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Homework 1

Source Author’s Claim Evidence Author’s Your Your Your

or author uses conclusions analysis of analysis of analysis of
Argument to support how the how this how this
claim author source source
contributes agrees with disagrees
to the the other with the
research sources other
sources The claim these The evidence The authors The author This source The authors
authors present is that supports concluded contributes to agrees with disagree with
that social media this claim is that social my research the other other sources
may be a factor in Ontario's media causes because it sources by in the sense
poor mental rates of self- suicide exploits the concluding that social
health because it injury and ideation, problems that social media isn’t
promotes self- suicide feelings of social media media is a necessarily
harm and among envy and brings upon a factor in poor what causes
romanticizes adolescents. worthlessness person. The mental psychological
depression/anxiet , a fear of authors health. issues.
y. missing out, mention that Experiencing However, the
and social media depression posts, videos,
depressive has caused and anxiety is and pictures
symptoms. people to commonly that are seen
engage in seen by by the users
self-harm or authors in are what
have the these causes these
thought of sources. adolescents
suicide. to experience
Suicide comparison,
ideation is an worthiness,
issue that is and self-
using esteem
romanticized issues.
through social
media which
could be the
result of
engaging in
this kind of

“Adolescence, social media, and mental health” The authors' claim The evidence The authors The author This source This source
is whether social the authors concluded contributes to agrees with does not
media is a factor in use to that the use my research other sources disagree with
developing support the of social because it because they the others,
psychological and claim is media can speaks on determine but it differs
physical issues. records of affect mental mental illness how social in the sense
The Crime health while seen by the media causes that COVID-
National also factor of psychological 19 was being
Crime experiencing social media, issues. The experienced
Records traumatic but also main while this
Bureau. These environments includes similarity study was
records . another that is seen being
reported that traumatic throughout conducted.
11,369 factor that a the sources is COVID-19
adolescents lot of people how was a life-
died due to globally depression changing
suicide in experienced. and anxiety pandemic for
relation to This are a lot of
mental health contributes to experienced people.
issues. my research due to social
because it
shows the media.
caused by
social media
as well as how
other outside
sources can
worsen these
issues or have
an impact. The author claims Psychiatric The authors The author This source The authors
that social studies prove concluded contributes to agrees with disagree with
networks have had the claim that social the research other sources other sources
a great impact on presented by media is a by expanding because they because they
adolescents’ the author. threat to on the issues find that mention that
mental health young adults’ adolescents social media social media
mental health face due to affects self- is not what
by causing social media. esteem and mainly
depression, The author confidence. causes issues
poor self- supports Since in people.
esteem, and these adolescents The
suicidal conclusions engaged environment
with more on and people
psychiatric social media social media
studies they began have is what
to see that causes these
mental issues issues in
began to others. The
increase. authors
mention how
is a leading
factor in the
on mental
illness and

url= The claim the The claim is The author This source This source This source
author presents is supported by concludes contributes to agrees with does not
that social media a survey that social my research another disagree with
2, doi: plays a role in issued to 332 media is the by source others. Has
experiencing people main determining because they information
anxiety and participating contributor to that excessive both state in relation to
depressive issues in a hospital anxiety and use of social that the other
partial self- media causes excessivenes sources or
program. This deprecating mental issues. s and mainly
survey thoughts This source is dependency agrees with
measured a contributor on social what is being
health, because like media is said in
anxiety, and the rest it what has others.
depression reliably shows caused
levels. that the people to
dependency experience
of social issues in their
media has mental
caused a health.
significant People have
decline in become
adolescents' highly
mental dependent
health. on cellular
devices they
them in their
daily lives. Accessed 7 Feb. 2024. The claim the The claim is The author The author This author This source
author presents is supported by concludes contributed agrees with disagrees
that problematic a survey that to my the other with others
social media is a testing people problematic research findings by because the
factor in the on how social media because it agreeing that other sources
development of problematic leads to communicate social media conclude that
mental illness. social media depression, d how causes stress is a
is a factor in anxiety, and problematic depression developed
poor mental insomnia, but social media and anxiety. factor of
health not stress. develops Depression social media
mental issues. and anxiety while this
The are mental source
contribution illnesses concludes
also benefited mostly seen otherwise.
my research in
because the adolescents.
author found
out that
social media
causes all
issues it does
not cause
stress. Psychologists This claim Is The author The author The authors This source
present a claim proven and concludes contributes to of this source disagrees
that young adults supported by that social my research agree with with other
have become psychological media by having a other sources sources
dependent on background dependency greater focus because they because
technology which and studies. causes issues on how social emphasize although
has caused on self- media affects that social social media
changes in their esteem and a person’s media causes may be a
mental state. social self-image psychological factor in the
and issues, but development
perception. also self- of mental
esteem and illness
self- (Depression
perception and anxiety)
issues. Other the authors
sources claim also prove
and prove that social
that social media is a
media is the leading
number one factor in
factor in causing self-
causing image issues.
people to
feel less,
ugly, or not

