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The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal

November 2018

© Copyright 2018 Nishith Desai Associates

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

November 2018

© Nishith Desai Associates 2018

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives



I. Technical Perspective 03
II. Public and Private Blockchains 05
III. Looking Past the Hype 06




I. Pseudonymity and Legal Enforcement 25

II. Privacy and Cybersecurity 25
III. Complications Associated with Decentralized
Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) 27
IV. Complications Due to Immutability and Irreversability 28
V. Jurisdictional Questions 29
VI. Contract Law Grey Areas 29
VII. Whether Blockchain Tokens are ‘Securities’ 31
VIII. Adaptations of Older Requirements 31


I. Cybersecurity 33
II. Widespread Adoption 33
III. Necessity 33
IV. Teething Problems 34
V. Privacy 34
VI. Energy Consumption 34


© Nishith Desai Associates 2018

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

1. Introduction
Most people have heard of Bitcoin, the their businesses, independently and through
revolutionary decentralized, trustless payment consortiums such as the Enterprise Ethereum
system. But Bitcoin is just one application of Alliance.2 Big name technology and consulting
a broader concept known as blockchain firms heavily involved in blockchain projects
technology, or simply, ‘the blockchain.’ include Deloitte, Google (DeepMind), IBM,
Blockchain technology made Bitcoin achieve KPMG, and Microsoft.
a goal that many virtual currencies before
The Indian fintech space has seen considerable
it could not. In traditional payment systems,
developments take place over the past few
centralization is necessary to keep track of
years. The Finance Minister post his Budget
spending, and prevent ‘double spending’of the
Speech earlier this year when he stated that
same units. Users of the payment system must
“the government will explore the use of blockchain
hence entirely trust these central authorities
technology proactively for ushering in digital
– usually, governments and banks. While
economy”.3 An inter-regulatory Working Group
there were virtual currencies before Bitcoin,
by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has been
including crypto-assets (i.e., instruments whose
constituted to study regulatory issues relating to
transactions are secured by cryptography),
FinTech and Digital Banking in India.4 Notable
they remained centralized.
states that have launched a host of initiatives to
The genius of Bitcoin was to distribute the ledger implement blockchain include Andhra Pradesh,
containing all Bitcoin transactions among each Karnataka, Maharashtra and Telangana. In a bid
user(or ‘node’) in the network. Hence, every single to ‘strengthen cooperation in promoting FinTech
transaction is authenticated by every single user innovation’, the Maharashtra government and
(this is called‘proof of work’), and there is no the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”)
centralized authority required for this. This is why recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding. 5
the blockchain is often called a ‘distributed ledger’,
Indian banks that ran early blockchain pilots
and is a subset of distributed ledger technology.
include ICICI Bank, Yes Bank, Kotak Mahindra
We have separately published a research paper
Bank, and Axis Bank. In addition, Infosys, TCS,
on the legal and tax consequences surrounding
Wipro, and Cognizant were reported to have
Bitcoin and other crypto-assets.1
made significant investments in expanding their
This research paper focuses on the aspects of capabilities in the technology. Infosys and TCS
blockchain technology other than the simple were in fact the first two large companies globally
value transfer aspects (e.g., Bitcoin transactions) to have rolled out the use of blockchain in core
and the trading of crypto-assets on exchanges. banking platforms.6 The use of blockchain in
Blockchain technology has attracted a lot of a variety of other sectors continues to be explored
industry attention over the past few years. It has in several industry verticals. Governments too
been proposed as a solution in areas ranging
from finance to real estate to energy. Finance
has probably been the sector which has given it 2. E.g., (last visited October 24,
the most attention. Nearly all the world’s major 2018) ; (last visited October 24, 2018)
financial institutions including Barclays, BNP 3. (last
visited September 14, 2018)
Paribas, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Morgan
Stanley, NASDAQ, and Wells Fargo have aspx?prid=43097 (last visited September 14, 2018)
explored the application of the blockchain to 5.
cooperation (last visited September 14, 2018)
1. Latest draft available at 6.
information/ research-and-articles/research-papers.html (last bXjPtlHZRK46FQVb2hxhyN/TCS-throws-weight-behind-
visited October 24, 2018) blockchain.html (last visited September 14, 2018)

© Nishith Desai Associates 2018 1

Provided upon request only

have shown interest in the technology for their Businesses across verticals should therefore be
own operations, with the U.K. and Delaware actively assessing how the blockchain can help
governments being significant backers. streamline tasks for them. At the same time, since
the technology has various trade-offs, they should
Significantly, the RBI’s research arm, the
be tuned to look past the hype and only consider
Institute for Development and Research in
implementations of this technology when they
Banking Technology (IDRBT) released a report
present a true value addition. We hope this paper
in January 2017 confirming the cost-savings,
goes some way towards this.
transparency, and efficiency advantages of
the technology and recommending that the The paper briefly describes the working of
time is ripe for its adoption in India. As part blockchain technology, discusses the current
of its activities, the IDRBT is engaged in state of the art in industry, provides a legal
a research project entitled “Distributed Center and regulatory perspective, and concludes
of Excellence for Blockchain Technology”, with a list of challenges and the way forward.
sponsored by the Ministry of Electronics
and Information Technology (MeitY). Key
objectives of the project include inter alia
evolving a blockchain ecosystem around R&D
organizations, Government departments
and Academia; conducting research on issues
and challenges related to blockchain usage in
identified application domains and enhancing
capacity building in blockchain technology.7

7. October 24,


2 © Nishith Desai Associates 2018

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

2. How Blockchain Technology Works

To understand its industry applications and not need to rely on a third party for transparency
legal ramifications, it is important to grasp how and authenticity. The blockchain ensures the
blockchain technology works. transparency and integrity of transactions purely
through mathematics, and not trust. The type of
One can think about the blockchain as a ledger
transaction varies depending on the application
of transactions. A physical ledger is typically
of blockchain technology. In Bitcoin, for instance,
maintained by a centralized authority, not by
each transaction is a transfer of a certain value
market participants. The blockchain, however,
of Bitcoin between participants, and every
is a distributed ledger which resides on each
transaction is recorded on the Bitcoin blockchain.
participant’s device. Each individual copy
However, the transactions could also be for other
is updated whenever a transaction or set of
uses, like fiat money transactions or real estate
transactions is completed. The device of each
title transfers, as discussed later in this paper.
participant or user is usually referred to as
a ‘node,’ which forms part of a network of nodes.


The blockchain is unique because every node

must authenticate every transaction in the
I. Technical Perspective9
network. This is why when a new node joins
To delve into some technical detail, when a node
the network, the entire record of transactions is
‘X’ seeks to carry out a transaction (e.g., send 5
downloaded onto its system (e.g., for Bitcoin, this
units from X to Y), it sends a transaction message,
process takes over 24 hours). From then on, it will
join the other nodes in updating the ledger as and
when new transactions are authenticated. The been foundvulnerable on many occasions (e.g., http://www.
process of authentication is based on advanced value-tens-of-millionsallegedly-stolen-2016-6?op=1) (last
cryptography, and is widely considered to be visited September 14, 2018), and this will be discussed
secure in and of itself.8 Hence, participants do inmore detail subsequently in this paper.
9. The technical explanation here is on the basis of the blog
and video, “How Bitcoin Works Under the Hood” by Scott
Driscoll, available at http://www.imponderablethings.
8. E.g., However, com/2013/07/how-bitcoin-works-under-hood.html (last
aspectsof the implementation of blockchain technology have visited September 14, 2018)

© Nishith Desai Associates 2018 3

Provided upon request only

represented in computer code, to the network. To the buyer was able to capitalize on the varying
become an accepted transaction recorded on the times at which each node received the transaction
blockchain (in this case, for 5 units to be considered messages, hence effectively manipulating the
transferred), this transaction message must be order of transactions. Several cryptocurrencies
authenticated by every node in the network. The prior to bitcoin suffered from this problem. It
authentication is done on the basis of the digital was hence necessary for there to be a secure way
signature accompanying the message. of determining an order of transactions which
could be accepted by all nodes as true. Blockchain
Every node possesses a public and private
technology achieves this.
cryptographic key. The public key is akin to
a mailing address, to enable other nodes to It establishes a system through which the order
communicate with it (send money, sign contracts cannot be manipulated unless the majority of
etc.). The private key is akin to a secure password the computing power in the network colludes
that only its holder knows. Whenever a node sends to make it so (even then, manipulation is not
out a transaction message, a digital signature is guaranteed). Every block is encrypted using a
generated using its private key and the message. cryptographic hash function. Transactions in
The digital signature enables other nodes in the the block can only be read and made sense of
network to verify that the sender is really the holder after the block is decrypted. But the text of each
of a given private key. Digital signatures hence block relies on the previous block, so to decrypt a
enable the network to verify the authenticity of given block, the previous block must be known.
messages, preventing fraud by impersonation. This prevents the chain splitting into numerous
Once the digital signature of a transaction parts,10 and results in a mechanism to achieve
is authenticated, it gets pooled with other consensus on the ordering of transactions.
authenticated transactions into a ‘block.’ After the Because of the strength of the cryptographic hash
first block, a series or ‘chain’ of blocks gets formed, function involved, a great deal of computing
hence leading to the term ‘blockchain.’ power is required for decryption. Every node
in the network participates to work towards
This is where a second level of cryptography
decrypting each block. This process is known as
comes in. To prevent fraud and double spending,
‘mining’ and nodes doing this are called ‘miners’.
it is important that the order of transactions is
Incidentally, miners in the Bitcoin blockchain are
authentic. This is because a transaction message
rewarded for their work with Bitcoin value. This
reaches different nodes at different points in
is what incentivizes them to keep authenticating
time (owing to varying network speeds). So,
transactions. When there are no more or too few
without a secure mechanism to order transactions,
Bitcoins to mine (the system is designed such that
a buyer could send a payment, and before that
will be no more ‘new’ Bitcoins in 2140), nodes may
message reaches the seller, the buyer could send
be paid transaction fees.
the amount back to itself. Some nodes in the
network may receive the second message before
the first. The seller may have relied on the original
payment message and shipped the goods, only to
be left then without payment! This is because

10. In rare cases, there may be parallel chains for a short length
of time, but since nodes follow the longest chain, this matter
is resolved quickly.

4 © Nishith Desai Associates 2018

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

~10 Minutes of Miners Create A

Transactions Are Broadcast Block
To All Miners

Transactions Miners Block

Miners Try To
Solve Puzzle
Miner Solves Puzzle
And Gets A Proof of Block puzzle

The Successful Miner Proof of work

Broadcasts Its Proof of Work To
The Other Miners

Process Starts Over
Miners Verify The
Proof of Work
Verification Transactions Miners

Source: Business Insider,

The “work” involved in mining is not manual ‘private’ suggest, there is a significant distinction
human work, and is performed by each node’s in terms of who is allowed to participate in the
device without human intervention. In network, execute the consensus protocol and
simple terms, it is large-scale trial-and-error maintain the shared ledger.11
guesswork until the correct mathematical
The best example of a public blockchain is the
answer is reached. Therefore, like with digital
Bitcoin blockchain, where anyone, anywhere in
signatures, the order of transactions is decided
the world can read and write data on it.
by mathematics and not trust or third party
discretion. Once a block is authenticated, the In a private blockchain, only trusted and known
ledger in all nodes is updated with the new participants are allowed to read or write on it.
transactions in that block, and so forth. It could be used by a finite set of participants
such as a consortium of financial institutions.
This discussion helps in revealing some features
Private blockchains are usually just a distributed
of the blockchain that are relevant to its
ledger and may not have the decentralization
industry applications and legal implications.
benefits of blockchain as such. Some have
criticized private blockchains as not being an
II. Public and Private innovation, but rather an implementation of
Blockchains long-existing technology.12

Both public and private blockchains have 11.

similarities in that they are both distributed difference-between-public-and-private-blockchain/ (last
visited September 14, 2018)
networks secured using cryptography and
consensus protocols, and they are both usually blockchain-is-just-a-confusing-name-for-a-shared-database/
immutable. However, as the words ‘public’ and (last visited September 14, 2018)

