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Construction and Building Materials 259 (2020) 120428

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Influence of steel fibers corroded through multiple microcracks on the

tensile behavior of ultra-high-performance concrete
Wonsik Shin, Doo-Yeol Yoo ⇑
Department of Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University, 222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 04763, Republic of Korea

h i g h l i g h t s

 Better tensile performance is achieved if steel fibers are moderately corroded.

 Twisted fiber in UHPC is more susceptible to corrosion than the straight fiber.
 Fewer and smaller microcracks give better tensile behavior by moderate corrosion.
 Steel fiber corrosion affects g-value more significantly than tensile strength.
 Maximum of 23% increase in the g-value is achieved by moderate steel fiber corrosion.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study aims to investigate the effects of pre-formed microcrack properties and immersion duration in
Received 21 February 2020 a 3.5% NaCl solution on the corrosion degree of steel fibers in ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC).
Received in revised form 11 June 2020 Two types of steel fiber, i.e., straight and twisted, two pre-strain levels causing different microcrack prop-
Accepted 29 July 2020
erties, i.e., 0.45% and 0.6%, and four immersion durations of 0, 4, 10, and 20 weeks were investigated.
Available online 1 September 2020
Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analysis was conducted using scanning electron microscope
images for a quantitative evaluation of the degree of surface corrosion. Test results indicated that steel
fibers embedded in the multi-cracked UHPC are oxidized due to permeation of the NaCl solution and
Ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced
longer immersion durations lead to a higher corrosion degree in general. Better tensile performance
Steel fibers was achieved if both the straight and twisted steel fibers were moderately corroded. The twisted-
Corrosion degree fiber-reinforced UHPC was more susceptible to corrosion than the straight-fiber-reinforced UHPC,
Tensile performance indicated by the earlier deterioration in tensile performance and lower tensile parameter ratios. Given
Microcrack property identical immersion durations, the composites with fewer and smaller microcracks provided better ten-
sile performance due to the moderately corroded steel fibers. Steel fiber corrosion influences the energy
absorption capacity more significantly than the tensile strength, irrespective of the fiber type and micro-
crack property.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction it can be a sustainable alternative solution having superior proper-

ties in all aspects than the conventional precast reinforced concrete
Ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) (RC) cantilever retaining wall. However, it is also known to be sus-
was first introduced in the mid-1990 s [1], and since then, exten- ceptible to shrinkage cracks occurring during the manufacturing
sive studies have been conducted for its practical application. stage [9,10] and can form tiny microcracks that are barely detect-
Due to the excellent strength, ductility, durability, and fatigue able with the naked eye, owing to several environmental factors.
resistance, this newly developed material has been actively applied Xie et al. [10] reported a reduction in strength of ultra-high-
to many buildings and infrastructures worldwide [2–8]. As a typi- performance concrete (UHPC) over time due to a formation of ther-
cal example, Nematollahi et al. [7,8] introduced application of mal and shrinkage cracks. The high amounts of discontinuous steel
UHPFRC in the precast cantilever retaining walls and verified that fibers incorporated in UHPC mixture can bridge the cracks and dis-
tribute the stresses effectively, causing the formation of multiple
microcracks, instead of few macrocracks. Such tiny microcracks
⇑ Corresponding author.
can be pathways of permeation of harmful ingredients, causing
E-mail addresses:, (W. Shin), (D.-Y. Yoo).
oxidation of steel reinforcements, such as the discontinuous fibers,
0950-0618/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 W. Shin, D.-Y. Yoo / Construction and Building Materials 259 (2020) 120428

