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Journal of Terramechanics 48 (2011) 451–458

Simulating shear behavior of a sandy soil under different soil conditions

Mohammad A. Sadek a, Ying Chen a,⇑, Jude Liu b
Department of Biosystems Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 5V6
Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, PA 16802, USA

Received 10 February 2011; received in revised form 26 September 2011; accepted 30 September 2011
Available online 24 October 2011


Understanding of soil shear behavior is very important in the field of agricultural machinery and soil dynamics. In this study, a dis-
crete element model was developed using a simulation tool, Particle Flow Code in Three Dimensions (PFC3D). The model simulates
direct shear tests of soil and predicts soil shear behavior, in terms of shear forces and displacements. To determine and calibrate model
parameters (stiffness of particles, strength and stiffness of bond between particles), laboratory direct shear tests were conducted to exam-
ine effects of soil moisture content and bulk density on shear behaviors of a sandy soil. Three soil moisture levels (0.02%, 13.0%, and
21.5%) and four bulk density levels (0.99, 1.28, 1.36, and 1.50 Mg/m3) were used in the tests. The test results showed that in general drier
and denser soil conditions produced higher shear forces. Based on the test results, the bond strengths of the model particles were deter-
mined from soil cohesion and internal friction angle. The model particle stiffness was calibrated based on the yield forces from the tests.
The calibrated particle stiffness varied from 1.0  103 to 8.2  103 N/m, depending on soil moisture and density levels. The bond stiffness
calibrated was 1.0  107 Pa/m for all soil conditions.
Ó 2011 ISTVS. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Sandy soil; Moisture; Bulk density; Direct shear test; PFC3D; Stiffness; Calibration

1. Introduction the relationship of internal friction angle and water content

of a sandy clay loam followed a second order polynomial
Understanding material shear behavior is the prerequi- equation. Interaction effects of moisture content and bulk
site for designing the machines which handle the material. density were also reported in the literature [7].
In designing tillage and seeding tools in agriculture, such Soil internal friction and cohesion are normally mea-
as plows, chisels, sweeps, and openers, engineers and sured using direct shear tests (DSTs) or triaxial tests with
researchers need to know mechanical properties of the soil DSTs being simpler. Measurements require special equip-
with which these tools interact in field operations. Soil shear ment (direct shear box or triaxial system) which is not
properties, typically including soil internal friction and always available. When compared to modeling approach,
cohesion, play important roles in soil–tool interactions measurements are also more time-consuming. The Discrete
because they affect the draft force and soil disturbance of Element Method (DEM) has been used for modeling
the tool [12]. Soil cohesion and friction are affected by sev- mechanical behaviors of soil, for example, soil deformation
eral factors, particularly soil density and moisture content. under a rigid wheel [8]. The software, Particle Flow Code in
McKyes [11] reported that soil shear strength increases with Three Dimensions (PFC3D) (Itasca Consulting Group Inc.,
the decrease in soil water content. Gitau et al. [4] found that Minneapolis, USA) is a common commercial DEM code.
In PFC3D, material (e.g. soil) is modeled as collections of
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 204 474 6292; fax: +1 204 474 7512. balls, clumps, or clusters of balls. Each ball contacted with
E-mail address: ying_chen@umanitoba.ca (Y. Chen). its neighboring balls. If an external force exerted on the

0022-4898/$36.00 Ó 2011 ISTVS. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

