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i ere of the assertion that Nii (Dr.) Ayi-Bonte Il, (Gbese Mantse ‘and the Adonten of the Ga State) is not the legitimate Gbese Mantse. ‘We wish to emphatically state that the ‘nomination, selection and installation. ‘of Nii Ayi-Bonte II, Gbese Mantse, who is the current occupant of the Gbese ‘Stool was done in accordance with Article 227 of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana with the gazetted and legitimate persons vis-i-vis the ‘Kingmakers that formed the Gbese Dzase at the time. It is therefore ‘mentally, morally and legally dishonest at its Hite ote ee _ bese Manise and the ‘Adonten ofthe Ga State isnot b after the protracted and complex Gbese Chieftaincy litigation that fad travelled over thirty-eight (38) years from the Ga Traditional Couneil through the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs, Dodowa, to the Superior Cours of Judicature, National House of Chiefs, Kumasi, back and forth, and to the Apex Court of the country (The Supreme Court of Ghana). 9 Mettle-Nunoo, you are a respected public figure in the Society and ‘known and acclaimed as an orator and a very brilliant academic but to irreparable or damaging, statements against your own clan, is yable and calls for prayers. a) oint out that before going to the Press, you should have consulted e andor Family to seek their views and/or mandate before pursuing, te action and agenda, but rather you had joined an illegitimate to unleash mental “havoc” or psychological warfare on your (ROJO METTLE -NUNOO), there is no ‘cohort or this renegade group and that all pet ‘At Gbese itis instructive to note that the under-mentioned seven (7) Ro Houses constitute the Gbese Dzase, nothing more, or nothing less. 1 Penshiaku We/ Shia Wulu 2.Nii Tetteh Ankamah We / Okaidjah Gbeke We 3.Naa Onidin Akua / Akwete Krobo Saki We 4.Nyan Abodiamo We /Kreshie We S.Nii Armah Owusu Abia We/ Arde Akwa We 6. Okaidjah Afiyie We / Gbese Afiyie We 17. Okai Odibaye /Gbese Anerge We The seven (7) stated Royal Houses, again constitute the accredited and ‘gazetted Gbese Dzaase or the Gbese Kingmakers and that to the best of our Knowledge there is no rival Gbese Dzase anywhere and that no group should ‘change the history of Gbese or attempt to bury the Gbese State. It shoul be noted that the Principal Kingmaker of the Gbese Stool, Nii Okai Kasablofo V_ ‘and The Gbese Akwashongtse, Nii Ayi Ardayfio Il and the rest of the five (5) other accredited and gazetted Kingmakers above-mentioned were not present at that Press Conference and that the action, claims and assertions of the so- called ‘Gbese Dzase’ are null and void, without ‘any capacity whatsoever, and carried no substance or weight, the Gbese Stool with false impressions or news have been a ‘and actions over the years whenever Homowo or the Festive ‘Season is 1g, with fabricated stories of the destoolment or the demise of the Gbese Manste, Nii (Dr.) Ayi-Bonte Il, They go further to P abricated stories on various media spaces and outlets o blow dust of the public, create and heighten tensions among the populace and that such practices should be desisted forthwith. ‘ jsturbances at Nyan Abodiamo We / inking of the entire House that later with some police officers. The ‘the Dzasetse and other Elders to the James Town Police ‘Station. On this very situation, let us edueate the Press briefly that, at ‘Abodiamo We! Kreshie We, black clothing is forbidden but Rojo Mettle- ‘Nunoo defied this practice and entered the House with the police officers. ‘What do you make of such an aet by Reo Meitle-Nunoo who ought to have known better? We wish to place on record that since 25th January, 2022, Rolo Mettle- [Nunoo, has not been to Nyan Abodiamo We /Kreshie We, had neglected his ‘core responsibilities and therefore has no mandate or locus to organise and hold any Press Conference for himself to the detriment of the people, the Royal Court and the Nyan Abodiamo We / Kreshie We Clan. ‘The timely intervention of the Gbese Mantse, Nii Ayi-Bonte Il on phone, diffused the tension, and the police left without arresting the Gbese Dzasetse and his Elders. 60 Following the incident, the Gbese Dzasetse and the Elders and a few others hhad to write their respective statements atthe James Town Police Station after which they were bailed by Nii Gbese. ‘ 8.0. The three (3) Elders ofthe family not heppy with the turn of events, convened 4 General Meeting and extensively discussed the issue and what led to the broulaha. Members afterwards, decided that a formal letter be drafted, withdrawing the recognition for RoJo Mettle-Nunoo as Head of Family and ‘sent same to him. 70 9.0 Other family members who were identified as being his followers, were suspended, barred from entering the house and ostracised. 10.0 Not happy with the way things had tumed out, Rojo Mettle- Nuno subsequently reported the matter to the Police Headquarters. 11.0 At a meeting convened by the Greater Accra Regional Police Commander, Nii Gbese once again intervened on the premise that the issue was @ family ‘matter and he should be allowed to settle it amicably at home with all the necessary parties being present. . ’ 120 The ofetCommandar ‘acceded to the request by Nii Gbese after consulting With the feuding parties. Ladies and gentlemen of the Press, hhome on 25th January, 2022, the rela ' the Three (3) elders of Nyan Abodiamo We/ Kreshiie We have been very sour. slders were therefore, shocked when their attention was drawn to the Press Conference, addressed on the 20th day of April, 2024 by Rojo Mettle-Nunoo, 16.0 The event tha took place on the said date was not done withthe consent and concurrence of the three (3) elders of the Family and other Principal Elders. ‘Therefore, we ean state categorically and emphatically that, the press conference which was spearheaded by Rolo Mettle-Nunoo was done solely by himself as an individual and thatthe entire family considers the Press Conference as mull and void, uncalled for, waste of precious time and resources. RoJo Mettle- Nunoo, therefore, represented his personal interest ‘and other egoistc tendencies and intentions as an individual and that the entre clan has no knowledge of what happened. , ‘ 17.0 Once again, the three Elders of Nyan Abodiamo We / Kreshie We wish to further stress that, we were not a party 10 it nor in support of any statements or demands made by the Head of Family, RoJo Meitle- Nunoo at the said Press Conference hence his sole interests. be 18.0 Indeed, the three (3) Elders find the position(s) taken by Rojo Mettle-Nunoo without reference to them as highly reprehensible, contemptuous and ‘unprecedented in the FAMILY,

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