© Nishith Desai Associates 2018 5

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Some blockchains follow a hybrid model; between trusted parties, who are protected by, for
e.g., XinFin is built on both Ethereum, a public instance, a prior legally enforceable agreement or
blockchain, and Quorum, a private blockchain.13 where the transaction occurs physically face to
face, such as buying goods from a retail store.
III. Looking Past the Hype14 Even if there is a multiplicity of parties, where
there is a reliable, government-mandated/
While ‘blockchain’ is a buzzword today, the trusted intermediary present in the transaction
technology may not be suitable for all use-cases. process, there is may be no need to tamper
Below we present some contrarian perspectives with an existing centralized system. An
on the blockchain revolution. While we remain example of such a system is the retail payments
believers in the breakthroughs of blockchain system in India which is operated by the
technology, this article tries to convey that it is not NPCI (National Payments Corporation of
suitable for all the scenarios it is often touted for. India) in co-ordination with the RBI. Systems
such as Immediate Payment Service (IMPS)
First, it becomes necessary to understand the
and Unified Payments Interface (UPI) settle
core characteristics of a blockchain. Blockchain
payments among all the banks and financial
is a decentralized ledger. It is essentially
institutions in India, with NPCI as the operator
a system of distributed ‘account books’ which are
of the systems acting as a trusted intermediary.
continuously maintained at multiple locations
In examples such as this, and in the case of
and continuously synced. Transactions on the
trusted, reputed intermediaries like large
blockchain are reflected as secure changes in
e-commerce marketplaces or payment networks,
the ledger. This technology enables changes to
centralization can often serve the intended
the ledger to be made securely and transparently
purpose effectively.
without the need to trust a single entity. Another
attribute of how the blockchain works is One example where blockchain could be
potentially problematic, this is the character of particularly useful is in a situation where there
‘immutability’. Once a transaction is processed are multiple counter-parties and there is a lack
on the blockchain, it cannot be reversed. While of trust. Imagine a global network of buyers and
this ensures that the system is verifiable as sellers, which don’t have a trusted intermediary
transaction, it also results in the inherent between them. This network of buyer and sellers
difficulty in reversing fraudulent transactions. can use the blockchain (either in a B2B or B2C
context) to securely and transparently facilitate
Keeping the above in mind, the blockchain is
transactions among each other without the need
meant for very specific types of transactions.
for trust. Blockchain is also especially useful
By this nature – the blockchain is suited for
in circumstances where there is no regulatory
transactions where (i) there are multiple parties
protection for the transactions, such as the
and transactions, (ii) the transactions need
protection of a domestic banking regulator.
to be recorded and verified in a permanent
An example of this is a cross-border transaction
and transparent manner, (iii) where there is
where the jurisdiction of a regulator may not
no central intermediary, and (iv) where the
extend to the entire transaction and, therefore,
transactions need to be trustless i.e., not all
the parties need to trust a network which
parties trust each other.
provides math-based security like the blockchain.
An example where the blockchain is not very
Another point worth remembering is that the
suitable would be for one-to-one transactions
security of blockchain transactions is dependent
on the private key. The storage of the private key
to secure such transactions hence becomes critical.
best-of-both-public-and-private While blockchain technology is inherently more
14. This portion has been adapted from an article first published secure due to public key cryptography, it cannot
by firm members Vaibhav Parikh, Jaideep Reddy, and Arvind entirely cover the risks caused by human error.
Ravindranath in CEOInsights India Magazine (June 2018).

6 © Nishith Desai Associates 2018

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

Improper storage of the private key can lead to its However, some, like computer science
compromise and consequently the compromise researchers Arvind Narayanan and Jeremy Clark,
of transactions on the blockchain as well. have criticized private blockchains as being
nothing more than ‘shared databases’. They
Transaction settlement time can also be an issue
argue that once the decentralization element of
with the blockchain. Bitcoin (the first blockchain),
public blockchains like Bitcoin is removed, the
has seen average transaction confirmation times
technology remaining (e.g., cryptographically
ranging from as little as 8 minutes to as much as
securing transactions) actually dates as far
8 days in times of network congestion!. While
back as 1991! They argue that where there are
different algorithms used to implement the
only a few trusted parties participating (like
blockchain operate differently, there is a case
a consortium of banks), other long-standing
of repetition of activities and infrastructure
solutions like linked timestamping would be
costs across nodes and an increase in energy
sufficient. For a single entity to use a blockchain
consumption for the maintenance of the systems
would be even less relevant, because even if it
compared to a centralized system. This is because
rolls out a blockchain ledger, other participants
efficiency is (often) compromised in the interest of
would still need to trust that entity (this is
de-regulation and transparency.
because just as it may manipulate a traditional
The transparency of the blockchain system is also ledger, it can manipulate the blockchain ledger
an attribute that can function as a double-edged since all nodes are within its control). The recent
sword. In some public blockchains (like bitcoin), hype regarding the blockchain, may therefore
every transaction that is made on the network be overdone by quite some margin!.
is publicly available. While these transactions
Therefore, while considering potential
are usually linked only to pseudonymous
implementations of blockchain technology,
wallet addresses, from a consumer protection
decision-makers should consider whether
perspective there is a significant loss of financial
they need a decentralized, trustless and
privacy as most users may not be technologically
disintermediated solution. If not, other existing
savvy enough to use de-identification tools. From
technology can likely better serve the purpose
a commercial perspective, a business like an
and the costs of implementing the blockchain
algorithmic trading firm may be unwilling to
may outweigh the perceived benefits.
share proprietary information (even if encrypted)
on the blockchain as it may lead to potential
disclosure of its trading strategies.
To counter these concerns of efficiency and
financial privacy arising out of public blockchains
like Bitcoin, many have started to bat for ‘private’
or ‘permissioned’ blockchain systems. These
continue to operate as blockchains but have
a degree of centralization in the interests of
efficiency, privacy, and intervening in limited
situations (to reverse transactions, for instance).
It is these private blockchain deployments that
have garnered a lot of attention for their use in
traditional commerce like clearing and settlement,
supply chain management, insurance, etc.

© Nishith Desai Associates 2018 7

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3. State of the Art in Industry

exacerbated by each bank / financial institution
I. Applications having to independently process transactions.20
This section discusses some notable existing and Several financial institutions, investment funds,
proposedindustry applications of the blockchain. and financial infrastructure bodies have taken
notice of the potential impact of blockchain
A. Financial Services / Fintech technology on clearing and settlement. The
two consortiums R3 and Enterprise Ethereum
i. Banking Alliance together boast several leading global
financial institutions. Investors in blockchain
A report by Deloitte identifies ‘trade clearing
startups in the clearing and settlement space
and settlement’ as one among two use-cases
include Khosla Ventures, SV Angel, Citigroup,
of smart contracts that were most immediate
JP Morgan, and Santander. The Depository Trust
to market.15 This makes the banking industry
& Clearing Corporation (DTCC), the premier
a huge potential market for the blockchain.
post-trade market infrastructure organization
As mentioned in the Introduction, Infosys
in global finance, announced a project to deploy
and TCS are the first large companies to roll
blockchain technology for the clearing and
out the use of blockchain technology in core
settlement of a huge swathe of repurchase
banking platforms.16 A recent report by the
agreement (repo) transactions.21 Also, seven
innovation fund of Santander Bank predicted
major European financial institutions, including
cost-savings of USD 15 to 20 billion by 2022,
BNP Paribas Securities, announced a venture
as a result of blockchain technology reducing
called ‘Liquidshare’ to explore the development
financial infrastructure costs.17 Smart contracts
of a post-trade blockchain-based infrastructure
add to the ledger functionality of blockchain
for small and medium enterprises in Europe.22
technology, allowing many kinds of self-
executing instructions to be programmed into Closer home, as mentioned above, Axis Bank,
the blockchain. With the blockchain as the ICICI Bank, IDFC Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank,
single source of truth, requiring no manual and Yes Bank have carried out blockchain pilot
verification, smart contracts can automate runs for vendor financing and international
approval workflows and clearing calculations.18 trade finance.23 In February 2017, India’s
These processes are cost- and labor-intensive, and largest bank, State Bank of India, announced
are subject to delay and human error.19 This is a consortium “Bankchain” to implement
blockchain technology, which now includes
over 30 commercial banks, including most of
cfo-insights-getting-smart-contracts.html. The other use case India’s largest banks.24 Presently, Bankchain
is supply chain and tradefinance documentation, mentioned has 8 live projects with representation from 28
under the ‘Legal Services’section subsequently. (last visited
September 14, 2018)
16. “A core banking system is the back-end data processing application
20. Id.
for processing all transactions that have occurred during the day
and posting updated data on account balances to the mainframe. 21.
Core systems typically include deposit account and CD account asset-to-develop-distributed-ledger-solution, http://www.dtcc.
processing, loan and credit processing, interfaces to the general com/news/2017/february/27/dtcc-and-digital-asset-move-to-
ledger and reporting tools.” next-phase (last visited November 15, 2018)
core-banking-systems/ (last visited September 14, 2018)
17. press/2017/2017_mr-07-Liquidshare.html (last visited
aboutsmart-contracts/; November 15, 2018)
wp-content/uploads/2015/06/The-Fintech-2-0-Paper.pdf (last
visited September 14, 2018)
18. (last visited November 15, 2018)
aboutsmart-contracts/ (last visited September 14, 2018)
24. (last visited
19. Id November 15, 2018)

8 © Nishith Desai Associates 2018

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

Indian banks including State Bank of India, ICICI In November 2018, HSBC Bank in India settled
Bank Ltd, Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd, HDFC Bank an export transaction for Reliance Industries
Ltd and Yes Bank Ltd. Bankchain is reported to Limited using the blockchain.31 The customer
be working on setting up an integrated corporate in this transaction was based in the U.S. and
e-KYC platform, a vendor rating system and the transaction involved using a blockchain-
a blockchain powered register, which records based Letter of Credit and an electronic bill-of-
hypothecation, lien, mortgages and pledges lading which allowed for a digital transfer
on movable, immovable and tangible assets.25 in the title of goods.
The National Payments Corporation of India
Additionally, ‘India Trade Connect’ is
(NPCI) too had held an “ideathon,” and set up
a consortium led by Infosys which was
a working group to help it understand the
joined by Axis Bank, ICICI Bank, IndusInd
implications of blockchain technology.26
Bank, RBL Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, South
Interest has extended to the public sector Indian Bank, and Yes Bank, to address the trade
too. Central bank and other government finance process requirements of banks.32 It is
officials have been discussing the potential of powered by Finacle Trade Connect, a blockchain-
blockchain technology at various international based solution for trade finance requirements
fora, such as the G20 and the IMF.27 that digitizes trade finance business processes
and offers functionality including bill collection,
In India, as mentioned previously, the IDRBT
letters of credit and invoice financing.
released a report in January 2017 confirming
the cost-savings, transparency, and efficiency
advantages of blockchain technology. ii. Securities
Significantly, it observed, “having had a good
In 2015, Nasdaq announced an enterprise-wide
understanding of the various aspects around the
initiative to leverage blockchain technology.33
blockchain technology … we recommend that the
Its first use was to “offer efficient, fully-electronic
time is ripe for its adoption in India.”28 In April
services that facilitate the issuance, transfer, and
2018, the RBI stated that it was exploring the
management of private company securities.”34
possibility of a digitally issued fiat currency,29
Significantly, in May 2016, it announced the
and in February 2018, a Working Group on
‘Nasdaq Financial Framework,’ which is an end-
FinTech and Digital Banking discussed the
to-end solution for its financial infrastructure
pros and cons of distributed ledger technology
clients around the world, including traditional
and digital currencies.30 More detail on the
exchanges.35 The Framework allows clients
Indian regulatory perspective is covered under
to leverage blockchain technology, as one of
Section 4 (“Regulatory Reaction”) below.
many other capabilities, including machine
learning, for their individual needs. Nasdaq was
one of the first multinational financial services
25. companies to begin using the blockchain in
blockchain-solutions.html (last visited October 16, 2018)
a non-currency manner.36 It stated that it sees
articleshow/54318646.cms (last visited November 15, 2018)
27. articleshow/66508206.cms
connect/ (last visited November 15, 2018)
for-crypto-anti-money-laundering-standard (last visited
November 15, 2018) 33. (last
visitedOctober 3, 2016)
Practices/BCT.pdf (lastvisited April 25, 2017) 34. Id.
29. 35.
aspx?prid=43574 (last visited November 15, 2018) global-exchange/(last visited October 3, 2016)
30. 36. (last
aspx?prid=43097 (last visited September 14, 2018) visited October 3, 2016)