“Mental Health Problems and Social Media Exposure During The author claims The author's The author This source This source This source
COVID-19 Outbreak” that living through claim is concludes contributes to agrees with does not
a traumatic supported by that my research all the other necessarily
environment and a study done experiencing because it sources disagree but
being constantly on 4,872 tragic events demonstrates because it differs from
on social media people and social how social discovers the other
can deteriorate measuring media being media can be that social sources
mental health as depression the only way even more media causes because it
well as cause a and anxiety to socialize or harmful when depression talks about
decline in their levels. make undergoing and anxiety. the
social life and connections tragic events. These two experience of
connectivity. can harm a This source illnesses are other factors
person's speaks about mainly seen while being
mental state. the due to social highly
experience of media more dependent
COVID-19 and than any on social
how it visibly other. media. The
declined the COVID-19
mental state pandemic is
of people who the side
became factor that is
dependent on mentioned in
social media this source
during that stating that it
time. causes

“Short-Term Effects of a Social-Media- based Intervention” The author claims This claim is The authors This author's The author The author
that extensive supported by come to the article agrees with
periods of screen a study done conclusion contributes to other sources Differs from
time can cause on remote that being sat my research that talk other sources
psychological workers that in front of a because it about the because the
issues and even tested their screen can be investigates extensive use main theme
some physical mental and damaging to the issues of screen in this source
issues to people. physical the mental that are time and is about
health. The and physical caused by how it affects being in front
study was state of a extensive people's of a screen
done by using person. The screen time. mental rather than
the authors also The authors health. The social media.
Depression concluded mention that author in this Although
Anxiety Stress that excessive screen time source as social media
Scale through screen time not only well as and
a modified can lead to causes mental others technology
Workers sickness issues but mentions go hand-in-
Living Time also physical that screen hand they
Questionnaire issues that time is a mention that
. lead to factor in poor regardless of
sickness. mental it causes
health. This mental issues
source also and physical
agrees with issues which
other sources are linked to
by sickness.
screen time

doi: The author claims The author The authors This source This author's This source
that experiencing supports his concluded contributes to source differs from
racial claim by that my research agrees with the other
discrimination investigating experiencing because it others sources
through social 100 racial emphasizes because they because it
media can be a participants discrimination the issue that present the presents a
result of mental who identify through social can be problems different
disorders from different media causes commonly social media aspect of
racial/ethnic psychological seen due to brings upon social media.
groups. issues as well social media. people. This The author
as a decline in This source source presents the
self-esteem. states the mainly issues of
psychological focuses on racism being
problems that how racial experienced
people discriminatio through
experience n has caused social media.
because of mental Although the
racism illness in same issues
through social people, but are seen
media. successfully from the
presents how other sources
mental issues this source
and social mainly
media have a focuses on
relevance. how racial
n through
social media
causes a
decline in
health. The authors claim This claim is The author This source This source This source
that psychological proven by a concluded contributes to agrees with disagrees
s12889-020-09732-z. Accessed 29 Jan. 2024. issues, but mainly cross- that social my research the other with the rest
in females. sectional media caused because it sources of the
study done on psychological determines because it sources
1,341 issues, but that social emphasizes because
participants females were media causes the issues although it is
that range more psychological people face testing a
from age 18 commonly issues among due to social variety of
to 34. affected. people. This media. This people, it is
source source determined
focuses on a studies a that females
range of variety of are who are
people of people and affected
different ages, tests them greatly by
but its on how social social media.
findings show media has This source
that females caused a differs from
are mainly decline in the other
affected by it. their mental sources
health. The because its
author main focus is
agrees with on females
other sources and how
that social socia media
media causes has a greater
comparison affect on
and self- them rather
esteem than anyone
issues within else.
Homework 2

