Lsa (Eng-Rus)

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AOST AO3T UHHHM® - 1996 EN Re uae gue’ re (CyaORnATEALUAM WKANHTAHAM, sun) Eee seme Pe Seay et nn tober eka veronenca ‘Ahctane Koneminn Ho oxpane Yenonewecxon xuOHH Ha Mope 1974 T: FECES Voaanng noarorosseno oraexe Gesonacwocru wope- sganaionn"AOSTcllennpaati uaysio-nceKcaonateny- Seam lngosarue-xonctpyavopexnh smcvisyT MopexOTS Omerersennum nenoanutens 2 Kaa TexHaye. EM Opsananncon Nepenox ~ T.B.Kyanewona, B.11.Crpeaxon, PeMopurnuai-waxer — H.10.Porona, © AO3T UHHUM®, 1996 MPEAMCAOBME B wwne 1996 r. 66 cecenn Komurera no Gesonaciocnt a Mope Mexayuapoanon MopeKon opranusaunn (KM HMO) npniiaaa coed pesonwunen MSC.48(66) Mexay~ Hapoauath xouexe no cnacaYemuaum. cpeactsam, ORG Tobsenuh ua 6ax0 noaoxeunt ‘tact Cran Ill “Chacarenume ‘epencraa wYerpolierna> KoNweHUNH COMAC=74 THoaxounretom HMO no chacareasnun pe esa, mowcxy #enacanm, Koaexe ICA” serynact ® chay é wont 1998 Hacronutce pyccxo-anranexoe axenic Koxexca JICA acyutccrmacno c'denw enocupswentoro onakou teh 92° fiepeconsnmac am oprmsnuyh © mown mews ob, noanaxeiounn non aeRerane Konvenunn CONAC-T4 fAucanmexnh sam mprpoaites » xaveerse ofmunas nord pasotere mound HAO {a oranine or fyeeeorey Toimoudrocn Tonsko oputunassitn7uKOM) Wn TOR pwnateb caytuat pronrcnus Neuron Sneayer pyEOROR ‘Toomarscn anranicen a Tozoxsina wacren A x 8 aencrnyroueR rani HIE COANE TE Nenpasnennnie™ n° xoneanene, 3 cern pane’ Koaeken ACA, cocrannann cozepaane ono Howehionii w aonotiewmh Ne6 ekoncoamanponsnnony ‘oxery Konnenitn COWAC-74 woaawin UHM 1 MSC.48(66) mona 19968.) IPHHATHE MEXAYHAPOAHOTO KOAEKCA HO" CHACATEAGHBIM CPECTBAM QROMERC Ics) KOMHTET Mo BE20NACHOCTH HA MOPE, CCHMARCL ua cram 28(6) Kowsenuin 0 Mexaytapeuton uopekok “opramanian, “eacegioct Sa Rowers TIPMSHABAR neoSxoamwoers 9 wexaywapoaiiix eranaapmn as chacarehonax eponcts, pesyouin aas0R HPMudpeansh consent no opone venoneweckoh Sioa dpe (COHN) 1514 rons € monpancanon, OTMETHB pesoneuno MSC.47(69), Korop0h_ ot pans ena hposeroy nonpannt se tl Konner exca no chacaveaunum cpeactnam (Koaekey ICA) ob838- AEA sapaciep ne Kofoenuan Sumy 1988 cone, PACCMOTPED ita choeh 66. cecenn —verct npeasoxcomiore Rosekcs HCA, 1, IPHHMMAET Mexaynapoauuit xoaexe no/ cna tareiuatt eponetaan “Roasce HCA) eset xoropore stout’ rifusostcnn x nacroaine® pesontun 2. OTMENAET, ro, cornacho nonpagxan x raane Tit. xosseauin COANC:74° nonpanse E Konexcy HCA Soe onaiy a cha? aekersyir scoot: ican poucabpanacettnonpenot b Tipmoxsune, RESOLUTION MSC.48(66) (adopted on 4 June 1996) ADOPTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL LIFE-SAVING. APPLIANCE (LSA) CODE THE MARITIME SAFETY COMMITEE, RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning. the functions of the Committee, RECOGNIZING the need to provide international standards for life-saving appliances required by chapter III Of the: International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, 98 amended, NOTING | resolution MSC.47(66) by which it adopted, inter alia, amendments io chapter IIT of the SOLAS” Convention “to make the provisions of the International Life-Saving "Appliance (LSA) © Code mandatory under that Convention on of after I July 1998, HAVING CONSIDERED, | at its sixty-sixth session, the