rebars, and tendons. Algaifi et al. [11] and Hearn and Lok [12] have mean particle size and density of the cement were 22 lm and
similarly reported that the microcracks can create easy pathway for 3.15 g/cm3, and those of SF were 0.31 lm and 2.10 g/cm3, respec-
harmful substances to enter and increase air permeability of concrete. tively. Additionally, fine aggregate and filler were used to achieve
Recently, Hashimoto et al. [13] evaluated the impact of initial crack high packing density and had mean grain sizes of 337 lm and
width on the diffusivity of chloride ions and tensile response of ultra- 4.2 lm, respectively. The SiO2 content of the filler was approxi-
high-strength concrete, with the mix proportion and curing method mately 98%. The advantages of using coarse aggregate in the UHPC
similar to those of UHPC, including the steel fibers under seawater mixture are low production costs, high liquidity, and less mixing
exposure conditions. The non-cracked UHPC samples exhibited insuf- time, but it also has a critical disadvantage of reducing the fiber
ficient steel fiber corrosion and chloride ion penetration up to bond strength. According to the American Concrete Institute
6 months, while the corrosion of steel fibers and deep chloride-ion (ACI) committee 239 [19], UHPC is required to achieve a compres-
penetration were clearly observed in the cracked UHPC with a width sive strength of more than 150 MPa. Thus, such high-fineness
of 0.5 mm or greater [13]. The tensile strength was also influenced by ingredients were only used to increase the bond strength and
steel fiber corrosion; the corrosion initiation led to an increase of load lower the water-binder (W/B) ratio to 0.2, substantially affecting
carrying capacity under tension. Beglarigale and Yazıcı [14] discovered the matrix strength. Additionally, a superplasticizer (SP) with a
that steel fibers embedded in UHPC could remain uncorroded for up solid content of 30% was used to achieve self-consolidating proper-
to 1,200 wet/dry cycles when sufficiently covered in artificial seawa- ties. As per the ASTM C1437 (flow table test) [20], the target flow
ter. Similarly, Voort [15] reported that the resistance to chloride ions value was in the range of 230–250 mm. The detailed mix propor-
and gas permeability of UHPFRC are substantially higher than those of tion is given in Table 1.
ordinary concrete and high-performance concrete, e.g., its chloride ion
and gas permeability resistances are approximately 34 and 10 times 2.2. Geometrical and physical properties of fibers
and 220 and 100 times greater than the others, respectively. This
improved performance is primarily attributed to the highly densified Concrete exhibits excellent compressive strength but is also
microstructures of the former, which effectively prevent the growth of vulnerable to tensile forces. Therefore, steel fibers have been
rust crystals on the steel fiber surface [16]. Shaheen and Shrive [17] adopted to reinforce this poor tensile performance. The volume
noted that the corrosion process of steel fibers in UHPC is extremely fraction of steel fibers used in this study was 2% [21]. It has been
slow, thereby causing the corrosion of the exposed steel fibers only. reported that smooth, straight steel fiber with a higher aspect ratio
Likewise, previous studies [13,14,16,17] have evaluated the of 100 is more effective in enhancing the tensile performance of
steel fiber corrosion in UHPC and reported consistently that its UHPC than that with a lower aspect ratio of 65 [22]. Several previ-
resistance to chloride ion penetration and steel fiber corrosion is ous studies [23–25] have also reported the benefits of deformed
extraordinary if no cracks are formed. Paradoxically, UHPFRC is steel fibers on the mechanical properties and shrinkage crack resis-
susceptible to the formation of cracks, as aforementioned, and if tance of concrete. Thus, the deformed (i.e., twisted) steel fiber,
the embedded steel fibers are oxidized, the tensile performance which is commercially available and has an aspect ratio of 100,
is altered considerably. In order to demonstrate the impact of steel was adopted in this study. Both macro straight and twisted steel
fiber corrosion on the tensile performance of UHPFRC, Yoo et al. fibers with a diameter of 0.3 mm and length of 30 mm were thus
[18] recently adopted corrosion-induced steel fibers as reinforce- used as reinforcement in the UHPC to assess the resistance to cor-
ments for UHPC and discovered that the steel fiber corrosion by rosion in seawater conditions and the impact of fiber corrosion on
up to 4% to 6% enhances the concrete’s tensile performance if the the tensile performance of UHPC. High-strength steel fibers with a
fibers are completely pulled out from the matrix without fracture. tensile strength of greater than 2,500 MPa were used to prevent
Although they [18] effectively evaluated the influence of steel fiber the fibers from prematurely rupturing from the UHPC matrix. Their
corrosion on the tensile behavior of UHPFRC, there was a limitation geometrical and physical properties are summarized in Table 2.
of using the pre-corroded steel fibers before mixing the concrete. In
real-world environment, the steel fibers, embedded in cement 2.3. Mixing and specimen preparation
matrix, are corroded through permeations of chloride ions, water,
oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other substances. For the UHPC mixture, dried cement, SF, silica sand, and silica
Accordingly, this study is the first to examine the effects of flour were combined in a Hobart-type mixer and pre-mixed for
microcracks and immersion durations in a 3.5% NaCl solution on 10 min to ensure proper dispersion. Then, to achieve the appropri-
steel fiber corrosion in UHRC composites and the impact of corro- ate fluidity, water and SP were added and mixed for an additional
sion on tensile performance. Two types of steel fibers, i.e., straight 10 min. When the mixture had proper viscosity, we carefully added
and twisted, two pre-strain levels of 0.45% and 0.6% to provide the the steel fibers for proper dispersion and mixed for 5 min. The flow
various microcrack properties, and four immersion durations rang- table test [20] was conducted to satisfy the target flow value
ing from 0 to 20 weeks were thus considered. The degree of corro- within the range of 230 to 250 mm.
sion on the steel fiber surface was also quantitatively evaluated For evaluating if the mixture achieves sufficient compressive
using scanning electron microscope (SEM) images with energy- strength, three cylindrical samples with a diameter of 100 mm
dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analysis. Oxidization of the and height of 200 mm were fabricated and tested for each variable,
steel fibers in the composites with microcracks was distinctly as per ASTM C39 [26]. The compressive strengths of UHPC rein-
observed and greatly influenced the post-cracking tensile perfor- forced with 2% straight and twisted steel fibers were found to be
mance owing to the altered interfacial bond properties between 210 and 201 MPa, respectively, greater than 150 MPa that is rec-
the fiber and matrix and the fiber failure mode. ommended by ACI Committee 239 [19].
The tensile performance of the UHPC was evaluated according
to the recommendations of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers
2. Experimental program (JSCE) [27]. A dog-bone-shaped specimen was used with a sec-
tional area of 30  13 mm2 and a length of 330 mm. The tensile
2.1. Ingredients and mix proportion of UHPC behavior after the post-cracking of the composites is considerably
influenced by the casting method [28,29], and aligning the fiber in
Type 1 Portland cement and silica fume (SF), i.e., Elkem the tensile force direction is effective [29]. Therefore, the fresh
Microsilica 940U, were used to fabricate the UHPC mixture. The UHPC with steel fibers was cast in the mold parallel to the tensile
W. Shin, D.-Y. Yoo / Construction and Building Materials 259 (2020) 120428 3

Table 1
Mixture proportion of UHPC.

W/By Mix design [kg/m3]

Water Cement Silica fume Silica sand Silica flour SP*
0.2 160.3 788.5 197.1 867.4 236.6 52.6

[Note] W/B = water-to-binder ratio and SP = superplasticizer.

