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Unit 1 10 marks

Q1) classification of crude drugs

Q2) explain adulteration and methods of adulteration
Q3)write a short note on quantitative microscopy of
crude drug including lycopodium spore method?
1)Write ashort note on source of crude drug ?
2)Write a short note on scope and development of
3)Differentiate between organized and unorganized
2 marks
1)What is crude drug?
2)Explain pharmacognosy?
3)what is organized drug?
3)What is unorganized drug?

Unit 2
10 marks
1)explain cultivation methods?
2)what are the factors that influence cultivation of
medicinal plant?

1)write a short note on plant hormone and their
2) explain polyploidy,mutation and hybridization?
1)Explain polyploidy?
2)Explain mutation?
3)Explain hybridization?
Unit 3:10 marks
1)Give detailed note on plant tissue culture?
2)Describe application of plant tissue culture?
5 marks
1)Explain the types of culture?
2)Write a short note on edible vaccines?
3)What are nutritional requirements for growth and
maintenance of medicinal plants?
2 marks
1)Def edible vaccine?
2)Def plant tissue culture?
Unit 4:10 marks
1)Role of ayurveda in pharmacognosy
2)Siddha system of medicine
3)Unani system of medicine
4)Tcm (traditional Chinese system of medicine)
5 marks
1)Define alkaloids?
2)Define glycoside/volatile oil?
1)Give test for resins tannins and flavonoids?
And dedine them?

1)What are fibres?
2)Describe cotton and jute?
3)Write a short note on acacia?
4)write a short note on gelatin?
5)Explain castor oil ?
6) Describe wool fast?
7)Marine sources of drug?

2 marks:
1)What are teratogens?
2)What are natural allergens?
3)Role and use of Agar ?
4)What is papain ?
5)What is tragacanth ?

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