text of the proposed LSA Code, I. || ADOPTS the International Life-Saving Appliance (isa) Code the text of which is set out in the Annex to the present resolution: 2, NOTES that under the amendments to chapter 111 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, amendments 10 the LSA Code’ shall-be adopted: brought’ into force and shall take effect in accordance with the provisions of article VIII of that Convention concerning the amendments procedure appliabie tothe ‘Annex to the Convention other than chapter I; 3. MIPOCHT Fenepanunoro cekperaps nanpanire 2- Begennue Konun Hacromuien pesomoun n Tenet Koackea TCA, conepaauuies 8 Hpuzoxewn, nce Morowapuea- routniven npasnTeaversam Rowsenivnn: 4. IPOCHT AMEE Fenepassuoro cexperaps Hanpa: Bure Konnw aannow pesoamunu H ef0 Fipmnomenut ae Rant Opranusauin, He AbanouunMes Joronapnnanisinnnen Rpapwreauetnann ext of acting 3. REQUESTS 1 tot Certified copies of the present resolution and the the LSA Code contained in the Annex to all C GSvemmente to the Convention 4. FURTHER REQUESTS the Secretary-General to Gansmit copies of this, retolution and. its Annex. to Members of the Organization, which are not Contracting Governments to the Convention. BBEAEHHE PHOKEHHE MEXAYHAPOANEIA KOUEKC Mo CHACATEABHMIM CPEACTBAM OPTABAEHME = oBuIME HOnOxEHHA MiMenayannie RCRA hencrpa Pexpoxocreuse Tasyone ~ CHACATEABHME LMOMKH H MIOTHL ANNEX THE INTERNATIONAL LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCE CODE CONTENTS PREAMBLE CHAPTER | ~ GENERAL Definition ‘ori Stag spines ‘CHAPTER 11 ~ PERSONAL. TIPESSN kc arpuiances 22° Laejacees 23° Immersion sue 2:4 Anti-exposure soit (AES) (CHAPTER I ~ VISUAL SIGNALS 53 Buoyant smoke signals (CHAPTER IV — SURVIVAL CRAFT 42 Inflatable iterate 49 Rais Werte 45) Pertally enclosed lfbouts 4.6 Totally encloses tteouts 47 Freefall ifboats 49, Pireprotected itepoat 1s » n a” ss 10s um MARA Vv ~ AEXYPHME MimIONKHL Sa Mexypwe sone TIARA Ae SISERMOMAME YCTFOACTBA 62 Mopexe anaayssnomtue cxcren (M3C) TIARA Vit ~ APYTHE CHACATEABHME CPEICTIA TAL nwenerarenbnae yerpohera oy ‘powearoopened cat 12 CHAPTER V ~ RESCUE BOATS fs ~ ARDNGNBARKATION APPLIANCES 61 “Lanning and embarkation appiancet ‘CHAPTER VII ~ OTHER LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES BBEAEHME 1 ens nacrosmero Koaexca snagetes yeranosacnte Nexaynapoanln cTautapton k enacarerumun cpeae bay, Tpebyenunt TavoH IIL Mexaynapoanolt KouneMun nS ‘Oxpane wenoneweckoR xuaHN Ha Mope (CONAC) 1974 1 2 C1 moag 1998 +r. ganmush Konexe snagerea O6ssarembuun no MexayuapoaHoll konuenunn no oxpane Yeroneweckom ams wa wope (COA) 1974 Tr. Thoowe Synyume nonpanxn x Koaexey O1o0pantes M neTynawr ® Chay b coorbereraiw e npouleaypoR,, npeayeMorpenvon Stavselt VIIT buuleyxasannon Komnenun TaABA - OBMIME noAOKEHMA L.A Onpesenes LLL Koweenqus omaiaer MexayHapoauyio Kounenumo No” oxpane wesoveweckol ann a wope “874 tee monpasxasin. 1.1.2 S9hermuence ydasenue om cydna ects cnocos- acre, snacarenuiix unwnox, ‘cnyckacMux (enoGomitun Maaehwen, yutstben of eyNa nocae enyeKa Ges Henomb- Sonsnnn nx'apnrareneh. 