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PC Muscle Exercises

Part 1: Beginning exercises

1. Locate your PC muscles.

The PC muscles are actually a group of four distinct muscles that surround the base of the cock
inside the body. In the4 diagram above you can see that the ischiocavernosus,
bulbospongiosus, transverse perineal and pubococcygeus muscles (whew, that’s a mouthful!)
are all together referred to as the “pc muscles”. They work together to support erections, stop
the flow of urine and squeeze your anus shut all at the same time. Simply squeezing to stop the
flow of urine while peeing is contracting these four muscles together.

Note in the following image that the PC muscles are suspended like a net from the pubic bone
to the tail bone, holding our organs up and tightly inside the body. The urethra and the anus
pass through the PC muscles.

© 2020 Kris Lovestone ​

Squeeze your PC muscles by stopping peeing the next time you go to the bathroom. Note the
sensations inside your pelvis when you stop the urine midstream. They will help you to
recognize the PC muscles. You can press a couple fingers up behind your balls while you
practice squeezing the PC muscles a few times, and you should feel the muscles tighten with
your fingertips.

While you squeeze your PC muscles notice if you also are contracting your belly, abs, thighs or
butt. If you are then try relaxing them and only contracting the PC muscles. You need to be
able to differentiate between the PC muscles and the muscles of the belly, abs, thighs and butt
so that you can contract only the PC muscles.

© 2020 Kris Lovestone ​

2. How much to flex the PC Muscles

To do the exercise properly you must learn to flex the PC muscles the correct amount. Flexing
too much can easily injure your PC muscles, and flexing them too little won’t actually exercise
the muscles enough to have a positive effect. I can’t stress this enough: you do not want to
injure your PC muscles by over working them! Flexing them too hard too many times will hurt
them, and you will be injured.

Let go of our common North American tendency to go at challenges aggressively here! Gentle
repetition is better than trying too hard and hurting yourself!

To begin exercising your PC muscles, aim to find a gentle to mid-strength contraction of

between 30 to 50% flex. For reference, a 100% flex contraction would be squeezing as hard as
you can possibly squeeze, while a 0% contraction would be not squeezing at all.

One way to find this ideal beginning contraction intensity is to experiment while urinating. The
30% point is just about enough contraction to stop the flow of urine ​and no more!​ When
beginning your PC muscles workout routine, aim for gentle to mid-strength contractions in this
30 to 50% contraction intensity zone.

3. Beginning exercise routine

A good beginning PC muscles exercise routine is to do five to ten of the 30% to 50% contraction
intensity squeezes for five seconds each followed by five to ten seconds of relaxing and
breathing, repeated three to five times per week. Another way to say that is five to ten
repetitions (also known as “reps”) for five seconds, three to five days a week.

It’s very important to relax and breathe deeply in between each contraction, and you ​must
remember to aim for 30% to 50% intensity contractions rather than squeezing too hard!

Remember it’s best to consult a medical professional before beginning any exercise routine,
and it’s also better to be do less intensity workouts reliably than it is to do harder intensity
workouts irregularly and infrequently.

4. Increasing the intensity of the workout

As the PC muscles strengthen with the beginner routine, the workout intensity can be increased
gradually. A goal is to get to doing 50 reps of five second contractions over the course of six
weeks and then take a week off before continuing at 50 reps per workout.

© 2020 Kris Lovestone ​

For example, the intensity can be increased like this:

Week 1: Five reps per workout

Week 2: 10 reps per workout

Week 3: 20 reps per workout

Week 4: 30 reps per workout

Week 5: 40 reps per workout

Week 6: 50 reps per workout

Week 7: Total break

If at any time you experience a feeling of having worked out too hard, take a break for a week
and then go back to the number of reps from the previous week. For example, if you were
doing 30 reps per workout and felt like it was too much, then take a week off and then return to
working out the following week at 20 reps per workout.

This is general information and is not intended to be a customized workout routine nor medical
advice. To ensure that you don’t hurt yourself always err on the side of caution and
conservative workouts, and consult a medical professional.

5. Intermediate level workouts

If you reach 50 reps per workout and feel like it’s no longer challenging, you can go in multiple
directions. From here it’s best to customize your workout routine with the help of a trained
coach, but generally speaking you can increase the length of contractions, increase the number
of reps, and increase the number of workouts you do per day/week.

For example, you can work up to holding the contractions for longer periods of time, as in
working up to​:

50 reps of 10 second contractions

5 reps of 50 second contractions

1 rep of a 100 second contraction

To increase the number of reps, you could for example ​work up to 100 reps of 5 second
contractions. Or even more!

© 2020 Kris Lovestone ​

To increase the number of workouts, you could increase from one set per day, three to five
times per week to two sets per day three to five times per week, or even work up to three sets
per day three to five times per week.

The key is always to go slow, be conservative, and take a week off every six weeks or any time
you are feeling over-worked.

Another intermediate level option is to learn to distinguish between the anterior and posterior
portions of your PC muscles--meaning the parts in that are more in front or more in back. It is
possible to squeeze the group of muscle fibers that close off the urethra and relax the group of
muscle fibers that open up the anus and vice versa.

In other words you can gain control and specificity of the muscle fiber groups that control the
penile contractions separately from the muscle fiber groups that control anal contractions. An
exercise for this is to go to the bathroom when you need to both urinate and defecate at the
same time. Then while on the toilet practice doing one but not the other for a moment and then
switching. For example, try to hold your ass tightly closed while you let yourself urinate. Then
switch and try to hold your urine while letting your ass relax and poop.

It may sound strange, but learning to differentiate between the penis and anus PC muscles and
control them separately is an excellent intermediate exercise to help give you mastery and
powerful control over your orgasms!

There are many more PC muscle workout types, so if you get this far and are excited to
continue, please get a good coach. If you don’t know where to start, you can contact me. The
benefits of keeping this musculature toned are numerous. You’ll likely experience much greater
erectile strength, ability to last longer in bed, ability to get an erection when you want one, and
ability to hold off your orgasm until you ​decide​ that you want to release!

© 2020 Kris Lovestone ​

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