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Student #: 34092048 Assignment 2 Carmen Mohangi

Assignment Unique#: 537682 ETH305V

a) Define the following microcultures that can influence classroom teaching and
give an example of each:
i) Gender (3)
Gender with regards to micro culture is a small group defined by their sexual
orientation. Boys are said to be more disruptive in class than girls and that certain
subjects are far more suited for girls than for boys. This can also affect the needs
and behaviour of learners. Gender may influence the needs and behaviour of
learners. Example of which would be an “all girl “classroom.

ii) Language (3)

Some children may not have their home language as their medium of teaching and
may find learning difficult as they are being taught in a second or third language, so
they are being stereotyped as being not smart. Some learners may have had a bad
experience or simply do not like the language and thereby have a poor attitude
towards learning.
iii) Socio-economic class (3)
This term refers to the upper, middle and lower class of people in a community. They
are categorised on the base of how wealthy they are. The upper class have many
material possessions at schools as well as a full packed lunch box. The lower
classes have few material possessions and sometimes never bring lunch to school.
These lower- class learners envy the learners of the upper class. They may feel
oppressed and inferior.
b) Why is it so important to have multicultural education in South Africa? In your
discussion focus on the issues of diversity and empowerment in the classroom.
It is vital to in changing the society and mindsets passed down from a history of
discrimination. During that time, the various social groups did not have access to
educational equity. The implementation of multicultural education will reverse
disadvantages and ultimately promote all social groups especially the minority
groups that suffered much discrimination. These groups need to be empowered.
Every language group needs to be empowered as well.
A fair and democratic South Africa would entail social transformation for each one of
its diverse cultures. Since children are the future adults of the country, the classroom
can serve as incubators of social transformation. In addition, the classroom
environment possesses the vital ability to transfer knowledge, values and the
relationships which will empower them socially. Since classrooms are highly
influential, caution must be taken to avoid the breeding of inequality as suggested by
some neo-Marxist.

Student #: 34092048 Assignment 2 Carmen Mohangi
Assignment Unique#: 537682 ETH305V
c) Discuss ONE strategy that you would use to learn more about your learners’
cultures in the multicultural classroom. (3)
I would consider students’ cultures and language skills when developing learning
objectives and instructional activities, monitoring academic progress, and more to
help your culturally diverse students to be successful. I would set a task that requires
them to speak or demonstrate elements of their culture.
a) Explain in your own words the following dimensions of multicultural education:
i) Equity pedagogy (2)
This is defined as "teaching strategies and classroom environments that aid students
from diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural groups to gain the knowledge, skills, and
attitudes that they need to function effectively within. It enables them to create and
live in a just, civil, and democratic society by to challenging fundamental societal
structures of inequity via equipping students with basic skills which will help them
be facilitators for social change. This ensures that the teacher holds high expectation
for all social groups.
ii) Prejudice reduction (2)
Prejudice reduction as intervention to eventually rid learners of any preconceived
ideas about various social groups. It is the practise of lessening the attitude of
prejudice or hate between persons/learners by means of eliminating segregation and
avoiding grouping based on gender, race, ethnicity and instilling an attitude of
appreciation, respect and tolerance between people of different groups.
b) Explain how a teacher could promote prejudice reduction in multicultural
education. Provide an example to illustrate your point. (4)
Teachers could set a group task in which the teacher carefully puts together groups
that are have learners of several ethnicities together. The task should call for the
fusion of all or two of their cultures example, a cultural fusion dance for Arts and
culture. In this way, the cultures are not segregated but working together on a task
in which they can develop a sense of appreciation for art from another culture.
c) Explain what is meant by ‘assimilation’ in schools. Discuss one way in which
multicultural education is different from the assimilationist model. (4)
Assimilation is a Monocultural policy that focuses on minimising cultural differences
and encourages social conformity and continuity. Minority groups are expected to
conform to the dominant group culture.
A multicultural school is inviting of all cultural groups and aims to promote an
awareness and appreciation of the different cultures however in a monocultural
school that practises assimilation, leaners of diverse cultures ae encouraged to
follow the culture of the majority or dominant group.

Student #: 34092048 Assignment 2 Carmen Mohangi
Assignment Unique#: 537682 ETH305V

d) i) What is a mono-ethnic school? (2)

The term Mono-ethnic means single ethnicity or ethnic group example Hispanic
people only or Jewish people only. Therefore, as school that is comprised of solely
one ethnic group is regarded as a mono-ethnic school. This mono ethnic school is
expected to bring out the fact that this school which, on the main, is homogeneous in
terms of the culture of the learners and therefore, not multicultural

ii) Discuss why multicultural education would still be necessary in a mono-ethnic

school. (6)
It is necessary in that the leaners from a mono-ethnic school will live and work in a
multicultural environment. This will enable leaners to adopt a positive attitude
towards other social groups. It will enable them to learn about other social groups in
history. Teachers can monopolise of the existing social groups to teach effectively.
Teachers are required to create apt learning environments that will cater for the
needs of learners from diverse cultural, linguistic, educational and social-economic
a) i) Explain the term lingua franca. (2)
This term literally means the specific language. This refers to the language that is
adopted as a common language between speakers whose native languages are

ii) What is the lingua franca used in your community and why was it chosen?
English, English was most apt in that it is a universal language. Most of the literature
and media available to us was in English. Kwazulu-Natal where I grew up was a
British colony for a period.

c) Describe the following barriers to communication in the classroom and provide

your own example of each barrier:
i) Physical barriers are physical elements that cause an obstacle to communication
like physical noise, such as the sound of heavy traffic passing the school building or
the scratching of chalk on the blackboard
ii) Physiological barriers include physiological factors like poor health or specific
handicaps, such as a hearing disability or a stammer that impede communication

