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Analysis of mission and vision

statements of companies
A well-crafted vision and mission statements can help in aligning the
company’s efforts and core strengths and focus on the achievement of goals.
Given below is the analysis of two companies with well aligned and organized
vision and mission statements-

1. The Walt Disney company-

a) Vision statement- “to be one of the world’s leading producers and
providers of entertainment and information.”

It is clear from the vision statement of the company that its

objective is to establish itself as the global leader in the
entertainment and information industry. The vision statement
emphasizes on the company’s desire to create and distribute a
type of content which captures the attention and engages
audiences worldwide.

Disney aims to maintain its position as a key in the entertainment

industry by striving to be one of the best.

b) Mission statement- “to entertain, inform and inspire people

around the globe through the power of unparalleled storytelling,
reflecting the iconic brands, creative minds and innovative
technologies that make ours the world’s premier entertainment

Three key elements are being highlighted in the mission statement

of Disney- entertainment, information and inspiration. Since,
storytelling has always managed to engage and entertain people,
Disney used the power of storytelling to achieve its mission which
also proved to be the cornerstone behind Disney’s success
throughout its history. It emphasizes the significance of creative
talent, iconic brands and innovative technologies in maintaining
Disney’s status as the world’s premier entertainment company.

c) Analysis-
 Broad Reach: Both the vision and mission statements
emphasize Disney's ambition to have a global impact. By
targeting a wide audience and catering to various
demographics, Disney seeks to extend its influence and
presence across different markets and regions.

 Entertainment and Information: Disney recognizes the

importance of both entertainment and information in its
offerings. It aims to create content that not only entertains
but also provides valuable information to its audiences. This
reflects the company's commitment to offering a diverse
range of content that appeals to different interests and

 Storytelling: The vision and mission statements highlight

the central role of storytelling in Disney's operations.
Storytelling has been a fundamental element of Disney's
success, and the company continues to leverage it to engage
and captivate audiences. This emphasis on storytelling sets
Disney apart as a company that values creative and
compelling narratives.

 Brand Recognition: The mission statement acknowledges

the iconic nature of Disney's brands. These brands, such as
Mickey Mouse and Disney Princesses, have become
synonymous with the company and are crucial to its
success. By highlighting the significance of these brands,
Disney aims to maintain their relevance and continued

 Innovation: The mission statement also emphasizes the

importance of innovative technologies in Disney's
operations. This reflects the company's commitment to
embracing new technologies, platforms, and distribution
channels to deliver its content in innovative and immersive
ways. Disney strives to stay at the forefront of technological
advancements to enhance the entertainment experience for
its audiences.

Overall, Disney's vision and mission statements showcase

its commitment to being a global leader in entertainment
and information. The company's focus on storytelling, brand
recognition, innovation, and global reach provides a clear
direction for its activities and aspirations.

2. Starbucks-
a) Vision statement- "to establish Starbucks as the premier
purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our
uncompromising principles while we grow."
Starbucks wants to be recognized as the leading provider of high-
quality coffee globally, the vision statement shows its ambition to
do so while emphasizing its commitment to stick to its core
principles and values as the company expands and evolves.

b) Mission statement- "to inspire and nurture the human spirit -

one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time."

The mission statement focuses on the company’s commitment to

making a positive impact on individuals and communities. It
highlights the importance of personal connections, emphasizing
the role of coffee as catalyst of bringing people together. The
mission statement signifies the dedication of Starbucks to create
a welcoming environment and providing a sense of community
through its stores.

c) Analysis-
 Quality and Excellence: Starbucks' vision statement
emphasizes its dedication to offering the finest coffee in the
world. The company has built a strong reputation for
delivering high-quality products, and this statement
reinforces its commitment to maintaining and enhancing
its standards of excellence.

 Core Principles: Starbucks is committed to upholding its

core principles as it grows. This demonstrates the
company's determination to retain its values and ethical
standards throughout its expansion. By emphasizing the
importance of these principles, Starbucks aims to maintain
its authenticity and integrity.

 Inspiring and Nurturing: The mission statement reflects

Starbucks' focus on inspiring and nurturing the human
spirit. It goes beyond the coffee itself and highlights the
company's desire to positively impact individuals. This
aspect of the mission statement highlights Starbucks'
commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive
atmosphere in its stores.

 Community Engagement: The mission statement

emphasizes Starbucks' commitment to making a difference
in neighborhoods and communities. By focusing on one
person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time,
Starbucks recognizes the importance of local engagement
and seeks to create a positive influence in the areas it

 Customer Experience: Both the vision and mission

statements indirectly address Starbucks' dedication to
providing an exceptional customer experience. By striving
to be the premier purveyor of coffee and nurturing personal
connections, Starbucks aims to create a unique and
enjoyable experience for its customers.

Overall, Starbucks' vision and mission statements highlight

the company's commitment to quality, core principles,
community engagement, and the customer experience. The
statements reflect Starbucks' desire to be more than just a
coffee provider by emphasizing the role of coffee in fostering
connections and making a positive impact on individuals
and communities.

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