11.3 Yécopenue npu enyexe wemodow ceotoduoco nadenua ect yéxopenne, ‘Koropoe wenuTuBaer ma ce6e MaXO- Sivuinces 8 unorixe naw npH enyene 114 Bucoma cnycra ceoGoduw nadenuem core NawGonstian onobpenwax nuicova chyexa, mawepentan oF EHoxosWoH novepkiocta nou 40 cawodl ‘MM3KoM Tow etiacatenbHom urhonKM, Oras OHS WaxoaNTeA ® NOTOxe= inn Totosnoct K enyeny. LS Yeon xaesowa enyerosod pawns ecrs yroa wexay Topisoitranesion nnockoete ‘wenyexoneh pasion EnacarenwMoh WANK. -b NOROMEWHNTOTOBHGCTH enyexy, Korma cyano He aect nedepewra PREAMBLE 1 The purpose, of this Code is to provide International, Handards Yor life-saving appliances required by chapter III ofthe International, Convention forthe Sheety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 2 On of after 1 July 1998, this Code will be mandatory “requirements” under” ‘the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, Any future amendment to the Code must be adopted and Brought into force in accordance ‘with the procedure Isid down in Article VIIT of that Convention, CHAPTER I - GENERAL 1.1 Definition L.11_ Convention means the International Convention for the Safety” of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended 1.12 Eyfective clearing of the ship is the ability of the ffee-tallfifeboat to. move away. from the. ship” after ffee-fall launching Without using its engine LL, Freefall accieration isthe tate of change. of ‘locity experienced by the occupants during launching 0 2 tree fall lifeboat 114 Free-fall certification height is the greatest leunching helght for which the ifebost is to be approved, measured. from the sill water surface to the lowest point onthe lifeboat when ‘the. lifeboat is inthe launeh Configuration, 11S Launching ramp angle is the angle between the Novizontal ‘and the Touncht rail ofthe tifeboat in its Position with the ship’ on even keel 1.1.6 dauna enyexoeod panu ecth pacctonnue or xopwis Ciscarcasnon “Wannen 4" Mwsnese Kowa chyeRsven pais 11.7 Mpaewso osnavaet npanizo, cosepaauieces » Np Tpedyenan d:x enycka ceobodnun nadenuen sucoma anBoabunee paccronwue, wosepnewoc oF cHlokohon hhonepxnocrl Boalt ao. caMoli MHSKOM TO%XH_NONKH Tonokenmn, ee Foroswoct, x "enyeky. & cYANO pM anwennuren “oxenayaraunonnon ov2axe’ 1.1.9 Caemonosepawauuit Mamepuas crs Marepwaa, orpaxapiuh-p. nporivotiosoxioM Manpanaenin AY Chera, Hanpansenniil wa Here, 1.1.10 Yeon axoda # a0dy cots yron Mexay ronson Fatnwoll Miocxoctoe Mm Manpantene abWKCMKR emaCe Jembio Uinionxw npx" ee Kucanut Boa 1.1.11 Tepwnusi, nenomoyemue » nactosuen Konexce, ietor ‘T6"'xeeamoe snaveHe, kak M “Te, KoTopue onpexeacw ® npannae T1173 Koumewune 1.2 O6mue rpe6ona 1.2.1 Mlywer mpuaenseres x enacarersinn epea- cia neon eyade. 1.2.2 Een cheuwanswo we ofonopeno noe nam cenit Aahionterpauiia, yantipan Konuperiiae pellet, nocromito Conepuisenue cyawow, "He cower, To. Heobxoanntt pyrite tpeGonanna, sce npeanwcusacwue aaHHOR acto enbeareabnue cpeaeToa aoa iA cuacareasnum cpeners sl GTS HororopAeHss HantexaulN o6paz0M Ka naatexauine watepnanon: 2 Gur » pabovem cocrosuun np xpanenuie wx pH rewheparype noaayea Ov 30 Ho" # 63°C; 3 Gute » paGosem coctosunm pu texmeparype Mopexon oam or 1 no 480°C, ecam npeatio: Raraevea, Wo mpi HenoxbdoaMHN BOSMOAMO HX orpyaetite » opeKy Bony: 4 re 270 npmMennwo, urs crofxn x rime fo TKoppasi "ue tonal oan jesiepHony BoSaeiieTsINO MopCKOM BORK, Heprw Waw TpHOKoDs 1.1.6 Launching ramp lengih is the distance between the etn of the lifeboat and the lower end of the launching ramp. 1.1.7 Regulation means regulation cont Annex tothe Convention.