452 M.A. Sadek et al. / Journal of Terramechanics 48 (2011) 451–458

material body, individual balls move and the dynamics interaction. Some other PFC models simulated DST of
(displacements and forces) of the material body changes non-soil materials, such as aluminum rods conducted by
as well. In simulating the interaction of soil with a rotary Liu et al. [10] with the objective of improving the test device
tool using DEM, Momozu et al. [13] pointed out that soil to minimize the influences of the frictional force on the
cohesiveness needs to be addressed. They added normal shear strength measured. Landry et al. [9] simulated DST
tensile force at the contacts between model particles and of semi-solid manure using PFC3D to examine how model
the normal forces bonded particles together, forming parti- micro-properties affect the simulation results and to cali-
cle clusters which mimic soil aggregates in agricultural brate the micro-properties through comparing simulated
fields. The PFC3D software package provides several mod- internal friction angle and cohesion with those measured.
els for different contact regimes between particles. Among Coetzee and Els [3] used DEM in simulating shear tests
those models, the parallel bond model (PBM) in which and compression tests of corn to calibrate micro-properties
balls are held together by bonds is more suitable for of corn in modeling silo discharge and bucket filling.
describing soil cohesive behaviors. The bond of the PBM In summary, most existing simulations of DST focused
is depicted as a cylinder of cementitious material as shown on cohesionless materials in two dimensions. No research
in Fig. 1a. The cylinder transmits both forces and moments has been done to simulate effects of soil moisture content
(Fig. 1b). Bonds break when the respective strengths at the and bulk density on soil shear properties using PFC3D.
contact area are exceeded. For details regarding the PFC3D The specific objectives of this study were to (1) measure soil
PBM, readers are referred to Itasca [5] and Potyondy and shear properties under different soil moisture contents and
Cundall [14]. bulk densities using DSTs; (2) simulate the DSTs using the
When simulating dynamic mechanical behaviors of PFC3D parallel bond model (PBM), and calibrate the
cohesive soils during the operation of a bulldozing plate model parameters using the measurements.
using PFC2D, Zhang and Li [18] used PBM and observed
that the parallel bonds resulted in balls being bond into 2. Methodology
clusters initially and those clusters were later broken into
smaller clusters or individual particles during bulldozing. 2.1. Laboratory direct shear tests (DST)
The operation of a soil engaging tool in agricultural oper-
ations is very much similar to bulldozing. Soil engaging Laboratory DSTs were conducted to measure shear
tools break soil as it travels in a field. van der Linde [17] properties of a sandy soil, including yield point, cohesion
also indicated that the PBM was more suitable for model- (c), and soil internal friction angle (/), as affected by differ-
ing agricultural soils than other PFC3D contact models. ent soil moisture contents and dry bulk densities. The data
Regardless of which PFC3D model is used to describe served the model development, as described later in this
particle contacts, one need to determine or calibrate the paper. The following sections describe the apparatus and
model parameters. The model parameters of PFC3D mod- procedure of the DSTs.
els are the micro-properties of balls and bonds. Model
parameters are typically determined by matching the 2.1.1. Test apparatus
behaviors of model particle to the behaviors of the soil sim- Direct shear tests were conducted using an apparatus as
ulated, so that the model particles represent the soil shown in Fig. 2a. The apparatus consisted of a soil shear
particles. box, a loading head, a weight hanger, and weights to gen-
PFC has been used to simulate the process of DST. erate normal loads. The shear box had two square rings for
Thorton and Zhang [15] and Kadau et al. [6] used PFC2D holding soil sample (Fig. 2b). The cross-section of the box
to investigate the shear behavior of general granular, and was 60  60 mm and the height was 50.8 mm. Horizontal
they focused on how to interpret the simulation results. displacement of the movable ring was achieved with a
van der Linde [17] used DST for the calibrations of model motor. A load cell measured the shear force. Two potenti-
parameters of a PFC3D model in simulating soil–tool ometers measured the horizontal and vertical displace-

(a) (b)

xi[ A] ni xi[C ] xi[ B ]


Fig. 1. Diagram showing the PFC3D parallel bond model (PBM); (a) a cylinder of cementitious material between two balls; (b) forces on the cylinder [5].
M.A. Sadek et al. / Journal of Terramechanics 48 (2011) 451–458 453

(a) (b)
Loading head

Load cell
Shear box

Weight hanger


Fig. 2. Direct shear test apparatus: (a) test setup; (b) shear box.

