Digital Marketing PPT Notes

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BBA 304
UNIT 1 Introduction to Digital Marketing

´ Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that

use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses
leverage digital channels such as search engines, social
media, email, and their websites to connect with current
and prospective customers.
´ The definition of digital marketing according to ISM
(Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing) includes “the
management and execution of marketing using electronic
media such as the web, email, interactive TV, wireless
media in conjunction with digital data about customers
characteristics and behavior”
Scope and Importance

´ Low cost compared to traditional marketing

´ Fastest Reach
´ Location-based messaging
´ Personalization of message
´ Multi-channel reach
´ Instant customer interaction
´ Measure immediate results
´ Eco- friendly
´ Influential

´ Online Marketing Channels – Website marketing, SEM (search

engine marketing – includes SEO and Pay per click advertising),
mobile marketing (i.e. Google Play, Apple Store), email
marketing, online banner advertising, video marketing, and
Social Media marketing.
´ Offline Digital Channels – Television, Radio, SMS, digital billboards
(indoor and outdoor)
Internet vs Traditional Marketing
Traditional Marketing Digital Marketing

People Reach Low High

User Target No Yes
Cost High Low
Return on Investment (ROI) Low High
Tracking No Yes
People Reach
Without internet With internet
Communication One way Two way
Due to analytical data message hit
Target market Message may not hit target market
target market
Ad Static and unchangeable Dynamic and can be revised
Focus Business Profit User satisfaction + business profit
Try to increase sales with their ad
Value vs Advertising Provide value to audience
The Internet Micro Environment

´Market Place
´Online Buying Behavior
B2C Internet Marketing
´ B2C marketing encompasses the various strategies, techniques and tools used to
promote products by companies that sell directly to consumers.
Why is B2C marketing important?
´ The explosion of digital platforms in recent years has fractured traditional marketing
channels. To adequately engage consumers, brands need to navigate a wide variety
of touchpoints and fine-tune their message for each scenario and platform.
´ B2C marketing strategies need to be extensive, covering every digital channel that
reaches potential customers:
´ Web.
´ Social.
´ Mobile.
´ Email marketing.
´ Affiliate marketing.
´ And much more.
B2B Internet Marketing

´ B2B (business-to-business) marketing is marketing of products to businesses

or other organizations for use in production of goods, for use in general
business operations (such as office supplies), or for resale to other
consumers, such as a wholesaler selling to a retailer.
Internet Marketing Strategy
The Marketing Mix. (7 P’s) in
online context
´ Products/Services: Integrated toolset for SEO, blogging, social media,
website, email and lead intelligence tools.
´ Prices/Fees: Subscription-based monthly, Software-As-Service model
based on number of contacts in database and number of users of the
´ Place/Access: Online! Network of Partners, Country User Groups.
´ Promotion: Directors speak at events, webinars, useful guides that are
amplified by SEO and effective with SEO. PPC Social media advertising,
e.g. LinkedIn.
´ Physical Evidence: Consistent branding across communications.
´ Processes: More sales staff are now involved in conversion.
´ People: Investment in online services.
Planning Website Design
Integrated Internet Marketing
´Integrated marketing communication refers to integrating
all the methods of brand promotion to promote a particular
product or service among target customers. In integrated
marketing communication, all aspects of marketing
communication work together for increased sales and
maximum cost effectiveness.
various components of Integrated Marketing Communication:
´ The Foundation - As the name suggests, foundation stage
involves detailed analysis of both the product as well as target
market. It is essential for marketers to understand the brand, its
offerings and end-users. You need to know the needs, attitudes
and expectations of the target customers. Keep a close watch
on competitor’s activities.
´ The Corporate Culture - The features of products and services
ought to be in line with the work culture of the organization. Every
organization has a vision and it’s important for the marketers to
keep in mind the same before designing products and services.
Let us understand it with the help of an example.
Organization A‘s vision is to promote green and clean world.
Naturally its products need to be eco friendly and biodegradable,
in lines with the vision of the organization.
´ Brand Focus - Brand Focus represents the corporate identity of
the brand.
´ Consumer Experience - Marketers need to focus on consumer
experience which refers to what the customers feel about the
product. A consumer is likely to pick up a product which has good
packaging and looks attractive. Products need to meet and exceed
customer expectations.
´ Communication Tools - Communication tools include various modes
of promoting a particular brand such as advertising, direct selling,
promoting through social media such as facebook, twitter, orkut and
so on.
´ Promotional Tools - Brands are promoted through various
promotional tools such as trade promotions, personal selling and so
on. Organizations need to strengthen their relationship with
customers and external clients.
´ Integration Tools - Organizations need to keep a regular track on
customer feedbacks and reviews. You need to have specific
software like customer relationship management (CRM) which helps
in measuring the effectiveness of various integrated marketing
communications tools.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

