Question 21

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 Roger Bacon one said: “ Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wishdom”.

today’s society, learning a foreign language can be beneficial as it is the key
bringing us to the world. However, fluency in foreign languages, particularly
English, is not an easy task. In order to study listening skills well, we need to
make a specific plan that suitable for your ability and circumtances. First of all, i
detemine my level of listening skills. Taking competency tests is a common way
to determine your English listening abilities. Moreover, it is possible to identify
your level by watching video tutorials on social networking sites like YouTube,
TikTok,... Understanding my qualifications will help me find many suitable
learning methods without feeling stressed or discouraged. In the second place, i
think it's important to establish immediate and long-term goals that are appropriate
to your current abilities and circumstances: Pass the final exam with good marks,
aiming to get a 7.0 ielts,... In order to achieve big tasks without feeling
overwhelmed, it's necessary to break it down into smaller parts. In additionally, I
Make a detailed plan like do HELLO assingments at least 30 minutes per day,
listen to the listening sections in the IELTS test three times a week, study
speaking skills at 8 p.m on Monday and Thursday, get ielts certificate in the next
years,... I also encourage my passion for English and make a routine to study
English skills by create English environment: Listen to us-uk music everyday, read
some popular magagines, newspapers such as: New York Times, NBC News,
Washington post,.. communicate with foreign friends at weekend. Learning
English as much as possible in order to improve my level. Last but not least,I tend
to combine learing listening skills with speaking skills. It is believed that listening
to other people's intonation, pronunciation and then imitaing their word is one of
the most effective ways to improve my english skills. . When i listen to other
people i usually don not hear clearly all the word they say, just try to find the
keywords and guess the content that they want to delivery. This tips help me more
active in communication.

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