ments. Values of shear force and horizontal displacement soil treatment, 3 drops for the Soft soil, 10 drops for the
were recorded by a computer data acquisition system. Firm soil, and 25 drops for the Compacted soil. Numbers
of drops were arbitrarily determined. Before the shear
2.1.2. Soil conditions box was filled with soil, a porous stone with a thickness
The sandy soil used for DSTs contained 10% clay, 4% of 6.3 mm was placed at the bottom and the top of the soil
silt, and 86% sand particles. Three soil moisture levels were sample in the shear box (Fig. 2b). The normal loads for the
selected, Dry, Moist, and Wet. Under each moisture level, tests were 210, 480, and 745 N, and the shear speed was
four soil bulk density levels (Loose, Soft, Firm, and Com- 0.52 mm/min. The volume of the soil in the shear box
pacted) were examined. The moisture contents and densi- was measured before test, and after test the soil sample
ties of the soil samples used in DST are summarized in was weighted, oven-dried at 105 °C for 24 h, and weighed
Table 1. This formed a total of 12 soil moisture and density again to determine the soil moisture content and initial
combinations, and DST was performed for each of 12 com- dry bulk density.
binations, and their variation within each moisture or den-
sity level was minimum. As data were mainly used to serve 2.2. Model development and calibration
the model development, treatments were not replicated.
PFC3D provides models with the following main
2.1.3. Test procedure assumptions [5]:
Before DSTs, soil was sprayed with different amount of
water to achieve three different levels of moisture content. a. Particles are treated as spherical and rigid bodies.
After being sprayed, soil was left in air-tight plastic bags b. Contacts between particles occur over a vanishingly
for 24 h to get even moisture content. To obtain different small area (i.e., at a point).
bulk densities, the soil was compacted in the shear box c. Behaviors at contacts are described with a soft-con-
by a soil proctor compaction hammer. The hammer tact approach where rigid particles are allowed to
(weighed approximately 1 kg) was dropped into the box overlap one another at contact points.
from a height of approximately 0.45 m. To achieve differ- d. The magnitude of overlap is related to the contact
ent levels of bulk density, one used 0 drop for the Loose force via the force displacement law.

Table 1
2.2.1. Model of direct shear test
Soil moisture and bulk density conditions of the soil samples.
A model was developed to simulate the DSTs described
Moisture Density Moisture content Bulk density (Mg/
above. In the model, a shear box was constructed using the
level level (%) m3)
10 PFC3D flat walls, and it consisted of two square rings, a
Dry Loose 0.023 1.06
bottom base, and a top cover. The box had a cross-section
Soft 0.022 1.28
Firm 0.016 1.39 of 60  60 mm and each ring was 25.4 mm in height. These
Compact 0.021 1.40 dimensions were the same as those used in the laboratory
tests. Particles (balls) were generated in the box (Fig. 3a),
Moist Loose 13.24 0.91
Soft 12.44 1.21 representing soil particles in the direct shear box. Ball size
Firm 13.14 1.34 followed a uniform distribution with the lower value of
Compact 12.99 1.58 3 mm and the upper value of 4 mm. The PFC3D PBM
Wet Loose 21.07 1.01 was used to describe the behavior of the contact between
Soft 21.30 1.34 particles. Originally, the model particle density was chosen
Firm 21.09 1.35 as the particle density of real soil (2650 kg/m3). However,
Compact 22.46 1.53 with this particle density, appropriate packing of model
454 M.A. Sadek et al. / Journal of Terramechanics 48 (2011) 451–458

Fig. 3. Virtual shear box with model particles: (a) before shearing; (b) after shearing.