“ L18 Required free-fall height is the greatest distance tieagured” from the sll watel surface to the lowest point fon the lifeboat when ‘tho’ lifeboat ‘is in ‘the. launch Senfigucation “and “the! ship in its rightst seagoing 1.1.9 Rewro-reflective material is a material which reflects inthe opposite direction « beam ‘of light directed on it ined in the gibt SIE al ie MBN a fll Ss ifacd eStart 1.2 General requirements for lite 1.2.1 Paragraph applies to life-saving appliances, on all ships 1.2.2 Unless expressly provided otherwise or unless, in the” opinion of the Administration having regard tothe particular voyages on which the "ship. is constantly Engaged, other requirements are” appropriate, all life-saving appliances prescribed in this part shall: Tbe constructed with proper workmanship and 2 not be damaged in stowage throughout the air (Smperature tange 30°C to 6SCy 3 if they are tikely to be immersed in seawater during! ‘their use, operate’ throughout the Scawater temperature tange — 1°C to 30°C 4 where applicable, be rot-proof, _corrosion- Fesistant, "and not be “unduly. affected by feawater, oll or fungal attack; 5 me teperh, cnowy xaucerm, cenit oni orxpisra Roatshernn conneunin ayaeh : 6 Guin xopowo snanworo usera veay. rac 9x0 Syner sHocotersonavs nx obnap) enn: 7 Gurb cha6xeHst cueronoaupamsounn sare- Pititow n rex ntecran, tae a0. G3AeT cHOCOS Etponans wx obhapyxenit, "2. takKe coor Ssorerann ¢ pexonennauann Opravnaaunn’: 8 cen oun npeawaauiaens aan wenoxboowantua Ha fonnenun, "yaonnernopsrenuo. pavorars 0 7a: x yeronita: 9 wsiers Yerko. aNeceMny wnopranin 06 ‘odpeuitn, nxawvan nannanute Aswmierpauin, Saoopnnuie® cpeuerno, a raxxe ykavanitio Ms ‘tooue sxcnayaratwoniowe orpermenna, 10 Gure oGcenesevs, rae 270 HeOGxORHMO, sautH- Son or. monpescacunh Ww rencenan Tpaan ph HOporcow “nani "wenn onexrpanecnore 1.2.3 Aawmuncrpauwe sonia yerahanannars cpox cayx- Git enacatentmn’ epesern, noakepxensiut norepe. enon xeveetn ¢ sowenwen! apeucien: Tame etacaretunnie oped: Sins goaainu uucrs wapenponty, yeasusaouty® ‘epox Sonuoctn am "any, Xofaa von’ asx Oute aaMes Hen Tloctomnian’ wapknporka navoil neTeveninn epoxa Chyaul“npeamowrusensnce “aan yeranopaenma epex Stodpenus. "Bacxrpooarapen, He nkemulne waprnpencn atu” nevevenn cpoxa Toawocrs, Moryr Menoanionetbe Hpi Yeaonnn. exeroawoh Wx danenin, a 8 eAYtann Nonoataonanna prophnfon Savapen (axxyeiaarOpOs) cen peayewarpuuacren noswoaunoerw sposepkn ToamoeTi HX SheKtpomtra ommteeh Hilo € nomwoxnor nomaanssn satires 5 where exposed to sunlight, be resistant to Seterioration: 6 be of a highly visible colour on all parts where this will assist “detection: ‘ssist in detection and in the recommendations of the Organizations"; 8 if they are to be used in a seaway, be capable of ‘satisfactory operation in that environment; ith _approval_ information jon which approved 10 where applicable, be provided with electrical Short clteuit protection to prevent “damage oF injury, 1.2.3. The Administration shall determine the period of inces which are subject 10 i be fered “method y Preferred method. ol of” acceptability. Batteries. not jon date may be used if they are the ase of a secondary battery (Ecumulator), tf the condition of the electrolyte can be Feadily ‘cheekea. TIARA 1 — MHAMBHAYARBHBE cuarreR 11 CHIACATEABHDIE. CPEJCTBA PPLIANCES LIFESAVING APPLIANCES. 