© Nishith Desai Associates 2018 9

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the blockchain as providing “extensive integrity, the use of Blockchain and DLT in KYC processes
audit ability, governance and transfer of ownership and trade matching respectively.43
capabilities.”37 Following in its lead, several other
It should be noted that the existing legal
stock and commodity exchanges, including
system in most countries, including India,
India’s National Stock Exchange (NSE) and
is set up with a securities regulator and
Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), the New York
regulated exchanges as the core parties.
Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange,
Hence, a new decentralized technology cannot
the Japan Exchange Group, the Deutsche Börse,
by itself disrupt this legal model. At least in
the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre, the
the near term, it seems likely that trust will
Australian Securities Exchange, and the Sydney
continue to be placed in central parties viz.
Stock Exchange have been investigating the
the securities regulator and stock exchanges,
potential of blockchain technology to varying
unless legal amendments are brought in.
extents.38 In February 2017, the NSE, along with
ICICI Bank, IDFC Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank,
IndusInd Bank, RBL Bank, HDFC Securities, and iii. Derivatives
Blockchain startup Elemential, recently jointly
Derivatives are financial instruments that
conducted a Know Your Customer (KYC) data
derive value from underlying assets, which
trial using the blockchain.39 The NSE was also
could include stocks, bonds, commodities or
reported to be experimenting with the use of
even interest rates.44 The White Paper which
blockchain technology to ensure settlement
conceptualized Ethereum called financial
guarantees.40 Both the NSE and the BSE have in
derivatives “the most common application of
the past hosted blockchain events.
a ‘smart contract’’.45 Various industry experts
In August 2017, the Securities and Exchange have predicted that blockchain technology can
Board of India (SEBI) announced the setting up lead to more customized financial engineering,
of a Committee on Financial and Regulatory “enabling financiers to customize derivatives consisting
Technologies (CFRT) to explore the possibility of individual cash flows to meet precise needs in terms
of implementing blockchain in stock markets.41 of timing and credit risk.”46 This engineering can
The terms of reference of the CFRT specifically be done using the various platforms, solutions,
envisage exploring DLT technologies. and frameworks discussed above, or through
specialized blockchain derivatives players.
In Japan, the Japan Exchange Group has
reportedly already performed Proof of Concept
testing for utilizing blockchain in its capital B. Telecom
market infrastructure.42 The Japan Exchange
India’s telecom regulator, the Telecom Regulatory
Group has published various white papers on
Authority of India’s (TRAI), in July 2018 notified
the Telecom Commercial Communications
Customer Preference Regulation, 2018
37. Id.
technology-cm801802 (last visited November 15, 2018)
39. working-paper/index.html (last visited November 15, 2018)
kyc/ (last visited April 25, 2017)
40. technology-will-profoundly-change-the-derivatives-industry-
blockchain-for-ensuring-settlement-guarantees/18956/ 1464368431(last visited October 3, 2016)
41. 45.
sebi-constitutes-committee-on-financial-and-regulatory- Paper#applications(last visited October 3, 2016)
technologies-cfrt-_35526.html (last visited November 15, 2018)
42. technology-will-profoundly-change-the-derivatives-industry-
index.html (last visited November 15, 2018) 1464368431(last visited October 3, 2016)

10 © Nishith Desai Associates 2018

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

(“TCCPR Regulations”).47 While blockchain “previously spread across multiple parties and
cannot be always equated to Distributed Ledger databases.”48 Barclays took an early lead by
Technology (DLT), the TCCPR Regulations adopting ‘Smart Contract Templates,’ supported
mandate the usage of Distributed Ledger by R3. This has the capacity of automating the
Technology by telecom operators to solve extensive legal documentation process involved
the problem of unsolicited commercial in many banking and finance transactions. The
communication. The TCCPR Regulations impose impressive demo can be viewed at http://r3cev.
obligations on telecom ‘access providers’ to com/projects/ (
adopt DLT with permissioned and private DLT
Similarly, startups like ChainThat offer
networks to ensure that all necessary regulatory
blockchain-based solutions for use-cases
checks are carried out for sending commercial
such as allowing “multi-parties to create,
communications, and to operate smart contracts
negotiate and manage a digital contract” and
among entities for effectively controlling the
having features including contract integrity
flow of commercial communications. The press
and immutable history with time-stamping.49
release accompanying further acknowledges that
DLT is suitable for the adoption as Regulatory However, some have argued that the inherent
Technology (“RegTech”) for controlling digital nature of smart contracts affects the
and managing the Unsolicited Commercial technology’s ability to enforce more subjective
Communication (“UCC”) ecosystem. While obligations in contracts such as ensuring
comparing the implementation of record keeping ‘commercially reasonable’ efforts.50
between traditional and DLT based systems, the
TCCPR Regulations highlight that DLT has the
potential to support the needs of telecom service
D. Real Estate and Government
providers, telemarketers, and mobile users for Services
better control and management over UCC.
Real estate transactions around the world are
usually time-consuming and bureaucratic.
C. Smart Contracts Because it is a trustless, decentralized system,
the blockchain has the potential to remove
While ‘smart contracts’ do not refer to contracts
the need for middlemen, disrupt existing
in the legal sense, legal contracts are an
identity verification processes (through digital
important application of them. As mentioned,
IDs), reduce the risk of fraud (by creating
contractual obligations like payment and
incorruptible, digital ownership certificates
delivery can be programmed to self-execute
for each property),51and track the regulatory
once given conditions are satisfied e.g., payment
compliance of the property. Transactions once
can be automatically made once a delivery
completed would be immutably recorded in
event is proven (the delivery would also be
a distributed ledger (just as, for instance,
automatically verified on the blockchain). This
Bitcoin transactions are currently done), with
drastically reduces the resources that have to
very little scope for doubt or manipulation.
be spent on contract management i.e., ongoing
monitoring and compliance with contractual
obligations. Additionally, decentralization
and math-based verification removes the aboutsmart-contracts/ (last visited October 3, 2016)
need for trust-based execution of contractual 49., https://www.
obligations. A significant way this can be put (last visited November 15, 2018)

to use is in supply chain and trade finance 50.

documentation, by automating processes limitations/ (last visited November 15, 2018)
blockchainwill-change-the-real-estate-market/; https://www.
releases-telecom-commercial-communication-customer- could-solve-real-estate-s-transparency-problem/ (last visited
preference (last visited November 15, 2018) October 3, 2016)

© Nishith Desai Associates 2018 11

Provided upon request only

There is an International Blockchain Real Estate industry.58 In April 2017, the Prime Minister
Association (IBREA) which notes that the “[b] of Malta expressed an ambition for Malta to
lockchain offers an open source, universal protocol for be a leader in adopting bitcoin and blockchain
property buying, conveyancing, recording, escrow, technology, announcing a national strategy to
crowdfunding, and more. It can reduce costs, stamp promote these technologies and use them for
out fraud, speed up transactions, increase financial purposes like land and healthcare registries.59
privacy, internationalize markets, and make real This was eventually followed by a set of bills of
estate a liquid asset.”52 It is not surprising, therefore, ‘Virtual Financial Assets’.60
that some governments are implementing
In the context of land registration in India, land
or actively exploring the use of blockchain
ownership records are often unclear and difficult
technology for their real estate record systems,
to ascertain since many records are maintained
including Sweden, some U.S. jurisdictions,
on paper. These records and registration of land
Brazil, Georgia, Ukraine, and Ghana.53
are susceptible to corruption, theft, simple loss
‘Ubitquity’ offers a real estate blockchain (due to wear and tear or any natural forces), and is
platform that has already begun to be used often manipulated by those in a position of power,
for real-world property transfers.54 ‘REIDAO’ particularly in rural areas. This was initially
offers a system for pooling and transacting in sought to be tackled somewhat by the Karnataka
portions of real estate.55 government in 2002, through the introduction
of digitized property registration and record
But real estate is not the only government
systems BHOOMI. However, BHOOMI has not
service that holds potential for the blockchain.
been as successful as expected.61 However, the
The blockchain’s features of decentralization
low availability of digital kiosks for obtaining land
and immutability have seen it garner interest
record receipts, and the errant registrations which
by governments around the world for a range
have now been solidified due to digitization of the
of services.56 Besides the real estate initiatives
records, have prevented digital land records from
already mentioned, the governments of
being the panacea they were envisioned to be.
Delaware, U.S.; Estonia; Malta; Russia; Singapore;
South Korea; the U.K.; and Vermont, U.S., have Implementation of blockchain brings with it
been exploring the use of the blockchain for advantages of security and integrity to the land
a variety of services ranging from banking and record system. These are improvements over the
finance to healthcare.57 The U.K. has been in traditional, centralized digitalization only where
particular very interested in the potential of the risk of tampering is high and transparency
the blockchain, both for its own services and in transactions is essential. Proposed blockchain
as a catalyst for technology innovation in systems around the world (including certain
states in India), have focused on the system’s
ability to eliminate corruption and enhance the
integrity of property transactions.62
52. (last visited April 25, 2017)
seeking-problem/ (last visitedApril 25, 2017) 58.
blockchain-regulatory-approval (last visited October 3, 2016)
bitcoin-1569980; (last visited
October 3,2016) 59.
startup-ubitquity-brings-blockchain-to-brazils-real-estate (last to-become-bitcoin-haven (last visited April 26, 2017)
visited April 25,2017)
55. (last visited November 15, 2018)
investing-with-blockchain-technology-cm768475 (last visited
April 25, 2017
56. html
for-government-services/ (last visited October 3, 2016)
57. Id. use-blockchain-to-fight-land-ownership-fraud.html

12 © Nishith Desai Associates 2018

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

However, most legal systems around the development of video games,65 and the trading
world place trust in the State to maintain land of digital game content.66
records. The legal system hence creates a central,
trusted party and a mere technology may not
be able to override this unless amendments
i. Media
are made (such drastic amendments would The media value chain consists of artists,
seem unlikely). However, some element of aggregators, content providers and royalty
decentralization could still be used to ensure collectors. Blockchain and its disruptive,
that no one party (e.g., an errant employee decentralized nature could very well result in
or department) within the government can a complete makeover of the existing media
manipulate records. value chain. The deployment of blockchain
could disintermediate the businesses of
Ownership in the blockchain is determined
aggregation, provision and royalty collection.
by the possession of certain private keys. These
All these faculties could be aggregated into
private keys are not associated with the identity
a single blockchain which would be owned
of their possessor and can be lost (or forcibly
and controlled by all stakeholders collectively,
taken). With this in mind, there needs to be
with transactions occurring by cryptographic
closer analysis done of the mechanism in which
consensus. The existing blockchains show that
blockchain technology is implemented in the
‘smart contracts’ and payment verification if
real estate context and the costs that accompany
implemented correctly could increase efficiency
it. Only if the additional benefits of transparency
of almost any task that can be automated.
and integrity (over and above traditional
centralized online databases) exceed the costs of Recent research has identified five use cases
implementation (setting up the technological of blockchains that could change the way the
infrastructure, transferring data records to such media value chain works or potentially change
a blockchain, ensuring sufficient nodes/verifiers the status quo.67 The current subscription based
exist to prevent brute-force consensus overrides, model offers a lot of choice to the consumers but
etc.), can such a system be effectively used. it also sometimes results in consumers not using
as much as they pay for. The “per-use” payment
model could be more in demand than a periodic
E. Intellectual Property (IP), subscription model and thus it can create
Media and Gaming a multitude of transactions which can result in
rising transaction costs, in turn reducing profits.
Like with real estate, the blockchain’s properties
make its application suitable to IP records and According to Deloitte, “[w]ith the help of
transactions. Works can be transferred and a blockchain, individual articles or other pieces
licensed with the accompanying terms, rights, of content could be sold for cent prices without
and prices encoded on to them. Monegraph is an disproportionate transaction costs”.68 This may
organization that facilitates this.63 Its solutions enable the monetization of bite-sized content
help content owners and media businesses to be easier. The innate immutability trait of
with rights management, revenue sharing, and the blockchain along with its ability to store
distribution. Ampliative Art is a non-profit massive amounts of metadata could enable
organization that uses blockchain technology to
help artists get rewarded for their work through
65. (last visited October 3, 2016)
donations and grants.64 The blockchain has
66. (last visited October 3, 2016)
also been used by some startups to facilitate the
Last Accessed: 3/22/2018
63. (last visited November 15,2018)
ZA_PoV_Blockchain_Media_250817.pdf Last Accessed:
64. (last visited November 15, 2018) 3/27/2018

