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AEEP2102 – Power Systems -I

Voltage regulation and Power-transmission
capacity of transmission line

Raqib Hussain Anwarruddin

Voltage Regulation & Power Transmission
• Voltage regulation and power-handling capacity are two important
features of a transmission line.
• Thus, the voltage of a transmission line should remain as constant
as possible even under variable load conditions.
• Ordinarily, the voltage regulation from zero to full-load should not
exceed ±5% of the nominal voltage (though we can sometimes
accept a regulation as high as ±10%).
• As regards power-handling capacity, it may come as a surprise that a
transmission line can deliver only so much power and no more.
• The power that can be transported from source to load depends
upon the impedance of the line.
Voltage Regulation & Power Transmission
• We are mainly interested in transmitting active power because only it can
do useful work.
• In order to determine the voltage regulation and to establish their power
transmission capability, we will examine four types of lines:
• Resistive line
• Inductive line
• Inductive line with compensation
• Inductive line connecting two large systems
• The load can have all possible impedance values, ranging from no-load to a short-
• However, we are only interested in the active power the line can transmit.
Consequently, the load can be represented by a variable resistance absorbing a power
P. The sender voltage Es is fixed, but the receiver voltage ER depends upon the power
drawn by the load.
Resistive line
• The transmission line shown in figure has only
resistance R.
• If we vary the resistance R from open circuit
gradually reduce it to zero.
• We can observe the voltage at receiving end ER
and active power P it absorbs.
• We use the generalized curve which shows the
relationship between ER and P for any
transmission line having resistance R.
Resistive line
• Based on the curve:
• There is an upper limit to the power that the
line can transmit to the load.
Pmax = ES2/4R
And this maximum is reached when ER equals 0.5 Es
ER = 0.5 ES
• Power delivered to the load is maximum when the
impedance of the load is equal to the resistance of the
•If we permit a maximum regulation of 5 percent. ER =
0.95 Es) the graph shows that is only 19 percent of Pmax.
Exercise: A single-phase transmission line having a resistance of 10 Ω is connected to
a fixed sender voltage of 1000 V.
a. The maximum power the line can transmit to the load
b. The receiver power for a receiver voltage of 950 V
Inductive Line
• Let us now consider a line having negligible
resistance but possessing an inductive reactance
X as shown in figure.
• The receiver again operates at unity power
factor, and so it can be represented by a variable
resistance absorbing a power P As in the case of
a resistive line, voltage ER diminishes as the load
increases, but the regulation curve has a
different shape.
• In effect, the generalized graph of ER as a
function of P reveals the following information:
Inductive Line
• The line can transmit a maximum power to the load given
Pmax = ES2/2 X
ER = 0.707 ES
• Thus, for a given line impedance and sender voltage, the
reactive line can deliver twice as much power as a resistive
line can (Power equation Pmax = ES2/2 X and Pmax = ES2/4R.
• The power delivered to the load is maximum when the
resistance of the load is equal to the reactance of the line.
• If we again allow a maximum regulation of 5 percent, the
graph shows that the line can carry a load that is 60
percent of Pmax .
• Thus, for a given line impedance and a regulation of 5
percent, the inductive line can transmit six times as much
active power as a resistive line can.
Exercise: A single-phase transmission line having an inductive reactance of 10 Ω is
connected to a fixed sender voltage of 1000 V.
a. The maximum active power the line can deliver to a resistive load
b. The corresponding receiver voltage
c. The receiver power when the receiver voltage is 950 V.
Compensated inductive line
• We can improve the regulation and power-
handling capacity of an inductive line by
adding a variable capacitive reactance Xc
across the load.
• We can get perfect regulation by adjusting
the value of Xc so that the reactive power
ES2/Xc supplied by the capacitor is at all
times equal to onehalf of the reactive power
I2X absorbed by the line.
• For such a compensated line the value of the
receiver voltage ER will always be equal to
the sender voltage ES , irrespective of the
active power P absorbed by the load.
Compensated inductive line
• However, there still is an upper limit to the
power the line can transmit. A detailed analysis
shows that we can maintain a constant load
voltage (ER = Es ) up to a maximum of
Pmax = Es2/X
• Beyond this limit, ER gradually decreases to zero
in a diagonal line, as shown by the graph
• Note the following:
a. The voltage regulation is perfect until the load
power reaches the limiting value Pmax = Es2/X
b. The compensated inductive line can deliver
twice as much power (Pmax ) as an
uncompensated line can. Moreover, it has the
advantage of maintaining a constant load voltage.
Compensated inductive line
• Capacitor Xc supplies one-half the
reactive power I2 XL absorbed by the line;
the remaining half is supplied by the
sender Es .
• If necessary, we can add a second
capacitor Xc at the input to the line.
• The source has then only to supply the
active power P, while the reactive power
is supplied by the capacitors at both .

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