particles could not be achieved due to the high particle this study simulated bonded particles where friction be-
porosity. Through preliminary simulations, a particle comes effective only when bond breaks. In this study, an
density of 1900 kg/m3 was found to be appropriate for arbitrary friction value (l = 0.5) was selected. For simplic-
particles to be packed to the bulk density range used in ity, Rm was assumed as the medium value: 0.5, and the par-
the laboratory DSTs. van der Linde [17] also used particle ticle normal and shear stiffness were set the same, meaning
density different with 2650 kg/m3 in modeling a sandy soil that Kn/Ks = 1 [1,2]. Equal value was assumed for the
to obtain the appropriate packing. The particle density of bond normal and shear stiffness, i.e. k n /k s = 1 [17].
1900 kg/m3 was kept the same in all simulations, while In agricultural fields, bonds or internal tensile stresses
the bulk density was varied as in the laboratory DSTs. exist between soil particles, and they are caused by the
Model particles were generated in the virtual shear box water under tension between particles [16,18]. This soil
and particles were cycled to achieve the equilibrium, i.e. the internal tensile stress is also termed as intrinsic stress. In
unbalanced force was small when compared to the maxi- determining the particle bond strengths, the r  was assumed
mum contact force in the particle assembly. To perform to be the soil intrinsic stress, and the s was assumed to be
virtual shear tests, the top wall of the shear box was the soil cohesion. Intrinsic stress is the function of cohesion
designed as a servo wall to apply a constant normal load. and internal friction angle as: c cot / [12]. Thus,
The servo wall controlled the load by changing the wall  ¼ c cot /
r ð1Þ
velocity until the force became equal to the desired normal
load. Then shearing was conducted by keeping the top ring s ¼ c ð2Þ
stationary and displacing the bottom ring horizontally
(Fig. 3b) at a desired speed. The next step was to determine 2.2.3. Calibrations of ball and bond stiffness
and calibrate the micro-properties of model particles for The ball stiffness (Kn) and bond stiffness (k n ) were
the sandy soil. calibrated with the measured yield forces. Through
preliminary simulations, it was found that Kn was more
2.2.2. Determination of the micro-properties of model influential to the model outputs than k n . Therefore, k n
particles was assumed to be same for all soil conditions and it was
The PFC3D PBM include eight micro-properties: ball first calibrated with the measure yield force averaged
normal and shear stiffness (Kn and Ks), friction coefficient overall the soil conditions and with an assumed value for
of balls (l), bond normal and shear stiffness (k n and k g ), Kn. After that, Kn was calibrated for different combinations
bond normal and shear strength ( rc and sc ), and bond ra- of soil moistures and bulk densities with the calibrated k n .
dius multiplier, Rm . The Rm is the ratio of the radius of the The values of r and s derived from measured / and c using
cylindrical bond and the radius of the smaller ball of two Eqs. (1) and (2).
balls in contact, and it ranges between 0 and 1. Not all mi-
cro-properties can be calibrated. Some of them need to be 3. Results and discussion
preselected before calibrations of others [14]. Preliminary
simulations in this study showed no noticeable changes in 3.1. Laboratory test results
resultant soil shear properties when changing the particle
friction. This was inconsistent with the finding by Coetzee 3.1.1. Shear force–displacement curves
and Els [3] who reported that simulation results of corn Typical shear force–displacement (horizontal) curves
shear properties were dependent on particle friction. The obtained from DSTs are shown in Fig. 4. Shear force rap-
inconsistency may be due to the facts that Coetzee and idly increased in the first portion of the curve before the soil
Els [3] simulated cohesionless granular corn grains where failure occurred. Once the soil sample failed, the shear
particle friction at the contact is more dominant. Whereas force either decreased (Fig. 4a), or had a sudden change
M.A. Sadek et al. / Journal of Terramechanics 48 (2011) 451–458 455

300 curve; that of Fig. 4b was at the sudden change in the

Shear force (N)
250 Yield point
increasing rate; that of Fig. 4c was at the interaction of
the two regression lines from the data points of the two
potions of the curve.

100 3.1.2. Soil yield forces

50 Yield forces from DSTs were examined for the purpose
of model calibration. They were read from the yield
0 50 100 150 points of all force–displacement curves of the 12 treat-
Horizontal displacement (mm) ment combinations, and they are plotted with soil mois-
(a) Fn = 210 N ture levels (Fig. 5). The Compact soil had highest yield
forces over all the soil moisture levels, followed by the
600 Firm soil. This held true at all the three normal loads.
Lower yield forces were observed for the Soft and Loose
Shear force (N)

soils. To demonstrate effects of soil moisture level on the

400 yield forces, the data were re-plotted in Fig. 6. Under all
300 Yield point the normal loads, the Dry soil had higher yield forces
than the Moist and Wet soils over all the soil bulk density
100 In summary, the differences in yield force between the
0 Loose and Soft soils were not inconsistent over the three
0 200 400 600 800 1000 normal loads, and in some cases they had similar yield
Horizontal displacement (mm) forces (Fig. 5). This was true for the differences in yield
(b) Fn = 750 N force between the Moist and Wet soil (Fig. 6). Based on
these results, yield forces of the Loose and Soft soils were
400 combined, and those of the Moist and Wet soils were also
combined in model calibrations. Thus, calibrations were
Shear force (N)