© Nishith Desai Associates 2018 13

Provided upon request only

copyright owners to also track how much Furthermore, unlike traditional lotteries which
their content is being used globally. are run by individual institutions (a centralized
model), this system would in essence be run by
Furthermore, the ability of some blockchains
all the token holders of TrueFlip and Firelotto
to process micro-transactions makes it possible
(a decentralized model). This is because as
to have “ad-less” versions of online ad-based
mentioned earlier, all decisions on blockchains
media services for a minor fee which would
are governed by the consensus protocol. The
cover-up the loss in revenue that would occur
prizes are funded by an Initial Coin Offering
by less ads playing.
(ICO) and then replenished via ticket sales. From
The current media value chain allocates massive the above, it is clearly seen how blockchains
amounts to advertising and it remains the can revolutionize such online gaming, thus
primary source of revenue in many models. disrupting traditional models.
The current model could completely shift with
When it comes to video-games, the application
the implementation of blockchain, where
of blockchain is slightly different from other
content creators will be able to upload their
applications. The game which started it all was
media directly onto the blockchain and the
known as ‘Cryptokitties’ – which saturated the
users will be able to access the content through
Ethereum network with more than 15% of
micro-payments, thus eliminating the need for
its capacity.71 Other games which implement
aggregators and providers.
blockchain technology, ‘CryptoCountries’
If aggregators focus their efforts on bettering the and ‘CryptoCities’, allow buying and selling
discovery of content for the user, it could result in a of virtual cities for a set amount of Ether. It is
win-win-win for the artists, aggregators and users. not a direct application of blockchain like
TrueFlip or Firelotto but it uses the underlying
principles of distributed ledger technology
ii. Gaming to record all the trades.
The idea of ‘gaming’ in a blockchain sense can be
A more interactive application of blockchain
divided into two categories: first, gaming in the
technology in gaming can be seen in CryptoBots
gambling sense with blockchain applications
and Ethermons which are similar to Cryptokitties.
such as ‘TrueFlip’69 and ‘Firelotto’;70. and second,
All the data concerning the game is stored on
gaming in the video-gaming sense.
the blockchain and the underlying transactions
TrueFlip and Firelotto have tried to implement are recorded on the blockchain as well. Some
blockchain technology to the traditional of the use-cases for blockchain in gaming hit
lottery scenario. The manner in which it aims at the core of the value-add of blockchain i.e.,
to improve on traditional systems is that it decentralization and transparency.
introduces a level of transparency that may
be unprecedented in the sector. The workings
of these blockchains are published on the
F. Insurance
internet and anyone can view the code of The blockchain’s applications to insurance
the lottery. This is to ensure that results are involve the streamlining of documentation,
not manipulated. The format of the game is Anti-Money- Laundering / Know Your Customer
identical to the how lotteries work today, with (AML/KYC) processing, and claim processing.72
incremental jackpots if nobody wins and higher This may be especially useful for wholesale
prizes for more matching numbers.

69. 1m-buying-virtual-cats-on-the-ethereum-blockchain/ Last
static/89751ae54f10405d9a1951a4ea1c14cd/TrueFlip_ Accessed: 3/22/2018
Whitepaper(01.06).pdf Last Accessed: 3/27/2018
70. Last Accessed: canhelp-the-wholesale-insurance-industry-2016-
3/27/2018 8?r=UK&IR=T(last visited October 3,2016)

14 © Nishith Desai Associates 2018

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

insurance providers and consumers who may on usage data generated by connected devices
benefit from the reduced scope for fraudulent, (including Internet of Things devices).75
double transactions and the ability to verify/prove
Startups like Dynamis, ChainThat, Aigang or
accidents or other claims and reduce the scope
InsurePal are “working on blockchain-enabled P2P
for disputes.73 Additionally, the use of blockchain
risk transfer protocols that aim at disrupting the core of
may also enable greater interoperability of data
the insurance industry’s business model.”76
across sectors, allowing insurance companies
to potentially tap into mobile data and other
public sensory devices that may be installed in G. Healthcare
a city’s infrastructure. This would provide these
The blockchain can be leveraged to streamline
companies with primary sources of accident and
processes centered around healthcare data. It can
other mishap data, allowing them to act upon it
store and control access to electronic medical
with greater speed than would be possible where
records and health monitoring data generated by
data is routed through multiple agencies and then
patients.77 It can also link micropayments and
sent to the insurance company. Payment service
rewards (set for patients under health plans) to
structures may undergo immense alteration
this information, so that they are automatically
with the introduction of blockchain-based smart
disbursed when thresholds/milestones are met.78
contracts. For instance, smart contracts may be
introduced, where, upon satisfaction of the system
(via consensus), claims could potentially be
i. Patient records
automatically processed and benefits transferred The healthcare industry, particularly the
to recipients without having to go through maintenance of patient records, has been plagued
paperwork or other hurdles. with the conflicting interests of patient privacy
and the free interoperability of records. This is
However, it needs to be assessed whether
a field where the integrity and accuracy of the
the decentralization aspect of blockchain is
data stored is crucial, since errors can lead to
suitable for the above use-cases. In order to
misdiagnoses, threatening patient care. Further,
adopt a blockchain-based method, insurance
issues of security also affect the full digitization
companies would have to be comfortable with
of healthcare records, since an attack on the core
decentralization of various processes (e.g., by
trustee of such records can render a loss of patient
having every insured party as a validating node)
privacy and lead to tampering of records. In such
and also with some possible efficiency losses
a field, the use of blockchain technology can be
due to the consensus processes. If there is no
considered. It allows authorized individuals to
decentralization being implemented, the above
access patient data and make use of the same,
potential use-cases would become issues of
whilst ensuring security and integrity of input
upgrading technology, but not of implementing
data. Such an approach may not only benefit
blockchain as such.
patients, but also enable healthcare providers to
Some consultants are of the view that smart ensure a higher quality of care, through accurate
contracts can help in insurance claim processing access to past patient records.
by automating error checking, routing and
approval workflows, and calculating payout,
based on the type of claim and the underlying
policy.74 Additionally, they could facilitate micro-
insurance, such as pay-as-you-go automotive 75. Id
insurance, by processing micropayments based 76.
from-theory-to-reality (last visited November 16, 2018)
73. Id. 77.
(lastvisited October 3, 2016)
(lastvisited October 3, 2016) 78. Id.

© Nishith Desai Associates 2018 15

Provided upon request only

ii. Interoperability of data There need to be incentives for not only

individual patients to act as verifiers, but also
There are multiple possible methods of value
each and every healthcare provider in the
creation through the use of blockchain in
country. On-boarding of patient data can be done
healthcare. First, the security and integrity of vital
via individual healthcare providers, with each
health records and patient information could be
acting as a verifier of the other provider’s data.
ensured, with health care providers across the
country having instantaneous access to a set of One thing that should be noted is that
verified data about a given patient. Second, this a blockchain ledger of this range and depth
data created can be securely shared (subject to may not have the actual data itself stored on
patient consent) with government and insurance the ledger. Rather, it may work as has been
agencies, leading to greater transparency in implemented in Estonia, where citizens have in
ancillary industries associated with healthcare. their possession a unique identifier which links
For instance, a patient’s health records could them to their personal medical record. “The
potentially be shared with a government driving system files and signs the data, with new signatures
licensing agency to validate his/her bodily fitness generated whenever the information is altered. The
to drive, as has been implemented in Estonia. data itself is not stored on the blockchain, just the
Sharing of data across borders would also become hash values that indicate when files have been
much more efficient (once and if such technology updated.”79 This prevents a slowing down of
is adopted globally). Further, the democratizing the system when multiple records are being
effect that the blockchain has on health records accessed, and establishes a functional yet secure
is notable. Patients may have access to a fully system for patient data. This also has the added
transparent set of records that is immune to benefit of being going towards compliance
tampering. This could build trust in patients with the EU GDPR (which provides for the
and enables them to take charge of their own right to be forgotten) or any other applicable
health in a way that was not previously possible. data protection laws, since at no point is the
This is supplemented by the existence of multiple actual data record placed on the blockchain for
health monitoring devices in status quo, which examination by third parties.
presents patient data in an easy to understand
format so that patients can begin taking steps iv. Supply Chain Management
right from home.
Outside of patient records, blockchain may
be effectively utilized to track and optimize
iii. Outage Avoidance pharmaceutical supply chain management.
The implementation of a blockchain system is Pharma products are often uniquely “stamped”
not always smooth, however. What incentives with a registration number and verified at the
do “verifiers” of data have to devote their point of origin. By feeding this data into
resources to such a system? If the number of a blockchain network, it could be possible to have
verifiers are low (due to a lack of incentive or a transparent tracking mechanism which cuts
otherwise), it becomes simple for a malicious down on costs and eliminates data-based errors.
entity to tamper with records in the system, as it The total risk in the supply chain is minimized,
could potentially manipulate a majority of the as each point of additional verification is simply
nodes to effect changes to patient data. Although appended to the individual pharma product’s
this tampering would be visible, when spread block, leading to transparent serialization.
across millions of patients, rectification of errors
There have been various real-world
becomes immensely difficult. A healthcare
implementations of blockchain technology in
blockchain would have to have checks in place
healthcare. iSolve is a company that has been
for these circumstances in order to achieve any
sort of added security over a simple centralized
digital repository of records. 79.
(last visited March 27, 2018)

16 © Nishith Desai Associates 2018

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

working with various pharma companies in by the government, maintain a monopoly over
the U.S. to implement blockchain networks distribution infrastructure, and hence, the system
to enable drug supply chain integrity.80 The of distribution as well. With the introduction of
Estonian government has further signed a deal a decentralized ledger system such as blockchain,
with a blockchain services company, Guardtime, it may be possible for communities to reclaim
to secure the health records of its citizens.81 power over electricity distribution while still
making use of the infrastructure provided by
Gem Health is an enterprise solution offering
electricity companies. Peer to peer trading of
blockchain infrastructure for wellness apps,
energy may reach new heights through the use
electronic medical records, global patient ID
of blockchain. By ‘tokenizing’ energy assets and
software, medical inventory management, and
trading them on a dedicated platform, energy
rehabilitation incentive programs.82 In 2016, it
can be exchanged in much smaller quantities,
announced a partnership with Philips.83
through self-generated energy projects, such as
solar panels. For instance, ElectriCChain has
H. Asset and Wealth Management created SolarCoin,87 which is a reward-based
crypto-asset for a network of affiliated solar
A major segment of the financial industry that
power generators. For every MWh of electricity
could benefit greatly from the implementation of
produced, one gets one SolarCoin, which is
blockchain is the wealth and asset management
roughly worth USD 0.050.88
industry. A report by E&Y84 discusses various
applications of blockchain in the wealth and Such peer-to-peer based energy transactions
asset management which includes reduction reduce dependence on centralized grids, which
in friction of client onboarding process, may fail in the event of natural calamities or
streamlined management of the model due to maintenance/servicing. This can lead to
portfolios, speedy clearing and settlement of the rise of ‘microgrids’, with localized energy
trades, and ease of compliance burden associated production and distribution. For instance,
with AML and KYC procedures. a block of buildings fitted with solar panels
may generate more electricity than required for
their consumption. With the use of a microgrid,
I. Energy this excess electricity can be purchased by
There are ventures aiming at creating an energy other buildings on the grid, at prices set by the
data exchange platform,85 and a platform for community. The use of blockchain comes in for
distributed solar power.86 Energy distribution accounting purposes, and to share information
has long been centralized through a grid about electricity usage/purchase with the other
system. Electricity companies, often managed members of the grid. This can prove especially
useful when implemented in rural areas, which
have little to no access to traditional power grids.
80. (last visited November 16,
guardtime-blockchain-based-transparency (last visited
November 16, 2018)
82. (last visited November 16, 2018)
blockchain-lab-1461674938 (last visited October 3, 2016)
blockchain-innovation-wealth-asset-management.pdf (last
visited October 16th, 2018)
85. (last visited October 3, 2016)
87. (last visited November 16, 2018)
currency-build-new-power-platform/ (last visited October 3, 88. (last visited
2016) November 16, 2018)

© Nishith Desai Associates 2018 17

Provided upon request only

Further, energy commodities trading can i. Accounting: The blockchain could save
possibly be made more efficient with the use of time and effort in accounting by obviating
blockchain. BP and Shell, two leading energy existing auditing processes. 92
companies, have initiated plans for a global
ii. Education and Employment: Some
consortium to set up a tool for energy trading via
educational institutions have begun
blockchain.89 They intend to use a distributed
recording students’ academic credentials
ledger to enable greater clarity in ownership
and achievements on the blockchain,
over commodities and create greater efficiency
so that prospective employers can be
in trade through the provision of accurate
confident that the credentials they receive
information as to payments and shipping dates.
are authentic.93
However, the problem that is faced by emerging
iii. Extension to the Physical Realm: Slock.
markets such as India is that there may not
it is a startup that enables machines (e.g.,
exist capable infrastructure to implement
Internet of Things devices) to operate
a microgrid for energy distribution. Further,
autonomously.94 There are also proposals
in welfare states such as India, where electricity
for decentralized ridesharing services,95
is a public utility, there is not much demand
and a way to automatically prove one’s
for privately generated electricity, which will
physical address.96 iii. Social networks:
invariably cost more than a public grid system.
Ventures like Project Groundhog97 and
Hence a decentralized system as described above
Akasha98 seek to use the blockchain to
may work only if this changes. Also, in order
divest power from centralized operators of
to access a microgrid on a blockchain, the
social networks. Steemit has emerged as a
internet infrastructure needs to be strong and
leading blockchain based social network.
have widespread penetration. Currently, only
Users on Steemit are paid in the platform’s
20.26% of rural India has access to the Internet.
cryptocurrency ‘Steem’ to interact with the
platform like posting/sharing content etc.99
J. Other Fields iv. Social impact and political participation:
The blockchain has been called “the big Our founder, Nishith M. Desai, has been
breakthrough,” the “Internet of Finance,” the predicting direct democracy facilitated by
“Internet of Trust,” and the “Internet of Value.”90 technology for a quite a while. D-CENT
It is a wide-ranging innovation, so there is no is a Europe-wide project that uses the
end to the types of applications that it is being blockchain to facilitate direct democracy
extrapolated to.91 To illustrate, below are some and economic empowerment by citizens,
additional fields in which it is being explored:

