) für warmes, kaltes oder ge- 14. Mischerpatrone nach Anspruch 12,
mischtes Wasser so geformt ist, daß er aneinander 30 dadurch gekennzeichnet,
anschließende kreisförmige Bereiche (21b; 21c) daß die innere Oberfläche des ersten zylindrischen
bildet, wobei mindestens die unterschiedlichen Bereichs (5b) des Gehäuses (5) zwei einander ge-
Zentren entlang der Symmetrieachse fluchten. genüberliegend angeordnete Verstärkungsrippen
(5f) aufweist, in Bereichen, die nicht in die Bewe-
10. Mischerpatrone nach einem oder mehreren der An- 35 gung der beweglichen Scheibe (10) einbezogen
sprüche 8 bis 9, sind, wobei die genannten Rippen (5f) ebenfalls im
dadurch gekennzeichnet, Wandbereich vorhanden sind, der im Boden (1) vor-
daß der Umfang der Innenwand der Dichtung (21) gesehen ist.
der Auslauföffnung (4) für warmes, kaltes oder ge-
mischtes Wasser so geformt ist, daß er zwei einan- 40 15. Mischerpatrone nach einem oder mehreren der vor-
der gegenüberliegend angeordnete Kreisbögen angehenden Ansprüche,
(21b, 21c) bildet, deren jeder sich jeweils zur Hälfte dadurch gekennzeichnet,
auf der einen und der anderen Seite der Symme- daß die fixierte Scheibe (6) umfaßt: eine Öffnung
trieachse (1a) erstreckt, wobei die genannten Bö- (9) für den Auslauf von warmem, kaltem oder ge-
gen (21b, 21c) mittels zweier Kreisbögen (21d) ver- 45 mischtem Wasser, welche symmetrisch ist gegen-
bunden sind. über einer diametralen Symmetrieachse (6a); und
zwei Zulauföffnungen (7, 8) für warmes bzw. kaltes
11. Mischerpatrone nach einem oder mehreren der An- Wasser, welche symmetrisch zu der genannten
sprüche 7 bis 10, Achse (6a) sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß
dadurch gekennzeichnet, 50 der Bereich (7a, 8a) einer jeden Zulauföffnung (7,
daß der Boden (1) Paßstifte (23) umfaßt, welche 8) auf der Oberfläche, die zum Boden (1) gerichtet
zum Eintreten zumindest in Löcher geeignet sind, ist, wie ein Tropfen geformt ist, der in Richtung auf
welche am Boden des Hohlraums vorgesehen sind, die Symmetrieachse (6a) gelängt ist, und daß der
um die Patrone in einer Armatur einzusetzen, wobei Bereich (7b, 8b) auf der Oberfläche, welche auf die
die genannten Stifte (23) so geformt sind, daß sie 55 bewegliche Scheibe (10) gerichtet ist, so geformt
einen zylindrischen Bereich bilden, in dem der ist, daß er einen Kreisbogen bildet, der konzen-
Durchmesser gleich dem Durchmesser der ge- trisch zur Wand der Scheibe (6) ist; wobei zwei
nannten Löcher ist, wobei der genannte Bereich in Wände (7c, 7d, 8c, 8d) von dem Bereich (7a, 8a)

