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The Necklace

Characters: Mathilde, Monsieur Loisel, Madame Forestier.

Setting: Paris, France 19th Century.

Some guy or narrator: Ladies and gentlemen welcome! Our section presents to you a tale about
insecurities, and desire. The necklace! By guy de maupassant.

Prologue (Inroduction)
(Lights close for dramatic efek)
Some guy or narrator:Once upon a time in the beautiful city of paris, there lived two couples. A gorgeous
woman named Mathilde, she was an insecure woman, who desired for more. Mathilde was married to
Monsieur Loisel a loving husband who gave her everything she wanted in his reach despite they’re poor
(Lightz open)

Scene 1:
(The play starts with mathilde having dinner with her husband in a diner)
(While Mathilde is having her dinner a lady with lovely ribbons and jewelry passes by)

Mathilde: I wish I had beautiful clothes like her

Monsieur:Don’t worry about those things you are already really pretty!

( The waiter serves the food to the couple’s table)

Monsieur: Warm Soup and freshly baked bread who could ask for more?
Mathilde: Its just old soup and an old break, I wish we could have eaten in a 5 star resturant with fancier

(All of the lights close except for the spolight. The spotlight points at Mathilde)
(Music Fades in as mathilde walks in a display of beautiful dress)
(The Music starts and the musical act is performed)
(The Musical Act Ends and all lights are closed)

Scene 2:
(The Next Day)
(Monsieur Hurries to wake Mathilde up)
Monsieur: Look sweetheart! Its an invitation to a ball!
(Mathilde wakes up and looks at the content of the envelope)
Mathilde:what am I going to wear? I’m gonna need a beautiful dress for the ball!
Monsieur: Oh maybe the dress you wore at the theater?
Mathilde: I don’t have anything worth wearing for the ball. ( Dissapointingly says)
Monsieur: Sweetheart don’t worry I’ll buy the dress you wanted for the ball. how much is it?
Mathilde: Ah its about Ten euros.
( Monsieur scratches his head as he checks the amount of the money in his wallet)
Monsieur: I see
( Music fades in, and mathilde happily pulls her husband to the shop to buy the new dress)
(A musical act about how happy mathilde Is performed)
(The musical ends with mathilde dissapointed because she feels like shes even more beautiful with

(Monsieur hugs mathilde behind the back)
Monsieur:whats wrong sweetheart?
Mathilde: it does not feel complete without beautiful jewelries!
Monsieur: Why not use flowers instead as your accessories?
Mathilde: No way! It will make everyone know the current situation we are in, I don’t want to look poor!
Monsieur: Why don’t you go borrow some jewelries from madame forestier?
Mathilde: that’s a great idea!

(Mathilde knocks at madame forestier’s house)
(Forestier opens the door, her eyes widen because shes is delighted to see Mathide)
Forestier: Oh Mathilde how have you been? You’re as pretty as ever!
Mathilde: Im flattered (Mathilde says as she blushed)
Mathilde: may I ask something?
Forestier: What is it?
Mathilde May I borrow some of your jewelry? You see im planning to attend the ball tonight.

(Madame Forestier laughs)

Forestier: Sure, a beautiful girl like you would look very astounding with beautiful accessories, come
(Madame Forestier shows her display of jewelries to mathilde)
(Mathilde shows an expression of excitement as the reflection of light from diamonds shine across the
Forestier: is there anything that catches your eye in here? (Madame forestier teasingly said)
Mathilde:Do you have any jewelries left?
Forestier: Sure!

(Madame Forestier grabs a box protected with cloth and glass. Madame Forestier slowly opens the box)
( Mathilde slowly peeks at the opened part of the box and is thrilled to see the beautiful diamond set of
jewelries )
Mathilde: I think I’ll take this one!
Forestier: Well here take the box, have fun in the ball! And don’t forget to give my jewelries back
(The spotlight points outside the house)
(and the two friends says their goodbyes)
(Mathilde is seen in a rush and is excited to attend the ball)

(Mathilde rushes inside the venue)
(The people pause to admire how beautiful she was as the music slowly fades in)
(Monsieur Loisel slow pulls mathilde in the middle of the crowd)
Monsieur: You look beautiful as ever… may I have the pleasure to dance with you?
(Monsieur offers her hand and Mathilde doesn’t take his hand but Monsieur grabs it anyways)
(The Musical starts and the musical act is performed)

(The Musical Ends with the couple outside the sidewalk talking about how mathilde’s day was)
Mathilde:It was a fun night. Anyways I have to return these jewe-
(Mathilde’s eyes widened because she couldn’t feel the jewelries touch her fingers)
Mathilde: The jewelries, I-I-its missing!
(Mathilde starts looking for the missing jewelries and kneels desperately finding the missing jewelries)
Mathilde: I can’t find them! We need to return the jewelries no matter the cost!
Monsieur: Maybe our savings is enough to pay it ba-
Mathilde: No! Those cost about thousands of euros! Its not enough.
Monsieur: Then what do we do?!
Mathilde: I’ll find a job and we will save up to buy a similar one. So I can give the jewelries back to
Madame Forestier.
( The scene cuts)

(Mathilde is seen working hard)
(Music Fades in)
(A musical act is performed while mathilde is working and cleaning)
(The Musical act ends with mathilde knocking at madame forestier’s house)
(Madame Forestier opens the door. She was about to greet the unfamilliar stranger)
Forestier:Hello the-
Mathilde:I’m so sorry Madame Forestier! I’m really sorry! I lost your necklace during the ball and I couldn’t
ask and and a-
Forestier: Calm down, first tell me who you are.
Mathilde: It’s me Mathilde
Forestier: Mathilde?! what has happened to you!
Mathilde: I-I lost you jewelries, and I worked to buy a similar jewelry to return!
Forestier: Oh Mathilde! (she looks down at the floor and grabs her forehead)
(She then looks at Mathilde and hugs her)
Forestier: You should’ve told me! Those jewelries are a replica of the original one and costs less than a
hundres euros…
(She hugs Mathilde again)
(Mathilde was left speechless her tears fell down as she slowly kneels down)
(The scene ends)

(The Narrator or some guy who explains walks in the middle of the stage and summarizes the story. (make
the summary very very short.) he explains the moral lesson of the story)
(While the Narrator or some guy explains before the end of the speech all participants of the Play goes
forward and bows )

(The End)

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