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Introduction to Lightning

Lightning is a natural atmospheric electrical discharge that occurs during thunderstorms. This awe-
inspiring phenomenon is a result of the buildup and release of electrical energy in the atmosphere.
Lightning can take various forms, including cloud-to-ground, cloud-to-cloud, and intra-cloud
discharges. Understanding the mechanics and characteristics of lightning is crucial for both scientific
exploration and practical applications in fields such as meteorology, aviation, and electrical

Lightning has fascinated humans for centuries, inspiring myths, legends, and scientific
inquiry. The phenomenon is intimately connected with thunderstorms, which are
characterized by the rapid upward movement of warm air and the subsequent formation of
cumulonimbus clouds. The interaction of ice particles and water droplets within these clouds
leads to the separation of electrical charges, ultimately resulting in the release of lightning.
The Elemental Dance of Clouds:
Lightning is intricately tied to the life cycle of thunderstorms, those towering and tumultuous clouds
known as cumulonimbus. The genesis of lightning lies in the complex interplay of atmospheric
conditions, where warm, moist air rises, cools, and condenses, giving rise to these colossal cloud
formations. Within these clouds, volatile electrical processes unfold, setting the stage for the dramatic
discharge that defines lightning.

The Symphony of Light and Sound:

The visual spectacle of lightning is complemented by the symphony of thunder, a sonic resonance of
the immense energy released during a lightning strike. The intense heat generated by the electrical
discharge causes the surrounding air to rapidly expand, creating shockwaves that we perceive as
thunder. The combination of light and sound transforms a thunderstorm into a multisensory
experience, captivating observers and instilling both awe and respect for the natural world.

Practical Implications and Scientific Inquiry:

Beyond its aesthetic appeal, lightning has profound implications for diverse fields. In aviation,
accurate detection and understanding of lightning patterns are crucial for ensuring flight safety.
Meteorologists rely on lightning data for weather prediction and monitoring storm intensity. Engineers
harness insights from lightning research to design structures resilient to electrical discharges.

The Ongoing Quest for Understanding:

Despite centuries of fascination and scientific inquiry, lightning continues to be a subject of ongoing
research. Advances in technology and our understanding of atmospheric physics contribute to
unraveling the intricacies of this electrifying phenomenon. From the earliest myths and legends to
contemporary scientific exploration, lightning remains a captivating and enigmatic force that
transcends cultural, scientific, and aesthetic boundaries.

Types Of Lightning

Lightning is a complex natural phenomenon that manifests in various forms, each with its own
characteristics and features. Understanding the different types of lightning is essential for
comprehending the intricate processes occurring within thunderstorms and the Earth's atmosphere.
The primary types of lightning include Cloud-to-Ground (CG) lightning, Cloud-to-Cloud (CC)
lightning, and Intra-Cloud (IC) lightning.

1. Cloud-to-Ground (CG) Lightning:

Cloud-to-Ground (CG) lightning is perhaps the most familiar and visually striking type of lightning. It
occurs when there is a discharge of electricity between a thundercloud and the Earth's surface. This
type of lightning is responsible for a significant portion of lightning-related damage and poses a
considerable threat to both people and structures.

The process begins within a thundercloud, where the upward movement of warm air leads to the
creation of cumulonimbus clouds. As these clouds develop, they become charged, with the upper
regions acquiring a positive charge and the lower regions a negative charge. When the electric field
becomes strong enough, it triggers a discharge in the form of a lightning bolt that travels from the
cloud to the ground.

CG lightning bolts are typically visible and can be observed as a flash of light.
The discharge follows a zigzag or forked path, giving it a distinctive appearance.
The intense heat generated during CG lightning can cause surrounding air to rapidly expand,
producing thunder.

2. Cloud-to-Cloud (CC) Lightning:

Cloud-to-Cloud (CC) lightning, as the name suggests, refers to electrical discharges that occur entirely
within a cloud. Unlike CG lightning, CC lightning does not reach the Earth's surface. Despite not
having a direct impact on the ground, CC lightning plays a crucial role in maintaining the electrical
equilibrium within a thunderstorm.

Similar to CG lightning, the development of CC lightning begins within a cumulonimbus cloud. The
separation of positive and negative charges within different regions of the cloud results in an electric
field. When this field becomes sufficiently strong, it initiates a discharge between two distinct areas
within the cloud.