17 EP 0 738 847 B1 18

auf der Oberfläche ausgehen, welche zum Boden (6) sich im Hinblick auf die diametrale Achse (6b),
(1) gerichtet ist und welche sich zum Bereich (7b, welche senkrecht zur Symmetrieachse (6a) ver-
8b) auf der zur beweglichen Scheibe (10) gerichte- läuft, auf entgegengesetzten Seiten berühren.
ten Oberfläche an den äußersten Kanten des ge-
nannten Bereichs (7b, 8b) erweitern, und wobei 5 19. Mischerpatrone nach Anspruch 15,
zwei Wände (7e, 7f, 8e, 8f) mit entgegengesetzter dadurch gekennzeichnet,
Form von dem genannten Bereich (7a, 8a) auf der daß die genannte fixierte Scheibe (6) an der zur be-
genannten Oberfläche, die zum Boden gerichtet ist weglichen Scheibe (10) gerichteten Oberfläche ei-
(1), an den Kanten des genannten Bereichs (7a, 8a) nen ausgenommenen Umfangsbereich (6c) auf-
ausgehen, die wie Kreisbögen geformt sind. 10 weist, der innen durch einen Kreis begrenzt wird,
der konzentrisch zur Außenwand der fixierten
16. Mischerpatrone nach Anspruch 15, Scheibe (6) ist.
dadurch gekennzeichnet,
daß der Bereich der Auslauföffnung (9) auf der 20. Mischerpatrone nach Anspruch 15,
Oberfläche der fixierten Scheibe (6), welche zur be- 15 dadurch gekennzeichnet,
weglichen Scheibe (10) gerichtet ist, so geformt ist, daß die bewegliche Scheibe (10) auf ihrer zur fixier-
daß er einen Bereich (9a) bildet, der innerhalb der ten Scheibe (6) weisenden Oberfläche eine Was-
Zulauföffnungen (7, 8) umfaßt ist mit einer Kante, serströmungsöffnung aufweist, die mit der inner-
welche gegenüber den genannten Öffnungen kon- halb der genannten beweglichen Scheibe (10) ge-
zentrisch ist und sich unter rechten Winkeln gegen- 20 bildeten Mischkammer (11) verbunden ist, welche
über der Symmetrieachse (6a) in den Bereich aus- geformt ist zur Bildung eines ersten Bereichs (27),
dehnt, der nicht von den genannten Öffnungen (7, der eine kreisförmige Kante hat, dessen Durchmes-
8) beeinträchtigt wird, in einen Bereich, der durch ser zwischen dem Durchmesser der inneren Kante
einen Kreisbogen (9c) geschlossen ist, welcher des Bereichs (7b, 8b) der Zulauföffnungen (7, 8)
konzentrisch zum Umfang der Scheibe (6) ist und 25 liegt, die auf der Oberfläche der fixierten Scheibe
den gleichen Durchmesser wie die Außenkante der (6) vorhanden sind, welche zur beweglichen Schei-
Zulaufbereiche (7b, 8b) hat, wobei der Bereich der be (10) gerichtet ist und dem Durchmesser des Teils
Auslauföffnung (9) auf der zum Boden (1) gerichte- (9a) des Bereichs der Auslauföffnung (9), der in den