Superplasticizer includes 30% solid (=15.8 kg/m3) and 70% water (=36.8 kg/m3).
W/B is calculated by dividing total water content (160.3 kg/m3 + 36.8 kg/m3) by total amount of binder (788.5 kg/m3 + 197.1 kg/m3).

Table 2
Properties of steel fibers.

Fiber type Diameter, df[mm] Length, lf[mm] Aspect ratio[lf/df ] Density[g/cm3] Tensile strength[MPa] Elastic modulus [GPa]
S-fiber 0.3 30.0 100.0 7.90 2,580 200.0
T-fiber 0.3 30.0 100.0 7.90 2,428 200.0

[Note] S-fiber = straight steel fiber and T-fiber = twisted steel fiber.

force to provide an appropriate and similar fiber orientation. After 2.5. Direct tensile test
pouring the concrete, the surface was covered with a vinyl sheet to
prevent the abrupt evaporation of water. The samples were then Direct tensile tests were conducted as per the JSCE recommen-
cured for 24 h at room temperature. After the specimens were dations [27]. The detailed geometry of the samples is demon-
demolded, they were immersed in a water tank at a high temper- strated in Fig. 2. The tensile force was applied using a universal
ature of 90 °C, which was used by the Federal Highway Administra- testing machine (UTM) with a maximum load capacity of 25 kN.
tion (FHWA) in the U.S. [30], and cured for 48 h to promote In order to minimize the impact of eccentricity during the experi-
strength development. After curing, the samples were kept at room ment, the specimen was carefully installed and secured with fix-
temperature in the laboratory until the tensile experiment. ings and screws. Pin-fixed support conditions were used to
minimize the effects of a secondary flexural moment, and a mono-
2.4. Corrosion process of fiber tonic uniaxial load at a rate of 0.4 mm/min was applied based on
the speed of the stroke movement. The load cell installed at the
If steel fibers are moderately corroded, their bond strength in crosshead of the UTM was used to record the applied load. The
the cement matrix increases, leading to an improvement in the elongation was measured by two linear variable displacement
tensile strength of composites. UHPC has much better corrosion transformers (LVDTs) with a capacity of 10 mm, installed in a spe-
resistance than standard concrete, but if cracks occur, the steel cially constructed aluminum frame, as shown in Fig. 2. The tensile
fibers can be corroded [13]. Thus, to evaluate the influence of stress and strain were evaluated by dividing the measured load
microcracks on the steel fiber corrosion in UHPC, the non– and and elongation by the cross-sectional area and gauge length, i.e.,
multi-cracked UHPC samples were immersed in a standard 3.5% 80 mm, respectively.
NaCl solution. Its impact on the tensile performance was then ana-
lyzed. First, for the multi-cracked samples, a tensile load was 3. Test results and discussion
applied before the peak-load and was then removed. The pre-
strain levels were determined to be located approximately in the 3.1. Comparative tensile behavior of UHPCs reinforced with straight
middle between the initial cracking and ultimate strains. Thus, and twisted steel fibers
the samples with straight fibers were subjected to a pre-strain of
0.45%, while the pre-strains of 0.45%, as a comparison, and 0.6% Fig. 3 compares the average tensile stress and strain curves of
were used for the samples with the twisted fibers. Afterward, both UHPC reinforced with the straight and twisted steel fibers. Initial
the non– and multi-cracked samples were exposed to NaCl solu- cracks in the matrix were formed at the tensile stress of approxi-
tion, similar to a marine environment, for a week. The samples mately 8 MPa for both the straight and twisted fiber samples,
were then dried for a week and immersed again in the solution and they exhibited equally higher load carrying capacity beyond
for a week. This process was repeated for a total of 4, 10, and the initial cracking point that is a strain-hardening response. Inter-
20 weeks. In the strain-hardening zone, only microcracks were estingly, the straight-fiber-reinforced UHPC samples showed
formed, and the NaCl solution could easily permeate through the higher tensile strength than the twisted fiber samples [22], even
cracks in the multi-cracked samples, causing steel fiber corrosion, though the latter had a relatively higher fiber–matrix bonding area
which could be accelerated during the drying process. A schematic due to its triangular shape and torque resistance, caused by the
description of the corrosion process is illustrated in Fig. 1. pre-twisting [21]. The lower tensile strength is because of an insuf-
The test variables are broadly divided into two parts, such as ficient matrix volume to cover the fiber ununiformly and to pre-
straight and twisted steel fibers. The initial capical letters, S and vent splitting cracks in the matrix by the excessive bond
T, thus indicate the straight and twisted steel fibers, respectively. strength. Thus, a portion of the twisted steel fibers was prema-
For the plain sample without pre-loading and corrosion process, turely pulled out from the matrix without untwisting, so that the
a hyphen and capical letter, P, were adopted as -P. On the other bond resistance of the twisted fiber was not fully developed in
hand, the pre-cracking and corroded samples had different nota- the composites. This is inconsistent with the findings of single fiber
tions. The pre-strain level was applied following the capital letters, pullout tests [22,31], and thus leads to inferior tensile strength
S and T, and the corrosion duration is provided after the hyphen. compared with that of the counterpart with straight steel fibers
For example, the S0.45-c4 indicates the pre-cracked UHPC sample at an identical aspect ratio of 100. For example, the post-cracking
containing straight steel fibers up to a pre-strain of 0.45% and tensile strength of the S-P samples was 16.7 MPa, approximately
exposed to the NaCl solution for 4 weeks. 18% higher than that of the T-P samples. A relatively smooth tensile
4 W. Shin, D.-Y. Yoo / Construction and Building Materials 259 (2020) 120428

Fig. 1. Process of steel fiber corrosion through multiple cracks.

reduced by increasing the fiber bridging stress and interfacial fric-

tional bond strength at a given fiber-bridging stress level. The
higher interfacial bonding area and anchorage effect of the twisted
fiber thus provided higher bond strength [22], causing the forma-
tion of more microcracks, compared with the straight fiber. The
average g-value of the S-P samples was found to be 104 kJ/m3, sim-
ilar to that (107 kJ/m3) of the T-P samples, due to the higher tensile
strength and post-cracking stiffness and lower strain capacity of
the former.

