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I. Circle the proper noun and underline the common noun for the following sentences.
1. My cousin lives in New York City.
2. The team will play in the Grand Stadium.
3. The train will stop at Union Station.
4. Smitha teaches students how to read.
5. Bijoy is younger than his brother.

II. Write the plural form of the following nouns .

Pencil ______________
Baby ______________
Bench ______________
Leaf ______________
Fox ______________

III. Punctuate the following sentences and rewrite.

1. has deepthi submitted her project
2. what a lovely day it is
3. hello how are you
4. india got freedom on august 15 1947
5. mr narendra modi is our prime minister
6. bacons essays are full of wisdom


III. Fill in the blanks using appropriate tense form of verb given in the bracket to
complete the sentences.
1. Deepu ___________.He can’t answer the phone right now.(eats/is eating
2. I _______________ to bed very late last night.(goes/went/will go)
3. The cab __________ in ten minutes.(will arrive/arrived/arrive)
4. He _________________ tomorrow. (come/came/will come )
5. When Sheela reached home yesterday,her baby ________
(was sleeping/will sleep/sleeps)
6. Radha __________ her grandparents during every summer holidays.
(was visiting/visits/visited)
IV. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. Lakshmi kept all her toys _______ the cupboard.

2. You should not leave the wet clothes _____ the bed.

3.I went _____ the store ________ my family. grandmother is originally ________ Russia.

5.I was born _____ 2014.

6.They work together _____ Sunday afternoons.

V. Fill in the blanks with appropriate form of adjectives.

Positive Comparative Superlative

More handsome

VI. Join the sentences using the appropriate conjunctions given in brackets.
1. Supper was ready. The children were not at home.(but/and)
2. She likes chocolate pudding. She likes lemon meringue pie.
She likes black forest cake.(and/or)
3. You didn’t understand this. You didn’t listen to the teacher.(and/because)
4. Hema likes tea. She hates coffee.(but/or)
5. Do you like French?Do you like German?(or/and)
VII. Choose the correct word from the given homophones
and fill it appropriately .
1. My mother read me a ________(tail,tale).
2. He ___________(won/one) the first prize.
3. There are seven days in a _______(week/weak)
4. It would be nice to have _______(piece/peace)in the world.
5. What did you _________(bye/buy)at the store?
VIII.Complete the senetence with suitable adjectives from the box.

1.Please make sure your pencils have __________ point.
2.After a shower Harish feels nice and _________.
3.Rima couldn’t sleep after she watched a ________ movie.
4.Be careful while walking,because the stairs are ________.
5. Arpita has white teeth and a very __________ smile.

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