ten Oberfläche so geformt ist, daß er zusammen- genannten Zulauföffnungen (7, 8) umfaßt ist; und
hängende Kreisbereiche (9d, 9e) bildet, die zumin- 30 daß ein zweiter Bereich (29) von dem genannten
dest unterschiedliche Zentren haben, welche ent- ersten Bereich (27) ausgeht und damit mittels zwei-
lang der Symmetrieachse (6a) fluchten; wobei die er Vorsprünge (28) verbunden ist und symmetrisch
Wände (9g, 9h) von dem Bereich der Oberfläche zur Symmetrieachse der beweglichen Scheibe (10)
ausgehen, die zum Boden (1) gerichtet ist und wel- ist; wobei die bewegliche Scheibe (10) eine längli-
che sich im wesentlichen zum Bereich der zur be- 35 che Form hat, deren Kante zwei Halbkreise bildet,
weglichen Scheibe (6) gerichteten Oberfläche er- die durch gerade Bereiche miteinander verbunden
weitern, ausgenommen für einen Bereich der Wand sind.
(9h), welcher die entgegengesetzte Form in dem
Bereich benachbart zum Umfang der Scheibe (6) 21. Mischerpatrone nach Anspruch 20,
hat. 40 dadurch gekennzeichnet,
daß die Mischkammer (11), die innerhalb der be-
17. Mischerpatrone nach Anspruch 16, weglichen Scheibe (10) gebildet ist, an dem ersten
dadurch gekennzeichnet, Bereich der Wasserströmungsöffnung einen Rast-
daß der Bereich der Auslauföffnung (9) auf der zum anschlag (30) für ein Geräuschsieb (12) aufweist,
Boden (1) gerichteten Oberfläche der fixierten 45 das ausgebildet ist, durch einen von der aufliegen-
Scheibe (6) so geformt ist, daß er zwei entgegen- den Scheibenabdeckung (13) ausgehenden Vor-
gesetzte Kreisbögen (9d, 9e) bildet, deren jeder sprung in seiner Stellung gehalten zu werden, wo-
sich zur Hälfte auf einer Seite der Symmetrieachse bei das genannte Sieb (12) durch einen kreisförmi-
(6a) und zur Hälfte auf der anderen Seite der Sym- gen Bereich eines ebenen Gitters mit gefalteten
metrieachse (6a) erstreckt, wobei die genannten 50 Kanten gebildet wird, wobei die Mischkammer (11)
Bögen (9d, 9e) mittels zweier Kreisbögen (9f) ver- von dem Niveau des genannten Geräuschsiebs
bunden sind. (12) bis zur Oberfläche der beweglichen Scheibe
(10), welche zur Scheibenabdeckung (13) weist, ei-
18. Mischerpatrone nach Anspruch 15, ne Seitenwand (31) hat, welche der Form der seit-
dadurch gekennzeichnet, 55 lichen Außenwand der Scheibe folgt.
daß die Bereiche der beiden Zulauföffnungen (7, 8)
und der Bereich der Auslauföffnung (9) auf der zum
Boden gerichteten Oberfläche der fixierten Scheibe