Student #: 34092048 Assignment 2 Carmen Mohangi
Assignment Unique#: 537682 ETH305V
iii) Perceptual barriers include differences in the age, background, education,
gender, interests or the culture of the teacher and the learners the obstruct
d) i) Discuss the basic components of the communication process in the classroom.
The communication process is comprised of the following basic components, namely
the message SENDER or classroom teacher. The information, content or instruction
is regarded as the MESSENGER. This this messenger is made up of words pictures or
symbols which are regarded as the CODE. The manner in which the message is
conveyed example face to face, written instruction or via intercom at school is
regarded as the CHANNEL. (4)
ii) Discuss briefly why the communication process is complex and could provoke
challenges in the classroom. (2)
The communication process is complex in that it is a two-way process between
learners and the teacher. Challenges may arise if either branch of the
communication is not done effectively.
a) What is meant by:
i) ELLs (3)
English-language learners, or ELLs, are students who are unable to communicate
fluently or learn effectively in English, who often come from non-English-speaking
homes and backgrounds, and who typically require specialized or modified
instruction in both the English language and in their academic courses.

ii) ESL (3)

English as a second language refers to the teaching of English to students with
different native or home languages using specially designed programs and
techniques. English as a second language is an English-only instructional model

b) What school policies should be developed to assist and meet the needs of ELLs?
Management councils & governing bodies. Management councils & governing bodies
should be informed of the needs of a newly constituted & linguistically diverse learner
Parent community. Parents of the dominant language group should also be made aware
of the special needs of ELLs children. Such parents may volunteer as teacher aids.
General school climate. The school should aim to create a general school climate in which
language diversity is respected.

Student #: 34092048 Assignment 2 Carmen Mohangi
Assignment Unique#: 537682 ETH305V
Teacher collaboration. An effort at close collaboration between language teachers, subject
teachers & remedial or guidance teachers in planning educational activities for
underachieving ELLs learners should be promoted.
Classroom environment. All teachers should integrate learners’ diverse cultural
experiences & backgrounds into meaningful language learning within the classroom &
provide opportunities for authentic communication within the classroom.

c) Explain what is meant by language diversity. Discuss the type of general school
climate that should be created to respect language diversity. (8)
The school’s climate should be created in a situation in which language diversity is
respected and value. Children must be made to feel comfortable and not inferior due
to their linguistic background. This approach should foster respect and tolerance for
the other languages spoken by learners and affirms their status. This can be
achieved in by creating a bilingual print environment that would reflect the home
language of ELLs in school. Labels, instructions, inspirational slogans and notices of
school events should be provided in the learner’s home language. School or
classroom libraries should be stocked with reading material that are published in the
languages represented within the school. Ells should be encouraged to read and
write in their home language as well as English. Learners can write essays and use
poems, proverbs and sayings from their home language in order to make projects
more creative. Learners should be permitted to discuss school activities in their
home language groups to facilitate good comprehension even if they must report
back to the class in English. Provision should be made for language classes for
English speaking learners so that they may learn other language especially the
official languages.
d) In the teaching of English as a core subject give ONE example of how a teacher
can encourage reading skills. (2)
Create a classroom book club with a reading hour. Not only will your students begin
reading independently, but it will boost their confidence to know that they are in
charge of their own learning thereby serve as an encouragement. Learners should
be encouraged to read aloud or to a friend or just silently during reading hour.
Volunteers such as parents or student teachers could read to them.
a) Discuss THREE approaches to discipline in the multicultural classroom. Identify
ONE of the approaches and explain why you think it would be the most appropriate
model to use in the classroom. (9)
The Behaviouristic approaches to discipline is a behaviouristic or authoritarian
approach to discipline, obedience is the target behaviour, and punishment and
rewards are used almost exclusively to attain this. The humanistic approach to
discipline is a permissive model of discipline which focuses on individual freedom.
The Democratic models of discipline is a democratic approach to discipline, the
following principles are often listed as important in which discipline should be

Student #: 34092048 Assignment 2 Carmen Mohangi
Assignment Unique#: 537682 ETH305V
reasonable and interpreted as such by learners, discipline should reflect respect for
individuals, and it should be relevant to the behaviours giving rise to the disciplinary
action. Therefore, I feel that the Democratic approach is most appropriate in that it
instils mutual respect for all.

b) Discuss how you as a teacher would establish clear rules in the classroom to
promote positive behaviour. (5)
I, the teacher would Model the right behavior. I would draw up and implement a school’s
code of conduct in order to promote discipline. I would ensure that learners do not feel
intimidated but encouraged with the establishment of clear rules that are worded
positively. I would also resort to a “rewards for good behaviour system” that would
motivate them. I would praise learners as they respond better to praise than criticism
and be inclusive as leaving learners out can contribute to poor behavior. I would involve
parents in all aspects of discipline and show learners how to take responsibility by
providing opportunities to develop.

c) Explain the practice of parent involvement in schools. Give an example of how

parental involvement can be beneficial in a multicultural classroom. (6)
Parental involvement forms part of a dynamic process where the school and parents
work together for the ultimate benefit of the child. This practice requires parents to
engage in activities involving collaboration on educational matters, setting of goals,
finding solution, implementing and evaluating shared goals as well as inspiring and
maintaining trust between parents and the school. The involvement of parents in
schools is intended essentially to promote and support learners‟ learning, school
performance and general well-being.
Parents can help educators improve and develop their knowledge and understanding
of learners who come from diverse backgrounds since the parents will have more
information and can more effectively convey this to the teacher and the rest of the
class that of their child, the learner example during a show and tell task about ones
cultural background, Parents may assist in bring more information and cultural articles
for the presentation.

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