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Assignment 1

Shenton park,WA, Australia



I guess by admitting that each time I have to do a written assessment I become very nervous
and worried because it’s my second language and it’s hard for me to do it. I must say that it is
there to explain what I can learn from the author. To be honest reading the study guide and
books are essential because it really gives the necessary knowledge to give better advices in
the future to other people. When reading this study guide I have a better understanding of
what I should be doing because the author has already explained what is the key concept that
I need to know while reading this book.


I found the introduction about the topic really interesting and I was really moved by the quote
that what listed in it that was: “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the
same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo,
Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein”. I am always
surprised that whenever I tell people I am studying Accounting they tell me that I love
numbers or mathematics. Is Accounting only about numbers and mathematics?

By reading this 1.1 I got to know how the relationship between accounting and business. I am
just wondering is accounting degree enough to run a bigger business? There are different
types of business and I have already got some ideas about how it works and what are the
disadvantages and advantages of it because I have read about this in my previous term. As I
have been studying the accounting from by childhood I always thought that keeping records
is always important because I have my own shop where it was important to record all the
transaction. Time has changed so quickly I am surprised by the university that they gave you
to do written assessment while there were few pcs to type and you have to pay someone to
type it. I have come to know more about the typewriter and how it was helpful for accounting
in the past days in this paragraph. In this paragraph of 1.2 I have learned that how the digital
technology helped the business for booking keeping in systematic manner. Although having
said that it’s the digital age back in my country I have a friend that does accounting and I
asked him if he uses software. He said that they still use the old school writing in books. I
was surprised by hearing that. I questioned how messy the transaction and how hard will be
while finding the correcting the transaction in business company. I had some knowledge
about journal and ledger in my high school that journal contains daily transaction and ledger
contains transaction maintained in systematic accounts. In the proprietorship paragraph it has
shown the interrelation about the accounting equation on the business. the key concept is that
when the assets is increased the equity interest increase and when the liabilities is increased
then the equity interests decreases. As I am reading the paragraph 1.4 the first 3 paragraph


doesn’t seems new cause it’s the thing we have learned when we started learning
accountancy. The key concept is the accounting equation Assets=equity+ liabilities. To be
honest there isn’t that surprising key and concept here in this chapter 1 because I have already
read in the previous semester and high school and sounds really similar. but saying that this
chapter really goes in deep understanding about double entry bookkeeping and recording the

My personal Profile:

My personal Blog :

STEP 3 : company AnaeC0

Hey guys I would like you to introduce the company that was given to me on my assignment


that is AnaeCo. This company is located in Western Australia in Shenton park. The link for
the AnaeC0 website is . AnaecC0 has researched more than 15 years
and nearly $150M of investments, AneaC0 has developed an environmentally sustainable,
socially acceptable and economically viable technology that recycles 75% of household
waste into valuable resources. Doing the further research on AnaeCo I have found out that
key development history listed below :

 1999: AnaeCo was founded and the AnaeCo™ System was invented

 1999 – 2009: Innovation and development of AnaeCo™ System

 2008: AnaeCo publicly listed on the ASX

 2009: Built the first full-scale demonstration plant in Perth, Australia

 2010: Successful independent verification and confirmation of the AnaeCo™ System

 2010: Commenced construction of demonstration plant expansion (to 60,000tpa)

 2013: Full commercial plant with 60,000tpa MSW capacity construction completed

 2013: Completed rights issue raising AUD$21.4 million

 2014: Wet commissioning of WMRC Project, reaching commencement of Biological

Ramp-up in June 2014.

News article link:


When I first saw my assignment company I have no idea what it was about it. As I am not
from Australia I didn’t know much about the company in Australia when I opened the
website of the company that I was given I was really pleased to get that and I was really
intrested on learning more about the company. By seeing the financial report


I am surprised that the company is in deficit. Doing more research on it I found out that On
August 5 ANQ announced a deal - one year in negotiation - with Xiaoqing Environmental
Protection Technology Company, subject to shareholder approval, that will see it emerge with
55% of ANQ, Monadelphous will have 30% of AnaeCo, all debt will be forgiven and AnaeCo
will emerge with $4.1 million in liquid assets including cash and will be debt free. As I do
more research on the company I see that the company is going to an loss due to the large and
expensive factory machine in country. Every financial statement that I have seen its says it on
the loss which is shocking for the company. Every year they try to bring new equipment to
there plant but its not working and not making profit of it. I also had one problem why is
provisions on both current and non current liabilities? Its confusing to get that.