2a Cua we KpyH 2A Lieb 21.1 Cneunuxauna enacareaunoro xpyra Kaxawi cnacareasnis xpyr a0nxen 2A Lifebuoy specification Every lifebuoy shall 1 were napyacuuit anawerp we Goace 800 sat MYIpenMAA awaMeTp Me Menee 400" sar saNBaTBCN wa nxaBY¥ETO MaTepHaaa; na (cnacayeatioro KpYFa He aouRHa O6ee. Rewwwanuex 1pocrinncom, ApoGxosol crpyxton Wan xpoukoH, xakwnt Gu fo HH GkLN0 ApyTM Puxau Kpowenbiu warepwanoM aM MaaySHA= fue noaayummnonKaslepant faceoR we weuse THiS kre Tevewwe 244 MeTR waccy He MeHee 2,5 KF; Me oanepxusari ropenus aw nposoaxars Maaswrees tocae Toro, Kax on On HoaMocTHO ‘Ounaven mraqenied '» Fouche 2 c+ mercenary, mere Sei ane ner kel, SRR ol AI a SRA Stance ttt cue ip snemease aerate have an outer diameter of not more thaw #00°mm'and sn inner diameter of not less than 400 mm: be constructed of inherently buoyant material; 1 shail mot depend upon rushes, cork ‘shavings fr granulated cork, any other loose granulated ‘material or any air compartment which depends fon inflation for buoyancy: be capable of supporting not fess than 14.5 ke Of irom in fresh rater for’. period of 24 h have @ mass of not less than 2.5 kg: not sustain burning or continue melting after Bolg ota enveloped n'a re for alperod be constructed to withstand a drop_ into. the Mater irom the ‘Reight at which, fis stowed Gove ‘the waterline’ in the lightest seagoing ondition. or 30m, whichever ts. the greater, Sithout impairing ‘ither is perating capability br that of its attached components: if it is intended to operate the quick release Mirangement “provided for. the. self-activated Smoke signals and seif-igniting. lights, have. mass sufficient 10 operate the “quick felease Strangement be fitted with a grabline not less than 9.5 mm im diameter and not Tess than 4 times ‘the Outside diameter of the body of the. buoy in ength: The grabline ‘shall be secured at four equidistant. points around the circumference of {he buoy to" form four equal loops. 2.1.2 Cawossxnrapunece cnrwansnute ori Seacareammx xpyrs Camozaxurawutees cwrnaasnue orn, 1pe6yeme mpasnaom I11/7.1.3, noaxHe: ne 1 Gus tak, #7063 on He MoFAM Guth nora ‘mena "pono 2 Gurk Geaoro woera_ zonaiu ropery senpe- Pubho"e Chto chert een 2Ex wo ace, Rampansennan neprne® noayetepat Wai ‘pobacexm e wacrovoW ne mete 30 M ne TBenposncexon'» unnyzy, no wewbuch epee TaKOR Re opiGextHaNaH Cason caeTa: 3 uMers neromMK sueprun, obecreauanounl Suinonwenne rpeGopainn nywera 2-22 yevenme mo. mennunen wepe 25 4 eutaepxnnars nenseranine cGpackinanitens, tpe6y- thee nynurow 2-1-6 2.1.3 AvrowaruseckH aeterayioue auMonNe WamKH Snacarenuinux xpyron Astomamiueckn aeflersyoune awMoswe, amy cnacareasmun Epyros, ‘Tpe6yenue mpasaene Il/7-1°3, 1 gapars aun Xopowo aKAKMoro Bera paRHo- Mepwo a tevewme no wensmen wepe 13 sm, maxon 2 Me oper scmuuKaMn Mm He BuGpacwnaTs Ruane a tegen acero. BpeMenn ReheTaMA Aunono® trainx 3 Me saamsarses son0f Ha soanenNH; ‘4 mponoaxars ausmoo6pasosanive pH nosso no- FpyACHHM B BoA) NO MeMbuIEH Mepe Ra 10 Cc. 5) ouunepxunars wemuranne eGpachiannen, 1pe6y- ewoe nynerone 2116. eee 