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Q1.Imagine that you have been hired asa brand manager for toothpaste making FMCG company. You task is to encourage advertising group and production group to promote and manufacture the product effectively. None of these department are under your direct control. Describe what all tactics that you will use to ensure that the advertising and production departments will help you make and sell the toothpaste brand effectively. -Building Relationships: To ensure effective collaboration with the advertising and production departments, building strong relationships is crucial. As a brand manager, | would focus on fostering open communication, trust, and mutual respect with the teams in these departments. By establishing a positive rapport, | can influence them to align their efforts with the overall brand strategy. -Understanding Their Goals: It is essential to understand the goals and objectives of both the advertising and production departments. By comprehending their targets, | can tailor my approach to show how promoting and manufacturing the toothpaste brand effectively can contribute to their success. This alignment of goals will motivate them to prioritize the brand’s needs. -Educating on Brand Strategy: | would take the initiative to educate both teams on the brand’s strategy, positioning, target market, unique selling points, and competitive landscape. By providing them with a clear understanding of the brand’s identity and market positioning, they can tailor their activities to resonate with consumers effectively. -Collaborative Planning: Encouraging collaborative planning sessions involving representatives from all three departments can foster synergy and alignment. By involving them in brainstorming sessions, strategy meetings, and campaign planning discussions, we can leverage diverse perspectives and expertise to develop innovative marketing campaigns and efficient production processes. -Incentivizing Performance: Recognizing and rewarding exceptional performance from both the advertising and production teams can incentivize them to go above and beyond in promoting and manufacturing the toothpaste brand effectively. Incentives could include bonuses, recognition programs, or career development opportunities tied to successful brand outcomes. -Monitoring Progress: Regularly monitoring progress against key performance indicators related to advertising effectiveness and production efficiency is crucial. By tracking metrics such as Sales growth, market share increase, advertising reach, production costs, and quality control measures, we can identify areas for improvement and celebrate successes together. -Feedback Mechanism: Establishing a feedback mechanism where all departments can provide input on each other’s work is vital for continuous improvement. Encouraging constructive feedback loops will foster a culture of collaboration, learning, and innovation across teams. Q2.Explain with examples various sources to gain power in an organization. Ability to influence another person Exerted by means of:Influence: Affecting the thoughts, behavior, and feelings of another person Authority: Right to influence another person Zone of indifference: Range in which attempts to influence a person will be: Perceived as legitimate Acted on without a great deal of thought Sources of power in an organization refer to the ways individuals or groups can influence others to achieve organizational goals. There are several sources of power that individuals can leverage within an organization. These sources of power can be categorized into formal and informal sources of power. Formal Sources of Power: a. Legitimate Power: This type of power is derived from an individual’s position within the organizational hierarchy. It is based on the authority granted to a person by the organization. For example, a manager has legitimate power over their subordinates due to their position in the hierarchy. b. Reward Power: This source of power stems from an individual's ability to provide rewards or incentives to others in exchange for compliance. For instance, a supervisor who has the authority to give bonuses or promotions holds reward power. c. Coercive Power: Coercive power is based on the ability to administer punishment or negative consequences for non- compliance. An example would bea manager who can reprimand or fire employees for not meeting expectations. d. Information Power: Information power comes from possessing valuable information that others require but do not have access to. Individuals who control critical data or knowledge within an organization wield information power. Informal Sources of Power: a. Expert Power: Expert power is derived from an individual’s specialized knowledge, skills, or expertise in a particular area. Colleagues or subordinates may defer to someone with expert power for guidance and decision-making. b. Referent Power: Referent power is based on personal characteristics such as charisma, likability, and trustworthiness that make others want to emulate or associate with the individual possessing this type of power. Q3.List various political tactics being used in organization. Which of them have you witness being used in an organization which you were a part, share with eg 15 Influence Tactics Used in Organizations Tactics DESCRIPTION EXAMPLES The person seeks to persuade you ‘that the request is approved by higher It Ppwerd eppests ‘management or appeasto higher man- _,7'ePoning you my boss. My boss agement for assistance in gaining your “UPPOrS : compliance with the request. ‘The person makes an explicit or implicit promise that you wil receive re-wards ‘or tangible benefits if you comply with “You owe me a favor. ll take you to ‘a request or support a proposal or lunch if you'l support me on this.” reminds you ofa prior favor to be recip- rocated. SOURCE: Fist to columns fom G. Vik! and C.M,Falbe, “lafluence Tats and Obecves in Upward, Downward and Lateral Influence Amps” Journal of ‘Applied Psychology 75 (1900) 152-140, Copyright © 1990 by the Aneccan Psychological Association Repeated wih perision Exchange 16 Influence Tactics Used in Organizations TacTIcs DESCRIPTION EXAMPLES: ‘The person seeksto get you ina good “Only you can do this job right. | can Ingratiation mood or to think favorably of him orher always count on you, 50 I have another, before asking you to do something. request” SOURCE: Fist two columns fom G. Yuk an C.M,Falbe, “fluence Tats and Objectives in Upward, Downward and Lateral Influence Atemps Journal of ‘Applied Psychlogy 75 (1980) 152-140 Copyright © 199) bythe American Psjeologieal Asocauon Reprinted wih pennssion TACTICS Inspirational appeals Consultation. Organizations DESCRIPTION The person makes an emotional request ‘or proposal that arouses enthusiasm by appealing to your values and ideals or by increasing your confidence that you candoit. ‘The person seeks your participation in making a decision or planning how to implement a proposed policy, strategy, or change. Influence Tactics Used in EXAMPLES “Being environmentally conscious isthe righ thing Getting tat account willbe tough, but know you can do it* “This new attendance plan is controver- sial, Hove can we make it more accepta- ble? What do you think we can do to make our workers less fearful of the new robots on the production line?” ‘SOURCE: First two columns frm G, Yuk and . M, Fabe, “Influence Tacs and Objecivesin Upward, Downward, and Later Influence Atlempts,” Jour of Applied Psychology 75 (1990: 122-140, Copyright© 1990 by the American Psychological Association, Reprinted with pemission, Eg- In my previous organization, | witnessed coalition building and networking being used frequently. Certain individuals would form alliances with influential colleagues or managers to advance their own agendas or gain support for their projects. These alliances often involved exchanging favors or providing support in exchange for future assistance or backing. Additionally, networking played a significant role in gaining access to resources, information, and opportunities within the organization. Those who were adept at building and maintaining relationships often had greater influence and visibility within the company. Q4 Which of these power that you would like to develop for yourself Expert Power or Legitimate Power? Explain with examples what are the advantages and disadvantages of both the above. Both expert power and legitimate power can be valuable in different contexts, but if | had to choose, | would prefer to develop

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