20in%20accounting.pdf (last visited October 3, 2016)
students-results-on-the-blockchain.html; http://chainthat.
89. com/education/ (last visited October 3, 2016)
94. (last visited October 3, 2016)
idINKBN1D612W (last visited November 16, 2018)
95. . (last visited October
of-finance/#5dcc55a12712; 96. (last visited October
imf-report-calls-bitcoins-blockchain-the-internet-of-trust/ 3,2016)
(last visited October 3, 2016)
97. . (last
91. See visitedOctober 3, 2016)
98. (last visited October 3, 2016)
changingthe-game-6195606b0d70#.mi8zrmpuq; https:// 99.
applications (lastvisited October 3, 2016) millions-in-ephemeral-money/

18 © Nishith Desai Associates 2018

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

so they can “be informed and get real-time v. Miscellaneous: Some other proposed
notifications about issues that matter to applications are: decentralized
them; propose and draft solutions and policy organizations / “future of work” (Ethereum
collaboratively; decide and vote on solutions is already a sophisticated user of these);102
and collective municipal budgeting” and over-the-air television streaming;103
be rewarded under blockchain reward a notary service;104 crowdsourcing;105
schemes.100 This application of the an emergency reporting system;106 a file
blockchain was also suggested in the storage system;107 and a domain name
Ethereum white paper.101 registry.108

102. (last visited October 3, 2016)

103. (last visited October 3, 2016)
104. (last visited October 3 2016)
105. (last visited October 3, 2016)
106. (last visited October 3,
100. (last visited October 3, 2016) Paper#decentralized-file-storage (last visited October 3, 2016)
101. 108.
Paper#applications(last visited October 3, 2016) and-reputation-systems (last visited October 3, 2016)

© Nishith Desai Associates 2018 19

Provided upon request only

4. Regulatory Reaction
Since blockchain technology only creates an In April 2017, an inter-disciplinary committee
infrastructure or medium enabling a variety of was set up by the Ministry of Finance, to be
applications, it is yet to stir up much regulatory chaired by the Special Secretary (Economic
controversy in and of itself. This is as opposed to, Affairs) and representatives from various
say, crypto-assets, which may disrupt traditional Central government departments, including
value-transfer systems and have governments the Department of Revenue (CBDT), Ministry of
around the world scrambling to understand Electronics and Information Technology, the RBI,
their legal consequences. NITI Aayog, and State Bank of India, to examine
the regulation of virtual currencies.113 However,
As opposed to crypto-assets, most regulators’
there may be a dichotomy in the government’s
statements on blockchain technology have
approach to virtual currencies (which the
been positive. Led by the U.K., many countries
government appears concerned about in light of
including Australia, the U.S., Hong Kong,
the consumer protection risks) and blockchain
Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, and
technology as such (on which the government
United Arab Emirates have implemented or are
has expressed no negative view).
exploring the idea of ‘regulatory sandboxes’ for
blockchain (and other types of) innovation.109 The Committee on Digital Payments, chaired
Regulatory sandboxes allow organizations to by Mr. Ratan P. Watal, and constituted by the
experiment with innovative business models Ministry of Finance, in its December 2016 report
without fear of regulatory consequences, as cited an earlier version of this paper and noted
long as they meet certain consumer protection the benefits of blockchain technology.114 In
norms. In India, the RBI’s Report of the Working addition, as mentioned previously, the IDRBT
Group of FinTech and Digital Banking also has recommended that the “time is ripe” for the
seems to indicate that the RBI will consider adoption of blockchain technology in India.
regulatory sandboxes for India.110 The draft The Government of Andhra Pradesh in October
Payment and Settlement Systems Bill, 2018 also 2016 signed a FinTech Cooperation Agreement
has the concept of a regulatory sandbox.111 with the Monetary Authority of Singapore
to “promote innovation in financial services in
On a separate note, as mentioned previously,
their respective markets[, ]explore joint innovation
the governments of Canada, China, Japan, India,
projects on technologies such as digital payments
Netherlands, the U.K., and Sweden have all been
and blockchain[, ]collaborate on the development of
reported to be exploring the issuance of digital
education programmes/curricula on FinTech[, and]
versions of fiat currency on the blockchain.112
discuss emerging FinTech trends and exchange
Such government authorization will pave the
views on regulatory issues related to innovations in
way for the adoption of blockchain technology in
financial services.”115
mainstream financial transactions.
In addition, some regulatory officials have
In India, at the moment, there is no law or policy
made press comments about blockchain
specifically addressing blockchain technology.
technology, which have varied in tone.

113. (last
payment-solutions/ (last visited April 25, 2017)
visited April 25, 2017)
114. (last
aspx?ID=892 (last visited November 16, 2018)
visited April 25, 2017)
settlement.pdf (last visited November 16, 2018)
112. E.g., Pradesh-ink-FinTech-cooperation-agreement.aspx (last
aspx?prid=43574 (last visited November 16, 2018) visited April 25, 2017)

20 © Nishith Desai Associates 2018

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

In 2016, former Deputy Governor H. R. Khan had use of block chain technology proactively
told reporters, “Blockchain is one thing that has for ushering in digital economy.”120
come out of Bitcoin which provides a lot of flexibility
However, in April 2018, the RBI issued a circular
in terms of financial transactions. So, we need to
which dealt a body blow to the crypto-asset and
study... how this blockchain technology can be used
blockchain ecosystem in India.121 This circular
in financial transactions where the entire data
prohibited entities regulated by the Reserve
systems move to some more levels.”116
Bank such as banks and financial institutions
The then RBI Deputy Governor R.S. Gandhi from dealing with ‘Virtual Currencies’ (VCs) or
in March 2017 said, “Blockchain, the foundation providing services for facilitating any person
for bitcoins-like innovations, is touted to be the or entity from dealing or settling ‘VCs’. The
death knell of currency. I believe its potential is services which were deemed to facilitate the
being overstated. We can see that in these types of ‘dealing or settling of VCs’ included maintaining
solutions for virtual currency, there is no central accounts, registering, trading, settling, clearing,
bank or monetary authority. They pose potential giving loans against virtual tokens, accepting
financial, operational, legal, customer protection them as collateral, opening accounts of
and security related risks.” 117 However, he added exchanges dealing with them and transfer/
he was glad about the IDRBT’s blockchain receipt of money in accounts relating to
research project, and said, “There is a movement purchase/ sale of ‘VCs’. The circular is currently
to make use of blockchain technology for virtual being challenged in the Supreme Court of
currency by the central banks themselves. Of course, India on its constitutional validity (Disclosure:
this calls for lot of research.”118 Nishith Desai Associates acts for the Internet
and Mobile Association of India in its petition
As mentioned above, the RBI had recently come
against the said RBI circular).
out with its Report of the Working Group of
FinTech and Digital Banking. The Report has While it appears that the intention of the RBI
identified Blockchain as one of the ‘Three Pillars’ was to cut off the traders of crypto-assets and
which will drive digital transformation and various crypto-asset exchanges from the financial
innovation in the Banking, Financial Services system, it has had side effects on the blockchain
and Insurance (BFSI) sector, including Artificial ecosystem. For instance, in the absence of any
Intelligence and Internet of Things. 119 clear definition of the term ‘Virtual Currency’
from the RBI, the circular could impact any
In the February 2018 Budget Speech, the Finance
blockchain-based platform which is dependent
Minister stated,
on tokenization of some sort. The operators of
“Distributed ledger system or the block chain a blockchain platform which uses tokens either
technology allows organization of any chain for incentivization or to maintain stability of
of records or transactions without the need of the network may potentially be cut off from the
intermediaries. The Government does not consider financial system as Indian banks and financial
crypto-currencies legal tender or coin and will take institution may not be allowed to support them.
all measures to eliminate use of these crypto-assets
Since there is little legal authority on how
in financing illegitimate activities or as part of the
blockchain technology will be treated, there is
payment system. The Government will explore
uncertainty in industry on this question. The
thinking is that though the blockchain itself
116. has not caused a regulatory stir, this does not
blockchain-technology-to-curtail-paper-currency_6927981. guarantee that particular applications will not.
html (lastvisited October 3, 2016)
blockchain-currencies-overstated/ (last visited April 25, 2017)
118. Id. 120. (last
visited November 15, 2018)
WGFR68AA1890D7334D8F8F72CC2399A27F4A.PDF (last 121.
visited November 15, 2018) (last visited October 26, 2018)

© Nishith Desai Associates 2018 21

Provided upon request only

On this note, the President of the Chamber of cryptocurrencies.126 Tramonex offers to provide
Digital Commerce, the world’s largest trade a “single centralised payment hub [that] can reduce
association representing the blockchain industry, the cost of your banking infrastructure and increase
and the World Federation of Exchanges, the efficiencies” with the following solutions: working
global trade body for exchanges, have called for capital management, FX risk management, and
regulatory clarity over the use of blockchain operational management.127
technology for different purposes.122 In October
2016, the Digital Currency and Ledger Defense
Coalition (DCLDC), a coalition of prominent U.S.
B. French Government
lawyers and academics, was announced.123 The Regulations
DCLDC seeks to protect the right of innovators
In December 2017, France became one of the
experimenting with blockchain technology,
first countries in the world, and possibly the first
through pro bono attorney referrals and the
country in Europe, to “regulate the recording
filing of amicus briefs. Where regulatory
and transfer of securities on a shared electronic
sandboxes are not forthcoming, therefore,
recording device, such as blockchain”.128 In April
staying involved with industry bodies can be a
2016, the French government passed an order
powerful fallback for blockchain innovators.
legislating rules surrounding ‘mini-bonds,’
a type of corporate debt instrument facilitating
I. Global Developments crowdfunding.129 The order explicitly permitted
the issuance and transfer of mini-bonds
using the blockchain, given certain adapted
A. U.K. Government Authorization procedures and safeguards. The order stated that
of Blockchain E-Money Startup the registration of the sale transaction in the
blockchain will operate as the transfer of title
In February 2017, the U.K. government granted
ownership. A working group was to determine
the blockchain-based finance startup Tramonex
detailed safeguards to ensure reliability, security,
a small Electronic Money Institution (EMI)
and the capacity to be audited. The order also
registration.124 The EMI registration is for
contained the first known regulatory definition
persons who “issue e-money”, and “e-money”
of the blockchain: a “shared electronic storage
includes “monetary value represented by a claim
device” or “a shared electronic recording system
on the issuer that is stored electronically, including
allowing for authentication.” As a result of this
magnetically”.125 Tramonex’s website does not
move, BNP Paribas announced in September 2016
provide any description of how blockchain
that it would expand its blockchain platform to
technology is involved in its offerings, but
allow private companies to issue minibonds via
its website suggests that the solutions are
crowdfunding platforms.130
related to traditional fiat currencies and not

126. (last visited April 26, 2017)

the-blockchain-brain-drain-how-the-states-are-driving- 127. Id
blockchain-companies-abroad/#29b047e783fc (last visited
April 25, 2017);
0933-497c-8a11-580a79341266 (last visited November 16,
regulations-blockchain-idUSKCN11017Q (last visited
October 3, 2016)
joinup-to-form-blockchain-legal-defense-coalition/ (last
visited October3, 2016)
(translated report explaining the order); https://www.
permission-to-issue-blockchain-based-currency (last visited XT000032465520&-categorieLien=id (original text of order).
April 26, 2017)
125. securities-services-expands-blockchain-platform-private-
approach.pdf (last visited April 26, 2017) stocks (lastvisited October 3, 2016)