19 EP 0 738 847 B1 20

Revendications pour une mise en prise stable d'un fond supplémen-

taire comportent une pluralité de fentes (22) pas-
1. Cartouche pour mitigeur comportant un corps (5) sant à travers l'épaisseur du fond (1), et munies
associé à un fond (1) pour contenir une plaque fixe d'une dent (22a) dans une zone intermédiaire de
(6) et une plaque mobile (10) munie d'un recouvre- 5 ladite épaisseur.
ment de plaque (13) qui est accouplé à un levier
d'actionnement (15) monté pivotant sur un accou- 6. Cartouche pour mitigeur selon la revendication 5,
plement rotatif (17), le recouvrement de plaque (13) caractérisée en ce que chaque fente (22) a une
ayant une surface plate (34) appropriée pour être forme sensiblement de quadrilatère, et en ce que
en contact avec ledit accouplement (17), et étant 10 la dent (22a) présente dans la zone intermédiaire
accouplée audit levier (15) par l'intermédiaire d'une de l'épaisseur s'étend au niveau d'un des côtés.
broche de traction (14) reçue dans des sièges cor-
respondants (37, 36), ladite surface (34) étant mu- 7. Cartouche pour mitigeur selon l'une quelconque
nie d'une cavité (35) pour recevoir l'extrémité du le- des revendications précédentes, caractérisée en
vier (15) faisant saillie à partir dudit accouplement 15 ce que ledit fond comporte : une ouverture d'écou-
(17), caractérisée en ce que lesdits sièges (36, 37) lement de sortie (4) pour de l'eau chaude, froide ou
destinés à ladite broche de traction (14) sont agen- mélangée, qui est symétrique par rapport à un axe
cés au niveau de ladite surface plate (34) du recou- de symétrie diamétral (1a) et qui est constituée, à
vrement de plaque (13) au niveau des bords de la- l'exception d'une petite partie, sur un premier côté
dite cavité (35), des premiers évidements (38) étant 20 de l'axe diamétral (1b) qui est perpendiculaire audit
en outre agencés au niveau de la base dudit accou- axe de symétrie (1a); et deux ouvertures d'écoule-
plement (17) dans lesquels les extrémités de ladite ment d'entrée (2, 3), respectivement pour de l'eau
broche (14) sont partiellement positionnées, lesdits chaude et de l'eau froide, qui sont situées, à l'ex-
sièges (36, 37) ayant des saillies (39) s'étendant à ception d'une petite partie, sur les côtés opposés
partir de ladite surface plate (34) pour entrer dans 25 dudit axe diamétral (1b), et qui sont symétriques par
des évidements supplémentaires (40) agencés rapport audit axe de symétrie (1a), qui sont sépa-
dans la base de l'accouplement (17), au niveau de rées l'une de l'autre et de l'ouverture d'écoulement
parties latérales desdits premiers évidements (38). de sortie par l'intermédiaire de parois minces (18a,
18b, 18c) ayant une épaisseur sensiblement unifor-
2. Cartouche pour mitigeur selon la revendication 1, 30 me.
caractérisée par un évidement (41) situé au niveau
de la base de l'accouplement (17), pour permettre 8. Cartouche pour mitigeur selon la revendication 7,
d'insérer la broche de traction (14) du recouvrement caractérisée en ce que les ouvertures (2, 3, 4)
de plaque (13) dans le levier (15) agencé dans ledit agencées dans le fond (1) sont munies de joints
accouplement (17). 35 d'étanchéité traversants (19, 20, 21) qui sont plus
fins dans les zones où l'ouverture d'écoulement de
3. Cartouche pour mitigeur selon la revendication 2, sortie (4) est adjacente aux ouvertures d'écoule-
caractérisée en ce que le levier (15) a, sur sa paroi ment d'entrée (2, 3).
latérale, une broche (15c) reçue dans un siège
(17c) agencé dans l'accouplement (17), pour ga- 40 9. Cartouche pour mitigeur selon la revendication 8,
rantir un assemblage mutuel correct dudit levier caractérisée en ce que le périmètre de la paroi in-
(15) et dudit accouplement (17), et a de plus, à terne du joint d'étanchéité (21) du trou d'écoule-
proximité de son extrémité, un évidement (15b) ap- ment de sortie (4), destiné à de l'eau chaude, froide
proprié pour être associé à une saillie (42), qui est ou mélangée, est mis en forme de manière à définir
présente dans la cavité (35) recevant ladite extré- 45 des parties circulaires consécutives (21b, 21c)
mité qui est présente dans le recouvrement de pla- dans lesquelles sont alignés, le long de l'axe de sy-
que (13), pour garantir un assemblage mutuel cor- métrie, au moins les différents centres.
rect du levier (15) et du recouvrement de plaque
(13). 10. Cartouche pour mitigeur selon l'une quelconque
50 des revendications 8 à 9, caractérisée en ce que
4. Cartouche pour mitigeur selon l'une quelconque le périmètre de la paroi intérieure du joint d'étan-
des revendications précédentes, caractérisée en chéité (21) du trou d'écoulement de sortie (4) est
ce que ledit fond (1) est muni de moyens (22, 22a) mis en forme de manière à définir deux arcs circu-
pour la mise en prise stable d'un fond supplémen- laires agencés de manière opposée (21b, 21c),
taire. 55 dont chacun s'étend pour une moitié sur un premier
côté et pour une moitié sur l'autre côté par rapport
5. Cartouche pour mitigeur selon la revendication 4, à l'axe de symétrie (1a), lesdits arcs (21b, 21c) étant
caractérisée en ce que lesdits moyens (22, 22a) reliés par l'intermédiaire de deux arcs circulaires

21 EP 0 738 847 B1 22

(21d). concentrique par rapport à la paroi de la plaque (6);