3.2. Effect of corrosion duration on the tensile behavior of UHPC with

straight steel fibers

Fig. 4 exhibits the comparative tensile stress and strain curves

of the plain, pre-cracked, and corroded straight steel fiber-
reinforced UHPC samples with various corrosion durations, i.e., 0,
4, 10, and 20 weeks, in the standard 3.5% NaCl solution. In order
to induce steel fiber corrosion in the NaCl solution, multiple micro-
cracks were pre-formed prior to the corrosion process. It was also
Fig. 2. (a) Direct tensile test setup and (b) geometrical details of specimen.
believed that the microcracked UHPFRC is closer to actual situa-
tions because it is susceptible to early-age shrinkage cracks [9].
In the strain-hardening zone, multiple microcracks are continu-
ously formed with limited increase in the crack width because
stress–strain curve was observed in the sample with straight steel the fibers are in the fully bonded or partially debonded state in
fiber, while the twisted fiber sample exhibited a zigzag-shaped general. The target tensile strain of the pre-cracked samples was
curve in both the strain-hardening and softening zones, mainly thus determined to be 0.45%, within the strain-hardening zone,
caused by spalling and splitting damages formed in the matrix. near the center between the initial cracking and peak points in
The matrix damages can be observed in Fig. 3a, showing the local- Fig. 4. The tensile stress–strain behaviors of the pre-cracked sam-
ized crack surfaces of the tested samples. The surface of the twisted ples were reasonably similar to those of the uncracked sample,
fiber sample was noticeably rougher than that of the straight fiber indicating that steel fiber corrosion mostly causes the variation
sample owing to the matrix damages, and a portion of the twisted in the tensile performance of the samples immersed in the NaCl
fibers had not fully untwisted even after they had been completely solution.
pulled out from the matrix. The tensile behavior of the UHPC with straight steel fibers is
The strain capacities and g-values are shown in Fig. 3b. Even surely affected by the immersion duration in the NaCl solution.
though the T-P samples provided a lower tensile strength, their The tensile behavior of a non-corroded, pre-cracked UHPC sample
strain capacity of 0.95% was greater than that (0.76%) of the S-P with a 0-week corrosion duration (S0.45-c0) was compared to that
samples, which might be attributed to the better cracking behavior of the plain sample (S-P) to evaluate the implication of pre-
of the former. As shown in Fig. 3a, more microcracks were formed cracking (control variable) on the tensile behavior, as shown in
in the sample with the twisted fiber than with its counterpart Fig. 4a. Although the initial tensile stiffness of the pre-cracked
because it could transfer the tensile stress effectively to the sur- UHPC sample was lower than that of the plain sample, the tensile
rounding matrix. He et al. [32] reported that the critical transfer strength and energy absorption capacity, which are fundamental
distance, which is related to the spacing of microcracks, can be parameters for evaluating the tensile performance, were quite sim-
W. Shin, D.-Y. Yoo / Construction and Building Materials 259 (2020) 120428 5

Fig. 3. Comparative tensile performance of UHPC with straight and twisted steel fibers: (a) tensile stress and strain curve and (b) summary of tensile parameters.

ilar for both samples. These results indicate that the pre-formed fibers from the composites, summarized in Fig. 6. Slight scratches
microcracks in the UHPC composites do not affect the tensile on the surface of the steel fiber pulled out from the non-
performance. corroded plain UHPC samples were only observed in Fig. 6a, while
After a 4-week immersion in the standard NaCl solution, the both scratches and iron(III) oxide creating rougher surface were
tensile strength of UHPC reinforced with straight steel fibers found in the 4-week corroded samples in Fig. 6b. The surface
increased substantially as compared with that of the plain sample, scratches were formed by abrasion from stiff particles at the inter-
as given in Fig. 4a and 5. Its tensile strength was found to be face [35]. This can be also verified through the SEM images with
18.8 MPa, about 13% increase over the tensile strength of the plain EDX analysis as shown in Fig. 7. Chemical element profiles for cop-
sample, caused by the increased surface roughness of the moder- per (Cu), iron (Fe), and oxygen (O) were analyzed for the following
ately corroded steel fibers. Frazão et al. [33] similarly reported that reasons: 1) Cu is the primary component of the brass-coating on
the bond strength of hooked-end steel fibers in cracked self- the fiber surface, 2) Fe comprises the main body of the steel fiber
compacting concrete increases after 10-day immersion in the and iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3), formed by the corrosion process, and
3.5% NaCl solution due to the increased fiber surface roughness 3) O is from the Fe2O3 and many other components in the hardened
by corrosion products. Yoo and Chun [34] have also recently cement mortar, e.g., Ca(OH)2, CaO, and SiO2. Cu from the brass
denoted that the pullout resistance of the straight steel fiber from coating primarily covers the surface of the plain steel fiber before
the UHPC matrix increases owing to the formation of an iron(III) the pulling-out process. However, as shown in Fig. 7c, most of
oxide (Fe2O3) (rust) layer on its surface from the corrosion process. the brass coating was peeled off through the scratches formed dur-
The roughened fiber surface enhances the interfacial frictional ing the pulling-out process. Consequently, the main body of the
resistance between the fiber and matrix, and a degree of corrosion steel fiber, composed of the Fe element, is exposed, potentially
of 2%, based on the weight, was suggested as a threshold value for causing Fe to comprise the highest contents among the detected
achieving an excellent fiber-bridging capability in the UHPC com- chemical elements (Fig. 7d). Because the SEM image used in
posites with random fiber orientations. The surface corrosion and Fig. 7 is from the plain steel fiber without corrosion, the small
roughness were verified by SEM images of the pulled-out steel amounts of O detected on its surface could have been contributed
6 W. Shin, D.-Y. Yoo / Construction and Building Materials 259 (2020) 120428