22 © Nishith Desai Associates 2018

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

C. Malta Regulatory Framework a digital medium of exchange, unit of account,

or store of value and that is not electronic
Earlier this year, Malta passed three new laws
money; a financial instrument or a virtual
namely, The Malta Innovation Authority Act,
token’. Moreover, ‘ICO’ is replaced by ‘initial
The Innovative Technology Arrangements
VFA offering’, ‘crypto-exchange’ is replaced
and Services and The Virtual Financial Assets
by ‘VFA exchange’ and ‘crypto-services’ are
Act for regulating the cryptocurrency and
replaced by ‘VFA services’. Furthermore, the
blockchain ecosystem.131
issue of Virtual Tokens are excluded from the
The Malta Digital Innovation Authority Act remit of the VFAA. The VFAA also lays down
(the ‘MDIA’): It provides for the establishment of the financial instruments test to ensure that
a new authority, the MDIA, for the promotion any cryptographic token that is issued during
and development of the innovative technology the ICO, or listed on a crypto-exchange, would
sector in Malta. It provides proper recognition either be within the existing regulation or not.
and regulations for innovative technology
The laws supplement other existing regulations
arrangements and related services, especially
such as the Malta Financial Services Authority,
Distributed Ledger Technologies and
the Malta Gaming Authority and the Malta
smart contracts. It is important to note that
Communications Authority, to name a few.
registration with the MDIA for developing
Malta, with the passing of these legislations
anything in relation to blockchain technology is
is attempting to become a safe place for the
voluntary but it is recommended to have one’s
blockchain industry to grow, and enables
platform audited and certified by the MDIA.
the government to implement safeguards
The Innovative Technology Arrangements and to ensure consumer protection, market
Services Act (the ‘ITAS Act’): It lays down integrity and financial stability.
the applicable regime for the registration
of Technology Service Providers and the
certification for Technology Arrangements.
D. Thailand’s Law on Digital Asset
Currently, the ‘Innovative Technology Business
Arrangements’ recognized under the ITAS
On May 13, 2018, the Thailand Ministry of
Act relate only to DLTs and smart contracts.
Finance and The Securities and Exchange
However, the MDIA has the power under
Commission, Thailand (“SEC Thailand”)
the ITAS to notify additional Innovative
published two Decrees in the Royal Gazette
Technology Arrangements.
to enact specific regulations relating to:
The Virtual Financial Assets Act (the ‘VFAA’):
1. Operations of digital asset business
It provides a framework for issuance of DLT
(Royal Decree on the Digital Asset
assets through ICOs and crypto exchanges
Businesses B.E. 2561)132
and their operation. It also lays down specific
requirements for the drafting of a whitepaper 2. Tax implications on income earned
for an ICO. Malta has evidently decided to from digital assets (Royal Decree of the
remove the word ‘cryptocurrency’ and replace Amendment to the Revenue Code).133
it with ‘Virtual Financial Asset’ (“VFA”).
The Royal Decree came into effect on 14 May
Wherein, VFA is defined as ‘any form of
2018 and in the words of the Secretary General
digital medium recordation that is used as
of the SEC Thailand, “aims regulate and supervise
offering of digital tokens and undertaking of digital
(last visited November 16, 2018) 133. Ibid

© Nishith Desai Associates 2018 23

Provided upon request only

asset businesses, including exchange, brokerage securities. Another interesting aspect is that the
and dealing.”134 The legislation has also brought new law requires that: “issuers of Digital Tokens who
digital assets within the purview of the Thai are willing to accept Cryptocurrencies in the offering
Anti Money Laundering Act and also aims process or the operators of digital asset businesses
to protect investors from risks of fraud and who are willing to accept Cryptocurrencies from the
deception by imposing requirements which counterparties in any transaction shall only accept
consist of inter alia registering a prospectus, Cryptocurrencies obtained from or deposited with
continuous disclosure requirements, measures operators of digital asset businesses regulated under the
against insider trading, false dissemination Royal Decree”. This seems to indicate that in order
of information, front running etc. Issuance of to pay for any issue of Digital Tokens in Thailand
‘Digital Tokens’ to the public can only take place with cryptocurrency, the cryptocurrency will
after approval from the SEC Thailand, which have to be purchased from registered digital asset
requires the filing of a draft prospectus and entities. It is however unclear at this moment
a registration statement. as to how Thai regulators will enforce such a
requirement as major cryptocurrencies like
The new law also recognizes three distinct
Bitcoin are often traded on a peer-to-peer basis.
businesses within the Digital Asset space. These
However, blockchain analysis tools like Elliptic
are ‘Digital Asset Exchange’135, ‘Digital Asset
could be one such option.
Broker’136 and Digital Asset Dealer.137 The
recognition of brokers and dealers may be The Amendment to the Thai Revenue Code has
somewhat unique, and is seems to be an attempt also brought Digital Assets within the tax net, thus
to bring Digital Assets within the realm of recognizing Digital Assets and related businesses.
conventional financial instruments such as

135. Under the Royal Decree, “Digital Asset Exchange” means
a center or a network established for the purposes of
purchasing, selling or exchanging of digital assets, operates
by matching or arranging the counterparty or providing the
system or facilitating a person who is willing to purchase,
sell or exchange of digital assets to be able to enter into
an agreement or match the order, in the normal course of
business, excluding the system or network in the manner as
specified in the notification of the SEC
136. Under the Royal Decree, “Digital Asset Broker” means a
person who services or holds himself out to the public as
available to be a broker or an agent for any person in the pur-
chase, sale or exchange of digital assets to other person in the
normal course of business, in consideration of a commission,
fee or other remuneration, excluding the brokers or agents in
the manner as specified in the notification of the SEC.
137. Under the Royal Decree, “Digital Asset Dealer” means a
person who services or holds himself out to the public as
available to purchase, sale or exchange of digital assets for
his own account in the normal course of business outside the
digital asset exchange, excluding the dealer in the manner as
specified in the notification of the SEC.

24 © Nishith Desai Associates 2018

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

5. Forecasting Legal Issues

Despite the lack of legal authority on blockchain obligations like anti-money-laundering and
technology to date, there are several interesting anti-terrorist-financing (depending on the
legal questions which it raises and should be jurisdiction) are triggered. These will be hard
considered. In general, however, analyzing the to meet when transactions are on blockchains,
legal implications of the blockchain outside at least in the form that blockchains are
of a particular use case is less straightforward commonly used today.142 The likely solution to
than the same analysis of Bitcoin. This is this is the requirement that participants must
because Bitcoin is only one specific use case of shed their anonymity/pseudonymity on the
blockchain technology, whereas blockchain blockchain for commercial transactions. This
technology can be applied in almost any context. is something that lawmakers could address.
The Indian Information Technology Act, 2000
(“IT Act”) could, for instance, be amended to
I. Pseudonymity and Legal this effect. There are already technical solutions
Enforcement that facilitate this.143 In addition, ‘private’ or
‘permissioned’ blockchains, which, as opposed
A lot of people still associate Bitcoin with to ‘public’ or ‘permissionless’ blockchains (like
nefarious activities on the ‘dark web,’ like Bitcoin), regulate who can access the blockchain
illegal purchases of banned substances and network and how they can participate in it.
guns, and financing terrorism.138 This is because This is usually an important feature of the
network participants could be anonymous various enterprise blockchain solutions on the
or pseudonymous i.e., not fully anonymous – market. The Chain Protocol, the blockchain
because of various identifying information like protocol targeted at financial institutions
network (IP) addresses and public keys – but not and discussed previously, is an example of
obviously linked to a real identity.139 In this aspect, a permissioned blockchain.144
the blockchain operates with the same properties
as Bitcoin. Therefore the question arises about
how regulators and counterparties will hold
II. Privacy and Cybersecurity
participants accountable, and enforce legal, tax,
and contractual obligations.140 Albeit a tangential A. Privacy
example, the enormous amount of resources it
The counterpoint to the pseudonymity-
took for the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation
based legal issues is that because blockchain
(FBI) to trace the mastermind behind ‘Silk
participants cannot be fully anonymous and
Road’ (the infamous ‘dark web’ exchange)
the distributed ledger is publicly viewable, there
bears testimony to this.141 Further, when the
are privacy implications.145 As mentioned,
blockchain is deployed in regulated industries,
blockchain participants can be identified using
KYC requirements and various reporting
their public keys and IP addresses, among

138. E.g., 142.

shady-truth-bitcoin-users/ (last visited October 3, 2016) 1800-4bfb-8e13-1826e9d2733f (last visited October 3, 2016)
139. . 143. E.g., (last visited
anonymous-1682885318 (last visited October 3, 2016) October3, 2016)
140. 144.
1800-4bfb-8e13-1826e9d2733f; (lastvisited October 3, 2016)
ebooks/eGuide_BlockchainTheConceptandtheLaw.pdf (last
visited October 3, 2016)
141. ebooks/eGuide_BlockchainTheConceptandtheLaw.pdf (last
fbicracks-silk-road/2984921/ (last visited October 3, 2016) visited October 3, 2016)Provided upon request only

© Nishith Desai Associates 2018 25

Provided upon request only

other identifiers, and every transaction can be under the Chairmanship of Justice Srikrishna
seen by every participant (this is an essential released the draft Personal Data Protection Bill,
feature of blockchain technology). Since the 2018149 . Under this Bill, a duty has been cast on
blockchain is a new technology, most existing all ‘data fiduciaries’, or parties who determine the
privacy laws around the world, including the purpose of processing personal data to protect
Indian IT Act, would not contemplate privacy the individuals’ (data principals) digital privacy
protections for blockchain participants in and grant them certain rights. The Bill also entails
this sense.146 Most Internet privacy laws deal processing of personal data only for a specific
with a situation where a website/app collects and lawful purpose and such processing must be
personal information from an end user. The done with the consent of the data principal. It is
IT Act, for instance, regulates the collection, pertinent to note that the Bill only governs the use
use, and disclosure of sensitive personal data or of ‘personal data’, or data which is identifiable to
information by a body corporate which owns, an individual. A close analysis of the Bill and the
controls or operates a computer resource.147 So unique nature of the blockchain may result in
though participants would have these ordinary the position that blockchain is likely going to be
Internet privacy rights, such rights will likely incompatible with some provisions of the Bill, if
not extend to the blockchain because there is personal data is stored on the blockchain. Some of
no centralized organization collecting these provisions have been explained below.
information. If we look at the IT Act’s language
ƒThe Bill has obligations requiring the deletion
(section 43A), privacy on the blockchain would
of data once the purpose of processing is
likely not be available because there is no single
achieved. However, this is not possible in an
“body corporate” collecting user information
immutable ledger.
and “own[ing], control[ling] or operat[ing]”
a computer resource (unlike a regular web ƒIn some instances, where the data being
service does, for instance). Rather, information processed is classified as ‘critical personal
is shared with all blockchain participants, and data’, then the Bill requires the processing
control is decentralized. Enterprise deployments of the data to happen only within India.
of commercial blockchain technology might However, the blockchain by itself is global
therefore look to address these privacy and de-centralized. It lives on the internet.
concerns,148 incorporating privacy by design. Designing a blockchain system in compliance
While doing so, however, they should also look with this requirement and to ensure that
to preserve accountability, for reasons discussed the ‘nodes’ of the blockchain are Indian IP
in the previous section. Lawmakers could look addresses could lead to loss of efficiency and
at mandating that blockchain operators (in transparency.
situations where there are centralized operators)
ƒThe Bill mandates that the personal data
incorporate such a dual-edged feature, if
of a data subject be made ‘portable’ or
technically feasible.
transferable from one service to another.
India is currently on the cusp of a sea change It is unclear however, how this can be
in regulating the manner in which personal implemented in a blockchain.
data is processed. The Committee of Experts
ƒThe Bill grants the data subject the right
to modify and correct their personal data.
146. However, the immutable nature of the
3447-4088-81dd-7521244fecb3 (last visited October 3, 2016) blockchain may make this difficult.
147. Section 43A, IT Act, read with the Information Technology
(Reasonablesecurity practices and procedures and sensitive
personal data orinformation) Rules, 2011. (last visited
October 3, 2016)
BlockchainTheConceptandtheLaw.pdf (last visited October 3,
2016) 149.
Protection_Bill,2018.pdf (last visited October 30, 2018)

