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TG1401 Engineering Mathematics Continual Assessment #1 Notes: 1. This CA is worth 10% of the grade. It will be graded out of 100.

2. Your submission will be treated as a declaration by you that you have not consulted anyone (another student registered for this module or anyone else) for your submission. 3. Justify all your answers. Date of distribution: September 01, 2011. Due date: September 14, 2011 at the beginning of the lecture or earlier; No extensions or electronic submissions are allowed. You may post your submission using the regular post at the address: Prof HK Garg, Elec & Comp Eng Dept, 4 Engineering Drive 3, S117576. Posted submissions must also be received by Due Date. Question #1. Consider a sequence of real-numbers r1, r2, , rN. Using these we create an (N N) square matrix R such that ai, j = a(i, j) = (i, j)-th element of R = rk, where k = max(i, j), i = 1, 2, , N; j = 1, 2, , N. For example, max(2, 5) = 5. Similarly, max(78, 49) = 78 a78, 49 = a(78, 49) = r78. In general ai, j = a(i, j) = (i, j)-th element of R = rk, k = max(i, j). In other words, given i and j, find k first, then find a(i, j) = rk. A. Write the matrix R in terms of its elements. Clearly, show at least the top 4 4 part and all the elements on the four corners. (10) B. Is this a symmetric matrix? Skew-symmetric matrix? (10)

C. Carry out appropriate EROs to reduce the matrix to its echlon form. Is this form unique? (30) D. Carry out appropriate EROs to reduce the matrix to its row echlon form. (20)

E. Carry out appropriate EROs to reduce the matrix to its reduced row echlon form. Is this form unique? (20) F. It is said that a unique solution always exists for solving the linear system Rx = b. Do you agree? Solve the system when N = 25, rk = k, k = 1, 2, , 25, and b = [1 1 1 1]T. (10) HINT: We introduced four technical words: forward, elimination, backward, substitution. See if a mix other than the one used in class will be useful here.

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