Fig. 4. Effect of corrosion duration on the tensile behavior of UHPC with straight steel fibers: (a) S0.45-c0, (b) S0.45-c4, (c) S0.45-c10, and (d) S0.45-c20.

Fig. 5. Effect of corrosion duration on the tensile parameters of UHPC with straight steel fibers.

by the various components in the hardened cement mortar. The be 127 kJ/m3, approximately 22% higher than that of the plain sam-
strain capacity seemingly was not affected by the 4-week corrosion ples (Fig. 5).
process, but the energy absorption capacity (g-value) was mark- The tensile strength decreased by increasing the immersion
edly improved due to the enhanced tensile strength. The g-value duration beyond 4 weeks up to 20 weeks. Therefore, the lowest
of the corroded fiber samples was calculated by summing the tensile strength of 16.1 MPa was obtained in the S0.45-c20 sample,
energy absorbed by the pre-cracked sample up to the tensile strain which was smaller than that of the plain sample. Conversely, the
of 0.45% and the energy absorbed by the pre-cracked, corroded strain capacity and energy absorption capacity (g-value) increased
sample from the strain of 0.45% to the strain capacity, emax. The from steel fiber corrosion up to the 10-week immersion duration
average g-value of 4-week corroded fiber samples was found to and decreased thereafter. Thus, the highest strain capacity and g-
W. Shin, D.-Y. Yoo / Construction and Building Materials 259 (2020) 120428 7

Fig. 6. SEM images on pulled out straight steel fibers from UHPC: (a) S-P, (b) S0.45-c4, (c) S0.45-c10, and (d) S0.45-c20.

value were obtained as 0.92% and 128 kJ/m3, respectively, in the ? 20.77%), caused by the progressive formation of rust on the sur-
S0.45-c10 sample. By increasing the duration of the corrosion pro- face. Yoo and Chun [34] have recently reported that the O content
cess from 10 to 20 weeks, the tensile performance of the UHPFRC on the fiber surface increases with the immersion duration in the
composites substantially deteriorated, caused by the premature NaCl solution, resulting in higher surface roughness and increased
rupture of steel fibers at the crack planes. Once the steel fiber is pullout resistance from the UHPC matrix. This phenomenon thus
severely corroded, the interfacial bond resistance is increased by produced superior pullout performance in the S0.45-c4 and -c10
the heightened surface roughness, and the cross-sectional area samples as compared with the plain (S-P) sample. They [34] also
decreases. Thus, the tensile strength will be reached more readily, discovered that the weight of the steel fiber decreased continu-
leading to premature failure before the complete pull-out from the ously with an increase in the immersion duration if the rust layer
matrix. Yoo and Chun [34] previously reported this phenomenon was eliminated, due to a progressive loss of electrons from Fe oxi-
based on pullout tests of straight steel fibers in UHPC with various dation (iron(III) oxide, Fe2O3), which is composed of Fe3+ and O2–
corrosion degrees. Similarly, Banthia and Foy [36] noted that fiber ions. Thus, although the O content measured on the fiber surface
corrosion reduces its cross-sectional area and leads to fiber fracture did not increase between 10 and 20 weeks, a continuous reduction
at the limit. This could be verified in the current study through pic- in the cross-sectional area of the fiber was expected, leading to the
tures taken using a high-resolution camera with an installed mag- premature rupture of the fiber and deteriorated tensile
nifier of the steel fibers that had been pulled out from the localized performance.
crack planes of the samples, as shown in Fig. 8. It was apparent that
the straight steel fibers from the plain composites had completely 3.3. Tensile behavior of UHPC with corroded twisted steel fibers
pulled out without any breakage. Additionally, most of the steel
fibers from the composites from the 4- and 10-week corrosion pro- 3.3.1. Effect of corrosion duration
cesses were pulled out without rupture, while some ruptured steel Figs. 10 and 11 summarizes the tensile stress and strain curves
fibers were observed in the samples from the 20-week corrosion of the twisted-fiber-reinforced UHPC samples with various corro-
process, i.e., S0.45-c20, due to excessive corrosion. The prema- sion durations. Similar to the straight fiber samples in Fig. 4, sim-
turely ruptured fibers limited further increase in the post- ilar tensile stress–strain curves were observed in the plain and
cracking tensile stress of UHPFRC, which resulted in the worst ten- pre-cracked UHPFRC composites up to the target pre-strain levels
sile performance among all the tested samples. of 0.45% and 0.6%. To purely evaluate the influence of steel fiber
The corrosion degree of steel fibers in the UHPFRC composites corrosion on the tensile behavior of UHPC, the pre-cracking stres-
with various immersion durations was quantitatively evaluated ses at the pre-strain levels of 0.45% and 0.6% need to be similar
through EDX mapping images of the surfaces, as shown in Fig. 9. enough to those of plain specimen. In Figs. 10 and 11, the pre-
The elemental O content, closely related to the amount of rust cracking stresses at both 0.45% and 0.6% were similar to that of
formed on the surface, was also evaluated. It was evident that plain sample, meaning that the fiber orientation was well con-
the O content increased with longer immersion durations in the trolled, and thus, the steel fiber corrosion effect could be precisely
NaCl solution, indicating a higher degree of corrosion. With the evaluated. The tensile performance was thus mostly affected by
corrosion process, the weight ratio of O almost doubled (11.34% steel fiber corrosion after immersion in the NaCl solution for vari-
8 W. Shin, D.-Y. Yoo / Construction and Building Materials 259 (2020) 120428

