1 - Intro - TRK 1

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Teknik Reaksi Kimia I

(Chemical Reaction Engineering I)

3 Credits
TK 184501
F Kurniawansyah
ITS Surabaya
Class Description
• The class provides way of learning for:
reaction kinetics, kinetics data analysis,
fundamental reactor design, single and
multiple reaction engineering
• Class will mainly discuss homogeneous
• This class is fundamental to learn chemical
reaction engineering
• Homogeneous reaction kinetics
• Temperature and concentration effects
• Reaction rates
• Kinetics data analysis
• Ideal reactors
• Single reaction design
• Multiple reaction design

• Assignments/ Mini Tests: 40 %

• Mid – Term Exam: 30 %
• Final Exam: 30 %
• Participations/Disciplinary/Attitude: Bonus
• Octave Levenspiel, “ Chemical Reaction
Engineering” , 3rd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, 2000
• Fogler,” Elements of Chemical Reaction
Engineering ”, 3rd Ed,Prentice-Hall, 1999.
• Gilbert F.Froment, Kenneth B.Bischoff,”Chemical
Reactor Analysis and Design”, 2nd ed, John Wiley
& Sons, 1990
• J.M.Smith, “Reaction Kinetics” 3rd ed, McGraw-
Chemical Reaction Engineering in
Chemical Engineering Chronology
• Chem – Eng in higher education : 1880s
• Unit Operations : 1916
• Applied Thermodynamics: 1940s
• Chemical Reaction Engineering: 1950s
• Transport Phenomena: 1960s
• Computer Aided Chemical Engineering: 1970s
What is Chemical Reaction Engineering (CRE) ?
Understanding how chemical reactors work lies at the heart of
almost every chemical processing operation.

Raw Separation Chemical Separation Products

material Process process Process By-products

Design of the reactor is no routine matter, and many alternatives

can be proposed for a process. Reactor design uses information,
knowledge and experience from a variety of areas -
thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, fluid mechanics, heat and mass
transfer, and economics.

CRE is the synthesis of all these factors with the aim of properly
designing and understanding the chemical reactor.
Chemical Process
Performance Equation
Chemical Reaction
• A detectable number of molecules have lost their identity and
assumed a new form by a change in the kind or number of atoms
in the compound and/or by a change in the atoms’ configuration
• Decomposition
• Combination
• Isomerization
• Rate of reaction
– How fast a number of moles of one chemical species are being
consumed to form another chemical species
Rate Law for rj
• rA: the rate of formation of species A per unit volume [e.g., mol/m3•s]
• -rA: the rate of a consumption of species A per unit volume
A  B  products r A  kC A CB
1st order in A, 1st order in B, 2nd order overall
r A  kC A n nth order in A
k1C A
 rA  Michaelis-Menten Eq: common in enzymatic reactions
1  k 2C A

rj depends on concentration and temperature:

 Ea 
 RT 
-rA  A e C
A Arrhenius dependence on temperature
A: pre-exponential factor EA : activation energy
R : ideal gas constant T:temperature
Basic Molar Balance (BMB)
Fj0 Fj

System volume
Rate of Rate of Rate of
Rate of
flow of j - flow of j + generation of j - Rate of
decomposition =
into out of by chemical rxn accumulation
of j
system system

combine Nj: moles j in

system at time t
dN j
Fj  Fj  Gj 
0 dt
 mol   mol   mol  d
      mol 
 s   s   s  dt
in - out + generation = accumulation
Basic Molar Balance (BMB)
Rate of Rate of Rate of
Rate of
flow of j - flow of j + generation of j - = Rate of
into out of by chemical rxn accumulation
of j
system system
dN j
Fj  Fj  Gj 
0 dt
 mol   mol   mol  d
      mol 
 s   s   s  dt
If the system is uniform throughout its entire volume, then:
G j  rj V
Moles j
generated per
generated Volume
= unit time and
per unit time (m3)
Non-Uniform Generation
If rj varies with position (because the
temperature or concentration varies)
then rj1 at location 1 is surrounded by DV
Rate is rj1
a small subvolume DV within which within this Rate is rj2
the rate is uniform DV volume within this
m V volume
G j  lim  rjDV   rjdV
m→∞ i1

then G j     rj x, y, z  dx dy dz
1 y
1 Plug in rj and integrate over x, y, and z
Basic Molar Balance Equations
Fj0 Fj

System volume

In - Out + Generation = Accumulation

dN j
Fj0  F j  G j 
dN j
Fj0  F j rj V  uniform rate in V
V dN j
Fj0  F j   rj dV  nonuniform rate in V
Next time: Apply BME to ideal batch, CSTR, & PFR reactors
Homogeneous vs Heterogeneous
Variables of Chemical Reactions

• Temperature
• Pressure
• Concentration
• Phase equilibria
• Mass transfer
Reaction Rate
Reaction Rates
Reaction Rate Comparison
• End of Slides – Intro to CRE

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