300 Yield point required for six combinations, rather than 12 combinations
of soil moisture and density levels.

3.1.3. Soil internal friction and cohesion
Soil internal friction angle (/) and cohesion (c) from
0 DST were used for determining the model parameters.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 They were generated from yield force data which were con-
Horizontal displacement (mm) verted to yield stresses with the given area of the shear sur-
(c) Fn = 480 N face of the shear box. The normal loads in force were also
converted to stresses with the given cross-sectional area of
Fig. 4. Typical shear force–displacement (horizontal) curve from the
laboratory direct shear tests for the Dry and Compacted soils under the soil sample in the shear box. A linear trend line was
different normal loads (Fn). generated from yield and normal stresses; the / was taken
as the slope of the trend line and the c was taken as the
intersection. Trends of treatment effects on / and c values
in the increasing rate (Fig. 4b) or had a gradual change in were found to be similar to those of yield forces. Therefore,
the increasing rate (Fig. 4c). It was considered that the yield they are presented for six combinations of soil moisture
point of Fig. 4a was at the maximum force of the entire and density levels (Table 2).

500 500
Loose Soft Firm Compact Loose Soft Firm Compact 500 Loose Soft Firm Compact
Yield force (N)
Yield force (N)
Yield force (N)

400 400
300 300 300
200 200 200
100 100 100
0 0 0
Dry Medium Wet Dry Medium Wet Dry Medium Wet
Soil moisture level Soil moisture level Soil moisture level
Fn = 210 N Fn = 480 N Fn = 745 N
Fig. 5. Comparisons of yield forces between the soil bulk density levels under different moisture levels and normal loads (Fn).
456 M.A. Sadek et al. / Journal of Terramechanics 48 (2011) 451–458

500 500 500

Dry Medium Wet
Yield force (N)
Dry Medium Wet

Yield force (N)

Yield force (N)
400 Dry Medium Wet 400 400

300 300 300

200 200 200
100 100 100
0 0 0
Loose Soft Firm Compact Loose Soft Firm Compact Loose Soft Firm Compact
Soil compaction level Soil compaction level Soil compaction level
Fn = 210 N Fn = 480 N Fn = 745 N
Fig. 6. Comparisons of yield forces between the soil moisture levels under different bulk density levels and normal loads (Fn).

Table 2
Soil internal friction angle and cohesion obtained from laboratory direct shear tests.
Propertya Average Dry Moist and wet
Soft and Loose Firm Compact Soft and Loose Firm Compact
/ (°) 21.0 18.5 22.0 25.5 14.4 20.0 25.7
c (Pa) 14,774 11,748 25,304 32,707 1226 4590 13,070
/ = soil internal friction angle; c = soil cohesion.

Most particles within the bottom ring (that was displaced

during the virtual test) flowed horizontally along the direc-
tion of shear force. In the top ring, balls at the upper right
corner basically had zero velocities. This was due to that
the top ring was kept stationary during the virtual test.
The balls at the lower left corner within the top ring had
flowed downwards near the end stage of shearing, due to
the offset of the top ring relative to the bottom ring. These
phenomena are consistent with the observations by Liu
et al. [10] in the DEM simulation of direct shear test of a
granular material.
For calibrations of both Kn and k n , the bulk densities of
the model particles were set as the measured values which
Fig. 7. Snapshot of particle instantaneous velocity field from simulations.
are summarized in Table 3. The values of r  and s derived
from measured / and c using Eqs. (1) and (2) are also sum-
marized in Table 3. All virtual direct shear tests were per-
3.2. Simulation and calibration results formed with the same normal loads and shear speed as
those used in the laboratory DSTs.
3.2.1. Model behaviors The procedure for calibrations is demonstrated by the
To examine if the model simulates the soil shear behav- example of Kn calibration for the Dry and Compact soil
ior, preliminary virtual direct shear tests were conducted condition. Virtual direct shear tests were conducted with
using the model. Particle instantaneous velocity field a set of assumed values for Kn. For example, Kn was ini-
(Fig. 7) is shown in a snapshot of velocity field representing tially assumed as 6.00E+03 N/m (Table 4). With this
the situation near the end of a virtual direct shear test. assumed value, a virtual shear test was run for each of three