CC lightning may manifest as flashes of light within the cloud.

The electrical discharges in CC lightning contribute to the overall electrical activity of the
CC lightning can occur simultaneously with CG lightning, creating a visually spectacular display.

3. Intra-Cloud (IC) Lightning:

Intra-Cloud (IC) lightning is a type of discharge that occurs entirely within a single cloud. This form
of lightning is instrumental in redistributing electrical charges within the cloud system, maintaining
stability and preventing excessive charge buildup.

IC lightning originates within the cumulonimbus cloud, where the turbulence and updrafts cause
collisions between ice particles and water droplets. This collision process results in the separation of
charges, leading to the formation of an electric field. When the electric field reaches a critical level, it
triggers a discharge within the cloud.


IC lightning is typically observed as flashes of light within the cloud.

The discharges may occur between different layers or regions of the cloud.
While less visible from the ground compared to CG lightning, IC lightning is crucial for maintaining
the overall electrical balance within the cloud system.
In summary, the various types of lightning—Cloud-to-Ground, Cloud-to-Cloud, and Intra-Cloud—
demonstrate the dynamic and intricate nature of atmospheric electrical phenomena. Each type
contributes uniquely to the overall behavior of thunderstorms, and the study of these lightning types is
vital for advancing our understanding of weather patterns, improving safety measures, and developing
technologies for lightning detection and protection.

Lightning Phenomenon

Lightning, a captivating atmospheric electrical discharge, is a complex phenomenon rooted in the

dynamic interactions within thunderstorms. This intricate process involves the buildup and release of
electrical energy, resulting in the spectacular flashes of light and accompanying thunder that define
this awe-inspiring natural occurrence.

1. Atmospheric Conditions and Thunderstorm Formation:

The genesis of lightning is closely tied to the development of thunderstorms. Thunderstorms typically
arise when warm, moist air near the Earth's surface rises and cools rapidly, leading to the formation
of towering cumulonimbus clouds. These colossal cloud formations provide the ideal environment
for the creation of electrical charges, setting the stage for the lightning phenomenon.

2. Charge Separation in Thunderclouds:

Within a thundercloud, the collision of ice particles and water droplets during the cloud's turbulent
development results in the separation of electrical charges. Updrafts carry smaller ice particles to the
upper regions of the cloud, leaving the larger, heavier particles with a negative charge in the lower
regions. Simultaneously, the upper regions acquire a positive charge. This charge separation
establishes an electric field within the cloud.

3. Electric Field Buildup and Ionization:

As the charge separation intensifies, the electric field within the cloud continues to strengthen.
When the electric field reaches a critical threshold, it initiates a process called ionization. This
involves the removal of electrons from air molecules, creating a conductive path for electricity to

4. Lightning Initiation:

The ionization process creates a conductive channel known as a stepped leader, which descends
from the cloud towards the ground. Simultaneously, upward streamers extend from the Earth's
surface. When the stepped leader and an upward streamer connect, a pathway is established for the
main discharge. This rapid discharge of electrical energy is what we perceive as a lightning bolt.

5. The Physics of Lightning Bolt:

A lightning bolt can carry millions of volts of electrical potential and reach temperatures hotter than
the surface of the sun. The intense heat causes the air surrounding the lightning bolt to expand
rapidly, creating shockwaves that we hear as thunder.

6. Lightning Safety and Mitigation:

Due to its potential danger, lightning safety is a critical consideration during thunderstorms. Seeking
shelter indoors, away from windows, avoiding open fields, and refraining from activities such as
swimming or using electronic devices can reduce the risk of being struck by lightning.

Fig1: Real Captured Image of Lightning

Lightning Protection

Lightning, with its breathtaking displays of electrical energy, is a force of nature that commands both
admiration and caution. As a powerful atmospheric discharge, it poses significant risks to structures,
equipment, and, most importantly, human life. Recognizing the need to mitigate these risks, the field
of lightning protection has emerged, aiming to shield structures and their occupants from the
destructive potential of lightning strikes. This introduction delves into the principles, methodologies,
and technologies that underpin effective lightning protection.

1. Understanding the Threat:


Lightning strikes are a natural phenomenon that occurs during thunderstorms, and their consequences
can be severe. A single bolt of lightning can carry millions of volts of electrical energy, generating
intense heat and causing fires, structural damage, and electrical system failures. The threat is not only
to the direct point of impact but also to the potential for side-flashes, ground currents, and
electromagnetic pulses that can affect a wider area.