Fig. 7. Straight steel fiber pulled out from plain UHPC matrix: (a) SEM image, (b) EDX mapping for Cu, Fe, and O elements, (c) EDX mapping for Cu element, and (d)
concentration of chemical elements.

Fig. 8. Pictures on pulled out straight steel fibers from UHPC: (a) S0.45-c0, 9b) S0.45-c4, (c) S0.45-c10, and (d) S0.45-c20.

ous durations. In the shortest duration of 4 weeks, an increase in increased fiber surface roughness from a moderate corrosion. How-
tensile performance in terms of the tensile strength and energy ever, beyond the immersion duration of 4 weeks, the substantially
absorption capacity was observed for both the T0.45- and T0.6-c4 deteriorated tensile performance was observed. After the corrosion
samples, compared with that of plain T-P sample, caused by the process, the tensile stress could not be further increased, unlike
W. Shin, D.-Y. Yoo / Construction and Building Materials 259 (2020) 120428 9

Fig. 9. Effect of corrosion duration on the content of O element.

Fig. 10. Effect of corrosion duration on the tensile behavior of UHPC with twisted steel fibers: (a) T0.45-c0, (b) T0.45-c4, (c) T0.45-c10, and (d) T0.45-c20.

with the plain T-P sample. For the 10-week immersion duration, the strain values of 0.45% and 0.6%, respectively, demonstrating
the tensile strengths of the T0.45- and T0.6-c10 samples were quite that further improvement in tensile stress is limited after the cor-
similar to the maximum tensile stresses of pre-cracked samples at rosion process of 10 weeks. This result is inconsistent with the
10 W. Shin, D.-Y. Yoo / Construction and Building Materials 259 (2020) 120428

Fig. 11. Effect of corrosion duration on the tensile behavior of UHPC with twisted steel fibers: (a) T0.6-c0, (b) T0.6-c4, (c) T0.6-c10, and (d) T0.6-c20.

observations from the samples without the corrosion process. The The tensile parameters, such as the tensile strength, strain
T0.45- and T0.6-c20 samples with the longest immersion duration capacity, and the g-value, of the UHPCs with the twisted steel
of 20 weeks exhibited even smaller tensile strengths compared to fibers are summarized in Fig. 14. The best tensile performance,
the pre-cracked samples in Figs. 10 and 11. This noticeable deteri- with the highest tensile strength, strain capacity, and g-value,
oration of the tensile performance after the longer immersion was obtained in the T0.45- and T0.6-c4 specimens. For instance,
duration is a consequence of the negative effects of severely cor- the highest tensile strength, strain capacity, and g-value of
roded twisted steel fibers. The surfaces of the pulled out corroded 15.5 MPa, 1.11%, and 140 kJ/m3, respectively, were found in the
twisted steel fibers after various immersion durations, shown in T0.45-c4 specimen, approximately 9%, 16%, and 30%, respectively,
Fig. 12, were rougher due to the rust remaining on the surface higher than those of the T-P specimen. The improved tensile per-
and the abrasive scratches from the interfacial particles in the formance from moderate steel fiber corrosion continuously
matrix. The roughness of fiber surface appeared more severe on decreased with an increase in the immersion duration from 10 to
increasing the immersion duration, and the corrosion progress 20 weeks, so that the worst tensile performance was demonstrated
noticeably reduced the cross-section of the twisted fiber from the in the T0.45- and T0.6-c20 samples. For example, the lowest tensile
composites with the 20-week immersion. The severe corrosion strength, strain capacity, and g-value of 13.1 MPa, 0.54%, and 65 kJ/
resulted in the decrease of fiber cross-section because the rust m3, respectively, were found in the T0.45-c20 sample, which are
(Fe2O3) is formed by Fe3+ and O2– ions. The rust was formed as approximately 8%, 43%, and 39% lower than those of the plain (T-
the ferric ion (Fe3+) came out from the steel fiber that decreased P) sample, respectively.
the cross-sectional area. Furthermore, the failure mode of twisted
steel fibers pulled out from the localized crack planes was investi- 3.3.2. Effects of pre-crack and -strain level
gated for the T0.45 series, as shown in Fig. 13. The twisted fiber In order to evaluate the effects of microcracks and the duration
from the plain matrix without the corrosion process, T-P, was com- of the corrosion process on the tensile behavior, two different pre-
pletely pulled out without any breakage. Most of the fibers from strain levels of 0.45% and 0.6% were adopted for the twisted-fiber-
the 4-week corroded samples were also pulled out from the matrix reinforced UHPC. The comparison of the cracking behaviors of the
without rupture. In contrast, many of the twisted steel fibers from T0.45- and T0.6-pr samples is illustrated in Fig. 15. It is evident that
the 10- and 20-week corroded samples were prematurely rup- the number of microcracks formed on the matrix increases on rais-
tured, as shown in Fig. 13. Therefore, it can be concluded that ing the pre-strain level because the higher tensile stress is contin-
the tensile performance of twisted-fiber-reinforced UHPC deterio- uously transferred to the surrounding matrix, causing more
rates after immersion in the NaCl solution for more than 10 weeks microcracks. These results are consistent with the observations of
due to the premature rupture of fibers from excessive corrosion. Shin et al. [37] on the increasing numbers of microcracks of
W. Shin, D.-Y. Yoo / Construction and Building Materials 259 (2020) 120428 11

Fig. 12. SEM images on pulled out twisted steel fibers from UHPC: (a) T-P, (b) T0.45-c4, (c) T0.45-c10, and (d) T0.45-c20.