Table 3
Model inputs for calibrations of the bond stiffness (k n ) and ball stiffness (Kn).
k n calibration Kn calibration
Average Dry Moist and wet
Soft and Loose Firm Compact Soft and Loose Firm Compact
qb (kg/m ) 1332 1170 1390 1400 1120 1350 1560
s (Pa) 1.48E+04 1.17E+04 2.53E+04 3.27E+04 1.23E+03 4.59E+03 1.31E+04
r 3.52E+04 3.52E+04 6.27E+04 6.86E+04 4.76E+03 1.26E+04 2.72E+04
qb = soil bulk density; r
 and s = bond normal and shear strength of model particle, respectively.
M.A. Sadek et al. / Journal of Terramechanics 48 (2011) 451–458 457

Table 4 wall of the bottom ring of the shear box) was generated,
Demonstration of the calibration process using the Dry-Compact soil and it was converted to force–displacement (horizontal dis-
placement) curve, as illustrated in Fig. 8. When comparing
Assumed ball Normal Simulated Measured Relative the simulated curve with the one measured shown in Fig. 4,
stiffness, Kn (N/ force (N) yield Force yield force error, RE
m) (N) (N) (%)
one can see that simulated curve had similar trend as those
measured. More obvious yield points were often seen on
6.00E+03 210 210 206 10.9
480 279 347
simulated curves. Yield forces were read off those three
745 386 455 curves corresponding to the three normal loads, and they
were 210, 279, and 386 N. These three simulated yield
7.50E+03 210 208 206 4.3
480 339 347 forces were compared with the three measured yield forces
745 402 455 (206, 347, and 455 N). Their agreement was evaluated
using the relative error (RE) which was 10.9% for the
8.00E+03 210 202 206 1.6
480 343 347 assumed Kn value of 6.00E+03 N/m. The RE was defined
745 447 455 by the following equation:
8.10E+03 210 200 206 1.5  
480 347 347 100 X S  M 
RE ¼  M  ð3Þ
745 448 455 n
8.20E+03 210 211 206 0.4 where RE = relative error (%), n = number of observations
480 360 347
(n = 3 in this case), S = simulated yield force (N),
745 432 455
M = measured yield force (N).
8.30E+03 210 224 206 7.9 The above procedure was repeated for other seven
480 388 347
745 469 455
assumed values of Kn, as shown in Table 4. The results
showed that the assumed Kn value of 8.20E+03 N/m gave
8.50E+03 210 217 206 5.0 the least RE (0.4%), meaning the best match between the
480 384 347
745 451 455
simulated and measured yield forces. Thus, the value,
8.20E+03 N/m, was taken as the final Kn for the Dry-Com-
1.00E+04 210 208 206 10.7
pact soil condition. Similarly, calibration of Kn was per-
480 425 347
745 494 455 formed for other soil moisture and density conditions,
and calibration of k n for the overall soil condition. The
normal loads (210, 480, 745 N), which generated three results are summarized in Table 5.
shear force–displacement curves. Under each normal load, The calibrated model parameters can be used to simu-
the history of shear force (the total force on the opposing late more soil behaviors such as particle contact forces,


0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5


Fig. 8. A typical force–displacement curve from simulations. X-axis: displacement in mm and Y-axis: shear force in N.
458 M.A. Sadek et al. / Journal of Terramechanics 48 (2011) 451–458

Table 5
The calibrated ball stiffness (Kn) for six different soil conditions, and the calibrated k n for the overall soil condition.
Soil moisture level Ball stiffness, Kn (N/m) Overall bond stiffness, k n (Pa/m)
Soil bulk density levels
Soft and Loose Firm Compact
Dry 3.1E+03 6.5E+03 8.2E+03 1.0E+07
Moist and wet 1.0E+03 2.8E+03 7.0E+03

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