2. The Physics of Lightning Strikes:

Lightning is attracted to the highest points in its vicinity due to the path of least resistance. Tall
structures, such as buildings, towers, and antennas, are particularly vulnerable. When a lightning bolt
finds a pathway to ground, it can cause extensive damage by vaporizing moisture in materials,
creating shockwaves, and inducing powerful electrical currents.

3. Principles of Lightning Protection:

The principles of lightning protection are based on creating a system that minimizes the risk of
damage caused by lightning strikes to structures and their occupants. This involves understanding the
physics of lightning, directing its energy away from critical areas, and providing a controlled path for
the electrical discharge to reach the ground. The fundamental principles of lightning protection

Air Terminals (Lightning Rods):

Placement: Lightning rods or air terminals are strategically positioned at elevated points on a
structure. They are designed to attract lightning strikes, becoming the initial point of contact for the
electrical discharge.
Shape and Design: Air terminals are typically pointed, as pointed objects enhance the ionization of
the surrounding air and promote the initiation of a lightning strike. The design and shape are
optimized to facilitate the safe dissipation of electrical energy.

Conductors (Down Conductors):

Pathway to Ground: Connected to the lightning rods, conductors create a low-resistance pathway for
the electrical discharge to follow. This pathway directs the lightning away from sensitive areas and
channels it safely to the ground.
Material and Sizing: Conductors are made of highly conductive materials, such as copper or
aluminium, to ensure efficient transfer of electrical energy. The size and number of conductors are
determined based on the structure's size, height, and complexity.

Grounding Systems:

Effective Grounding: A robust grounding system is essential for dissipating the electrical energy into
the ground, preventing damage and reducing the risk of injury.
Ground Rods: Ground rods are buried in the soil and connected to the down conductors, providing a
low-resistance path for the electrical discharge to reach the ground. Multiple rods may be employed to
enhance the grounding system's effectiveness.

Surge Protection Devices (SPDs):

Role of SPDs: Surge protection devices are installed to prevent the propagation of lightning-induced
surges through electrical and electronic systems within a structure.
Placement: SPDs are strategically placed at points where electrical conductors enter or exit the
structure, such as power lines, communication lines, and data cables.

Purpose: Bonding involves connecting all metallic components of a structure to create a unified
electrical system. This helps prevent potential differences that could lead to destructive side-flashes
during a lightning strike.
Metallic Systems: All metallic systems, including structural steel, plumbing, and HVAC systems, are
bonded to ensure they share the same electrical potential.

Risk Assessment:

Site-Specific Evaluation: A thorough risk assessment considers factors such as the structure's height,
location, occupancy, and the surrounding environment to determine the specific lightning risks.
Tailored Solutions: Based on the risk assessment, a customized lightning protection system is
designed to address the specific vulnerabilities and requirements of the structure

Franklin Rod System:

The Franklin rod system, named after Benjamin Franklin who conducted pioneering experiments with
lightning in the 18th century, is a type of lightning protection system that employs lightning rods to
capture and conduct electrical discharges from lightning strikes safely to the ground. This system is
also commonly referred to as the "Franklin lightning rod" or "lightning conductor." Here is an
explanation of the key features and principles of the Franklin rod system:

Fig2: Franklin Rod

The primary component of the Franklin rod system is the lightning rod or air terminal. These rods are
strategically installed on elevated points of structures, such as rooftops, chimneys, or other high
The purpose of the air terminal is to attract lightning strikes, providing a preferred path for the
electrical discharge to follow.

Franklin rods are typically pointed at the top to facilitate the ionization of the surrounding air and
encourage the initiation of a lightning strike. The pointed design enhances the rod's ability to attract

Commonly made of conductive materials such as copper or aluminium, Franklin rods ensure effective
electrical conductivity to facilitate the safe dissipation of lightning energy.

Pathway to Ground:
Down conductors, often in the form of metal cables or rods, are connected to the lightning rods. These
conductors create a low-resistance pathway for the electrical discharge to travel from the air terminal
to the ground.

Down conductors are strategically positioned based on the structure's design and characteristics. They
are routed down the sides of the building to ensure an efficient path for the lightning current.