Fig. 13. Pictures on pulled out twisted steel fibers from UHPC: (a) T0.45-c0, 9b) T0.45-c4, (c) T0.45-c10, and (d) T0.45-c20.

high-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites under findings of Frazão et al. [33] that the bond strength of steel fiber
flexural loads. Although the widths of the pre-formed microcracks in concrete is more highly increased with the crack width under
are tiny, there was a slight increase in the crack widths when the corrosion enviroment. Hashimoto et al. [13] similarly discov-
increasing the pre-strain level from 0.45% to 0.6%. For example, ered deep chloride-ion penetration and steel fiber corrosion in
the average microcrack width of the T0.6-pr sample was UHPC with crack widths of 0.5 mm or greater.
26.9 lm, approximately 30% higher than that (20.6 lm) of the For the quantitative evaluation of the implications on the ten-
T0.45-pr sample. The average crack width was calculated based sile behavior of corroded UHPFRC from the pre-cracks and strain
on the following process: 1) ten microcracks were randomly level, the tensile parameter ratios of the tensile strength and
selected, 2) the widths of a single microcrack at three different energy absorption capacity based on the plain samples are given
locations were measured, and 3) the thirty measured crack widths in Fig. 16a. Both the tensile strength and g-value ratios of the
were averaged. Thus, it is reasonable to expect that the NaCl solu- T0.45 series were higher than those of the T0.6 series in general,
tion could more effectively corrode the steel fibers in the T0.6-pr which might be caused by the more severely corroded steel fibers
samples than those in the T0.45-pr samples through the more in the latter. Based on our investigation of the failure mode of the
numerous and wider microcracks. This can be supported by the pulled out twisted steel fibers from the T0.45- and T0.6-c4 samples
12 W. Shin, D.-Y. Yoo / Construction and Building Materials 259 (2020) 120428

Fig. 14. Effect of corrosion duration on the tensile parameters of UHPC with twisted steel fibers: (a) T0.45 series and (b) T0.6 series.

(Fig. 16b), some of the ruptured fibers were detected from the lat-
ter only. For the immersion duration of 4 weeks, further improve-
ment of tensile strength and energy absorption capacity was
limited in the T0.6-c4 samples due to the more severely corroded
fibers that had prematurely ruptured compared to the T0.45-c4
sample. For the longer immersion duration of 10 weeks, the rup-
tured twisted fibers were both detected for the T0.45- and T0.6-
c10 samples, but because the latter was more highly corroded, it
demonstrated worse tensile performance than the former. On the
contrary, the tensile performances of T0.45- and T0.6-c20 were
similar at the longest duration of 20 weeks, apparently due to
highly corroded fibers in the T0.45-c20 samples as well. Fewer
and smaller microcracks formed on the UHPFRC composites effec-
tively delay the corrosion of embedded steel fibers, and thus, better
tensile performance can be achieved at identical corrosion

3.4. Comparative corrosion effect on the tensile behavior of UHPFRC

according to steel fiber type

The deterioration of the tensile performance of UHPFRC started

Fig. 15. Pictures of typical crack patterns: (a) S0.45-pr, (b) T0.45-pr, and (c) T0.6-pr. at the immersion duration of 20 and 10 weeks for the straight and
W. Shin, D.-Y. Yoo / Construction and Building Materials 259 (2020) 120428 13

Fig. 16. Effect of pre-strain level on the tensile performance of UHPC with twisted steel fibers: (a) summary of tensile parameter ratios and (b) comparative failure modes of
14 W. Shin, D.-Y. Yoo / Construction and Building Materials 259 (2020) 120428

