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1. Given the reactions below, determine the maximum partial pressure of moisture
which can be tolerated in H2-H2O mixture at 1atm total pressure without oxidation
of manganese at 800 °C

(H2 ) + (O ) = (H2 O) ∆G = −58900 + 13T cal
2 2

< Mn > + (O ) = < MnO > ∆G = −95400 + 19.7T cal
2 2

2. Liquid iron dissolves 0.23% oxygen (volume) at 1540 °C and 1 atm. Also, at
similar pressure and temperature, 4.47 × 10−5 % hydrogen (volume) dissolves
into iron. When H2O gas is passed over liquid Fe at 1540 °C, the gas dissociates
thereby dissolving into liquid Fe.
3. The intergral excess molar free energy of a regular Cd-Zn solution at 800 K can
be represented as:

Gxs = 1917.0576[xCd (xZn )2 + xZn (xCd )2 ] cal

3.1. Calculate the intergral heat energy of the solution at xCd = 0.4
3.2. Calculate the activity coefficient of Cu (γCd ) and Zn (γZn ) of an alloy composed
of 0.4 Cd
3.3. Calculate integral excess free energy of mixing of an alloy composed of 0.4 Cu.
4. An iron solution composed of 0.224 wt% Si is equilibrated with a silica crucible at
1600 °C as shown below.

SiO2 = [Si]Fe,wt% + 2[O]Fe,wt% ; ∆G° = 541577 − 202.67T J

4.1. Calculate the quantity of O in the melt provided that:

fSiO = 0.997; fOO = 0.90; fSiSi = 1.055

fSi = 1.051

4.2. Calculate the interaction parameter of eO

5. A slag composed of CaO, SiO2 and Al2O3 ionizes into SiO44- and Al033- anions.
5.1. Calculate the slag mole composition provided that the mole fraction of silica
(SiO2) is 0.04.
5.2. Determine the activity of FeO if 0.5 mole FeO is added into the slag. Assume
that the slag perfectly ionise into Ca 2+ and Fe2+ cations and the anions SiO44-,
Al033- and 02-.

Hint: Use Temkin’s theory

6. An iron blast furnace produces pig iron of composition 3.1% C, 1.2% P and rest is
iron. The burden of the blast furnace consist of the following materials.

Iron ore: 85% Fe2O3 and 15% P2O5. The amount of iron ore 1608.4 kg

Coke: 89% C, 4% Al2O3 and 7% SiO2: The amount of coke 1200 kg

Flux: 100% CaO: the amount of flux is 450 kg

Approximately 212.1 kmol of air is injected at tuyeres to burn carbon into carbon

The slag produced is 807.8 kg with composition (weight): 55.7% CaO, 28% P2O5,
10.4% SiO2 and 5.9% Al2O3.

The exit gas is about 254 kmol with composition (mole): 22.8% CO, 11.3% CO 2
and 65.9% N2.

Use the Thermochemical data provided in Appendix 1, to answer the


6.1. Show all chemical reactions occurring in a blast furnace generating heat.
6.2. Show all chemical reactions occurring in a blast furnace absorbing heat.
6.3. Calculate the total heat in Mcal absorbed by the exothermic reactions

7. Consider a Linz-Donawitz (LD) converter producing steel of composition: 99.82%

Fe and 0.18% C from the following burden.
Hot metal composition (%weight): 94.4% Fe, 0.94% Si and 4.3% C. The amount of
hot metal is 1062.8 kg/t steel

Slag composition (%weight): 21%SiO2, 6%FeO and 73% CaO. The amount of slag is
109 kg/t

Off-gas (%mole): 85% CO and 15% CO2

The amount of oxygen gas injected into converter is 2.55 kmol/t steel

Use the Thermochemical data provided in Appendix 1, to answer the following:

7.1. Show all chemical reaction(s) occurring in a converter generating heat

excluding the formation of slag
7.2. Calculate the total heat generated by exothermic reaction(s) excluding the heat
generated by formation of slag

8. Consider silicon in liquid iron saturated with 4 wt% carbon in equilibrium with the
slag in a blast furnace hearth at temperature of 1873 K. The pressure of CO in the
furnace is 2.5 atm, meanwhile, the slag consist of 50 wt.% CaO, 42 wt.% SiO2,
and 8 wt.% Al2O3. Furthermore, the activity of SiO2 in slag is 0.1. From the
following information:

(SiO2 ) + 2[C] = [Si] + 2(CO); ∆G°1873 = − 141227.1352J

eSi C
Si = 0.103; eSi = 0.18

8.1. Calculate the quantity of Si (wt.%) in iron provided that the partial pressure of
CO is 2.5 atm.
8.2. Calculate the metal-slag silicon partition coefficient.

9. Using Tsao and Gaye’s equations, determine which slag system you can
choose to remove Sulphur from liquid steel to very low concentrations between
CaO-SiO2 and CaO-Al2O3 both containing 45 atom% CaO.

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