Effective Grounding:
The Franklin rod system includes a robust grounding system consisting of ground rods or plates
buried in the soil. The down conductors are connected to this grounding system.
The grounding system ensures that the electrical energy from the lightning strike is safely dissipated
into the ground, preventing damage and reducing the risk of injury.

Coordination and System Integration:

Comprehensive Approach:
The Franklin rod system operates on the principle of coordinated protection. The lightning rods work
in conjunction with the down conductors and grounding system to provide a comprehensive and
controlled pathway for the electrical discharge.

Integration with Structures:

The system is tailored to the specific characteristics of each structure. Larger or more complex
structures may require multiple lightning rods, ensuring complete coverage and protection.

Historical Significance:
Benjamin Franklin's Contributions:
Benjamin Franklin's experiments with lightning in the 18th century laid the foundation for the
development of lightning protection systems. His invention of the lightning rod demonstrated the
effectiveness of providing a controlled pathway for lightning discharges.

Meshed Conductors:
Meshed conductors, also known as a meshed grid or meshed system, are a component of a lightning
protection system designed to provide comprehensive coverage for large or complex structures. This
approach involves creating an interconnected network of conductors that form a mesh-like pattern,
covering the entire surface of a structure. The primary goal of meshed conductors is to ensure uniform
protection against lightning strikes and the associated electrical currents. Here's a detailed explanation
of meshed conductors in terms of a lightning protection system:

Fig3: Meshed Conductors

Comprehensive Coverage:

Grid Formation:
Meshed conductors are arranged in a grid pattern that covers the entire surface area of a structure.
This grid may consist of horizontal and vertical conductors, creating a network that surrounds the
structure from top to bottom.

Strategic Placement:
Conductors in a meshed system are strategically placed to ensure that no area of the structure is left
unprotected. This is especially important for large or irregularly shaped structures where a single
lightning rod may not provide adequate coverage.


Equal Distribution of Lightning Current:

The meshed conductors work to equalize and distribute the lightning current over the entire surface of
the structure. This helps prevent concentrated discharge points that could lead to damage.

Minimizing Side Flashes:By providing a continuous network of conductors, the meshed system
helps minimize the risk of side flashes. Side flashes occur when the lightning current jumps from one
conductive object to another, potentially causing damage.

Meshed Conductors and Down Conductors:

Fig4: Early Streamer Emission

Integration with Down Conductors:
The meshed conductors are typically connected to down conductors, which serve as pathways for the
lightning current to travel from the mesh to the ground.
Enhanced Pathways:

The integration of meshed conductors with down conductors enhances the overall effectiveness of the
lightning protection system. It ensures that the electrical discharge is safely directed to the ground
without causing damage to the structure.

Application in Specific Structures:

Complex and Large Structures:

Meshed conductors are often applied to complex or large structures such as industrial facilities, power
plants, communication towers, and other installations where a traditional lightning rod may not
provide sufficient coverage.


The design and installation of meshed conductors are customized based on the specific characteristics
of the structure. Factors such as the size, shape, and the presence of critical infrastructure components
are considered during the planning process.

Regular Inspection:
Regular inspection and maintenance are essential for ensuring the ongoing effectiveness of meshed
conductors. Connections, integrity of conductors, and overall system functionality should be assessed
In summary, meshed conductors play a crucial role in lightning protection systems for large or
complex structures. By creating a comprehensive network of conductors that cover the entire surface
area, meshed systems provide uniform protection, minimize the risk of side flashes, and enhance the
overall safety and resilience of the structure against lightning strikes.

Early Streamer Emission:

Early Streamer Emission (ESE) is a technology used in lightning protection systems to enhance the
initiation of a lightning rod's ionization process, thereby providing advanced warning and increasing
the radius of protection. The concept of Early Streamer Emission revolves around the creation of a
preferred path for the lightning discharge to follow, improving the overall efficiency of the lightning
protection system.

Ionization Process:

Principle: Early Streamer Emission systems operate on the principle of creating a corona effect
around the lightning rod before a lightning strike occurs. The corona effect involves the ionization of
air molecules surrounding the rod.

Corona and Ionization:

Ionization occurs when the electric field strength around the lightning rod becomes sufficiently high.
This results in the creation of a corona, a region of ionized air that enhances the overall attractiveness
of the lightning rod.