26 © Nishith Desai Associates 2018

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

B. Cybersecurity however, new cybersecurity standards tailored

to the blockchain are being conceived, 154 and
If high value transactions and records are going
such standards will have to be referenced into
to be moved to the blockchain – which seems
existing law. .
likely, as the earlier discussion of industry
applications showed – cybersecurity becomes
essential.150 Data breaches are being announced III. Complications Associated
every day, and several hacks, including the with Decentralized
recent CoinCheck hack of over USD 500
million worth of cryptoassets,151 show that Autonomous
the implementation of blockchain technology Organizations (DAOs)
is not infallible (even though the underlying
technology is widely acknowledged to be
“A DAO is a virtual autonomous organization,
robust and secure). For instance, participants’
in which the functions of the organization exist
private keys (stored on their devices and/or on
in software, and the laws governing the
the cloud) can unlock their entire holdings,
organization’s functions are set into smart contracts
making private keys a definite target,152 and
that become automatically enforceable if a set of
often a ‘single point of failure.’153 This risk has
defined conditions are met. As a result, the DAO
already materialized several times with Bitcoin.
becomes a company that runs by itself, without
Existing laws, including the requirements under
a centralized governing body.” 155
the IT Act and the Information Technology
(Reasonable security practices and procedures The most well-known example of a DAO was
and sensitive personal data or information) ‘The DAO’ (mentioned earlier), an organization
Rules, 2011, will govern blockchain activity functioning on the Ethereum blockchain, and
since the blockchain is an Internet-based which had collected a pool of cryptocurrency
system. But these requirements do not easily worth several million U.S. dollars as
fit with the nature of the blockchain. As crowdfunding for venture capital investment
mentioned above, with the blockchain, there purposes. 156 Being of such a decentralized,
is usually no controlling “body corporate” pseudonymous nature, DAOs do not fit within
to pin accountability for cybersecurity to. existing definitions of legal entities like
Where there are blockchain operators, they companies and partnerships. 157 This is because
will be held to the cybersecurity requirements stakeholders in DAOs may not necessarily
of the Rules. But because the system is agree with the distribution of decision-making
decentralized, and because there are not always power, and the responsibilities of directors,
any centralized ‘operators’ (as with Bitcoin), this shareholders, partners, and employees, dictated
is not enough to ensure cybersecurity. Further, by these traditional structures. In a DAO, as
existing standards on data protection, such as the name suggests, authority is thoroughly
the IS/ISO/IEC 27001 standard that the Rules decentralized, with decision-making often
mention, may not suffice for the blockchain,
because they were not designed keeping in
mind its decentralized nature. As we speak, html(last visited October 3, 2016)
daosand-the-future-of-government/ (last visited October 3,
3447-4088-81dd-7521244fecb3 (last visited October 3, 2016) 156.
fund/ (lastvisited October 3, 2016)
why-are-crypto-exchanges-are-hacked-so-often/ (last visited 157.
November 16, 2018) Blockchain_brochure_10-06-16_LOWRES.PDF; but see
152. Id.
153. See e.g., this explanation by Vitalik Buterin, a co- Coin%20Center-Berkman.pdfsuggesting possible legal
founder of Ethereum: organizational structures within whichDAOs could fall. (last
watch?v=UFDAtStVXbc. (last visitedOctober 3, 2016) visited October 3, 2016)

© Nishith Desai Associates 2018 27

Provided upon request only

driven purely by consensus.158 Further, they are either, because the code was open-source, hence
not ‘located’ within any particular jurisdiction making everyone (and no one) responsible
(they are considered ‘stateless’),159 so the for its robustness. The legal concept of an
applicable law is itself a question.160 The nature ‘association of persons’ may be a useful starting
of their members’ ‘interest’ in is also unclear point for the legal analysis of DAOs. Under
(as opposed to a company share or partnership Indian law, an association of persons is a body
stake).161 These make it hard to answer how of individuals or legal entities which associate
a DAO’s or its members’ legal rights and duties themselves to further a common purpose.166
would be considered. It is not easy to simply Other than interpretation of the broad concept
create an artificial regulatory definition for by courts, there are no legal strictures – as
a DAO, because they are governed and operated there are for companies and partnerships –
by software code, and the organizational surrounding this concept. This provides DAOs
rules can be written in a limitless number of with a significant degree of legal flexibility to
ways. Another question worth considering be governed as their members decide. At the
is to what extent the programmers of the same time, laws such as the Income Tax Act,
code underlying the DAO be accountable 1961 and the Competition Act, 2002, recognize
for its actions and for security breaches of its the concept of an ‘association of persons,’ hence
architecture.162 These theoretical difficulties preventing DAOs from ‘slipping under the radar’
become clearer to visualize when one thinks of and being considered nefarious.
the multimillion dollar hack of the Ethereum
In July 2017, the U.S. Securities and Exchange
DAO, discussed previously.163 The applicable
Commission (SEC) issued an investigative
law, the legal recourse for the DAO’s investors,
report concluding that the Ethereum DAO
the development of a suitable insurance regime
tokens were ‘securities’.167
for such situations, the liability of the DAO’s
programmers, and the regulation of DAOs as
investment vehicles make for difficult questions IV. Complications Due
in such a situation.164 This is in addition to the to Immutability and
difficulty of pinning down responsibility due to
anonymity/ pseudonymity and decentralization. Irreversability
At the time of writing, 165 the persons
responsible for the hack of the Ethereum DAO Blockchains cannot be ‘edited’ like conventional
were still unknown. No member or software ledgers. Once transactions are recorded, they
developer within that DAO could be faulted remain in the universal ledger unless every
participant agrees otherwise.168 In one sense, the
only editors are cryptography and the ‘wisdom
theybenefit-consumers-f7a0a862f3dc#.g8brl9tgq (last visited of the crowd’. This has led some to point out that
October 3,2016) immutability is “[t] he most obvious risk inherent
159. in blockchain technology.”169 This is because
attracted-stacks-digital-money-dao (last visited October 3, while immutability preserves the integrity of
2016) transactions, it may become problematic when
160. untrustworthy users have managed to conceal
161. Id.
162. 166.
attacksmart-contracts-and-blockchain-face-their-first-big-te association-of-persons/372324/ ; C.I.T. v. Indira Balkrishna, 39
(last visitedOctober 3, 2016) ITR 546. (lastvisited October 3, 2016)
163. 167. (last
(lastvisited October 3, 2016) visited November 16, 2018)
164. 168.
attacksmart-contracts-and-blockchain-face-their-first-big-te BlockchainTheConceptandtheLaw.pdf (last visited October 3,
(last visitedOctober 3, 2016) 2016)
165. October, 2016. 169. Id.

28 © Nishith Desai Associates 2018

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

fraud.170 In an ordinary situation, the defrauded there are for ordinary websites and apps
parties could approach courts, regulatory bodies (even if there is an identifiable blockchain
(in India, one could approach the RBI under the operator, its role would likely be very different
Banking Ombudsman Scheme), or third party from a website/app operator’s). This makes
gatekeepers (like banks) to either (a) reverse identifying legal responsibility difficult, as
the fraud, or (b) receive compensation.171 In discussed above. In addition, servers for each
blockchain transactions, however, (a) fraudulent blockchain network are decentralized and likely
transactions cannot be reversed by any central spread throughout the world, making it difficult
party, and (b) it is difficult for courts to trace to pinpoint where a breach or failure occurred.175
the wrongdoer, and even if they do, to enforce In the case of the Internet generally, several
a judgment, for reasons discussed under sub- jurisdictions have mandated some form of data
section I. above (“Pseudonymity and Legal localization or border controls, where servers
Enforcement”).172 It is likely that enterprise are required to be kept in that jurisdiction (e.g.,
deployments of blockchain technology will, Russia) or there are restrictions on how data
through private/permissioned systems, look to can flow out of the jurisdiction (e.g., the EU and
tackle these problems. Otherwise, banks and India). For the blockchain, lawmakers will have
payment system operators using the blockchain to consider how their jurisdictions’ technology
may find themselves (in some cases) in violation laws apply. A multi-stakeholder, global approach
of the detailed regulatory requirements governing appears to be best, to ensure the harmony of
them – such as, in India, those under the Banking international rules. In this vein, associations
Regulation Act, 1949, and the Payment and like the Chamber of Digital Commerce and the
Settlement Systems Act, 2007. So that innovation Digital Currency and Ledger Defense Coalition
is not unnecessarily impeded, regulators may have garnered wide participation and are likely
consider mandating a workaround that does to play an important role.
not compromise the decentralization and
permanence that is unique to the blockchain,
but holds some possibility for ‘corrections’ to the
VI. Contract Law Grey Areas
ledger if certain conditions are met.
As discussed previously, a key feature of the
blockchain is the “formation and execution of
V. Jurisdictional Questions digital contracts.”176 In other words, instead
of ordinary human language, software code
The Internet itself has raised several questions dictates parties’ rights and responsibilities,
on how to decide when a given jurisdiction’s law and automatically executes when specified
would govern a given situation. For example, conditions are met. This could be for the
Indian courts will look at whether a website was entirety of the contract or only in certain
made available in the country “with an intention provisions. Contract law around the world
to conclude a commercial transaction” with Indian is based on human decisions and judgment
users.173 In the case of an ultra-decentralized (e.g., the treatment of offer and acceptance,
technology like the blockchain, the difficulty of meeting of the minds, and consideration).177
these questions is amplified.174 This is because Therefore, automatic execution and machine
there are no identifiable ‘hosts’ or ‘operators’ as language create new legal questions:

170. Id
171. Id.
175. Id.
172. Id.
173. Banyan Tree Holding Pvt. Ltd. v. A. Murali Krishna Reddy & 1800-4bfb-8e13-1826e9d2733f (last visited October 3, 2016)
Anr., 2008(38) PTC 288 (Del) (last visited October 3, 2016)
174. Blockchain_brochure_10-06-16_LOWRES.PDF (last visited
Blockchain_brochure_10-06-16_LOWRES.PDF (last visited October 3, 2016)
October 3, 2016)

© Nishith Desai Associates 2018 29

Provided upon request only

ƒAre these digital contracts “contracts” as seen the digital contracts (e.g., a Master Supply
by the law? Agreement that governs all the smart contract
purchase orders), that enable the parties to
ƒCan they be enforced and parties be held
resolve such situations under traditional
responsible in the same way as traditional
contract law mechanisms.183
Whether through this way or another, the
ƒWhat if the code underlying these digital
practical solution appears to be to retain a natural
contracts is hacked?
language contractual element at least until the
Commentators have given the example of parties legal system, parties, and lawyers are familiar with
not being able to plead duress or mistake of fact smart contracts. It is also essential that, because
in a real estate transaction because all changes of the murky legal issues discussed in this section,
in ownership and the status of the property blockchain contracts have detailed dispute
would have already been verified and recorded resolution clauses in which the parties legislate for
in a universally accessible blockchain.178 They various outcomes specifically taking into account
have also noted that the ‘volition’ element in law, the technology,184 hence avoiding confusion later.
where parties’ choice of action gains importance, Digital/smart contracts raise the question of the
may not suit blockchain transactions, since role of lawyers in transactional practice going
actions – such as the filing of a lawsuit upon forward. This is of course even more relevant in the
default – automatically execute.179 (One could light of the rapid strides in artificial intelligence.
argue, however, that volition occurred at the The reasonable view is that lawyers will still be
time the digital contract was drafted.) Also, due required to draft non-obvious contractual terms
to immutability and irreversibility, as mentioned or terms that cannot fit into technical language;
above, remedies for smart contracts ‘gone wrong’ interact with programmers on the correspondence
(e.g., mistaken rainfall data in the context of a between the natural language and software
drought insurance contract)180 may be difficult code;185 and counsel parties on legal risks.
to pursue, since traditional contract law options
Many have pointed out that a working
like rescission will not be viable.181 Because of
understanding of software programming will be
immutability and irreversibility, arguments
very useful for the next generation of lawyers.186
for unenforceability that fall outside those
While regulation should not be imposed hastily,
situations contemplated by the written code
it is likely that as smart contracts come into use,
(e.g., fraud, force majeure, and frustration) may
new contract law rules are necessary to govern
become harder to resolve than usual.182
code-based and blockchain-driven contracts.187
To help resolve such contractual ambiguities,
some have suggested that there should be natural
language contracts signed, complementing
183. Id.
dispute (last visitedOctober 3, 2016
(last visited October3, 2016) 185.
BlockchainTheConceptandtheLaw.pdf (last visited October 3,
3447-4088-81dd-7521244fecb3 (last visited October 3, 2016)
186. Richard Susskind, Tomorrow’s Lawyers: An
Introduction to YourFuture (Oxford University Press,
dispute (last visitedOctober 3, 2016)
BlockchainTheConceptandtheLaw.pdf; http://www.lexology.
181. . com/library/detail.aspx?g=bc1e03ba-1800-4bfb-8e13-
BlockchainTheConceptandtheLaw.pdf (last visited October 3, 1826e9d2733f (last visited October 3, 2016)
182. where-lawmeets-technology (last visited October 3, 2016)
where-lawmeets-technology (last visited October 3, 2016)