´ It is common practice for Internet search users to not click through

pages and pages of search results, so where a site ranks in a
search results page is essential for directing more traffic toward the
site. The higher a website naturally ranks in organic results of a search,
the greater the chance that that site will be visited by a user.
´ SEO helps to ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and
improves the chances that the site will be found by the search
Email marketing

´Email marketing is the act of sending a commercial

message, typically to a group of people, using email. In its
broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or
current customer could be considered email marketing. It
usually involves using email to send advertisements,
request business, or solicit sales or donations, and is meant
to build loyalty, trust, or brand awareness.
Email marketing can be carried out through different types of emails:
´ Transactional emails
Transactional emails are usually triggered based on a customer's action
with a company. To be qualified as transactional or relationship messages,
these communications' primary purpose must be "to facilitate, complete, or
confirm a commercial transaction that the recipient has previously agreed
to enter into with the sender" along with a few other narrow definitions of
transactional messaging.
´ Direct emails
Direct email involves sending an email solely to communicate a
promotional message (for example, a special offer or a product catalog).
Companies usually collect a list of customer or prospect email addresses to
send direct promotional messages to, or they rent a list of email addresses
from service companies
Opt-in email advertising
´ Opt-in email advertising, or permission marketing, is advertising via
email whereby the recipient of the advertisement has consented
to receive it. A common example of permission marketing is a
newsletter sent to an advertising firm's customers. Such newsletters
inform customers of upcoming events or promotions, or new
products. In this type of advertising, a company that wants to
send a newsletter to their customers may ask them at the point of
purchase if they would like to receive the newsletter.
´ With a foundation of opted-in contact information stored in
their database, marketers can send out promotional materials
automatically using autoresponders—known as drip marketing.
They can also segment their promotions to specific market
Interactive Advertising

´ Interactive advertising uses online or offline interactive

media to communicate with consumers and to promote
products, brands, services, and public service
announcements, corporate or political groups.

´A blog is a discussion or informational website

published on the World Wide Web consisting of
discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts).
Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological
order, so that the most recent post appears first, at
the top of the web page.
´ Personal blogs
´ Collaborative blogs or group blogs
´ Microblogging
´ Corporate and organizational blogs
´ Aggregated blogs
´ By genre
´ By media type
´ By device
´ Reverse blog
Website Optimization

´ Website optimization, is the process of making

changes to your website so that it will appear higher
in search engine results pages (SERPS). Based on a
number of factors, search engines evaluate your
website's relevance and readability before
assigning it a position or ranking on the search
engine results page. The more relevance the search
engines determine your website has for a given
search, the higher the website will rank.
Content Marketing