Early Ionization:

Initiation Before Lightning Strikes:

The objective of Early Streamer Emission is to initiate ionization before the natural breakdown of air
molecules during a lightning event. By doing so, the system aims to provide an earlier start to the
streamer (ionized pathway), giving the rod a head starts in attracting the lightning discharge.

Advanced Warning:
Early ionization provides advanced warning and an extended reaction time for the lightning rod to
establish a more effective ionized pathway towards the approaching thundercloud.

Structure and Components:

Design of Early Streamer Emission Devices:

Early Streamer Emission devices are designed to facilitate the early initiation of ionization. They
often include features such as adjustable angle settings, which allow for optimization based on the
specific requirements of the structure.

The core components of an Early Streamer Emission device typically include a pointed metal rod, an
ionization chamber, and a triggering mechanism. The triggering mechanism initiates the release of
ions into the surrounding air.

Activation and Triggering:

Automatic and Manual Activation:

Early Streamer Emission devices can be designed for automatic or manual activation. Automatic
systems often include sensors that detect changes in the electric field strength, triggering the release of
ions when a lightning event is imminent.

Triggers Based on Atmospheric Conditions:

The triggering mechanism is designed to release ions into the air when specific atmospheric
conditions, indicative of an approaching lightning event, are detected. This ensures that the ionization
process is activated only when necessary.

Advantages and Limitations:

Early Streamer Emission systems aim to extend the protective radius of lightning rods, providing a
more proactive approach to lightning protection. The technology is designed to enhance the overall
performance of lightning protection systems.

The effectiveness of Early Streamer Emission systems can depend on factors such as the structure's
height, environmental conditions, and the specific characteristics of the lightning event. As with any
technology, it is essential to consider its limitations and ensure proper installation and maintenance.

In summary, Early Streamer Emission is a technology incorporated into lightning protection systems
to enhance the initiation of ionization around lightning rods, providing advanced warning and
extending the protective radius. By creating a corona effect before the onset of a lightning strike,
Early Streamer Emission aims to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of lightning
protection measures.

Design Basis and Criterion

Codes & Standards:

➢IS: 2309: Protection of Buildings and Allied Structures Against Lightning.

➢Superseded by IEC:62305

➢IS: 3043: Code of Practice for Earthing.

➢IEEE 142: IEEE recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and


➢IER: Indian Electricity Rules


1. Unlike previous standards, that only assesses the structure’s overall lightning risk, by installing an
external LPS of an appropriate LPL with IEC 62305 in addition to that the internal part of the
structure is also analysed. So, it permits to separate the LPS design in two different approaches:
External and Internal LPS. The main responsible for this achievement is the introduction of the two
separated parts 3 & 4 of IEC 62305 with a wide set of measures for lightning protection: and the new
concept of Lightning protection zones, LPZ’s.

2. The second big upgrade is the risk management methodology described in the second part of the
standard. as the weighting factors and probabilities that translate the characteristics of the structure
and its contents were open to a very subjective reasoning by the different national committees, the
IEC 62305 standardized these values and a methodology which “always” gives a safe solution of
lightning protection. so, if these series of steps are taken, it is possible to determine if the structure to

be protected needs (additional) lightning protection or not: source (flash striking point) → damage
(caused by lightning current) → loss (consequential loss derived by the different types of damage) →
risk (value of probable annual loss) → comparison with a tolerable risk value, rt → implementation of
protective measures if r > rt → recalculate risk.

Comparison between IEC-62305 & IS-2309:

Typical sizes of lightning protection material in the thermal power plan


Design criteria for HAT (AS PER IEC-62305):

Design criteria for down conductor (AS PER IEC-62305):



In conclusion, our seminar on "Introduction to Lightning Phenomenon" has deepened our

understanding of lightning's scientific complexities and potential impacts. The focus on lightning
protection systems highlighted key components like air terminals, conductors, grounding, and surge
protection devices, forming a controlled pathway for electrical energy dissipation during strikes.
Integral to our discussion was the crucial role of standards, whether from the IEC or national bodies,
in designing effective protection systems. These standards guide risk assessment, ensuring tailored
protection for diverse structures.
In summary, our seminar equips us to appreciate lightning's intricacies, grasp protection principles,
and adhere to standards for robust lightning protection systems. Our commitment to safety and
continuous learning will enhance structures and systems resilient against the formidable forces of

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