et en ce que deux parois (7c, 7d, 8c, 8d) s'étendent
11. Cartouche pour mitigeur selon l'une quelconque à partir du tronçon (7a, 8a) de la surface qui est di-
des revendications 7 à 10, caractérisée en ce que rigée vers le fond (1) et sont évasés vers le tronçon
le fond (1) comporte des broches de référence (23) 5 (7b, 8b) de la surface dirigée vers la plaque mobile
appropriées pour entrer au moins dans des trous (10) au niveau des bords extrêmes dudit tronçon
agencés au niveau de la base de la cavité, pour re- (7b, 8b); et en ce que deux parois (7e, 7f, 8e, 8f)
cevoir la cartouche dans un robinet, lesdites bro- ayant une forme opposée s'étendent à partir dudit
ches (23) étant mises en forme de manière à définir tronçon (7a, 8a) de ladite surface dirigée vers le
une partie cylindrique dans laquelle le diamètre est 10 fond (1) au niveau des bords dudit tronçon (7a, 8a),
égal au diamètre desdits trous, ladite partie ayant mises en forme de manière analogue à des arcs
une dimension extérieure convenablement réduite. circulaires.

12. Cartouche pour mitigeur selon l'une quelconque 16. Cartouche pour mitigeur selon la revendication 15,
des revendications précédentes, caractérisée en 15 caractérisée en ce que le tronçon de l'ouverture
ce que ledit corps (5) comporte une première partie d'écoulement de sortie (9) de la surface de la plaque
sensiblement cylindrique (5b) munie de pattes (5a) fixe (6) qui est dirigée vers la plaque mobile (10) est
pour une coopération par encliquetage stable avec mis en forme de manière à définir une partie (9a)
ledit fond (1), ladite première partie (5b) étant con- qui est contenue dans les ouvertures d'écoulement
nectée par l'intermédiaire d'une zone annulaire pla- 20 d'entrée (7, 8) en ayant un bord qui est concentrique
te (5c) à une seconde partie cylindrique (5e) pour par rapport auxdites ouvertures, et qui s'étend à an-
contenir l'accouplement rotatif (17) et le guider dans gle droit par rapport à l'axe de symétrie (6a) dans
son déplacement, ledit fond (1) comportant une par- la zone non affectée par lesdites ouvertures (7, 8),
tie de paroi (24) contenant la plaque fixe (6), et est dans une partie qui est fermée par un arc circulaire
agencé de manière à continuer la paroi de ladite 25 (9c) qui est concentrique par rapport à la périphérie
première partie cylindrique (5b) du corps (5). de la plaque (6), et a le même diamètre que le bord
extérieur des tronçons d'écoulement d'entrée (7b,
13. Cartouche pour mitigeur selon la revendication 12, 8b), tandis que le tronçon de ladite ouverture
caractérisée en ce que ladite zone annulaire plate d'écoulement de sortie (9) de la surface dirigée vers
(5c) est munie, sur sa face dirigée vers l'intérieur de 30 le fond (1) est mis en forme de manière à définir des
la cartouche, de gorges hélicoïdales (5d) appro- parties circulaires consécutives (9d, 9e) ayant au
priées pour contenir des substances lubrifiantes. moins différents centres alignés le long de l'axe de
symétrie (6a); en ce que des parois (9g, 9h) s'éten-
14. Cartouche pour mitigeur selon la revendication 12, dent à partir du tronçon de la surface qui est dirigée
caractérisée en ce que la surface interne de la pre- 35 vers le fond (1), et sont sensiblement évasées vers
mière partie cylindrique (5b) du corps (5) a deux le tronçon de la surface dirigée vers la plaque mo-
arêtes de renforcement agencées de manière op- bile (6), à l'exception d'une partie de paroi (9h)
posée (5f) situées dans des zones non impliquées ayant la forme opposée dans la zone située à proxi-
dans le déplacement de la plaque mobile (10), les- mité de la périphérie de la plaque (6).
dites arêtes (5f) étant également présentes dans la 40
partie de paroi contenue dans le fond (1). 17. Cartouche pour mitigeur selon la revendication 16,
caractérisée en ce que le tronçon de l'ouverture
15. Cartouche pour mitigeur selon l'une quelconque de l'écoulement de sortie (9) de la surface de la pla-
des revendications précédentes, caractérisée en que fixe (6) dirigée vers le fond (1) est mis en forme
ce que ladite plaque fixe (6) comporte : une ouver- 45 de manière à définir deux arcs circulaires opposés
ture (9) pour l'écoulement de sortie d'eau chaude, (9d, 9e), dont chacun s'étend pour une moitié sur
froide ou mélangée, qui est symétrique par rapport un premier côté et pour une moitié sur l'autre côté
à un axe de symétrie diamétral (6a), et deux ouver- par rapport à l'axe de symétrie (6a), lesdits arcs (9d,
tures d'écoulement d'entrée (7, 8), respectivement 9e) étant reliés par l'intermédiaire de deux arcs cir-
pour de l'eau chaude et de l'eau froide, qui sont sy- 50 culaires (9f).
métriques par rapport audit axe (6a), caractérisée
en ce que le tronçon (7a, 8a) de chaque ouverture 18. Cartouche pour mitigeur selon la revendication 15,
d'écoulement d'entrée (7, 8) sur la surface dirigée caractérisée en ce que les tronçons des deux
vers le fond (1) est mis en forme de manière ana- ouvertures d'écoulement d'entrée (7, 8) et le tron-
logue à une goutte qui est allongée vers l'axe de 55 çon de l'ouverture d'écoulement de sortie (9) de la
symétrie (6a); et en ce que le tronçon (7b, 8b) situé surface de la plaque fixe (6) dirigée vers le fond (1)
sur la surface dirigée vers la plaque mobile (10) est sont tangents, sur des côtés opposés, par rapport
mis en forme de manière à définir un arc circulaire à l'axe diamétral (6b) qui est perpendiculaire à l'axe