a type of marketing that involves the creation

and sharing of online material (such as videos,
blogs, and social media posts) that does not
explicitly promote a brand but is intended to
stimulate interest in its products or services.
It is often used by businesses in
order to:
´Attract attention and generate leads
´Expand their customer base
´Generate or increase online sales
´Increase brand awareness or credibility
´Engage an online community of users
For example:
´ Red Bull, which sells a high-energy beverage, has published
YouTube videos, hosted experiences, and sponsored events
around extreme sports and activities like mountain biking,
BMX, motocross, snowboarding, skateboarding, cliff-diving,
freestyle motocross, and Formula 1 racing. Red Bull Media
House is a unit of Red Bull that "produces full-length feature
films for cinema and downstream channels (DVD, VOD,
TV)." The Red Bulletin is an international monthly magazine
Red Bull publishes with a focus on men's sports, culture, and
´ The personal finance site used content marketing,
specifically their personal finance blog MintLife, to build an
audience for a product they planned to sell. According to
entrepreneur Sachin Rekhi, concentrated on
building the audience for MintLife "independent of the
eventual product." Content on the blog included
how to guides on paying for college, saving for a house,
and getting out of debt. Other popular content included in-
depth interview and a series of financial disasters called
"Trainwreck Tuesdays." Popularity of the site surged as did
demand for the product. "Mint grew quickly enough to sell
to Intuit for $170 million after three years in business. By
2013, the tool reached 10 million users, many of whom
trusted Mint to handle their sensitive banking information
because of the blog’s smart, helpful content."
Viral Marketing

´Viral marketing or viral advertising is a business

strategy that uses existing social networks to promote
a product. Its name refers to how consumers spread
information about a product with other people,
much in the same way that a virus spreads from one
person to another. It can be delivered by word of
mouth or enhanced by the network effects of
the Internet and mobile networks.
There are six key factors that drive virality. They are
organized in an acronym called STEPPS which stands for:

´ Social Currency – the better something makes people look, the more
likely they will be to share it
´ Triggers – things that are top of mind are more likely to be tip of
´ Emotion – when we care, we share
´ Public – the easier something is to see, the more likely people are to
imitate it
´ Practical Value – people share useful information to help others
´ Stories – Trojan Horse stories carry messages and ideas along for the
Viral marketing often involves and utilizes:
´ Customer participation and polling services
´ Industry-specific organization contributions
´ Web search engines and blogs
´ Mobile smartphone integration
´ Multiple forms of print and direct marketing
´ Target marketing web services
´ Search engine optimization (SEO)
´ Social media optimization (SMO)
´ Television and radio
´ Influencer marketing
Online Partnership

´The main and most important from all

partnership marketing for transactional e-
commerce sites is affiliate marketing. Other
forms of digital marketing communications,
which are often free in terms of visitors
generated, can also be considered as partner
marketing, for example online PR, link-building
Affiliate marketing

´ Affiliate marketing divides markers and agencies as its value.

The discussion revolves around the value of affiliate marketing
in generating incremental sales. There is no doubt that
affiliates can generate more sales at a controlled cost, the
question is whether these sales would have occurred anyway
if a brand is well know. For example: Amazon has an affiliate
programme but it could be argued that its brand is so well
know and it has such a large customer base that it would
receive sales anyway. However, Amazon has run its
programme for over ten years and although it has reduced
commissions, it is still running and is used to promote new
product offerings such as music downloads.
Online sponsorship

´The linking of brand with related content

or context for the purpose of creating
brand awareness and strengthening
brand appeal in a form that is clearly
distinguished from a banner, button or
other standardised ad unit.
Social Media Marketing
´ Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms
and websites to promote a product or service. Although the
terms e-marketing and digital marketing are still dominant in
academia, social media marketing is becoming more
popular for both practitioners and researchers. Most social
media platforms have built-in data analytics tools, which
enable companies to track the progress, success, and
engagement of ad campaigns. Companies address a
range of stakeholders through social media marketing,
including current and potential customers, current and
potential employees, journalists, bloggers, and the general

´Passive approach
´Active approach
Web Analytics
´ Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and
reporting of web data for purposes of understanding and
optimizing web usage. However, Web analytics is not just a
process for measuring web traffic but can be used as a tool for
business and market research, and to assess and improve the
effectiveness of a website. Web analytics applications can also
help companies measure the results of traditional print or
broadcast advertising campaigns. It helps one to estimate how
traffic to a website changes after the launch of a new advertising
campaign. Web analytics provides information about the number
of visitors to a website and the number of page views. It helps
gauge traffic and popularity trends which is useful for market
Web analytics technologies
´ Off-site web analytics refers to web measurement and analysis regardless of
whether you own or maintain a website. It includes the measurement of a
website's potential audience (opportunity), share of voice (visibility), and
buzz (comments) that is happening on the Internet as a whole.
´ On-site web analytics, the more common of the two, measure a visitor's
behavior once on your website. This includes its drivers and conversions; for
example, the degree to which different landing pages are associated with
online purchases. On-site web analytics measures the performance of your
website in a commercial context. This data is typically compared against key
performance indicators for performance and is used to improve a website
or marketing campaign's audience response. Google Analytics and Adobe
Analytics are the most widely used on-site web analytics service; although
new tools are emerging that provide additional layers of information,
including heat maps and session replay.
Web analytics tools

