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In vacations

I hadn't taken vacations in three years and I didn't know where to go. One day my boyfriend
said to me: "had you ever gone to Arequipa?", I answered: "hadn't gone ever". Then my
boyfriend said: let's Arequipa". We bought plane tickets because I had never traveled in
airplane. The fligth to last one hour aproximaly. When we arrived, do too cold because it was
winter in that place and It had rained all morning. Next day we went to buy a tour for visit
"cañon del pato". During the travel it do too cold inside the car, my boyfriend has the driver
turn on calefaction and he made me use sweater. We arrived a little town called chivay. It was
covered of snow because It had snowed all night. After visit "cañon del pato", we returned and
arrived a tipical restaurant. My boyfriend got the cooker to prepare "aji de gallina".When we
arrived Arequipa city went to the airport I realized I had forgotten my wallet in the hotel but
my boyfriend had the plane tickets. The good of all things It was that we arrived to safe to

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