twisted steel fiber samples, respectively. This result means that the an earlier immersion duration of 10 weeks than their counterpart
twisted steel fiber is more susceptible to the surface corrosion than with the straight fibers which started to deteriorate at 20 weeks;
the straight steel fiber due to higher possibility of rupture failure. It thus, the twisted fiber samples are considered to be more suscep-
has been reported that the interfacial bond resistance of steel fibers tible to corrosion environments. The EDX mapping analysis of the
in UHPC is enhanced due to the increased roughness from surface fiber surfaces pulled out from the UHPFRC composites at various
corrosion [34]. The maximum fiber tensile stress generated by the locations, i.e., the cross-sectional center, 2 mm, and 5 mm from
pullout force is much higher for the twisted steel fiber in the UHPC the exposed surface, of the S0.45- and T0.45-c10 samples supports
matrix than for the straight steel fiber in the same matrix due to this explanation, as shown in Fig. 17. Regardless of the steel fiber
the greater fiber–matrix bonding area and anchorage effect of the type, the fibers located closer to the exposed surface (2 mm) are
former. Given the identical embedded length, the maximum ten- the most highly corroded. For the straight steel fibers, the degree
sile stress of the twisted fiber is thus closer to its ultimate tensile of corrosion, indicated by the O content, became quite similar from
strength than that in the case of its counterpart, thereby causing the location of 5 mm to the center. Conversely, the degree of cor-
a higher possibility of rupture failure. For example, the maximum rosion of the twisted steel fibers seemed to continuously decrease
tensile stress of the aligned twisted steel fiber in the UHPC was as the distance from the exposed surface to the center was
found to be 1,941.1 MPa, similar to its ultimate tensile strength increased (2 mm ? 5 mm ? center), and the O content at the loca-
of 2,428 MPa and much higher than that (1,249.0 MPa) of the tions of 5 mm and the center was higher for the twisted fiber sam-
aligned straight fiber in the same matrix [38]. Furthermore, the ples than for its counterpart with straight fibers. This increase is
twisted fiber samples produced more microcracks at the pre- caused by the higher permeability of the NaCl solution through
cracking strain of 0.45% than the straight fiber samples, which is the wider and more numerous microcracks in the former.
consistent with the findings of Yoo et al. [22]. The cracking behav- In order to compare the effects of corrosion on the tensile per-
iors of the pre-cracked (S0.45- and T0.45-pr) samples are com- formance of the UHPC with straight and twisted steel fibers, the
pared in Fig. 15. Notably, the average microcrack widths of the tensile parameter ratios, i.e., tensile strength and g-value ratios,
S0.45- and T0.45-pr samples were quite similar to each other, for the plain samples are summarized in Fig. 18. Higher tensile
i.e., 20.9 and 20.7 lm, respectively. Conversely, the average num- parameter ratios were obtained in the straight fiber samples in
ber of microcracks was found to be approximately 9.8 ea for the general, as compared to the twisted fiber samples that have a
T0.45-pr samples, about two times higher than that (4.3 ea) of higher susceptibility to corrosion. Additionally, the tensile energy
the S0.45-pr samples. The twisted steel fiber is known to generate absorption capacity of UHPFRC was more highly influenced by cor-
micro splitting cracks to the surrounding matrix during its pulling rosion than the tensile strength, regardless of the steel fiber type
out process [39]. Due to the higher number of microcracks and (Fig. 18). Yoo and Chun [34] recently reported that surface corro-
splitting cracks formed in the matrix, the higher corrosion degree sion is effective in improving both the bond strength and pullout
was expected to be generated in the twisted steel fibers and pre- stiffness up to a certain degree. The higher bond strength and pull-
mature rupture failure. Accordingly, the tensile performance of out stiffness, which can more effectively transfer tensile stress to
twisted-fiber-reinforced UHPC samples started to deteriorate at the surrounding matrix and generate multiple microcracks, could

Fig. 17. EDX mapping images of pulled out steel fibers from multi-cracked UHPC with 10-week immersion duration at various locations: (a) d = 2 mm, (b) d = 5 mm, and (c)
W. Shin, D.-Y. Yoo / Construction and Building Materials 259 (2020) 120428 15

Fig. 18. Effects of fiber type and immersion duration on the tensile parameter ratios of UHPFRC.

lead to higher strain capacity. Because the g-value is related to both was significantly deteriorated thereafter due to the prema-
the tensile strength and strain capacity, the steel fiber corrosion ture ruptures of fibers. The S0.45-c10 sample provided the
impacted the g-value more than the tensile strength itself. highest g-value of 128 kJ/m3, approximately 23% higher than
that of the plain sample.
4. Conclusions 4) The twisted-fiber-reinforced UHPC demonstrated better ten-
sile performance at the shortest immersion duration of
This study investigated the effect of steel fibers corroded 4 weeks, but the performance continuously deteriorated
through pre-formed microcracks on the tensile performance of after that. Thus, the twisted-fiber-reinforced UHPC is consid-
UHPFRC. Two different types of steel fiber, i.e., straight and twisted, ered to be more susceptible to corrosion than its counter-
were used, and two pre-strain levels of 0.45% and 0.6% were part, as indicated by the earlier deterioration of tensile
applied to examine the influence of microcrack properties on the performance and the lower tensile parameter ratios.
degree of steel fiber corrosion. SEM-EDX analysis was conducted 5) Given identical immersion durations, the composites with
on the pulled out fibers to quantitatively evaluate the degree of fewer and smaller pre-formed microcracks resulted in better
corrosion. Based on the test results and discussion, the following tensile performance due to the moderately corroded steel
conclusions can be drawn. fibers. Conversely, if most of the steel fibers were severely
corroded, the effect of the microcrack properties on the ten-
1) Using the twisted fiber was more effective in enhancing the sile performance was mitigated.
deformability of UHPC than the straight fiber, but they both 6) Compared to the tensile strength, the energy absorption
provided similar energy absorption capacities due to the capacity of UHPFRC was more significantly affected by steel
lower tensile strength of the former. fiber corrosion, regardless of the fiber type and microcrack
2) The NaCl solution permeating through the microcracks oxi- properties.
dized both the straight and twisted steel fibers embedded
in UHPC, and longer immersion duration generally led to CRediT authorship contribution statement
higher corrosion degree.
3) The tensile performance of UHPC with straight steel fibers Wonsik Shin: Formal analysis, Data curation, Writing - original
was generally improved by moderate fiber corrosion when draft. Doo-Yeol Yoo: Supervision, Conceptualization, Writing -
immersed in the NaCl solution for up to 10 weeks, but it review & editing, Funding acquisition.
16 W. Shin, D.-Y. Yoo / Construction and Building Materials 259 (2020) 120428

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