2.4 Mnanyane enacateauwe aun Tiranyene cracatemsiue 4KHH, Tpe6yeMMe nani om 1/713, moana saa | 1 6uTs neexpysunaiouundnes: 2 nmeTs anawerp He Meniee 8 wu; 3. uwerb paapuisiioe yeumue He mene 5 KH. 2.1.2 Lifebuoy self-igniting lights Hights required by regulation I be such that they cannot be extinguished by 2 be of white colour and capable of either bur. fing. continuously with a luminous intensity of Mot tat tha 26d" all directions of the up er hemisphere oF flashing (discharge Mashing) Ia"rate of not less tha $0 flashes and- not more ‘than 70" flashes per minute. with at leant the corresponding effestive luminous intensity; 3 be provided with a source of energy capable of Inedling the “requirement, of paragraph 21.272 ora Period Of at feast 2°05 ee 4 be capable of withstanding the drop test required by paragraph 2-1 2.1.3 Lifebuoy self-activating smoke signals Self-activating smoke signals required by regulation 111/7..3 shall: 1 emit smoke of a highly visible colour at a Uniform rate for a ‘period ‘of at least 1S min ‘when floating in calm ‘wat 2 not ignite explosively or emit any flame during the chtire Smoke ‘emission time of the signal 3 not be swamped in a seaway; continue to emit smoke when fully submerged In'water for a'petiod of at least 10's; 5 be capable of withstanding the drop test Fequired by paragraph 2.1.1 2.1.4 Buoyant lifelines Buoyant lifelines requiced by regulation m2 Shall * 1 be nonkinking; 2 have a diameter of not less than 8 mm; 3. have a breaking strength of not less than 5 KN. 2.2 Cnacareawume xxwserst 2.2.1 O6une TpeGonannn x enacareabHum xnACTaM 221.1 Cnacatesbiui auser aoaKen we noatepxnnarh Fopeiiua "wan. raphrtea nocke Toro, Kak “OH Oa homoctasd oxaauen Mawenew n reweune 2c. Kowcrpyxuna cnacareniiora xnaevs £98 wapocnoro Aehoneka aonkha Suse Taxon, sTO6M 1 no xpaiinen wepe 75% amu, conepisenno ne Siaxount © xOneypyxune sizer, MOF Mpa ahauno nocnonsaonarsen ao We1ehne He Sones SanoH winnysat Ges ReAKOR mostouhy nOscKAIOK team npeamapnrension aewoNerpauit 2 nocae aewonerpauin Haxcaavina vee ana ewor- Sn npanunune” wagers ero. ea" nocroponnch onotn n vevenue ne Goxee Ts 3 Guino conepuenno cio, To ero MoxMO fancears. avy na. omhiyeropony Wan robs, mo" aomioanocni,, mextowatacy sepoxTHoeys Renpannanivoro.waacaaiina 10 6x0 ya06HO HoetT Sm meu woo 6uxo mpurars » soay ¢ scorns fe"“Meutce San” Ges Hoayaena rencevn Mompexatenui i Geo cwemetna an nonpexaens tpn svaxe cnacatenbnoro xiaeTa Cnacarensinah xanser Aun aapocaoro vexonexa onxen‘obiaasty, Kocratowon ‘nasyaceraio”_ ostonan= octane npecnoh soxe npu oreyrerni hoalienta, Toes 1 moagepxumars por obcccnaesutero rn nove: Mewee 10 un of noau" take aot eno {otonexa Suto oveaoneNo Navas NOM YTHOM He sewee’ BO" or ero’ sepraxansnora: nonOXeHna; 2 nonopswisars aa pea we Goace Sc tex0 orepabilero™ coswanne sononcka a n0z0 "n3 ‘hogaro Monoxenut 8 raxocy ApH Koropom ero por woxonnten nag BoxoR Cnacaresswsit xuact 224 napocsoro yenosexs 202 Koi ure saxune, Wto6u sew MoMNO. Bu30\mponauts oponcoe psrosiuieu tedparuce t chacarensiye maenay 2.2 Lifejackets 22.1 General requirements for lifejackets 22.1.1 A lifejacket shall not sustain burning imine ster Being (taly'enveloped in' fire for 5 period An adult lifejacket shall be s0 constructed that 