23 EP 0 738 847 B1 24

de symétrie (6a).

19. Cartouche pour mitigeur selon la revendication 15,

caractérisée en ce que ladite plaque fixe (6) com-
porte, au niveau de la surface dirigée vers la plaque 5
mobile (10), une zone périphérique évidée (6c) qui
est délimitée intérieurement par un cercle qui est
concentrique par rapport à la paroi externe de la
plaque fixe (6).
20. Cartouche pour mitigeur selon la revendication 15,
caractérisée en ce que la plaque mobile (10) a,
sur sa surface dirigée vers la plaque fixe (6), une
ouverture d'écoulement d'eau connectée à la cham-
bre de mélange (11) définie à l'intérieur de ladite 15
plaque mobile, qui est mise en forme de manière à
définir une première partie (27) ayant un bord cir-
culaire dont le diamètre est situé entre le diamètre
du bord intérieur du tronçon (7b, 8b) des ouvertures
d'écoulement d'entrée (7, 8) présentes sur la surfa- 20
ce de la plaque fixe (6) qui est dirigée vers la plaque
mobile (10), et le diamètre de la partie (9a) du tron-
çon de l'ouverture d'écoulement de sortie (9) qui est
contenu dans lesdites ouvertures d'écoulement
d'entrée (7, 8); et en ce qu'une seconde partie (29) 25
s'étend à partir de ladite première partie (27), est
connectée à celle-ci par l'intermédiaire de deux
saillies, et est symétrique par rapport à l'axe de sy-
métrie de la plaque mobile (10); ladite plaque mo-
bile (10) ayant une forme allongée dont un bord dé- 30
finit deux demi-cercles reliés par des parties rectili-

21. Cartouche pour mitigeur selon la revendication 20,

caractérisée en ce que la chambre de mélange 35
(11) définie à l'intérieur de la plaque mobile (10) a,
au niveau de la première partie de l'ouverture
d'écoulement d'eau, une butée d'appui (30) pour
une grille antibruit (12) adaptée pour être mainte-
nue en position par une saillie s'étendant à partir du 40
recouvrement de plaque sus-jacente (13), ladite
grille (12) étant constituée d'une partie circulaire de
mailles plates ayant des bords pliés, ladite chambre
de mélange (11) ayant, à partir du niveau de ladite
grille antibruit (12) jusqu'à la surface de ladite pla- 45
que mobile (10) qui est dirigée vers le recouvrement
de plaque (13), une latérale paroi (31) qui suit la
forme de la paroi latérale extérieure de la plaque.



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