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Question One [44]

1.1. Given the reactions below, determine the maximum partial pressure of moisture which
can be tolerated in H2-H2O mixture at 1atm total pressure without oxidation of
manganese at 800 °C. (12)

(H2 ) + (O ) = (H2 O) ∆G = −58900 + 13T cal
2 2

< Mn > + (O ) = < MnO > ∆G = −95400 + 19.7T cal
2 2
1.2. Silicon is added into iron in a ladle at 1580 °C to produce a product composed of 0.58
wt% silicon. Prior to addition of silicon, iron contains 0.002 wt% oxygen. To what
extend must the oxygen content lowered to prevent the loss of silicon in accordance to
the following reaction? (12)

[Si]Fe,wt% + 2[O]Fe,wt% = < SiO2 > ∆G = −129440 + 48.44T cal

1.3. Liquid iron dissolves 0.23% oxygen (volume) at 1540 °C and 1 atm. Also, at similar
pressure and temperature, 4.47 × 10−5 % hydrogen (volume) dissolves into iron.
When H2O gas is passed over liquid Fe at 1540 °C, the gas dissociates thereby
dissolving into liquid Fe.
1.3.1. Show using chemical reactions how H2O dissociates and dissolve into liquid Fe (4)
1.3.2. Calculate the contents of hydrogen and oxygen dissolved into liquid Fe. (16)
2. Question Two [26]

Consider a Linz-Donawitz (LD) converter producing steel of composition: 99.82% Fe,

0.002%O and 0.178% C from the following burden.

Hot metal composition (%weight): 94.4% Fe, 0.94% P and 4.3% C. The amount of hot metal
is 1062.8 kg/t steel

Slag composition (%weight): 21%P2O5, 6%FeO and 73% CaO. The amount of slag is 109

Off-gas (%mole): 85% CO and 15% CO2

The amount of oxygen gas injected into converter is 2.55 kmol/t steel

Use the Thermochemical data provided in Appendix 1, to answer the following:

2.1. Show all chemical reaction(s) occurring in a converter generating heat excluding the
formation of slag (8)
2.2. Calculate the total heat generated by exothermic reaction(s) excluding the heat
generated by formation of slag (18)
TOTAL [70]

Appendix 1

Thermochemical Data

Heat/enthalpies of reaction, solution and change of state Enthalpies

C + O2 = CO2 ∆H° = −94
1 ∆H° = −26.4
C + O = CO
2 2
Si + O2 = SiO2 ∆H° = −205
2Fe + O2 = 2FeO ∆H° = −126.4
3 ∆H° = −196
2Fe + O = Fe2 O3
2 2
< Fe > = (Fe) ∆Hf = 3.6
< Si > = (Si) ∆Hf = 11
< SiO2 > = (SiO2 ) ∆Hf = 2
< CaO > = (CaO) ∆Hf = 12
< FeO > = (FeO) ∆Hf = 7.7
< Si > = [Si]Fe,wt% ∆HSol = −28
< C > = [C]Fe,wt% ∆HSol = 5.4
1 ∆H° = −92
Mn + O = MnO
2 2
2(CaO) + SiO2 = 2CaO. SiO2 ∆H° = −24.4
< Al2 O3 > = (Al2 O3 ) ∆Hf = 26
(S2 ) = 2[S]Fe,wt% ∆HSol = −63.04
(O2 ) = 2[O]Fe,wt% ∆HSol = −28
< Mn > = [Mn]Fe,wt% ∆HSol = 0
(P2 ) = 2[P]Fe,wt% ∆HSol = −58.5
5 ∆H° = −360
2P + O = P2 O5
2 2
(H2 O) = (H2 O)v ∆Hv = 9.7

Appendix 2
Appendix 3

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