Literature Review Project Management Worksheet | Envision the Desired Outcome(s) and Plan Backwards

Instructions: Use the syllabus (hint: Course Schedule section) and Essay 1 assignment prompt to help you answer the questions in each

Section 1: Determining Logistics

1. When is the Final Draft due for the Literature Review? _March 8, 2024 at 11:59_Week 8_____________________
Þ What is the penalty for failing to submit the Final Draft by the deadline? _ZERO______________________
Þ How and where will you submit the Final Draft for the Literature Review? _Turnitin on Blackboard at 11:59__week
Þ What are the minimum requirements for a passing grade for the Literature Review?
Must be MLA Format Undergo peer review

Must meet word count Have controlling idea

Must be submitted on time Be cohesive and organized

Have submitted first draft

3. When is Draft 1 due for the Literature Review? _February 23, 2024by 11:59_week 6_____________________
Þ What is the penalty for failing to submit Draft 1 by the deadline? __ZERO_____________________
Þ How and where will you submit Draft 1 for assessment? _Turnitin on Blackboard at 11:59_week 6____________________
4. When will we conduct a Peer Review Workshop? _March 4, 2023 Week 8______________________
Þ What is the penalty for not attending Peer Review Workshop? __ZERO_____________________
Þ What materials will you need to share to participate in the Peer Feedback Workshop? How and where?
Have the first draft posted to the Peer Review Feedback discussion board in Blackboard on March 4, 2024 week 8

· What questions do you have about drafts, due dates, and submission details?
Section 2: Determining GAPS

1. What genre of writing will you produce for The Literature Review? _Research ______________________
2. What are the major features and parts of the genre you will produce for The Literature Review?
MLA Format


3. Who is your audience for the Literature Review? _Instructor. Classmates and seld ______________________
4. What is your purpose, or goal, for writing the Literature Review?
To synthesize the sources gathered in the Annotated Bibliography assignment into a coherent narrative about the research on your topic.

5. What formatting and referencing style is required for this paper? _MLA Format______________________
· What questions do you have about the genre, purpose, and audience for this paper? What information is not included that you would like
to know to better meet the expectations for the paper?


Section 3: Frontloading the Workload / Determining Tasks

What steps for finishing Essay 1 should be completed in Week 5?

- Go over Literature Review Prompt + Rubric
- Begin « Lit Review Project Management » worksheet
Go over Literature Review Prompt + Rubric

What steps for finishing Essay 1 should be completed in Week 6?

- Finish « Lit Review Synthesis » worksheet
- Begin Lit Review first draft (Collect quotes for Lit Review and create the « Works Cited » page of the Literature Review »
- Continuue on Literature review first draft
- Sign up for grouop confrence times

What steps for finishing Essay 1 should be completed in Week 7?

NO Class : Group confrences
Consider feedback recieved from group confrence and add that for improvemnt

What steps for working on Essay 1 should be completed in Week 8?

Have draft posted for peer review
Read Literature Review Reflection Prompt
Begin work on Literature Review final draft
Final draft due March 8 at 11 :59
Reflection due Sunday 11 :59

Homework 3
Name: Mia Camarillo
Working with Peer Feedback
Directions: In the space provided below respond to these questions.
What are the three things you’ll change based on your peers’ responses? Why will you change each one?
1. I will make sure to create stronger connectivity with my topic and the information presented

2. I will introduce the thesis strongly to provide clarification

3. I will correct the format and structure of the essay

What are three things you’ll keep despite your peers’ responses? Why will you keep each one?

1. I will keep the sources I use and how I explain them since they relate to my topic of choice

2. I will keep the way I argue these sources

3. I will keep my quotes but only make a slight improvement in adding proper citations

What work do you have left to do after today to successfully complete the project?

1. Correct my format

2. Be more elaborate in my thesis

3. Introduce a stronger connection between my topic of choice and sources

4. Include the proper citations when needed

5. Add more evidence for each source to give a brief description of my research

6. Mention differing perspectives and similarities to follow the prompt

7. Include more contrast between the sources

8. Create a more detailed introduction that will strike the reader's attention

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