´Google Analytics
´Yahoo Web Analytics
´Crazy Egg
´Google Website Optimizer
Key Metrics

´Bounce Rate
´Exit Rate
´Conversion Rate
´Average Time on Page
´Average Time on Site
Objectives & Measurement of Interactive
marketing communication
´Interactive marketing, sometimes called trigger-
based or event-driven marketing, is a marketing
strategy that uses two-way communication channels to
allow consumers to connect with a company directly.
Although this exchange can take place in person, in the
last decade it has increasingly taken place almost
exclusively online through email, social media,
and blogs.
Benefits of Interactive Marketing

´ With interactive marketing, organizations increase their

chances of meeting customer needs because they already
show an interest in the product and marketers have the ability
to respond to their actions. Interactive marketing reduces risk
and increases sales because it is rooted in customer behaviors
and desires. The personalization associated with interactive
marketing results in more conversions and higher revenue.
Overall, interactive marketing can boost sales, enhances
customer satisfaction, lowers marketing costs, and opens the
door to automated marketing.
Mobile Marketing
´Mobile marketing is a multi-channel, digital
marketing strategy aimed at reaching a target
audience on their smartphones, tablets, and/or
other mobile devices, via websites, email, SMS
and MMS, social media, and apps.
´Mobile is disrupting the way people engage with
brands. Everything that can be done on a
desktop computer is now available on a mobile
App-based marketing
Here are several models for APP marketing.
´ Content embedded mode For the most part at present, the downloading APP from APP
store is free, for APP development enterprise, need a way to flow to liquidate,
implantable advertising and APP combines content marketing and game characters to
seamlessly integrating user experience, so as to improve advertising hits. With these free
downloading apps, developers use in-app purchases or subscription to profit.[
´ Advertising model advertisement implantation mode is a common marketing mode in
most APP applications. Through Banner ads, consumer announcements, or in-screen
advertising, users will jump to the specified page and display the advertising content
when users click.
´ User participation mode is mainly applied to website transplantation and brand APP. The
company publishes its own brand APP to the APP store for users to download, so that
users can intuitively understand the enterprise or product information better.
´ The shopping website embedded mode is the traditional Internet electric business
offering platforms in the mobile APP, which is convenient for users to browse commodity
information anytime and anywhere, order to purchase and order tracking. such as
Amazon, eBay and so on.
Tracking Mobile Marketing Performance

The following are some of the top mobile app KPIs to measure the
performance of your app.
´ Downloads
´ App Open Rate (AOR)
´ Number of New Users
´ Organic Conversion Rate
´ Paid Conversion
´ Uninstalls
´ Shares
´ Ratings
Essential metrics that can help you
maximize your mobile app revenue
´ Daily Active Users (DAU)
´ Monthly Active Users (MAU)
´ Session Time
´ Session Interval
´ App Load per Period
´ Retention Rate
´ Average Revenue per User (ARPU)
´ Lifetime Value (LTV)
´ Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
Measuring Social media performance

´Determine Your Social Goals

´Create Metrics To Measure These Goals
´Monitor And Report
´Adjust And Repeat
Social media marketing metrics

´Share of Voice

´Reach measures the spread of a social media

conversation. On its own, reach can help you
understand the context for your content. How
far is your content disseminating and how big is
the audience for your message? Reach is a
measure of potential audience size.

´Twitter retweets (RTs) and Facebook

shares and posts are helpful to know who
is spreading your content, while
comments, replies and likes are helpful to
see who is replying to your content. Think
carefully about your goals with social
Share of Voice

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