My top three blog is:

Danielle Bradley : whoa whoa what can I say more about
her she is an absolute Legend. She is always up to date with her blog she post Blog other than
just and assignment which is interesting to read and the comment she got is massive. Really
love the effort and everything that she have done.

Mariya Tamang: : when is

opened the blog first blog pic was amazing great way to start reading. The way she wrote the
Bog was amazing.. Although she hasn’t wrote a lot but she has summed up everything in
small which is hard to do so. Which I would say short and sweet.

Jing Sun: although she has and English problem the way
she wrote it was really nice and I can see the time and effort she might have put on it. It felt
really good reading her blog and draft.

Comments on other blogs link:

Situ maharjan:

Arpana Rana:


Mariya tamang:

Step 4 company financial statement :

ITS posted on my blog


Step 5 :
Reading the first line in the chapter 2 really inspired by it. You have to learn the rules of the
game. And then you have to play better than anyone else. Albert Einstein. It reminds me the
workplace because it I don’t follow the rules and procedure your always bad and always get it
wrong. It also reminded me the word said by my manager “always follow the rules and
procedure”. First thing that came on my mind while reading 2.1 was I used to think why
would they even share their own financial statement to other?. I used to think like that
because my has a business and I never thought to share a financial statement to other person.
Its really amazing how. Since I am also studying financial accounting information I had to
study more about GAAP and AASB. Due to which it helps me lot to understand about it. I
am thinking why every business doesn’t comply all the accounting rules? Is it fair ? thinking
both way is correct so I can’t support one side. Paragraph 2.1 was revision for me for my
Financial accounting.

I must say that the first 2 paragraphs haves some bitter truth and it’s also inspiring how you
summed it up. I must agree that there is not every rule for everything. As saying that I am
little confuse on this part is it same as the commercial law where if there is no law for
everything and if there is new case and the punishment is sentenced then from that day all the
person gets the same punishment as the first one that made that. I mean if there is no rule for
that accounting and problem rises Does AASB makes the same rule for that problem to all
others or it might change?

I am really amazed that I am studying kind of same thing that I have read in last term. I am
thinking that all the data that they share is correct of is the data that they share is different for
outside people. At last I really loved how you explained quality of information it went
straight from account t science.

As you mentioned in chapter 3 the firm annual report is a marketing document I always
thought why would company share its financial statement to other? Would people use your
company statement in a negative ways?. I thought every balance date are always 30 June it’s
great to know that new Zealand have on 31st march. As you mentioned in Sec 3.1 balance
sheet have different form and different company uses different ways. When I was studying in
My country I was taught in T format balance sheet so when I came here in Australia it was
different format. As reading I thought parent company own 100% of equity but as reading I
was shock to know that there are investors in the parents company as well. By learning 3.1
and 3.2 it really helped me a lot for understanding my company spreadsheet. It has really
cleared my problems regarding the footnotes. while reading the financial statement about the
company. It’s really helped to recognize that there are two types of statement Consolidated
and consolidated company statement. By reading this it has really helped me understand more
about the financial reports of a company.

Feedback to other student :



Feedback From: Sushant khadka

Feedback To: Mariya tamang

My Comments

Step 1 Your introduction was really good. There weren’t

that much to get on it because I know we are from
KCQs the same country and already read about that

Step 2  I would load your Moodle profile Idk why maybe

CQU have some problem with that. And your blog
Introductory words in Description box was superb. That photo was really so good it draw
me more to read on your blog.
Photo and description Link to your blog/Set up blog

Step 3 You did really great job on researching your

company. although the company description of
Background information on company blog was short it was interesting and good.
And I also saw your comment on your friend blog it
was positive and nice and you really did a good
Comments/KCQs research about your company.

Comments on other’s blogs

Step 4 I could give you feedback because it was just until

step 3

Input company’s financial statement

Step 5 I could give you feedback because it was just until

step 3

Step 6 I could give you feedback because it was just until

step 3
Feedback to others


Overall ASS#1

Note: Please use this sheet as a guide. There is no need to provide feedback on each step of ASS#1. For
example, someone may have little or no draft work completed for one or more of the steps prior to asking
for your feedback.


