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Date: 7th February

Lower secondary school: Şcoala Gimnazială Cricov Valea Lungă


Number of students: 15

Teacher: Petrescu Raluca

Time of the lesson: 50 minutes


- Ministerul Educaţiei Naţionale – Programa şcolară pentru disciplina LIMBA MODERNĂ 1, Clasele a V-a – a VIII-a,
aprobată prin ordinul ministrului educaţiei naţionale nr. 3393/28.02.2017, București, 2017
- Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones, Irina Spătaru - Limba modernă 1 - Limba engleză, manual pentru clasa a
VIII-a, Cambridge University Press- Art Klett, 2020;
- Herbert Pucht, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones, Irina Spătaru, Ioana Tudose, Limba modernă 1 – Limba Engleză, Caietul
elevului, Clasa a VIII a, Cambridge University Press- Art Klett, 2020;
- -

Unit: Science counts

Type of lesson: evaluation of language structures and vocabulary acquisition

Language functions: Talking about past habits, Talking about imaginary situations, Talking about scientific discoveries
Structure: Phrasal verbs, Second conditional, I wish

Vocabulary: Direction and movement, Science

Thematic organisation: Places

Didactic strategy: active-participative

Methods and techniques: conversation, presentation, explanation, controlled/ semi-controlled/ free practice

Skills involved: Reading, Writing.

Method: Affective – humanistic approach

Activities: class survey, skimming and scanning, answering comprehension questions, matching exercises, MCQs, fill in exercises,
writing a short descriptive composition

Class management: Students on their own, whole class

Evaluation methods: summative evaluation

Types of interaction: Teacher-Students, Students-Teacher

Aids: Laptop, printer, test papers, marking scheme, matrix of specification

Values and attitudes: Preparing students for the importance of personal effort

General competences:

3. Receive written messages in everyday communication situations

4. Write messages in everyday communication situations

Specific competences:

3.3. Identify the global meaning of articles or interviews

3.4 Show interest in understanding different types of texts

4.2. Write simple and coherent texts on topics of interest.

Lesson aims:

- To assess students’ comprehension skills

- To assess students’ writing skills (short descriptive composition)
Assumed knowledge:

- The students are familiar with vocabulary related to past habits and imaginary situations and scientific discoveries using
Second conditional and phrasal verbs (previous acquisition).
- The students are familiar with the language structure used in talking about direction and movement (previous acquisition) and

Anticipated problems:

- Some students may have difficulties understanding certain tasks in the test (the teacher provides further instructions and
explanations or demonstrates an example)


1. Warm up 2 min T-Ss, Ss -T 3.2. The teacher announces the students Students read the Students may
Whole class 3.4. that they are going to take a written tasks and listen to request further
test to assess their competences the teacher’s explanations or
acquisition for the current unit. The instructions. demonstration of
teacher distributes the tests and certain tasks
provides explanations concerning each
item in the test. The students are
encouraged to ask questions if they
need further instructions.

2. Test time 45 min T-Ss, Ss-T 3.2. Teacher supervises students and Students solve the
Individual 3.4. provides guidance where and when test individually.
work 4.2. needed. Annex 1
3. Feedback 3 min T-Ss, Ss-T 3.2. The teacher displays the marking Students check the
Whole class 3.4. scheme of the test on the noticeboard marking scheme.
in the classroom for the students to
have a better understanding of their
performance. Annex 2

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