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Below are instructions I sent to Mike Dillard when we did a deep dive survey to his lists prior to launching

his initial campaign. There's a way you can do this if you do NOT have an email list.

This entire process was developed by Ryan Levesque. The component for doing this without an email list
is pretty in depth and is out of the scope of my course.

I would recommend that you buy Ryan's book "Ask" to get the details on how to run this process if you
don't have an email list.

You can get it here (this is NOT an affiliate link):

If you have an email list, you can model this below:

Hey Mike,

Ok so here's how the deep dive survey works.

Basically, you just send out one email to your list.

Subject line is:

~Contact.FirstName~, I need your help...

Body is something like this one I sent to my list:

Hey Jason,

Hope your Tuesday is off to a terrific start.

Listen, my team and I are gathering at the “round table” here to come up with some exciting new training
for you.

I’ll make sure you’re the first to stay in the loop about it…but here’s a little spoiler: it’s going to help you
make a lot of money.

Of course, it’ll be centered around Facebook...

But here’s what I’d LOVE for you to do right now…

Tell me what you need help with the most!

Go here and give me a bit of feedback (just 5 quick questions) and I’ll make sure to cover exactly what you
need help with…

But not just that…

…You’ll get a nice 25% discount on the new training just for adding your voice.

It’s a win/win.

Now go here and tell me how I can make you more money.

Talk soon...

The the victor belong the spoils,

- Jason

I'd like to send out the survey separately to you buyers and subscribers lists so we can aggregate the data
between each differently to emphasize your buyers feedback.

Do you have the survey funnel software from Ryan Levesque?

If you do, then I'd build the survey in there and put all the links in the email out to the url for that survey
like in the email copy I sent above.

If you don't, then build the survey in survey monkey or whatever survey system you use and link out to

You can model your survey right off of mine as it uses Ryan's formula.

You'll need to change the questions up a bit...

Here's my suggestions:

1) Which of the following best describes you?

- I work a full time job for someone else

- I'm an entrepreneur who works for myself
- I'm retired and looking for something to do

2) How much have you spent on your online business in the last 12 months?

Less than $1,000

More than $1,000

3) What is your #1 single biggest roadblock that you feel is preventing you from achieving your goals in
your online business?

4) What is your main reason/motivation for having an online business? (be specific: **Mike, I'll need you
to fill in examples here**...)

5) (Optional) Sometimes I like to ask follow up questions. If you're willing to speak on the phone with
someone on our team for a few minutes, on the basis that we PROMISE not to sell you anything, please put
your phone number below and the best time to call.

From this survey we can tighten up the language. We'll get better people into the funnel and have better
backend conversions as well.
Let me know if you have any questions.



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