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after watching the documentary, think about the future ofyour country.

think about:

how your country will change in the future.

what cities in your country will be like in 2050.

what education will be like in the future

what transportation will be like in the future.

what energy will be generated and used in the future in your country

what technology Peruvians will use in the future.

things people can do today to have a better future.

I think in Perú the poverty will reduce almost in totality for the 2050. The education in Perú will
be one the best of the world. Arequipa, Cusco, Cajamarca, La Libertad and Tacna will be cities
developed like Lima, with financials centers, shoping centers, excellent universities and big

The peruvians will transportate in electrics vehicles where speed and traffic will be controlated
for avoid accidents. Also, the polution will be reduced of greenhouse gases in country. The
solar and eolic energy will proporcionate 50% of totality produced in Perú. Eolic fields will be
built in all the coast of country.

We will have a better future if the peruvians stop polluting the sea and rivers, if they stop to
use gasoline will avoid modify the wheather in the future if we see the news, the climatics
phenomenons are worst every year. Our future depend of us.

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