Feedback From: Sushant khadka

Feedback To: Jing bella

My Comments

Step 1 Your introduction was great it was short but really

sweet. You have relate to your experience which
KCQs was really nice of you and interesting.

Step 2 I couldn’t load your Moodle profile  . and the way

you setted up the blog it was really good
Introductory words in Description box

Photo and description Link to your blog/Set up blog

Step 3 Nice work in getting all the information of the

company and expressing it to us. It was really fun to
Background information on company read your blog . comment in other blog was


Comments on other’s blogs

Step 4 It was really nice. The example that you listed was
really nice and interesting. Which showed that you
had a better understanding of what you were
Input company’s financial statement doing. It would be much better if you had correct
the currency

Step 5 It was really fun and nice and your top 3 blogger
seems to be quiet good.


Step 6 Feedback to others was really nice and good . and

feedback to me was really good as well :P
Feedback to others

Overall ASS#1

Note: Please use this sheet as a guide. There is no need to provide feedback on each step of ASS#1. For
example, someone may have little or no draft work completed for one or more of the steps prior to asking
for your feedback.


Feedback From: Sushant khadka

Feedback To: Sandra Angus

My Comments

Step 1 Introduction was short. But there is a saying short

but sweet. It was like that after seeing the intro
KCQs page and introduction I felt like reading more.

Step 2 Although I couldn’t load your profile in cqu . but I

check your blog it was really good the opening page
Introductory words in Description box was eye catching.

Photo and description Link to your blog/Set up blog

Step 3 The number seems to be correct you really did a

good job in formula. I enjoyed reading your
Background information on company company background it was really good . and the
positive comment that I have seen in your blog
make me feel like reading more

Comments on other’s blogs

Step 4 Unfortunately I was unable to find your company’s

financial statements so I’m unable to give any
feedback for you.
Input company’s financial statement


Step 5 You didn’t have anything on the draft so couldn’t

answer that

Step 6 Feedback to me was excellent. It was written

clearly and certainly well received.
Feedback to others I am yet to read your feedback to others

Overall ASS#1

Note: Please use this sheet as a guide. There is no need to provide feedback on each step of ASS#1. For
example, someone may have little or no draft work completed for one or more of the steps prior to asking
for your feedback.

Feedback from others :


Feedback From: Alena Vokhmyakova

Feedback To: Sushant Khadka

My Comments

Step 1 For me, English is my second language as well,

and I know how hard it can be. In your first step,
KCQs you have outlined your key concepts and
questions of the Introduction and the first
chapter. Sentence structure is a bit too long.
Maybe focus on grammar and writing shorter
sentences as they are easy to understand. Some
of your sentences are not finished. Also, I was a
little bit confused while reading your step 1
Introduction I thought that you forgot the Chapter
1 KCQ’s, but then I realised that you had
combined the two chapters together. Hence,
maybe use headings, this will make it easier to
understand which section I am reading.
Otherwise, good job.

Step 2 For your second step, you have uploaded your

photo, provided the link to your blog and included
Introductory words in Description box introductory words in the description box. You
have followed all the requirements well done.
Photo and description Link to your blog/Set up
blog The structure of your blog is well thought out. I
could easily navigate all your blog posts. Overall
you have created an excellent blog. Well done.


Step 3 I’ve never heard of AnaeCo company in Australia.

It is an exciting company. However, while reading
Background information on company the background information that you have
provided on your company I was a bit confused
about what that company does. Hence, as I have
Comments/KCQs mentioned before focus on writing short
sentences. In your third sentence in Step 3, you
have included too much about your company. I
Comments on other’s blogs would suggest splitting that sentence in half. Also,
focus on grammar. The YouTube video which you
have included on your blog is very valuable as it
clearly outlined the concept of your company.

You have included your top three rated blogs, and

you have provided good comments to your top
three rated blogs. Great work!

Another issue, don’t cut the words. What I mean

by cut, use ‘picture’ instead of ‘pic’. Just a little
hint when you upload your draft check your word
document with spelling and grammar check. I am
also struggling with grammar, so I use it all the
time to eliminate little mistakes.

Step 4 Unfortunately, I couldn’t find your Spreadsheet

for your company. Hence, I can’t provide you with
Input company’s financial statement the feedback for this step.