30 © Nishith Desai Associates 2018

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

VII. Whether Blockchain deemed to be a security, subject to the specific facts,

Tokens are ‘Securities’ circumstances and characteristics of the Blockchain
Token itself. Rather, given our analysis in the above,
it should be characterized as a simple contract, akin
Transactions occur on the blockchain through
to a franchise or license agreement.” An earlier
the exchange of tokens. In the case of the Bitcoin
publication by several well-known thinkers
blockchain, the tokens stand for Bitcoin value,
on blockchain technology (some of whom
but tokens can be configured to represent
also participated in the previously mentioned
anything that can be transacted (e.g., real estate
publication) also undertook a detailed analysis
or company shares.) As we discussed in Section
of how blockchain tokens would fall within the
3(III) (“Applications”), securities and derivatives
‘securities’ definition under U.S. law.190
are a major potential application of blockchain
technology. The question of how blockchain Its conclusion was that the answer would
tokens fall within existing definitions of ‘securities’ change depending on what the token
and ‘derivatives’ therefore becomes relevant. In represented. Analyzing different hypothetical
our 2015 paper on Bitcoins,188 we have concluded tokens, the working paper concluded that tokens
that Bitcoins could not be classified either as representing: access to a software product which
‘securities’ or ‘derivatives’ under the Securities may appreciate in value; voting rights with a
Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (“SCRA”). This financial concern; and ownership of digital assets
is because Bitcoins do not have an underlying without an expectation of profit, may generally
asset, and are not “issued” by any particular entity. be considered securities. Tokens representing
When analyzing blockchain tokens in general, the non-transferable software access rights; voting
analysis is more context-specific. This is because rights without a financial concern; digital goods
while Bitcoins only represent virtual value, nearly without an expectation of profit; and ‘shares’ in
anything can be represented on the blockchain. DAOs were not likely to be considered securities.
A publication by the Coinbase, Coin Center, As mentioned above, in July 2017, the U.S.
Union Square Ventures, and Consensys, in Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
partnership with the U.S. law firm Debevoise issued an investigative report concluding that
& Plimpton, aimed to establish a securities the Ethereum DAO tokens were ‘securities’.191
law framework for blockchain tokens under
In the Indian context, the analysis will have
U.S. law.189 It established a mechanism for
to be made primarily with regard to the
entities to “estimate how likely a particular
‘underlying asset’ and ‘issuance’ requirements.
token is to be a security” under U.S law. This
mechanism is a step-by-step process leading
to a score, which is meant to act as a risk VIII. Adaptations of Older
assessment. The publication also sets out best Requirements
practices for ‘crowdsales’ of tokens. Finally, it
contains an analysis by Debevoise & Plimpton
Existing law has a swathe of procedural
which concludes, “an appropriately designed
requirements governing commercial transactions
Blockchain Token that consists of rights and does
and political processes, including (in India):
not include any investment interests should not be
ƒThe requirement of physical signatures,
notarization, stamping, and registration
188. Latest draft available at for specified classes of documents (e.g., real
(last visited October 3,2016)
token-securities-law-a66ef03c383f; see also https://
Coin%20Center-Berkman.pdf (last visited April 26, 2017)
work%20for%20blockchain%20tokens.pdf (last visited 191. (last
November 26, 2018) visited November 16, 2018)

© Nishith Desai Associates 2018 31

Provided upon request only

property conveyances) under various laws; ƒDetailed banking and finance regulations
under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949,
ƒFormalities for assignment under
the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and
intellectual property laws;
Financial Institutions Act, 1993 (commonly
ƒThe IT Act’s stipulations on electronic known as the ‘Debt Recovery Act’), and the
signatures; Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial
Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest
ƒThe process for voting under the
Act, 2002 (commonly known as ‘SARFAESI’).
Representation of the People Act,
1951, and the Companies Act, 2013; In addition to the broader principle of trust
placed in centralized regulators and regulated
ƒShare issuance and transfer procedures
entities, many of these requirements will struggle
under the Companies Act, 2013, and the
to be satisfied by the blockchain because of its
Foreign ExchangeManagement Act, 1999;
electronic, trustless, and decentralized nature.
ƒMaintenance of records and registers As blockchain technology gains ground in
under various laws including the India, lawmakers can consider a legislation
Companies Act, 2013, the Limited relaxing procedural requirements that impede
its progress (hence impeding innovation). These
ƒLiability Partnership Act, 2008,
requirements may have been suitable for an older
and the Partnership Act, 1932;
way of doing things but will likely be obviated by
ƒSecurities transactions regulations the unique features of the blockchain. The French
under the SCRA; government’s regulations on securities, discussed
earlier, are a good example of regulations
ƒPayment and settlement system
expressly enabling the use of the blockchain.
requirements under the Payment and
Settlement Systems Act, 2007; and

32 © Nishith Desai Associates 2018

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

6. Practical Challenges
The blockchain is fascinating in theory, but
some consider it overhyped.192 They believe
II. Widespread Adoption
that the numbers on its funding, manpower,
Mr. A. P. Hota, the erstwhile CEO and Managing
and adoption do not live up to the many
Director of India’s NPCI, remarked after
ambitious estimates of its potential.193 The
a blockchain event, “[w]hile it was clear that the
following are some challenges that it will have
technology is radical, unless the entire ecosystem
to face if it is to reach its predicted success:
moves toward it, it is hardly of any significance.”197
This can be easily understood when we consider
I. Cybersecurity that the value of Bitcoins is only existent
because people are willing to trade currency/
Bitcoin exchanges and participants have been goods/services for them. A Bitcoin network of
subjected to security breaches numerous times, a few people would be of little consequence.
including a January 2018 hack of the exchange Credit Suisse has also pointed out that “critical
CoinCheck, resulting in losses amounting to mass” is essential for the blockchain’s success,
over USD 500 million.194 The recent Ethereum and that players like R3 (through the initiatives
DAO hack proves that vulnerabilities can and partnerships discussed previously) are
exist outside of the Bitcoin implementation making positive steps towards this.198 However,
of blockchain technology too. Though the the inertia of established systems (and the
fundamental technology underlying the integration of the blockchain with them);
blockchain has rarely been questioned skepticism towards Bitcoin and the blockchain
on security grounds, the implementation as ‘rebel’ systems; and the high cost of
by participants, exchanges, and DAOs has a sophisticated blockchain deployment
sometimes not been watertight. One security may be challenges to widespread adoption.199
weakness at a more fundamental level is the
importance attached to participants’ private
keys: some have stated, “[p]ermanent loss of
III. Necessity
a private encryption key would be a lot like loss
The question arises why established industries
of life.”195 Organizations may thus face a security
and processes should break a working status quo
v. cost tradeoff that “either means your blockchain
and use the blockchain.200 This is the case when
is cheap but risky or expensive and secure.”196
as in banking services, the blockchain’s features
do not easily support some processes taken for
granted today, such as chargebacks/refunds by
banks after fraudulent transactions. According

articleshow/54318646.cms (last visited October 3, 2016)
(last visitedOctober 3, 2016)
193. Id.
challenges-for-blockchain-going-mainstream-2016-8 (last
194. visited October3, 2016)
why-are-crypto-exchanges-are-hacked-so-often/ (last visited
November 16, 2018)
195. html;
3447-4088-81dd-7521244fecb3 (last visited October 3, 2016) Blockchain_brochure_10-06-16_LOWRES.PDF (last visited
October 3, 2016)
challenges-for-blockchain-going-mainstream-2016-8 (last 200.
visited October3, 2016) challenges-for-blockchain-going-mainstream-2016-8 (last
visited October 3, 2016)

© Nishith Desai Associates 2018 33

Provided upon request only

to Credit Suisse, blockchain technology will V. Privacy

only be useful in a particular application if
parties “(1) require a database, (2) need shared write The transparency that is essential to the
access, (3) have unknown writers whose interests blockchain, combined with the ability to trace
are not unified, and (4) not trust a third party to participants’ real identities, can lead to serious
maintain the integrity of the data.”201 Organizations privacy implications (see the previous section’s
should therefore look beyond the excitement discussion of this issue).205
and carefully assess whether the blockchain is
suitable and can adapt to their needs.
VI. Energy Consumption
IV. Teething Problems Some have also drawn attention to the substantial
energy consumption by blockchain networks,
Many have acknowledged that the blockchain because of the computationally intensive process
is a nascent technology, and its real-world of mining/verification.206 However, newer
applications outside Bitcoin, and to some technologies, such as the more widespread use
extent Ethereum, are still largely untested.202 of the ‘proof of stake’ algorithm are expected to
Some experts, while positive about the improve energy efficiency over the long run.207
technology, give it 10 to 20 years to become
mainstream.203 Aspects such as the speed of
transactions, the process of verification, and
data limits therefore still have to find their
‘sweet spot’ in non-Bitcoin applications.204

201. Id.
challenges-forblockchain-going-mainstream-2016-8; http:// 205. Also see id.;
brochure_10-06-16_LOWRES.PDF (last visited October 3, onthe-challenges-for-blockchain-going-mainstream-2016-8.
2016) (lastvisited October 3, 2016
203. 206.
mainstream/(last visited October 3, 2016) blockchain-technology-9-benefits-and-7-challenges.html (last
visited April 25, 2017)
blockchain-technology-9-benefits-and-7-challenges.html (last 207.
visited October 3, 2016) consumes-a-lot-of-energy-engineers-changing-that.html

34 © Nishith Desai Associates 2018

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

7. Conclusion
Blockchain is no doubt a revolutionary usually places trust in centralized parties
technology, replacing trust with math-based i.e., licensed entities and regulators. This is
security to a large extent. However, many a public policy that needs to be taken, since
oft-touted blockchain use-cases need to be some amendments e.g., decentralization of land
critically examined to see if they actually utilize records, may be considered radical by many.
blockchain’s key innovation i.e., decentralization.
Further, the law in India on virtual currencies
Centralization can often bring with it efficiency
is currently in flux. There is a pending
and accountability benefits, and decentralization
Supreme Court case against the RBI’s circular
may result in certain trade-offs in this regard.
on the subject, as well as a multi-stakeholder
However, decentralization is useful in cases where
government committee that is due to submit
there are multiple parties who wish to transact
its report on the legal treatment of virtual
with each other and do not have a system of trust
currencies. The government has made several
or regulation on which to fall back. This makes
pro-blockchain statements in various reports
cross-border transactions between multiple
and press statements, but has continually
untrusted parties (e.g., a global B2B distribution
cautioned against the risks associated with
network) particularly suitable. This would appear
virtual currencies.
to be the reason why the Bitcoin network has
gained such traction. In our view, the blockchain as a system
would be rendered either impotent or
Like any new technology or business model,
severely restricted (depending on the
the blockchain brings along with its benefits
blockchain implementation) without any
a host of legal, strategic, and operational
virtual currency / crypto-token. This has
challenges. As lawyers, we foresee several
been recognized by several global experts
legal grey areas that could arise as a result of
including Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin
the blockchain being deployed in the various
and author Andreas Antonopoulos. Such
industries that it has applications in. While
tokens act as an incentive to the blockchain
it is heartening to see that some jurisdictions
participants to verify transactions, and hence
like Malta have taken the lead in creating
preserve decentralization, which is the very
regulations around blockchain, in the Indian
breakthrough of blockchain technology.
context, we would not recommend hasty
or technology-specific regulation of this As a result, it may not be a wise policy move to
technology, since it is complex and calls for try to promote blockchain on the one hand, and
time and effort to be put into understanding severely restrict tokens on the other hand. It is
its implications. Further, principle-based our hope that any impending policy or judicial
regulation tends to be more time-proof than decision recognizes this fact, and adopts
technology-specific regulation. A rushed job a nuanced framework taking this into account.
is likely to impede innovation. At the same
Finally, it is essential to ensure that regulators
time, left unregulated, courts, adjudicators, and
are well-informed about the technology and its
commercial parties will be left trying to fit
benefits, and that the public and private sectors
square pegs into round holes to understand
collaborate to arrive at well-balanced policy
how the technology fits within existing legal
outcomes. Such outcomes, along with education
rules. A measured approach to regulation,
and awareness initiatives, should aid in the
that clarifies ambiguities where necessary,
successful adoption of the technology in India,
would hence be ideal.
and in India becoming a leading player in the
Certain blockchain use-cases would also field, just as it has been with other information
would need legal amendments in light of their technologies over the years.
decentralized nature, since existing regulation

© Nishith Desai Associates 2018 35

The Blockchain
Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

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Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

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The following research papers and much more are available on our Knowledge Site:

Fund Formation: Social Impact The Curious Case


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The Curious Case
of the Indian
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ING Vysya - Kotak Bank : Rising M&As in Banking Sector M&A Lab January 2016
Cairn – Vedanta : ‘Fair’ or Socializing Vedanta’s Debt? M&A Lab January 2016
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Jet Etihad Jet Gets a Co-Pilot M&A Lab May 2014
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Warburg - Future Capital - Deal Dissected M&A Lab January 2013
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Industry Applications and Legal Perspectives

Research @ NDA
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