1 at least 75% of persons, who-are_ completely Unfamiliar with the lifejacket, can correctly don it within a period of one’ minute without assistance, guidance or prior demonstration; 2 after demonstration, al! persons can_correett fon it within a. peviod of one minute without 3. itis clearly capable of being worn in only one May ore as areas x practicable, ‘cannot be donned’ incorrectly; 4 it is comfortable to wea 5 it allows the wearer to jump from a height of east 4.3, m into the water without injury Gnd’ "without" dislodging "or damaging. the iifejacket 2.1.3 An adult lifejacket shall have sufficient buoyancy And stability in calm fresh water to: 1 iM the mouth of an exhausted or unconscious person not less than 120mm clear of the water Sith the body’ inclined backwards, at an angle oft fest than 20" from the vertical poston: 2. turn the body of an unconscious person in the Water. from. ‘any ‘position to one where. the jouth, is dear of” the water in’ not more an & An adult lifejacket shall allow the person wearin ito‘twim & short distance and to board a survival craft, Konerpyxun aerekoro cnacaterbnoro xzera 202K hha jnonsereopate tex xe rpebopanitan. Kovopie peseanan- loice x enacaverniomy xuaety 248 Bypoerore YeAoweKa, HO 1 aomyexaetex okasanie nooun wanoaeTHm. ent np mogesanan xaeTa: 2 tpe6yerca toauxo wroGu noaaepxanne pra o6cc~ Shacauiero "han ovepsnier coonahie aa Bogoll Haxoanaoce Ha paceTouMun, cooTueTeTay- Toute paawepy pedenna: 3. nonyexactes oxasanne noqow xer#M mx noeaa~ xe'n woaaceTunnoe cnacaremiec, ¢pencrno. 13 Bonus, oawaxo nousiaiocts peGewka He 20% ia” eyilcerneno™orpanieunatacs waxerine B aononHenMe x MapKnposxe, Tpe6yemon nyt you 12.2.9, Mapenponxa aetexoro chacatemuore xHNETa Jonxwa coepaare’ Ipeneam pocta man neca peGenxa, npw xoropun het bukepansact wentirania W yxonterBopRe ‘pwrepian, penowenaonaniun Opranaaunen™ 2 cumnon «childs, Kak » odo6pennom Opranuaa- Uneh** catboas Aetexore enacarensnoro HM3e- ya cenacarensaush xwaet a9 2eTe Maanyaeers cnacateayyoro euaera He aonxHa Swchiowiatbed Gores ew Ha 3% nocne NOrPYRCHNA ero. B hnpecnyio pony na 24" 2.2.18 Kaxault cnacaremuu xwter gonxen Gury cua eh ‘cewetkom, ‘WaexMo. puxpenteninia KHeMy” © Romouieio unypa, 2.2.2 Haaypnwe cnacarembuue xnaerss Cnacatemuum xwaer, naasyvects Koroporo o6ec~ newusaeren naaysannem, ome MMeTD He MeHee ABYX Otaensnux xanep, otmevarh tpeGopannan mynRTa 22-1, Ht I naaynaricn anromarnvecki np _norpyxeni, hers yerpolictso 214 HeaYeaxin, npnponmboe & Holicrone ‘pyunyio ontinn aBIXCHWeM, a TaRxe ‘Opransonineh pesonmiel A SIXT), ¢ nonpamao Secupeps cress curatn mene + emo A child lifejacket shall be constructed and perform tive same as an adult lifcjacket except as follows: 1 donning assistance is permitted for small childrens 2 it shall only be required to lift the mouth of fn "cahaustea “or‘unconscious! mente clear Of the Intended wearer; and 3 assistance may be given to board 9 survival Graft. but wearer” mobility” shall not be Slanificantly reduced. ited by paragraph eo with: 2.1.6 In addition to the markings 1 2.2'8,"8 child lifejacket shall bem: AI the height or weight range for, which the Ifejacket will meet the testing ‘and evaluation criteria recommended by the Organization*: 2 a. schild> symbol as, shown in the schild's Tncjacygt> Symbor “Sgopted” oy tne Organ: zation A lifejacket shall have buoyancy which is not Feducedby more than 3% after 24°h submersion in feesh ‘water Each lifejacket shall be fitted with a whistle fiemly seeurea by a cor 2.2.2 Inflatable fifejackets A llfejacket_ which depends on inflation for buoyancy. shai ave “not lest than, two separate "com: wments and comply with the requirements. of paragra Bend sha : parser! 