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Wissal Berriche

N°66 5e tranche Zouaghi,

Ain El Bey, Constantine, Algeria

Mobile 05 55 37 75 67


Objective To find a translator post that will enable me to translate academic and other types of texts.

Profile Graduate and substitute teacher.

2022- BA in English Language. University of Frères Mentouri Constantine 1

Education and
Qualifications 2019-Level certificate of English. CEIL University of Frères Mentouri Constantine1

2018-2019 Law Faculty Tijani Heddam UFMC1

2015-2018 Nouioua Fatima High School, Constantine

2015- BEM ( GCSEs )

Work experience
2023- Substitute teacher of English in a middle school in Constantine.

Languages: Arabic ( native speaker fuency); French (near native-speaker fluency); English;
Spanish ( 2 years of high school); Turkish (Speaking)

Good keyboard skills. Familliarity with Word.

Clean driving licence.

Cooking, Handball.

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