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Mecánica de Fluidos
2o Grado en Arquitectura Naval e Ingeniería Marítima
whi29346_ch03_138-227.qxd 10/28/09 17:10 Page 201 Debd 208:MHDQ176:whi29346:0073529346:whi29346_pagefiles:
25 de junio de 2015 2m

Nombre: P2.85 2m

Problems 201
Nota: Es absolutamente imprescindible explicar P2.86 The quarter circle
detalladamente elgate BC in Fig. P2.86 in
procedimiento hinged
por at C.
el cual P2.88
Find the horizontal force P required to hold the gate
loss of thepreferiblemente
propellant, assuming athat
se llega whi29346_ch03_138-227.qxd
a la solución, the exit
partir degas
has a stationary.
the weight fluid
of theingate.
Fig. P3.38 is being P2.89
The tank in F
10/28/09 17:09 Page 193 Debd 208:MHDQ176:whi29346:0073529346:whi29346_pagefile
molecular weight of 28. outward between two large circular disks by the uniform
ized to 200 k
P motion V0 of the upper disk. Assuming one- tical hydrosta
1.) La compuerta con sección de un cuarto de circunferencia
Propellant dimensional
B radial outflow, use the control volume shown
line of action
BC de la figura está articulada en C. Encuentra laExit
sectionhorizon- to derive an expression for V(r).
tal P requerida paraCombustion: D
que la compuerta no se mueva. e = 18 cm
Desprecia el 2m Water
pe = 90 kPa V0
peso de la compuerta. K, 950 kPa 3.7 The Energy Equatio
Ve = 1150 m /s
Te = 750 K P2.86 C
2.) Por la turbina de una planta hidroeléctrica como la de la fi-
P2.87 The bottle of champagne 1(SG CV! 0.96) inCV Fig. P2.87 is
gura pasan 30 m /s de agua que se descargan a la atmósfera a una under pressure, as shown by the mercury-manometer z1 = 100 m
reading. Compute r
the net force on the 2-in-radius hemi-
v2 =The jet pump
2 m/s. La inpérdida
Fig. P3.36
a loatlargo 40 m/s
U1 ! del sistema Vat the bottom of the bottle. V(r)?
through a 3-in-pipe and entrains a secondary flow of water spherical end cap Water
tubería-turbinaUes!h3f m/s = in20them.annular
Al tratarse de flujo turbulento,
region around the small pipe.
el 3
2 30 m /s P2.89
factor de corrección
The twode la energía
flows cinética
become fully es α = 1.06.
mixed downstream, Estima
where U3 la Fixed circular disk
is approximately P2.90 The tank in
potencia en MW generada en constant.
la turbina.For steady incompressible
P3.38 Determine th
flow, compute U3 in m/s.
on the quarter
3.) Considera un líquido en un contenedor Neglect atmo
Mixing cilíndrico,
Fully ambos
Inlet region The linear momentum equation
mixed h entre
z2 = 0 m
rotando como unDsólido
1 = 3 in rígido. La diferencia de elevación 2 m/sin Fig.
P3.39 A wedge splits a sheet of 20°C water, as shown
el centro de la superficie del líquido y elUborde
de la superficie es P3.39. Both wedge and sheet are very long into the
U3 Turbine
4 in
una función de la velocidad angular ω, la densidad E3.23 del fluido ρ, paper. If the force required
2 in to hold the wedge stationary
la aceleración de la gravedad g y el radio U2 R. Obtén una relación is 6Fin! 124 N per meter of depth into the paper, what is
the angle
The steady flow energy " of(3.75)
equation the wedge?
becomes, in head form,
adimensional entre esos parámetros. D2 = 10 in
p1 #1V21 p2 #2V22
# # z1 ! # # z2 # ht #6 hm/s
4.) Una cuña divide un lámina de agua como se muestraP2.87 en " 2gr = 2 in 2g
" Mercury
la figura.P3.37
TantoIf la cuña como la lámina son muy anchas pa 1.06(0)
hacia 6 m/s pa 1.06(2.0 m/s)2
the rectangular tank full of water in Fig. P3.37 has its Gate
*P2.88 # 100 m
#ABC is a circular arc, #
!sometimes called # 0 m # ht # 20 m
" 2(9.81) " ! 2(9.81 m/sa 2Tainter
) F P2.90
adentro en el papel. Si la
right-hand wallfuerza
loweredrequerida para
by an amount !, asmantener la cuña
shown, water gate, which can be raised and lowered by pivoting about
en su lugar es Fwill flow N
= 124 outcada
as it would
metroover dam.The
a weir or¿cuál
de ancho, In pressure
el ánguloterms cancel, and we may solve for the turbine headP2.91
point O. See Fig. P2.88. For the position shown, deter- (which
Theis hemisphe
P1.14 we deduced that the outflow Q would be given by mine (a) the hydrostatic force of the water on the gate
4 cm is filled with w
θ de la cuña? ht ! 100
and (b) its line of action. " 20
Does the "
force ! 79.8
0.2 pass m
through spaced bolts.
6 m/s
Q ! C b g1/2 ! 3/2
The turbine point O?
extracts about 79.8 percent of the 100-m head available from hold
down th
the dam. Th
where b is the tank width into the paper, g is the accel-
power extracted may be evaluated from the water mass flow:
Ayuda eration of gravity, and C is a dimensionless constant.
Assume that the water surface is horizontal, not slightly P3.40
P ! ṁwThe water jet in Fig. P3.40 strikes
3 normal
3 to a fixed2 plate.
s ! (!Q)(ght) ! (998 kg/m )(30 m /s)(9.81 m/s )(79.8 m)
curved as in the figure. Let the initial excess water level Neglect gravity and friction, and compute the force F in
E6 kg # to
! 23.4required
newtons m2hold
/s3 !the23.4 N # m/s ! 23.4 MW
be !o. Derive a formula for theZtime requiredZto reduce
the excess water level to (a)d!o/10 and (b) zero.The turbine ~drives an electric generator that probably has losses of about 15 percent,
ρdv + ρ~u · dA = 0
dt V c net
A power generated by this hydroelectric plant is about 20 MW.
c Plate
Zδ Z Z Z
d ~ = ~ + F~superf
ρ~udv + ρ~u(~u · dA) 3/2
ρ~g dv − pdA Dj = 10 cm
dt Vc Ac Q∝ δ Vc Ac F
h∂ρ Vj = 8 m/s
~ · (ρ~u) = 0 , D~u ~ Fig.+E3.24 3 3
+∇ ρ The pump
= −in
∇p µ∇2 ~udelivers
+ ρ~gwater (62.4 lbf/ft ) at 1.5 ft /s to a machine at sect
∂t Dt is 20 ft higher than the reservoir surface. The losses between 1 and 2 are giv
P3.37 L P3.40
p1 = 14.7 lbf/in2 abs Machine

2 D2 = 3 in
1 z2 = 20 ft
z1 = 0
p2 = 10 lbf/in2

Water Pump

E3.24 hs (negative)

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