1 inflate automatically on immersion, be provi- ded. with a. device” to" permit inflation "by a Sitete’ manual motion and be capable of being Tet te Reommenaon on Tein of Lisaigg Aptian: atolet fy" bigmnasion by exsanon Auth) ar sense Resmi ae icy spans ad Arann cro KoNeTpyEuNN RonaHa GlsTH TaXCH, 4T06u fpeayeurpunansct nooMoRWocT® HakyRanna prow. 2 ormevars tpeGonaniam nyweron, 2.2.13 STENT Wenyane. norepm mranyecrH KaKOi> Su6o"oahoh a awe” 3 omevary rpesouannen nywKra noeae Ranyaanix € neMoulewo apromarwicekoro Mexa- 2.2.3 CurManbiise oruit enacaremux xuLxeTOR Kaxaui cHrnasiufl oom cnacatembioro. xuae- 1 were cway evera we wenee 0,75 xa vo ncex Nanpanacnnax sepxaed nonyeepa; 2 wets HeroMUNK sHeprHm, enocoGmMA ocene- “imate city cnera 0,95 mim Towenme Me wenec on 3 Gus nwannnn, Korsa on npyxpenaen x ena- Catensnony Miter, 8 MaNGoRbile XaeTH Cermentra aepaeh noxyedepu, HacKOTEKO. 370 ipacrisecki nosMox 4 Gur» Gexoro unera wwii orolt, ynowsuyrish » nyuxre snateren npoOaeckobunl, OH 1oAxeH, KPOME TOTO: [ enaGxarsen pyaHun suixmowatesen; H 2 aware aposscckn ¢ wacTorol Me weHee SO 4 fie once 70. npoGaeckon. b MMhyry, M WMETE Bppextumuyw euay enera He Menee 0,75 en 2.3 Punpoxocroms: 2.3.1 O6umne tpeGonanna x ruapoxoctioMan Tuapoxocriow xorxen worotansunaraes 13 nonoKe- poiuaesbx Marepuanon TakW, WTO0M 1 ero NoxHo Gux0 pacnaxonaTs m HaneTs Jes 0- Eroponnell nowoun v vevene He Gosee 2 MMi Bucere ¢ anGol coorsereraywulen omexa0u" i Sinope tana cs So inflated by mouth; 2 in the event of loss of buoyancy in any one Compartment be capable of complying with te sEgubements oF paleraphe 32402) Eat and 3 comply with the requirements. of paragraph SORPF tier “innation by" means of” the ‘litomatic: mechanism, scket lights Each lifejacket light shall: 1 have luminous intensity of not tess than 0.75 ed in all directions of the upper hemisphere; 2 have a source of energy capable of Kiminous intensity of°0.18"c at Teast 8 3. be visible over as great a segment of the upper emiaphere as is practicable when attached to a‘Titelacket; ‘and roviding 4 73¥edtor # period’ of A be of white colour If the light referred to in. paragraph is « flashing light it shall, in addition: 1 be provided with a manually operated switch; and 2 flash at a rate of not tess than $0 flashes and ot more than 70 Thashes per minute with an effective juminous intensity’ of at least 0.73 ed. 2.3 Immersion suits 2.3.1 General requirements for immersion suits The immersion suit shall be constructed with Watesproof materials such that 1 it can be unpacked and donned without assis tance’ Wwithia 2” min, taking “into account any associated clothing*, and a lifejacket if the +e puny 9.1.3 of se Recommendation on Taig of Lie Apuate? apes oye" Oapiesion Oy esisuon ASIN). as ae ”

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