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Startek Ethics Agreement - Zero Tolerance Protocol (ZTP)

Declaration Form

Employee Details -

Employee Name -
Supervisor Name -
Employee Signature -

Acknowledgement -

I, the undersigned employee, hereby acknowledge and affirm my understanding and

commitment to the Zero Tolerance Protocol (ZTP) established by Startek (outlined as below)
I understand the gravity of workplace issues such as harassment, discrimination, and any
form of misconduct, and I am fully supportive of the company's unwavering policy against
such behaviors.

Behaviors that may lead to termination under the Zero Tolerance Protocol (ZTP) -
 Abusive language and behaviour - use of offensive language, profanity or verbal
abuse, or any form of disrespectful behaviour towards customer/ merchants/
Delivery Partners etc. on chat/ call/ticket etc.
 Harassment and discrimination - an employee / advisor engaging in any form of
prejudiced behaviour or actions that contribute to a negative and unwelcome
atmosphere for customers/ merchants/delivery partners on call/ chat/ ticket etc.
that create discomfort or hostility based on race, gender, religion, or other protected
 Fraudulent activities - an employee / advisor engaging in any kind of fraudulent
activities, malpractices including attempting to deceive, manipulate, or exploit the
system for self-benefit, work avoidance by doing misconstrued practices.
 Violation of Policies - an employee / advisor who consistently violates the process
defined policies (LOB specific ZT criteria), terms of service, or code of conduct etc.
 Threats and Intimidation - an employee/ advisor who threatens or intimidates a
customer / merchant/delivery partner or other employees, creating an unsafe
working environment.
 Inappropriate conduct - disruptive or inappropriate behaviour with customer/
merchant/ delivery partner, other employee such as public disturbances, indecent
exposure, or any conduct that disrupts the professional atmosphere.
 False claims or accusations - An employee or advisor engaged in making baseless
claims, false accusations, or participating in misconduct with the deliberate intention
to harm the company's reputation, compromise customer experience, or result in
significant financial repercussions.
 Security Protocols - an employee/ advisor refusing to comply with measures aimed
at protecting sensitive company/ customer information and data. Misuse of IDs /
accesses / using the platform or system / privacy breach etc.
 Any waiver given beyond guidelines. Waiver which is given/taken for any personal
 Out calling to the customer/ merchant/ DP made from personal number / Data
manipulation, Invalid Call Disconnection, Call Guidelines NOT Followed,

Responsibility -

I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to contribute to creating a respectful, inclusive,

and safe work environment for all employees and clients. I am aware that any violation of
ZTP may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of my employment
with Startek.

Commitment -

I appreciate and endorse Startek’ s commitment to maintaining a professional and positive

workplace culture. I pledge to uphold the standards set forth in the ZTP and actively
contribute to a respectful and inclusive work atmosphere.

Reporting -

If I witness or experience any form of harassment, discrimination, or any behavior contrary

to the ZTP, I commit to immediately reporting it to my supervisor or the HR department.
The Zero Tolerance Violation report will be disseminated at two levels.

1. A Fortnightly report will be submitted to Senior Leadership at Startek to

emphasize and showcase the organization's adherence to the policy.
2. Any instances of Zero Tolerance Violations must be promptly reported to
the relevant Quality or HR team. The details will then be documented in
the tracker and shared with the operations team for necessary actions.

Signature -

I have read and understood the ZTP Declaration Form, and I willingly commit to adhering to
the principles outlined within.

Employee Signature: _________________________ Date: ______________

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