Step 5 Your KCQ’s for chapter 2 and 3 a bit short. I am a

little bit confused. Have you done KCQ’s for
KCQs chapter 3? To me, this looks like you have done
only chapter 2. Otherwise, you have done a good
job. Hopefully, you found answers to your

Step 6

Feedback to others

Overall ASS#1

Overall your draft has shown me that you have done a lot of hard work. Well done! However, my main
advice to you is that you need to focus on your grammar. Sorry I feel like I have given you a harsh
feedback. However, I enjoyed reading your work and giving you advice. Hopefully, you will consider it. All
the best with your studies!


Feedback From: Jing Sun


Feedback To: Sushant Khadka

My Comments

Step 1 You have put a lot of thoughts into your

study journey which is really well expressed
KCQs to your reader. Your KCQs are clear enough
what you got from reading chapter 1. Well
Step 2 I never think English is your second
language and you are doing much better
Introductory words in Description box than me. Well done. By the way, I cannot
open your blog to read through what you
Photo and description Link to your blog/Set write. I am not really sure is my internet
up blog issues or other reason, please check it to
make sure that people can look at it
Step 3 I like how you represent your company with
pictures, the observe way is the best method
Background information on company to straight forwards to your points. You have
well explained about your company and
also introduced your company’s
Comments/KCQs productivity by yearly. However, I like to
read the Step 3 part from Moodle feedback
Forum, which is more details what you
Comments on other’s blogs shown me. If you can put Step 3 into your
Assignment 1 and it will give more details
to your reader. Otherwise it looks like you
have not finish that part, the reader will
think it is only half way what your write.
Step 4 It is clear express your information in the
right way.

Input company’s financial statement

Step 5
I like reading your assignment and your
KCQs assignment is clear and easy to understand.
You have explained very well the changes
between last two financial statements.
Especially explained in details how the
company has significant changes in
different areas. You gave me a lots of very
specific information about what you learned
from the reading through your company’s
report. At the same time you point it all the
KCQs during your thinking. I think the
expression is clear to describe your
company’s financial situation, and your idea
is clear to show your deep understanding.


Very well done.

Step 6 I did not see any feedback you comment to

others. If you can attached to your
Feedback to others assignments that it will be really handy for
people to know you have done this

Suggestion: you can have a look other

people’s assignments, learning from them
that how they set up their assignment for the
last draft.
Overall ASS#1

Note: Please use this sheet as a guide. There is no need to provide feedback on each step of
ASS#1. For example, someone may have little or no draft work completed for one or more of
the steps prior to asking for your feedback.

Feedback From: SANDRA ANGUS


My Comments

Step 1 For your Introduction, there wasn’t a lot to read

but I was still genuinely interested. Sometimes if
KCQs It’s short, it’s to the point and interests the reader.
I like how in depth you went into your chapter 1
summary and your writing style really drew me in
to want to read more. Good work 
Step 2 Great introduction, I love learning where
everyone’s from. Sometimes you get bored with
Introductory words in Description box where you currently live and I’ve never left
Australia so it was interesting to hear that your
Photo and description Link to your blog/Set up from Nepal. I really liked the opening quote on
blog your blog, really caught my attention and I
became excited to check the rest of your blog out.
Step 3 The background information on your company
had a lot of interesting details and I liked how you
Background information on company supplied a timeline of your company’s production
over the years.

Comments/KCQs The comments on other’s blogs were positive and

honest, It really drew me in to want to have a look
at their blogs.
Comments on other’s blogs

Step 4 Unfortunately I was unable to find your


company’s financial statements so I’m unable to

give any feedback for you.
Input company’s financial statement

Step 5 For step 5, I liked the questions and I hope you

find the answers. Again I liked how in depth you
KCQs became when writing about the chapters.

Step 6

Feedback to others

Overall ASS#1 For you overall assessment 1, my feedback is that

I genuinely enjoyed your work and best of luck for
your studies.

Note: Please use this sheet as a guide. There is no need to provide feedback on each step of ASS#1. For
example, someone may have little or no draft work completed for one or more of the steps prior to asking
for your feedback.

Feedback is really important because you get to know the what mistake you have done and
can correct your mistake. I really found the feedback helpful because in step 5 I didn’t see
that I have to do chapter 3 as well and in the feedback one student told me that I have missed
chap 3. Therefore I again looked the question again read the chapter and did that. It was really
interesting to hear different people ideas different creativity’s it was really great.


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